Now Modi, which PSU, banks, insurance Cos., you want to sell, for enjoyment & drama in foreign trips, RBI is empty, charging 200% on petro products etc.,
Hi high fraud capitalist queen you given your hand to me, I truly promise you, I will handover total govt. business in your hand.
Foolish Indian public, I am a criminal, see my past as CM Gujrat, nothing is wrong, Tulsi told satta nahi Dosh Gusai.
It is only demo, really I cleaned total money from the public pocket, demonetised Rs.500/- & 1000/- currency, by GST now clean employment from public
U made me IPM,now it is my duty to swallow all of you, I demonetised your money, passed GST etc.,
Hot News
59+119 चीनी एप हटाये, सारी चीनी मोबाइल कं. के, जोमैटो स्विग्गी और उबेर के एप क्यो नहीं वह भी चीनी कंपनियां
यदि आप सच्चे भारतीय हैं। तो जोमैटो स्विग्गी उबेर से कोई भी भोजन ना मंगवाए। दूसरी तरफ इनके सारे ऐप भी अपने मोबाइलों से बाहर कर दें सच्चे भारतीय राष
खड़गे कांग्रेस को जीवित कर जान फूंकने और जनता की लड़ाई लड़ने आया या क्राउड फंडिंग से पैसा इकट्ठा करने
  खड़गे कांग्रेस को जीवित कर जान फूंकने और जनता की लड़ाई लड़ने आया है। या क्राउड फंडिंग से पैसा इकट्ठा करने, तो जाकर मोदी की टीम में शामिल हो जा भड़वे 1000 2000 करोड़ वैसे ही जनता के लूटे धन से दान कर
क्या कांग्रेसियों इवीएम के खिलाफ आवाज उठाने की औकात ही नहीं
 क्या हुआ कांग्रेसियों इवीएम के खिलाफ आवाज उठाने की औकात ही नहीं रह गई? अन्याय करने वाला तो अपराधी है ही परंतु अन्य होते देखना सहना उससे बड़ा अपराध है। यह बात न केवल कृष्ण ने कही, शास्त्रों में
व्हाट्सएप फेसबुक इंस्टाग्राम टेलीग्राम सिग्नल ट्विटर व अन्य इन जैसी अनेकों साइटों मुफ्त की सेवाओं की आड़ में उसका डाटा बातचीत एकत्रित कर खुले में नीलाम
 बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों ने और खास तौर से सोशल साइट्स व्हाट्सएप फेसबुक इंस्टाग्राम टेलीग्राम सिग्नल ट्विटर व अन्य इन जैसी अनेकों साइटों ने पहले जनता को मुफ्त की सेवाएं दी पर मुफ्त की सेवाओं की आड़ में उसका डाटा बातचीत एकत्रित कर खुले में नीलाम किया जा रहा है। और यह कहना कि वह एंड टू एंड इंक्रिप्टेड है
अपने अधिकारों की लड़ाई के लिए सड़कों पर उतर कर आंदोलन करो
 सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के न्यायाधीश डी वाय चंद्रचूड़ ही कह रहे हैं,कि अपने अधिकारों की लड़ाई के लिए जाहिल पूंजीपतियों के गुलाम तानाशाह शासको के भ्रष्टाचार लूट डकैती शासकीय संपत्तियों को बेचने बेरोजगारी म
दो हज़ार का नोट कालाधन को बढ़ाता हैं तो फिर इसे लाकर काले धन को क्यों व किसलिए बढ़ाया….!
 दो हज़ार का नोट कालाधन को बढ़ाता हैं तो फिर इसे लाकर काले धन को क्यों व किसलिए बढ़ाया….! 👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿👉🏿 दिमाग़ी दिवालियापन से आत्मघाती फ़ैसले लेना,जल्दबाज़ी की बेहूदा ज़
हिंदुओं एकत्रित होकर अपने दम पर अपनी लड़ाई लड़ो
 खुशी की बात है दक्षिण की तरह पूरे देश में हां हिंदुओं एकत्रित होकर अपने दम पर अपनी लड़ाई लड़ो। सत्ताधारी कांग्रेस हो या भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी, किसी के दम पर नहीं हमें स्वयं मजबूत होना पड़ेगा वह अपनी लड़ाई स्वयं लड़नी पड़ेगी एकजुट रहो। अन्यथा भेडियों मोदी, अमित शाह जिसका बेटा, अडानी का अजीत डोभाल का त
भारतीय न्यायालय न्याय के मंदिर नहीं जुए के अड्डे
 भारतीय न्यायालय न्याय के मंदिर नहीं जुए के अड्डे हैं जो जितना पैसा खर्च करेगा उसे उतना न्याय मिलेगा। Indian Courtes are casinos, not churches of justice, who will spend the money he'll get the justi
अंडभक्त चुर्कटों उस पर औकात हुई आवाज उठाने और दर्शन का शुल्क वसूलने का विरोध करने की।
 चुर्कट अंड भक्तों व वाचाल भक्तिनों, तुम्हारा जाहिल रेल्वे प्लेटफार्म पर, और घर से मां के गहने लूट, डकैती डाल भागने वाला बाप 9 साल से प्रधानमंत्री है अबे सूअर औलादों कश्मीर में 1989 में 3लाख पंडितों गोधरा 5000 हिंदुओं का कत्लेआम तो सीधा मोदी ने हीं करवाया ना। सफाई कैशलेस नोटबंदी जीएसटी तालाबंदी में
All American organizations are top cheater, boycott them on each of the step
 UNO - United Nations organization means United Notorious organization, WHO - World health organization is actually World Hazardous Organization, WTO World Trade Organization means World Trade terrific cheater organization, managing by multinationals for their business & high profit. WB
देश की बर्बादी में सबसे बड़ा जिम्मेदार पत्रकार, दूसरे जिम्मेदार भारतीय प्रताड़ना सेवा के अधिकारी
 इस देश की जनता की बर्बादी में सबसे बड़ा जिम्मेदार हैं। टीवी समाचार चैनलों के, समाचार पत्र पत्रिकाओं के जाहिल, घोर लालची मक्कार स्वयंभू पत्रकार जिनकी निगाह में पत्रकारिता जन, समाज राष्ट्र व विश्व कल्याण नहीं वरन पत्रकारिता की आड़ में, डराना धमकाना, अपने अवैध व्यवसायों, सट्टा, भू माफिया कॉलोनी माफिया
महापौर चुने जाने पर नगर के लिए इंदौर के विकास की भविष्य की दृष्टि व विचार
  महापौर का मेरा घोषणा पत्र।😌 महापौर चुने जाने पर नगर के लिए इंदौर के विकास की भविष्य की दृष्टि व विचार * सभी सफाई कर्मचारियों जिनकी 10 साल से ज्यादा सेवाएं नगर निगम में हो गई हैं कम से कम रु
मिलिट्री ने वैक्सीन वेयरहाउस को नष्ट किया अमेरिकी विशेष बलों ने
 मिलिट्री ने वैक्सीन वेयरहाउस को नष्ट किया अमेरिकी विशेष बलों ने द्वारा माइकल बैक्सटर - 2 मई 2022 1074 8483 अमेरिकी विशेष बलों ने शनिवार को कैनसस सिटी के बाहरी इलाके में एक मॉडर्न-पट्टे पर गोदाम पर छापा मारा और फार्मास्युटिकल दिग्गज के कोविड -19 टीकों की लगभग 250,000 शीशियों (25,000 बक्से) को नष्
जल व ताप की 29000 मेगावाट बिजली बनती थी कहां चली गई
 जल विद्युत की 10 पैसे यूनिट की बिजली को व्यवसायिक स्तर पर ₹18-20 प्रति यूनिट बेचने के बाद में भी, मुफ्त की 5000 मेगा वाट घरेलू बिजली को जिम्मेदार ठहराना कहां तक उचित होगा? जबकि 15000 मेगावाट बिजली का
यूक्रेन की ‘आपदा’ में भी ‘अवसर’ गँवा दिया विश्वगुरु ने
 ‘विश्वगुरु’ भारत को अगर यह गलतफहमी हो गई थी कि ह्यूस्टन (टेक्सास, अमेरिका) की रैली में ‘भक्तों’ से ‘अब की बार ट्रम्प सरकार’ का नारा लगवा देने भर से रिपब्लिकन मित्र डॉनल्ड ट्रम्प की अमेरिका में फिर से सरकार बन जाएगी ; रूस और यूक्रेन दोनों से शांति की अपील कर देने भर से ही तानाशाह मित्र पुतिन अपनी से
विश्व गुरु महान बनने चला, टेलीप्रॉन्पटर के बिना तो मुंह खुलता नहीं, मोदी की यूक्रेन युद्ध में अपनी औकात देख ली
 अजमेरा उवॉच काश ये 56 इंची सीना नहीं छाती होती तो उसे बच्चों का दर्द समझ में आता। फिर चिरकुट को अपने ऊपर विश्वास नहीं था, कि वो बीवी पालकर बच्चे पैदा करके घर चला पाएगा तो अपनी व्याहता भी छोड़ दी।
अमेरिकी और चीनी चांडाल डब्ल्यूएचओ यू एन ओ के माध्यम से की जा रही दादागिरी को खत्म करने के लिए पूरी दुनिया में भीषण परमाणु युद्ध हो‌
 अमेरिका ने सन उन्नीस सौ से अर्थात 120 साल से और इंग्लैंड ने पिछले 400 सालों से देश और दुनिया में जो तांडव मचाया है उस दादागिरी गुंडागर्दी तांडव को खत्म होने का समय आ चुका है। जिनके सगे संबंधी यूरोप चीन रूस वह अन्य देशों में बैठे हैं अगर आप के प्रति सद्भावना रखते हैं। तो उनको बुलवा लीजिए। अन्यथा
बहुराष्ट्रीय कं. की लूट, जालसाजी के सच को उजागर करने व उनके खिलाफ चलने वाले लगभग 95% संदेशों को रोज हवा में उड़ा दिया, या रोक कर गायब
 भारत में व्हाट्सएप के लगभग 50 करोड़ उपयोग कर्ता हैं। मोदी, योगी और भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी के कुकर्मों के सच के बारे में मोदी, योगी, भेझुंपा के, कोरोना, टीके और उससे हुई मौतों, बीमारी के साथ वालमार्ट, अमेजॉन, अडाणी, अंबानी व बहुराष्ट्रीय कं. की लूट, जालसाजी के सच को उजागर करने व उनके खिलाफ चलने वाले ल
पत्रकारिता का धर्म होता है, सर्वजन हिताय सर्वजन सुखाय, अध्ययनशील बन हर पीड़ित शोषित की आवाज बन कर सत्ता के कानों तक पहुंचाना
 पत्रकारिता सत्ता के तलवे चाट कर नहीं होती। पत्रकारिता शब्द ही विद्रोह का नाम है। सच को समझने, सच कहने सिर पर कफन बांध कर शोषित और पीड़ितों की आवाज उठाने हर सत्ताधीशों की आंख में किरकिरी बन जीवन जीना पड़ता है। जो सत्ता के तलवे चाट कर अपने जीवन यापन, मौज-मस्ती, पैसा कमाने पत्रकारिता करते हैं। वे स
सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में स्पष्ट रूप से केंद्र सरकार ने शपथ पत्र देकर कहा है कि किसी को भी टीका लगाने के लिए बाध्य नहीं किया जा रहा
 सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में स्पष्ट रूप से केंद्र सरकार ने शपथ पत्र देकर कहा है कि किसी को भी टीका लगाने के लिए बाध्य नहीं किया जा रहा। ना ही उसकी कोई सुविधाएं रोकी जा रही। शासकीय कर्मचारियों अधिकारियों से निवेदन है कि उन्हें इस संबंध में कोई भी ऐसा पत्र मिले। जो पहले दूसरे टीके व उसके बाद में बूस्टर डोज
पूरे देश और दुनिया का मीडिया चाहे टीवी हो या प्रिंट सभी जाहिल भूखे भेड़ियों का गिरोह
 पूरे देश और दुनिया का मीडिया चाहे टीवी हो या प्रिंट सभी जाहिल भूखे भेड़ियों का गिरोह है। जिसे अपना पेट भरने व धन संग्रह के लिए जनता को भ्रमित कर बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों की रखैल सरकारों के मौतों के तांड
भारतीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय बच्चों के माता-पिता के बिना सहमति के स्कूलों के प्राचार्यों पर दबाव डाल जबरदस्ती टीकाकरण किया जाकर भविष्य में जीवन पर्यंत बीमार बनाने का षड्यंत्र पर, आप हस्तक्षेप कर रोक लगवायें।
 माननीय न्यायाधीश महोदय भारतीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय नई दिल्ली। विषय: बच्चों के माता-पिता के बिना सहमति के स्कूलों के प्राचार्यों पर दबाव डाल जबरदस्ती टीकाकरण किया जाकर भविष्य में जीवन पर्यंत बीमार बनाने का षड्यंत्र पर, आप हस्तक्षेप कर रोक लगवायें। माननीय महोदय,
भय मत बांटिये डरिए मत डराइए मत।बीमारी का भय फैला कर, मानसिक रूप से कमजोर कर देश और दुनिया के सारे छोटे व्यवसाय को समाप्त कर लूट का षडयंत्र
 बड़ा दुख होता है, जब पढ़े-लिखे समझदार लोग भय के इस व्यवसाय के लपेटे में आ जाते हैं। पिछले 22 महीने से लगातार गालियां बक कर, प्यार से, डरा कर धमका कर समझा रहा हूं कि कोई बीमारी नहीं सारी बीमारी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों की बिकी हुई सरकार और मीडिया 24 घंटे मोबाइल टीवी समाचार पत्रों में बीमारी का भय फैला
देश का प्रधानमंत्री होने के बाद में भी मोदी अपने कुकर्मो से कितना डरा हुआ
 अपने ही देश में देश का प्रधानमंत्री होने के बाद में भी मोदी अपने कुकर्मो से कितना डरा हुआ है। कि बम अब बुलेट प्रूफ कार में सवारी करनी पड़ रही है। इसे समझो वह हरामखोर तो जनता को पेट्रोल डीजल गैस को चौगुनी कीमत पर बैचकर, जीएसटी के नाम पर एक देश एक टैक्स का वादा कर कीमतें कम होने का दावा करता है और द
इंदौर और भोपाल में पुलिस कमिशनरी लागू करके मोटी वसूली करना का षड़यंत्र
 मुंबई का पुलिस कमिश्नर एक झटके में एक डील के सौ करोड़ मांगता है। एमपी में इंदौर और भोपाल मैं भी पुलिस कमिशनरी लागू करके इसी प्रकार वसूली करना मांगता है। अगर हम किसी से हल्के पतले और कमजोर है, क्या? जो हमें इतना वसूली नहीं मिलेगा। फिर पुलिस विभाग में कमिश्नर ई बनाने के बदले में ट्रांसफर पोस्टिंग मैं
शासक शिक्षित, समझदार होते तो अच्छी सोच और नियत देश को उन्नति के रास्ते दिखाने, चलाने की व्यवस्था करते
 जाहिल, पाखंडी, सत्ताधीश अपनी असफलताओं, आर्थिक मोर्चे पर हर जगह विफल, देश का दुनिया में भुखमरी के सूचकांक में 116 देशों में 101 वा नंबर, किसान मोर्चा के आंदोलन के सामने सिर झुकाने की विवशता, भारी महंगाई, चीन के सामने हर मोर्चे पर घुटने टेकना, चाहे वह सीमाओं पर अतिक्रमण हो, बाजार पर गहरी पकड़ और यथार
सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश और भारत सरकार के निर्देशानुसार कोई भी अधिकारी या डॉक्टर आपको कोरोना वैक्सीन या कोई अन्य वैक्सीन लेने के लिए मजबूर नहीं कर सकता
 ✍ सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश और भारत सरकार के निर्देशानुसार कोई भी अधिकारी या डॉक्टर आपको कोरोना वैक्सीन या कोई अन्य वैक्सीन लेने के लिए मजबूर नहीं कर सकता है - June 26, 2021 ∆ यदि आप टीका नहीं लगवाना चाहते हैं। तो आपको यह निर्णय लेने का पूर्ण अधिकार है ∆ उच्च न्यायालय ने फैसला सुनाया है कि, जिन न
कब तक अपने कुकर्मों पर पर्दा डालकर, किस-किस सच बोलने वाले का का गला घोटोंगें? मस्तिष्क की तरंगों के विस्फोट से खंड खंड बिखर जाओगे।
 33 पत्रकारों को नोटिस दिए गए थे सौ को देने की तैयारी और है जैसा कि सूत्रों से मालूम पड़ा ताकि कोई सच ना बोले मुंह ना खोलें मोदी चांडाल शमशान में बैठकर भी मुर्दों को भी लूट सके। जिंदो की तो जान माल नोच कर, मोटा कमीशन हजम कर बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों की फैलाई करोना की बीमारी की आड़ में आड़ में श्मशान में
घोर झूठे, पाखंडी फकीर मोदी के भाइयों के अरबों रुपए के व्यवसाय 7 साल में कैसे खड़े हुए?
 मोदी के भाईयों के अरबपति होने की बहुत महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी: बीजेपी नेता और बीजेपी आईटी सेल के लोग लगातार यह कहते नहीं थकते हैं कि मोदी अपने रिश्तेदारों के सामने घास भी नहीं डालते। लेकिन ये सभी पिछले कुछ वर्षों में करोड़पति और कुछ अरबपति कैसे बन गए हैं। 1. सोमाभाई मोदी (75 वर्ष) सेवानिवृत्त स्वास्थ
उत्तराखंड में भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी की सरकार और उसके सारे भारतीय प्रताड़ना सेवा के अधिकारी कर रहे तांडव
 उत्तराखंड में भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी की सरकार और उसके सारे भारतीय प्रताड़ना सेवा के अधिकारी जो कलेक्टर कमिश्नर से लेकर मुख्य सचिव तक जिस प्रकार से बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों अडानी अंबानी टाटा बिरला के साथ वॉलमार्ट और अमेजान के इशारे पर नाच कर, उनसे मोटा कमीशन खाकर पूरे प्रदेश को पिछले डेढ़ साल से, महामारी
दुनिया का विकास व बर्बादी मनुष्य की इच्छाशक्ति की तरंगों का परिणाम
 पूरी दुनिया में अमेरिकी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों ने, चीन व रुस की सरकार ने देश व दुनिया की जनता को लूटने के लिए, वहां की सरकारों की अधिकारियों मंत्रियों को खरीद कर कानून बनवा कर व इंटरनेट के माध्यम से
मुरलीधर राव भाजपा के नेता ने स्वंय ही कहा भाजपा के नेता नालायक
 मुरलीधर राव भाजपा के नेता ने कहा भाजपा के नेता नालायक हैं। केवल नालायक ही बोल कर चुप हो गए जबकि नालायक की शब्द की परिभाषा अत्यंत वृहत है। फिर भी चलो कम से कम किसी नेता ने तो स्वीकार किया, कि भाजपा के नेता नालायक हैं, 60% सांसदों विधायकों नेताओं पर आपराधिक मामले दर्ज हैं। तो कैसे लायक हुए। जिलो
तालिबानियों को अफगानिस्तान में रूस के कब्जे के विरुद्ध पालने वाला अमेरिका ही
 अजमेरा उवाच आखिर बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के गुलाम संकर प्रजाति के अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति जो बाइडेन ने अमेरिकी और नाटो सैनिकों को, तालीबान से समझौते के अंतर्गत जब वापस बुला लिया। तो आखिर 136 हेलीकॉप्टर, अन
अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति जो वाइडेन पूरी तरह से घोर भ्रष्ट जालसाज चालबाज बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के इशारे पर नाचने वाला गुलाम
 मैं पूर्व में लिख चुका हूं। अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति वाइडेन जो है। पूरी तरह से घोर भ्रष्ट जालसाज चालबाज बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के इशारे पर नाचने वाला और उनका गुलाम है उन्हीं के धन और दम से ही वह राष्ट्रपति
इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मीटर उसी खेल का हिस्सा है जो 200 से 2000% तेज
 अजमेरा उवाच भारतीय प्रताड़ना सेवा अधिकारी जहां जहां बैठता है वहां लूट पाखंड जालसाजी के सारे खेल खेले जाते हैं। इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मीटर उसी खेल का हिस्सा है जो 200 से 2000% तेज दौड़ता है। और कम आपूर्ति करन
Microsofts' bill gate, the great conspirator of plandemic, arrested by US militry The U.S. military on Tuesday arrested Microsoft founder Bill Gates, charging the socially awkward misfit with child trafficking and other unspeakable crimes against America and its people. Sources within the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate G
सैन्य गिरफ्तारी बिल गेट्स. ज‍िसके कारण टीके के से 7000 अमेर‍िकी सैन‍िक मरे
 Military Arrests Bill Gates... सैन्य गिरफ्तारी बिल गेट्स... द्वारा माइकल बैक्सटर -1 अगस्त, 2021 अमेरिकी सेना ने मंगलवार को माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के संस्थापक बिल गेट्स को बाल तस्करी और अमेरिका और उसके लोगों के खिलाफ अन्य अकथनीय अपराधों के साथ सामाजिक रूप से अजीब मिसफिट का आरोप लगाते हुए गिरफ्तार किया। यू
करोना कोई महामारी नहीं,नाटक, लूटने के लिए, खुला छोड़ दो, बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों वालमार्ट के शॉपिंग मॉल और अमेजॉन ऑनलाइन को
 करोना कोई महामारी नहीं। सर्दी खांसी बुखार आज से नहीं हजारों साल से हो रहे हैं। उसकी सरल और आसान औषधियां आपके घरों में मसालों और हल्दी अदरक लहसुन के रूप में है। सारा एक लाइन का नाटक है। सब छोटे व्यापारियों, मंडियों, बाजारों को खत्म कर दो और लूटने के लिए बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों वालमार्ट के शॉपिंग मॉल
प्रयास करता रहा कि लोग जागृत हों, भयमुक्त हो, बीमारी के चंगुल से बच जायें।में धरती पर खाने-पीने मुर्दे की तरह सोने तो नहीं आया।
 मैं लगातार 16 महीने से अपनी वीडियो और लेखों से प्रयास करता रहा कि लोग जागृत हों, भयमुक्त हो, बीमारी के चंगुल से बच जायें। पर वे सुनने समझने को तैयार ही नहीं। आखिर में धरती पर खाने-पीने मुर्दे की तरह सोने तो नहीं आया। कैसे अपनी आंखों के सामने करोड़ों निर्दोष लोगों की अकाल मौत देखता रहूं। मैं भ
वैक्सीन लगाने के लिए दुष्परिणाम सामने आए बीमार हुए, मौत हुई, सबको कोर्ट में घसीटो
 कृपया अंधभक्त नहीं पढ़े। जिन लोगों को सरकारी प्रशासनिक, नगर निगम, पालिका, पंचायत, कर्मचारी अधिकारी, स्वास्थ्य कर्मचारी, अधिकारी, डॉक्टर, वैक्सीन लगाने के लिए डरा धमका कर विवश कर रहे हैं। उनसे लिखित में लीजिए। इन सबके वीडियो बनाइए मोबाइल रिकॉर्डिंग कीजिए जिस पर ऐसी वैक्सीन लगाने की बातें की जा
घोर भ्रष्ट इंजीनियर बिना टोपो सीट और कान्टूर मैप के, पिछले 20 सालों से एडीबी का सैकड़ों करोड़ रुपए,हजम कर गये़
 अजमेरा उवाच नगर निगम के घोर भ्रष्ट इंजीनियर बिना टोपो सीट और कान्टूर मैप के, पिछले 20 सालों से एडीबी का सैकड़ों करोड़ रुपए, जे एन एन आर यू एम का भी हजारों करोड़ रुपए लेकर जल आपूर्ति एवं निस्तार के लिए पूरे शहर की सड़कों को खोदत्ते हैं। मनमाने तरीके से मोटे भ्रष्टाचार और कमाई के लिए बिना ग्रेविटी ल
ब्रह्मचर्य क्यों? वेदों, शास्त्रों, पुराणों, उपनिषद का भी यही निष्कर्ष है, कि 'हर प्राणी का जन्म संभोग से संभोग के लिए हुआ।
 अजमेरा उवाच ईसाइयत और मुस्लिमों में कहीं भी ब्रह्मचर्य का पालन नहीं कहा गया। इसलिए वह खुलकर संभोग करके बच्चे पैदा करके दुनिया पर कब्जा कर रहे हैं। वहां स्त्रियों के पतिव्रता होने की कोई पाबंदी भी नहीं है। सारी पाबन्द‍ियां पतिव्रता ब्रह्मचर्य आज मंगलवार है, शनिवार है अमावस है। नवरात्रि है। ह‍िंदु
हिंदुओं, त्याग दो, अपने भ्रम के डर को। इंसान बनकर पैदा हुए हो। तो हर अन्याय के विरुद्ध चिल्लाना आक्रमक होना सीखो
 सब को गांव से लेकर शहरों और महानगरों तक अपने कलेक्टर कमिश्नर, सांसदों विधायकों से लेकर मुख्यमंत्री, प्रधानमंत्री और नेताओं के खिलाफ करना चाहिए ऐसे विरोध का प्रदर्शन। ताकि सरकार के साथ देश दुनिया में ये खबरें पहुंचे। आखिर भूख, बेरोजगारी, बच्चों बीबी और परिवार की प्रताड़ना, मानसिक तनाव, आर्थिक परेश
पारंपरिक खरीफ फसलें, कपास,ज्वार, बाजरा, मक्का, मूंग, उड़द, मूंगफली, तिल उपजाएं। सोयाबीन से मुक्ति पाएं।
 पारंपरिक खरीफ फसलें, कपास, ज्वार, बाजरा, मक्का, मूंग, उड़द, मूंगफली, तिल उपजाएं। सोयाबीन से मुक्ति पाएं। वर्तमान में मध्य प्रदेश के अनेकों जिलों में केवल खरीफ की फसल के रूप में सोयाबीन की बोनी की जा
सबसे ज्यादा कचरा का प्लास्टिक पेक‍िग का वह भी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों की पैकिंग की देन
 यह प्लास्टिक भी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों की पैकिंग की देन है। अकेले सन 2016 में 88000 टन प्लास्टिक कोको कोला का उपयोग किया था और पूरी दुनिया में वॉलमार्ट की पैकिंग में लगभग 300000 टन पैकिंग में प्लास्ट
रामदेव ने टीका लगवाने के बाद 1000 डॉक्टरों की मौत की सच्चाई बयां करने पर हंगामा मचा रहे इंडियन मेडिकल एसोसिएशन, इंडियन काउंसिल ऑफ मेडिकल रिसर्च
 बाबा रामदेव ने टीका लगवाने के बाद 1000 डॉक्टरों की मौत की सच्चाई बयां क्या कर दी? सारे अंतरराष्ट्रीय डब्ल्यूएचओ और उसकी सदस्य कंपनियां जो टीके के के नाम पर पिछले 20 वर्षों में लाखों करोड़ का खेल क
जो मानव से दानव बन गए हैं। आप मानव से महामानव बनकर उनका संहार करो
 महामारी की यही कड़वी सच्चाई है। याद आ रही होंगी यह अमेरिकी कंपनियों वह डब्ल्यूएचओ उसकी पाखंडी संस्थाओं के इसारे पर सारा कृत्रिम ढंग से बनाया हुआ षड्यंत्र है। जनसंख्या कम करने के लिए बीमारी के नाम पर जानबूझकर 24 घंटे दहशत बांट मुंह पर मास्क बांधकर लोगों को जानबूझकर बीमार बनाकर जानबूझकर हत्या की जा
भारत के संघी राष्ट्रवाद के दो सबसे 'कोर प्वाइंट्स 'नफरत और गर्व'
 नफरत और गर्व भारत के संघी राष्ट्रवाद के दो सबसे 'कोर प्वाइंट्स' क्या है? पहला नफरत करो और दूसरा गर्व करो। नफरत किससे करो?? जहां मुसलमान हैं वहां मुसलमान से करो। जहां मुसलमान नहीं हैं सरदार हैं, वहां सरदार से कर लो। ईसाईयों से कर लो, पर नफरत करो। क्या कहा नफरत करने के लिए आसपास पराया धर्म नहीं है
राष्ट्रीय लोकतांत्रिक गठबंधन के 300 और अन्य दलों के 240 सांसद जनता ने चुनकर क्या भेड़ों की तरह मिमीयाने वह टुकड़खोरी के लिए पहुंचाएं संसद में
 भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी के 303 सांसद तीन चांडालों मोदी अमित शाह और सीतारमन को छोड़ दिया जाए तो 300 क्या घास काट रहे हैं? क्या हरामखोरों के पास अपनी अकल नहीं जनता ने तुमको चुनकर भेजा है। इनको भी अपने-अपने
50 से ज्यादा देशों से आई महामारी की मदद को भी भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी के लोग बेचकर खाने के लिए जानबूझकर हवाई अड्डे से बाहर नहीं आने दे रहे
 आर भारत का भडवा फिर मोदी की तारीफ में यथार्थ में अपने ही अफसरों को बदनाम कर मोदी को बचाने का षड्यंत्र कर रहा है। जबकि सच्चाई यह है कि सारे के सारे भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी के गिद्ध इसको अपने अपने क्षेत्रो
बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों से मोटा महीना खाकर देश के सारे उद्योग धंधों को खत्म करने 24 घंटे संचार माध्यमों में दहशत बांट, मुंह पर मास्क बांध, जनता को जानबूझकर बीमार बना कर अस्पताल में मौतों का महोत्सव मना, तालाबंदी का कर रहे पाखंड
 इंदौर के बेस्ट प्राइस शॉपिंग मॉल ओमेक्स सिटी के सामने मांगालिया ने 17.04.21को मात्र 2 घंटे शॉपिंग मॉल खोला था। उसमें उसकी 60 लाख की बिक्री हुई। एक बोहरा समाज का व्यक्ति ने 2 क्विंटल चिकन, 2 क्विंटल अन्य मांस, 1 टन दाल, 2 टन गेहूं, 1 टन चावल, रोजा इफ्तार के लिए खरीदा। अब यदि उसने रु60लाख की बिक्री
महामारी के इस भयावह काल से बचने व सुरक्षित निकलने आदिमुद्रा
 महामारी के इस भयावह काल से बचने व सुरक्षित निकलने के लिए कुछ शास्त्रोक्त प्रयोग दे रहा हूं आज शनिवार है शाम से लेकर रात १२बजे तक सरसों के तेल का दीपक किसी पीपल के नीचे लगाएं और वहां आसन बिछाकर पद्मासन की मुद्रा में अर्थात आलती पालती मार कर बैठे और अपने दोनों हाथों के अंगूठे को चारों उंगलियों में द
आदि मुद्रा में एकाग्र चित्त होकर की गई अपने इष्ट देव से सुरक्षा की प्रार्थना
 दोनों अंगूठों को चार उंगलियों की मुट्ठी में बांध कर पद्मासन में दोनों हाथों को दोनों घुटनों पर रखकर अर्थात आदि मुद्रा में एकाग्र चित्त होकर की गई अपने इष्ट देव से सुरक्षा की प्रार्थना उत्तर पूर्व के बीच नैऋत्य कोण में कभी भी कहीं भी, केवल सभी प्रकार की सुरक्षा की कामना यथा बीमारी, महामारी से, भय, श
गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री रुपाणी से गिरने की शुरुआत हुई
 गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री रुपाणी से शुरुआत हुई है चांडालों के गिरने की मोदी, अमित शाह, शिवराज सिंह, योगी के साथ सभी जनता को लूटने, नोंचने वाले, परेशान करने वाले डॉक्टर्स, कलेक्टर, कमिश्नर, पुलिस, अधिकारी, निगम के कर्मचारी और अधिकारी. मीडिया के न्यूज़ चैनल शोले अखबार वाले आखिर हैं, तो इंसान ही ना। दूसर
मैं कोरोना, आ गया हूं और सब लोग पूरी दुनिया में केवल मेरी कोरोना नाम की बीमारी से डाक्टर मारेंगे
 मैं कोरोना हूं। मैं फिर दुनिया में, देश में मेरे घोर जालसाज, पाखंडी झूठे वाचाल मित्र पनोती मोदी की इच्छा व उनके पूंजीपति मित्रों को देश की जनता को बर्बाद कर सारी संपत्ति सौंपने के दिये वादे निभाने आ गया हूं। लोगों ने मुझे नाम दिया है। कोरोना महामारी, अब दुनिया में लोग, सर्दी, खांसी, जुखाम, मलेरि
कर्फ्यू लगा कर जनता को दहशत बांट लोगों को घर पर बैठा बेरोजगार कर फिर भूख से मारने का षड्यंत्र
 प्रमोटी कलेक्टर मनीष सिंह खानदानी घोर भ्रष्ट, जिसके बाप मोती सिंह ने भोपाल का कलेक्टर रहते हुए जब जनता गैस कांड से गाजर मूली की़ तरह मर रही थी। तब रु पांच करोड़ लेकर उस एंडरसन को 6 दिसंबर को हवाई अड
घायल शेरनी को घेरने के लिए आपराधिक, वाचाल, जंगली, भेड़ियों का झुंड
 बंगाल में अकेली घायल शेरनी को घेरने के लिए आपराधिक, वाचाल, जंगली, भेड़ियों झुंड पार्टी अपने सारे हथकंडे के साथ कोशिश में लगी है। परंतु यदि ईवीएम में जालसाजी सफल नहीं हुई, तो इन हुआ हुआ करने वाले भेड़
जनता पहली वर्षगांठ पर ताली थाली बजायेगी, चांडालों की अकाल मृत्यु की प्रार्थना करेगी
 22 मार्च को देश में महामारी के कर्फ्यु की पहली वर्षगांठ मनाई जाएगी इसलिए देश की वह सारी जनता जो भूख, बेरोजगारी, बच्चों की बिना पढ़ाई के भी स्कूलों की लूट से पीड़ित है, पेट्रोल डीजल और खाद्य वस्तुओं क
मध्यप्रदेश में चुनाव टालना है। इसलिए कोरोना के मरीज बढ़ते हुए दिखाये जा रहे। स्वास्थ्य विभाग लूट और डकैती का कदम कदम षडयंत्र
 स्वास्थ्य विभाग लूट और डकैती का कदम कदम षडयंत्र खंड 1 मध्यप्रदेश में चुनाव टालना है। इसलिए कोरोना के मरीज बढ़ते हुए दिखाये जा रहे हैं। सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग, मुंह पर मास्क बांधने के लिए सरकार और स्वास्थ्य विभाग के डॉक्टरों जो घोर धूर्त चांडाल जो एक तरफ 50% नान प्रैक्टिसिंग अलाउंस लेते हैं। दूसरी तरफ
आप का जन्म खाने-पीने और मुर्दों की तरह सोने के लिए नहीं हुआ।वर्तमान के पाखंड के खिलाफ आवाज उठाइए
 यदि आप का जन्म खाने-पीने और मुर्दों की तरह सोने के लिए नहीं हुआ है और आप इंसान हैं, तो अपना अस्तित्व सिद्ध कीजिए। अन्यथा धरती के आप जानवरों से भी निम्न प्राणी है। । फिर मृत्यु तो 1 दिन निश्चित ही है। वह कभी भी आयेगी ही, तो फिर सच को, सच कहने से, सुनने से परहेज क्यों और कैसा? यदि आप का अस्तित्व है,
सत्ता और शक्ति का दुरुपयोग कर अब सोशल साइट्स पर प्रसार माध्यमों पर अपने लूट खसोंट, भ्रष्टाचार, पाखंड की खबरें रोकने अब कानून
 जिन सोशल मीडिया साइट्स व्हाट्सएप फेसबुक टि्वटर प्रसार माध्यमों समाचार पत्र टीवी चैनल्स पर 56 इंची सीने ने ही पूंजी पतियों से धन लेकर लाखों करोड़ रुपए खर्च कर अपना पाखंड और झूठ के मक्कारी पूर्ण वादों और ईवीएम की जालसाजी से सत्ता को हथिया कर देश की संपत्तियों संस्थानों को लूट कर बैचकर खाने पर जब उन्ह
नर्मदा घाटी विकास प्राधिकरण में तो हजारों करोड़ का भुगतान निविदा को स्वीकृत करते ही कर दिया
 अजमेरा उवाच जल संसाधन विभाग में बिना काम के भुगतान का मामला सामने जो अभी सामने आया वह अभी से ही अनेकों वर्षों से चल रहा है। पर नर्मदा घाटी विकास प्राधिकरण में तो हजारों करोड़ का भुगतान निविदा को स
किसानों के लिए काला कानून बने केंद्र सरकार के तीन अध्यादेश - दिग्विजय सिंह
 भारत में कृषि सुधार के नाम पर केन्द्र सरकार द्वारा लाए गए तीन अध्यादेशों का पूरे देश में विरोध हो रहा है। किसानों का कहना है कि पहले अध्यादेश में कृषि उपज मंडियों के बंद होने से किसानों का शोषण शुरू
सिद्ध करो कि तुम सचमुच जन हितेषी पत्रकार हो। अन्यथा अक्ल् की जो चवन्नी है अपनी जेब में रखो
 पत्रकार हो, और अपनी अक्ल् की जो चवन्नी है अपनी जेब में रखो अगर बुजुर्गों ने यह बात कही है तो क्या गलत कहा है, कितने पढ़े लिखे हैं, अपुुन? कितने कानून जानते हैं कितने सामाजिक शास्त्र पढ़े हैं शाम को 4 पेग फोकट की दारु पीने के बाद में बहुत ज्यादा ज्ञानी बन जाते हैं। ना। आप बहुत ज्ञानी है। ना। त
मोदी के असली भक्त होते तो सबसे पहले टीका लगवा लेते, सारे मतलबी, नकली भक्त टीके लगवाने से, डरपोंके टीके नहीं लगवा रहे
 अगर मोदी के असली भक्त होते तो सबसे पहले टीका लगवा लेते, आखिर टीके की खेप आई और बर्बाद जा रही हैं। क्योंकि सारे मतलबी, नकली भक्त टीके लगवाने से, फटी में डरपोंके टीके नहीं लगवा रहे हैं। लानत है ऐसे भ
आखिर टीका गरीब व मध्यम वर्गीय जनता को ही क्यों, सबसे पहले मोदी अमित शाह और पूरे लोकसभा व राज्यसभा के भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी के सांसदों, राज्यों के विधायकों, पार्षदों, सरपंचों सचिवों और नेताओं साथ दो करोड़ राक्षस सेवा संघ के सेवकों को, सभी आईएएस, आईपीएस, को ठोको
 आखिर टीका जनता को ही क्यों ठोका जा रहा है। सबसे पहले मोदी अमित शाह और पूरे लोकसभा व राज्यसभा के भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी के सांसदों, सभी राज्यों के भेडियो झुंड पार्टी के विधायकों, पार्षदों, सरपंचों सचिवों और नेताओं के साथ दो करोड़ राक्षस सेवा संघ के सेवकों को, सभी आईएएस, आईपीएस, डॉक्टरों, स्वास्थ्य कर्
विधान सभा में होने वाले हंगामे को रोकने के लिए कोरोना से बढ़िया कोई बहाना नहीं
 अभी तो सबसे महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दा है। विधान सभा में होने वाले हंगामे को रोकने के लिए कोरोना से बढ़िया कोई बहाना नहीं हो सकता। क्योंकि विपक्ष भी है तो मजबूत और वह पेट्रोल-डीजल, गैस की कीमतों, पुराने भ्
बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के मोटे लाभ श्रमिकों का शोषण, श्रम कानूनों की समाप्ति, सरकार के पास कम से कम नियंत्रण हो
 मैंने १९७८ से 1986 तक श्रम कानूनों की पांच बार परीक्षाएं दी हैं। पहली बार बीकॉम द्वितीय वर्ष में, औद्योगिक अधिनियमों में, दूसरी बार एलएलबी में, तीसरी बार डिप्लोमा इन लेबर लॉ में चौथी बार आई सी डब्ल्य
षड़यंत्रकारी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के लिए उनकी मनमानी लूट में बाधक कंटक, प्रतियोगी छोटी फैक्ट्रियां, छोटे उद्योग, छोटे दुकानदार के उन्हीं के नमूने लेते हैं।
 भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी के पूंजीपतियों के हाथों बिके हुए, टुकड़खोर सत्ताथीश कठपुतली हरामखोर नेता और अधिकारी, कलेक्टर कमिश्नर और पुलिस छोटे व्यापारियों को खत्म करने कदम कदम पर षड्यंत्र कर रहे हैं। घोर भ्
भारतीय रेल की यात्री गाड़ियां 30% आईआरसीटीसी के अंतर्गत अंतरित कर के ठेकों पर चलाई जा रही
 भारत के बिकाऊ शुकरों और श्वानों की दृश्य और श्रव्य प्रसार माध्यमों के दूरदर्शनी व मुद्रित समाचार पत्रों पत्रिकाओं ने देश दुनिया की जनता को नहीं बताया की भारतीय रेल अब भारतीय रेल नहीं रह गई यात्री गाड
संविधान में आर्टिकल 21, 37, 38, 39 और 300 के रहते केन्द्र सरकार निजीकरण नहीं कर सकती और न ही निजीकरण पर कोई कानून बना सकती।
 संविधान में आर्टिकल 21, 37, 38, 39 और 300 के रहते केन्द्र सरकार निजीकरण नहीं कर सकती और न ही निजीकरण पर कोई कानून बना सकती। यदि सरकार संविधान का उलंघन कर निजीकरण के लिए मनमाना कानून बनाती है तो सरकार
सारी विद्युत कंपनियों का संविलियन पुनः विद्युत मंडल में किया जा कर पुनः विद्युत मंडल खड़ा करो
 सारी विद्युत कंपनियों का संविलियन पुनः विद्युत मंडल में किया जा कर पुनः विद्युत मंडल खड़ा किया जाए यह मांग भी इसमें शामिल करो। 5 विद्युत कंपनियों को मंडल तोड़ कर 2001-02 में बनाया गया था खत्म कर पु
घोर भ्रष्ट जालसाज पुलिस अधिकारी, नगर निगम के इंजीनियर, कलेक्टर और निगमायुक्त, करोडोंं की मोटी वसूली यह चाल वर्षों से हर निर्माण, हर योजना हर नई परियोजना मैं खेल
 घोर भ्रष्ट जालसाज पुलिस अधिकारी, नगर निगम के इंजीनियर, कलेक्टर और निगमायुक्त, करोडोंं की मोटी वसूली यह चाल वर्षों से हर निर्माण, हर योजना हर नई परियोजना मैं खेल रहे हैं। यहां पर सब लूटने भ्रष्टाचार और जालसाजी करने और अपने लूट जालसाजी से कुंद बुद्धि दिमाग की चालू को पूरा करने या शहर उनकी प्रयोगश
सभी किसान संगठनों के किसानों, आंदोलन कर्ता् भौतिक रूप से प्रदर्शन आंदोलन के युद्ध के अतिरिक्त अद्रश्य तांत्रिक मां बगलामुखी के तांत्रिक शत्रुहंता यज्ञ भी करें
 सभी किसान संगठनों के किसानों, आंदोलन कर्ता् भाइयों से निवेदन है कि वे भौतिक रूप से प्रदर्शन आंदोलन के युद्ध के अतिरिक्त अद्रश्य तांत्रिक युद्ध भी करें। मोदी, योगी व अमित शाह के अंतिम संस्कार के लि
देश में जल थल नभ सेनाओं में हर जगह अधिकारियों से लेकर सैनिकों, संसाधनों तक की भारी कमी
  देश में जल थल नभ सेनाओं में हर जगह अधिकारियों से लेकर सैनिकों तक की भारी कमी है। क्या खाक बनेगी सेना ताकतवर? मोदी के आने के बाद लोग अब सेना में जाने से भी डरने लगे हैं। क्योंकि ना पर्याप्त प्रशिक्
किसानों को गाली बकने से पहले अपना चेहरा और अपने घर की रसोई देख लेना जो उसकी मेहनत से भरी है। और तुम्हारा चेहरा खिला है
 भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी के मोदी, अमित शाह जिस प्रकार से जनता से झूठे वादे और दिवास्वप्न दिखा कर के जिन हिंदुओं के वोट लेकर सत्ता में आए। हरामखोर चांडाल राक्षसों की फौज कितनी बेशर्मी और कृतघ्नता के साथ
घोर भ्रष्ट, जालसाज मनीष सिंह को जिसने करीबन 15 साल से ज्यादा इंदौर में पूरे किए आखिर प्रमोटी कलेक्टर को इंदौर में 28 मार्च को बैठाया ही क्यों?
 अजमेरा उवाच 2 दिसंबर 1984 रात 2:00 बजे यूनियन कार्बाइड के इंसेक्टिसाइड पेस्टिसाइड प्लांट से जिओ मिथाइल आइसोसाइनेट गैस रिसाव से लगभग 2लाख लोग मारे गए और अधिकांश को उस समय के तत्कालीन कलेक्टर मोती सिं
द‍िल्ली में किसानों को बदनाम करने भेढ़िया झुंड पार्टी ने अपने ही गुंडे बदमाशों को घुसेड़ कर दंगे करवाए। किसान आंदोलन मेेंें
 भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी के नेताओं की नीचता व चाल चरित्र और चेहरे को देखते हुए दिल्ली में जो घटा। उसमें अपने पूंजीपति मित्रों को बचाने और उनको देश का पूरा खाद्य व अन्य सभी आवश्यक वस्तुओं का फुटकर व्यवसाय
अटल बिहारी के समय से ही ठेका भर्ती और नौकरी की शुरुआत ज्यादा हुई उसी के समय पूंजी पतियों से मोटा धन खाकर सबसे ज्यादा श्रम कानूनों में परिवर्तन
 यह सारा लेख के माध्यम से जनता को बेवकूफ बनाने और किसानों के आंदोलन को बर्बाद करने का खेल भेड़ियों के झुंड पार्टी की आई टी सेल का है। 1999 से 2004 तक सरकार किसकी थी. रिलायंस फ्रेश ने ये अपने स्टोर
करोड़ों जनता की आंख में आंसू दे, दुन‍िया के चांडाल पूंजीपतियों षड्यंत्रकारियों खुश रहने का भ्रम मत पालो,
 भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी की सरकार अपने कुकर्मों को छुपाने और किसानों के आंदोलन को खत्म करने की किस प्रकार के षड्यंत्र कर रही है। यह जनता देख रही है। बेशक बिकाऊ गागरोनी तोतु मीडिया इन सारी सच्चाई यों से दूर जनता को भ्रमित करने के लिए आपके इशारे पर नए-नए षड्यंत्र रच रहा है। पर भेड़िया झूठ पार्टी के मो
करोना काल में जो भेढ़िया झुंड पार्टी के नेताओं, पार्षदों विधायकों सांसदों ने गांवों से लेकर शहरों तक जो राशन का अरबों रु का धन हजम क‍िया, उससे मंदिर बनाओ
 चंदा खोर चांडालों की भेडिया झुंड पार्टी, के उस जाहिल पाखंडी मोदी ने राम मंदिर का उद्घाटन, देश की हिंदू जनता को लूटने के लिए ही करने के साथ लोगों के दिलों में छद्म हिंदुओं के सरंक्षण की भावना जगाने मे
क‍िसान आंदोलन के सहयोग व समर्थन में पूरे देश में जनता को बाहर निकलेे
 क‍िसान आंदोलन के 56 द‍िन बाद भी सरकार क‍ि‍सानोंं का आंदोलन खत्म करने हमारे अन्नदाता किसानों पर पुलिस वालों व अर्ध सैन्यबलों को अपने किसानों रुपी माता-पिता भाई बंधुओं पर गोली आंसू गैस के गोले, ठंडे पा
सभी दैनिक समाचार पत्रों, न्यूज चैनल के भड़वे,भी पूंजीपतियों सत्ताधीशों के गुलाम उनके सामने अपनी दुम हिलाते हुए टुुकड़ोंं की ताक में
 देश के सभी दैनिक समाचार पत्रों, न्यूज चैनल के भड़वे, जो यथार्थ में बड़े भूमाफिया, कॉलोनी माफिया, होने के साथ-साथ, सरकारी ठेकों में, बड़ी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के कारोबार में उनके दो नंबर के, व अन्य राष्ट्र विरोधी, जन विरोधी, पर्यावरण विरोधी, प्रदूषण कारी घातक कामों को छुपाए रखने मैं उनके पत्रकार व
जालसाज डब्ल्यूएचओ बनाम विश्व दहशत फैलाओ स्वास्थ्य बिगाड़ो और लूटो संगठन,
 देश और दुनिया के जालसाज पूंजीपतियों, सत्ताधीशों के बिकाऊ जाहिल टीवी समाचार श्रृंखलाओं और मुद्रित मीडिया के टुकड़खोर हुआ हुआ करने वाले भेड़ियों के पास खुद का तो ज्ञान नहीं, ना ही अध्ययन करना है। ना सच सुनना है, ना बोलना है, ना कहना है और जिन्होंने इनके झूठ का पर्दाफाश किया उसी को हरामखोर अफवाह फैला
राम के नाम से ही सत्ता हथियाई, चंदा खोरो को चंदा मांगने के लिए बहाना मिला
 अजमेरा उवाच चंदा खोर भेड़ियों को चंदा मांगने के लिए बहाना मिल जाए। कोरोना के नाम से पीएम केयर्स फंड में 50000 करोड़, सैनिकों से लेकर बाबू चपरासी तक सरकारी कर्मचारियों को 2 दिन का वेतन काट लिया गया। अंध भक्तों की औकात नहीं कि उस पैसे का हिसाब मांग ले। राम मंदिर का चंदा 1985 से इकट्टा हो रहा है। 1
बाल विवाह नहीं चलेगा पर बाल वेश्यावृत्ति जरूर चलेगी, जनता का ध्या्न भटकाने लड़क‍ियों की उम्र 18 से 21 करने
 अजमेरा उवाच अक्ल के दुश्मन ज्ञान ध्यान अध्ययन कुछ भी नहीं करते यह हरामखोर पत्रकार और सत्ता के बिकाऊ भड़वे सच को भी अर्थ का अनर्थ करके जनता के सामने पेश करते हैं। सच्चाई से दूर बस टुकडखोर पत्रकारों क
खाद्य एवं नागरिक आपूर्ति का घोर भ्रष्ट मीणा व कलेक्टर जालसाज मनीष सिंह गठजोड़ इनका 20 साल पुराना
 अजमेरा उवाच यह खाद्य एवं नागरिक आपूर्ति का घोर भ्रष्ट मीणा जो फर्जी जाति प्रमाण पत्र पर नौकरी कर रहा है। पहले भी अलग अलग 20 साल तक वह इंदौर में रह चुका है। और पेट्रोल पंपों, मिट्टी के तेल के हाकरों से लेकर सभी राशन दुकानों पर भी उसकी मोटी वसूली वर्षों तक चलती रही और भारी लूटपाट करने का शौकीन रहा
सभी मोबाइल पर व्हाट्सएप चलाने वालों शीघ्र इससे मुक्ति पाने तैयार रहो
 अजमेरा उवाच सभी मोबाइल पर व्हाट्सएप चलाने वालों से निवेदन है कि वे शीघ्र इससे मुक्ति पाने क्योंकि वह 8 फरवरी से आपके सारे डेटा को अपने व्यवसायिक उपयोग व मोटी कमाई के लिए आपकी सांसों की गिनती करने
जालसाजोंं का पूंजीपत‍ियों के ल‍िये मिलावट‍ियोंं का मिलावट‍ी कानून, मिलावट करने वालों के लिए आजन्म कारा वास की सजा के लिए कानून
 जालसाजोंं का पूंजीपत‍ियों के ल‍िये मिलावट‍ियोंं का मिलावट‍ी कानून मध्यप्रदेश में शिवराज ने मिलावट करने वालों के लिए आजन्म कारा वास की सजा के लिए कानून बना दिया। सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है जैसा कि इंग्लैंड में होता है किसी भी कानून को बनाने और थोपने से पहले जनता से पूछा जाता है। हमारे भारत में यह
आईएएस भारतीय प्रशासनिक नहीं भारतीय प्रताणना सेवा अधिकारी देश के सबसे बड़े चांडाल, जालसाज, घोरभ्रष्ट, महा मक्कार अय्याश, कामचोर, सबसे बड़ी पूंजीपति और सत्ता के बीच के दल्ले
 इस देश के सबसे बड़े चांडाल, जालसाज, घोरभ्रष्ट, महा मक्कार अय्याश, कामचोर, सबसे बड़ी पूंजीपति और सत्ता के बीच के दल्ले होते हैं। आईएएस भारतीय प्रशासनिक नहीं भारतीय प्रताणना सेवा अधिकारी जो इस देश की
गुंडे, बदमाश, तड़ीपार, हत्यारे वसूलीबाज, अड़ीबाज सत्ता के शीर्ष पर,सार्वजनिक संपत्तियों को अपने बाप की जागीर समझ लूटने और लुटाने लगे
 गुंडे, बदमाश, तड़ीपार, हत्यारे वसूलीबाज, अड़ीबाज सत्ता के शीर्ष पर क्या पहुंचे, बैंकों के लुटेरों जालसाजों पूंजीपतियों के लिए देश की सार्वजनिक संपत्तियों को अपने बाप की जागीर समझ लूटने और लुटाने लगे। जो गली मोहल्ले के अपराधी मिमीयाते भेड़िये भी शेर की तरह दहाड़ लगाने लगे। दहाड़ लो जब तक सांस है।
मप्र में प‍ि‍छले 30 साल से 1851 तेंदुए 927 बाघ के झूठे आंकड़ेे, व‍ि व न‍ि के $2000करोड़ हजम करने
 मध्यप्रदेश में 1998 में दिग्विजय सिंह की सरकार ने एक काम जरूर अच्छा किया था। मध्यप्रदेश में सूचना का अधिकार 1998 में लगा दिया गया था। ताकि घोर भ्रष्टों की जानकारी आम जनता इकट्ठी करके सरकार तक पहुंचा
मिलावट पर आजीवन कारावास की सजा का कानून बनाकर क्या केवल पूंजी पतियों का पेट भरने
 मप्र में खाद्य पदार्थों में मिलावट, स्तरहीन, नकली, मिलावट पर आजीवन कारावास की सजा का कानून बनाकर क्या केवल पूंजी पतियों का पेट भरने के लिए उनका व्यवसाय बढ़ाने चमकाने और छोटे व्यापारियों को खत्म करने
सूचना आयोग, अपीलों से आय का योग बना रहे, धारा 4 पूरी इसलिए नहीं की और करवाई
 कौन सा माई का लाल जो धरती पर है? शासकीय सेवक प्रधानमंत्री से लेकर सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के न्यायाधीशोो से ग्राम पंचायत का सरपंच, सचिव तक पहले अपने गिरेबान में झांके और फिर टिप्पणी करें। यदि सभी ईमानद
देश में सभी निर्माण कार्यों के हर विभाग के ठेके, मोदी व शाह की दादाग‍िरी से गुजरातियों को ही
 देश में सभी निर्माण कार्यों के हर विभाग के ठेके चाहे वह सीपीडब्ल्यूडी हो मध्य प्रदेश लोक निर्माण विभाग की सड़कें भवन निर्माण हो, नर्मदा घाटी कि नहरों का विस्तार पंप हाउस लिफ्ट इरिगेशन प्रोजेक्ट, जल संसाधन, लोक स्वास्थ्य यांत्रिकी, नगर निगम पालिकाओं में, सड़कों भवनों नालियों साड़ी के निर्माण में पूर
सबसे पहले टीका, डब्ल्यूएचओ के अध्यक्ष टेंडरोर्स को, व पूरी दुनिया में बैठे डब्ल्यूएचओ केे डाक्टरों व कर्मचारियों अधिकारियों को
 दुनिया में सबसे पहले टीका, डब्ल्यूएचओ के अध्यक्ष टेंडरोर्स को, व पूरी दुनिया में बैठे डब्ल्यूएचओ केे डाक्टरों व कर्मचारियों अधिकारियों को, फिर माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के बिलगेट को, गूगल के सुंदर पिचाई, फेसबुक क
हिंदुओं के सबसे बड़े दुश्मन हिंदू, सारे कानून हिंदुओं पर लागू
 हिंदुओं के सबसे बड़े दुश्मन हिंदू ही होते हैं। अभी सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में लड़कियों की शादी की उम्र 18 से बढ़ाकर 21 वर्ष करने की याचिका पर सुनवाई चल रही है। कितने बदतमीज है हमारे हिंदू, ये सारे कानून एक शादी, दो बच्चे जो एक बच्चा रह गया। शादी की उम्र 18 से बढ़ाकर 21 करने की सारी कहानी केवल हिंदुओं
इटली ने किया मृत कोरोना मरीज का पोस्टमार्टम, वायरस के रूप में नहीं असल में “ऐमप्लीफाईड ग्लोबल 5G इलैक्ट्रोमैगनेटिक रेडिएशन (ज़हर)” के कारण मर रहे
 दुनिया की बड़ी महत्वपूर्ण खबर इटली ने किया मृत कोरोना मरीज का पोस्टमार्टम, हुआ बड़ा खुलासा इटली विश्व का पहला देश बन गया है जिसनें एक कोविड-19 से मृत शरीर पर अटोप्सी (पोस्टमार्टम) किया और एक व्यापक जाँच करने के बाद पता लगाया है कि वायरस के रूप में कोविड-19 मौजूद नहीं है, बल्कि यह सब एक बहुत बड़ा ग
सूचना आयोग में चुन चुन कर घोर भ्रष्ट अधिकारियों और चहेतों को बैठा, कानून का पालन कीजिए कानून का मजाक मत उड़ाओ। सूचना आयुक्तों
 देश में 55 साल बाद एक छोटा सा कानून संविधान की पारदर्शिता की और जन धन की मनमानी तरीके से लूट किए जाने के विपरीत बड़ी मुश्किल से जनहित में लागू किया गया जिसकी केंद्र सरकार के प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय से
किसानों को ही नहीं ना केवल छोटे, मझौले, दुकानदारों, व्यापारियों, उद्योगपतियों, फैक्ट्रियों के मालिकों से लेकर जनता को भी इस कानून का विरोध करने के लिए सड़कों पर उतरना ही होगा।
 -किसानों को ही नहीं ना केवल छोटे, मझौले, दुकानदारों, व्यापारियों, उद्योगपतियों, फैक्ट्रियों के मालिकों से लेकर जनता को भी इस कानून का विरोध करने के लिए सड़कों पर उतरना ही होगा। अन्यथा 9 महीने के पाखंड में आपने देख लिया इसके साथ ही जो खाद्य सुरक्षा मानक अधि. 2006 जो बनाया गया है किसानों की जमीनों
धूर्तो, मक्कारो, चान्डालो मौत तो तुम्हारी, तुम्हारे आकाओं की भी निश्चित
 अजमेरा उवाच गुंडे, बदमाश, तड़ीपार, हत्यारे वसूलीबाज, अड़ीबाज सत्ता के शीर्ष पर क्या पहुंचे, बैंकों के लुटेरों जालसाजों पूंजीपतियों के लिए देश की सार्वजनिक संपत्तियों को अपने बाप की जागीर समझ लूटने और लुटाने लगे। जो गली मोहल्ले के अपराधी मिमीयाते भेड़िये भी शेर की तरह दहाड़ लगाने लगे। दहाड़ लो जब
सत्ता में रहकर अपने विपक्षियों, अपनी व्यक्तिगत शत्रुता को, अपने हिसाब से ना चलने वालों को, अपने सच को उजागर करने वालों को बहाने ढूंढ ढूंढ कर नष्ट करने का षड्यंत्र
 अजमेरा उवाच सत्ता में रहकर अपने विपक्षियों, अपनी व्यक्तिगत शत्रुता को, अपने हिसाब से ना चलने वालों को, अपने सच को उजागर करने वालों को बहाने ढूंढ ढूंढ कर नष्ट करने का षड्यंत्र तो हर कोई करता है। यह लोकतंत्र की परंपरा रही है। अपने पास मामू कितना काला धन है और अपन चुनावों में कितने काले धन का दुरुपयो
मोदी के अंध भक्तों को अपनी वफादारी स‍िध्द करने त्याग देंना चाह‍ि‍ये, क‍ि‍सानों का उपजाया सब्जीयां, अनाज, दलहन आद‍ि को
 मोदी के अंध भक्तों में अगर औकात हो और सच्चे अंधभक्त हों। जो किसानों के आंदोलन के खिलाफ सॉन्ग पूंजी पतियों के पक्ष में सारे देश को नीलाम करने के पक्ष में हो तो कम से कम अपनी वफादारी का सबूत देते हुए क
ईवीएम के जालसाजी से सत्ता हथियाली तो आप सत्ता के ट्रस्टी है। ना की मालिक। बंद करो निजी करण
 आखिर आधी शताब्दी से ज्यादा समय से जन धन से निर्मित सरकारी संपत्तियों को अपने बाप की जागीर मान किसी को भी एक रु में कैसे और क्यों हस्तांतरित किया जा रहा है? कहानी यहां से शुरू होनी चाहिए। आप ने ईवीएम
हम भ्रष्टन के भ्रष्ट हमार' गृह निर्माण मंडल 35 साल तक इंदोर में जो उपयंत्री से भर्ती से 5साल से प्रभारी का.यं. तक
 हम भ्रष्टन के भ्रष्ट हमार' वैसे तो यह ब्रह्म वाक्य सत्ता में आने वाली हर पार्टी के हर नेता का होता है स्वाभाविक सी बात है सन 2006 से 2018 तक और मार्च 2020 से अभी तक भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी ने इसी ब्रम्ह वाकय के दम पर पूरी सत्ता को हांका चलाया लूटा खाया है। और हर विभाग में यहां गृह निर्माण मंडल के मनो
नशे का कारोबार, यौनचार के अड्डे पुलिस, प्रशासन व नेताओं के संरक्षण में फल फ़ूल रहे
 अजमेरा उवाच यह पब ये बार यह नशे का कारोबार, यौनचार के अड्डे बिना पुलिस व नेताओं के संरक्षण के नहींचल सकते हैं। ऐसा हर कारोबार करने से पहले कारोबारी क्षेत्र के नेता, टीआई और सीएसपी को सेट करता है। औ
मोटी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के फायदे केे ल‍िये सस्ती जेनेरिक मेडिसिंस बनाने वाली हजारों छोटी इकाईयों को कानूनी कार्यवाही की दहशत देकर बंद करने का षड़यत्र
 अजमेरा उवाच मोटी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों कि जेनेरिक मेडिसिंस बनाने वाली अकेले सन 2000 से 2005 तक इंदौर की ही लगभग 400 इकाइयों को खत्म कर दिया गया। इसी की आड़ में क्योंकि छोटी इकाईया कम चंदा देती हैं और बड़ी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियां दवा बनाने वाली वह पूरा ही खड़िया मिट्टी भी बेंचती रहे। देश की जनता पर ड
सं. क्र.1 लो नि वि इंदौर में पदस्थ ई. राजेंद्र जोशी जो पूर्व के सिंहस्थ 2016 का भ्रष्टाचार के महानायक
 वर्तमान कार्यपालन यंत्री संभाग क्र.1 लो नि वि इंदौर में पदस्थ ई. राजेंद्र जोशी जो पूर्व के सिंहस्थ 2016 के भ्रष्टाचार के महानायक हैं। सिंहस्थ के बचे हुए गद्दे तक भर लाये थे। वर्तमान में भी इन्होंने कोविड-19 की महामारी के नाम पर वेरीकेडिंग, व अन्य व्यवस्थाओं वगैरह में मोटी कमाई की। महान अपने इतने क
केंद्रीय सरकार के मंत्रालयों के कार्यालयों में, विभिन्न सरकारी उपक्रमों के अधिकारियों कर्मचारियों का लाखों-करोड़ का पेंशन फंड शेयर बाजार में अनाप-शनाप अपने शेयरों की खरीद दिखाकर लाखों करोड़ का धन डुबोया
 अजमेरा उवाच भेडियो झुंड पार्टी का आईटी सेल जिसमें 40000 से ज्यादा लोग ना केवल दिल्ली में वरन देश के प्रदेशों की विभिन्न राजधानियों में एक साथ अपने हर कुकर्म को सही सिद्ध करने के लिए और जनता का ध्यान आपने कुकर्मो से हटाने के लिए लगातार दुष्प्रचार के हथकंडे, हिंदू मुस्लिम, कांग्रेस, इतिहास आदि का प्
अडाणी अंबानी की रखैल भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी के मंत्र‍ि‍यों ने न केवल बीएसएनएल के माइक्रोवेेेव टावर, मोबाइल टावरों के साथ एक्सचेंजोंं का पूरे देश की ब‍िजली कं का मुफ्त में उपयोग कर लूट रहींं जनता को
 अजमेरा उवाच अंबानी जिओ फाइबर भी और दूसरी केबल लाइन भी जनता के धन से निर्मित देश और प्रदेश के करोड़ों विद्युत के खंभों से होकर आपके घरों में पहुंच रही है। परंतु किसी माई के लाल भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी के
क‍ि‍सान दुन‍िया का सबसे बड़ा जुआड़ी, जो पर‍िवार के साथ तन,मन और उधार के धन से 4महीने प्रकृत‍ि की इच्छा के साथ कृष‍ि‍ भूम‍ि पर हर दांंव से जी तोड़ मेहनत कर फसल पैैैैदा करता हैैै ज‍िसके दम पर 140 करोड़ पलतेे हैैं
 क‍ि‍सान दुन‍िया का सबसे बड़ा जुआड़ी, जो पर‍िवार के साथ तन,मन और उधार के धन से 4महीने प्रकृत‍ि की इच्छा के साथ कृष‍ि‍ भूम‍ि पर हर दांंव से जी तोड़ मेहनत कर फसल पैैैैदा करता हैैै ज‍िसके दम पर 140 करोड
PM किसान फसल बीमा योजना (PMKFBY) के नाम पर प्राइवेट इन्शुरन्स कंपनियों के साथ मिल कर गरीब किसानों को लूटा
 मोदी को खुली चुनौती : PM किसान फसल बीमा योजना (PMKFBY) के नाम पर प्राइवेट इन्शुरन्स कंपनियों के साथ मिल कर गरीब किसानों को लूटा..किसान भाइयों, पढ़िए और अपना पैसा वापस मांगिए.. =======================
सियासत दां मौत का महोत्सव मना रहे, देश बंदी का पाखंड कर, देश लुटा रहे
 कीमतें बढ़ रही हैं, हर सामान की। बस कीमत गिर रही है, तो इंसान की। जिधर देखो उधर मुंह फाड़े खड़े हैं। सियासत के दंडधारी नोंचने आम इंसान। कोई सफेद एप्रैन में है, कोई खाकी में। कोई भगवा में है, कोई सफेद खादी में। दंड धारी सत्ताधारी है, इनकी पहचान। बस कीमतें बढ़ रही हैं, तो शैतान की। वैसे तो
आखिर एलोपैथिक जालसाज, डकैत, ग‍ि‍ध्द डॉक्टरों का आयुर्वेदिक, होम्योपैथिक यूनानी डॉक्टरों से इतना डर व बैैर क्यों?
 अजमेरा उवाच आखिर एलोपैथिक जालसाज, डकैत, ग‍ि‍ध्द डॉक्टरों का आयुर्वेदिक, होम्योपैथिक यूनानी डॉक्टरों से इतना डर व बैैर क्यों? एलोपैथिक डॉक्टर यथार्थ में अंतरराष्ट्रीय बहुराष्ट्रीय दवा, चिकित्सीय उपकरण मशीनें वैक्सीन इंजेक्शन निर्माता गिरोह की कठपुतली एजेंट है और इन सब का ड्रग चिकित्सीय उपकरण वैक्स
सभी केंद्रीय व राज्यों के सरकारी श्रमिक व अधिकारी संगठनों, पुलिस, सैन्यकर्मियों अर्द्ध सैन्य बलों को भी इस किसान आंदोलन में शामिल हो
 सभी केंद्रीय व राज्यों के सरकारी श्रमिक व अधिकारी संगठनों, पुलिस, सैन्यकर्मियों अर्द्ध सैन्य बलों को भी इस किसान आंदोलन में शामिल होकर अपनी वार्षिक वेतन वृद्धि महंगाई भत्ते और लंबित भुगतान की मांग के साथ साथ पुरानी पेंशन बिल को लागू करने नए कर्मचारियों की सीधी भर्ती करने सरकारी कार्यालयों में ठेका
देश के मजदूरों किसानों कर्मचारियों व्यापारियों लघु उद्योग पतियों सब एक हो जाओ और आवाज दो हम एक हैं देश हमारा है।
  देश के मजदूरों किसानों कर्मचारियों व्यापारियों लघु उद्योग पतियों सब एक हो जाओ और आवाज दो हम एक हैं देश हमारा है। मोदी देश तेरे बाप की या तेरे मित्रों अडानी अंबानी टाटा बिरला बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों आईटीसी हिंदुस्तान लीवर या यूनीलीवर, वॉलमार्ट अमेजॉन बिल गेट गूगल या जुकरबर्ग के बाप की नहीं। देश को बह
मोदी चांडाल ने देश में किसी को भी नहीं छोड़ा पूरे देश की पुलिस के साथ सैन्य कर्मियों का भी ना केवल पेंशन खत्म की वरन सबका वेतन भी घटा दिया
 मोदी चांडाल ने देश में किसी को भी नहीं छोड़ा पूरे देश की पुलिस के साथ सैन्य कर्मियों का भी ना केवल पेंशन खत्म की वरन सबका वेतन भी घटा दिया जैसे इसके बाप की जागीर थी। जबकि जीएसटी में ना केवल भरपूर टैक्स वसूल कर रहा है परंतु पेट्रोल डीजल और गैस में 4 गुने से ज्यादा वेट वसूला जा रहा है। और जनता की न क
छोटे व्यापारी, उद्योगपति, दुकानदार, आढतिये, सब्जी भाजी बेचने वालों से लेकर सारे फुटकर व्यवसाई आपको समझ में नहीं आ रहा कि सारा का सारा व्यवसाय आप लोगों के हाथ से छुड़ाकर बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों को सौंपने का षड्यंत्र
 छोटे व्यापारी, उद्योगपति, दुकानदार, आढतिये, सब्जी भाजी बेचने वालों से लेकर सारे फुटकर व्यवसाई आपको समझ में नहीं आ रहा कि सारा का सारा व्यवसाय आप लोगों के हाथ से छुड़ाकर बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों अडानी अं
90% पत्रकार होने का पाखंड करने वाले ब्लैकमेलिंग से वसूली के लिए। सीख‍िये जनह‍ि‍त करना़
 अजमेरा उवाच यदि सारे अन्याय को जनता बताने लगी तो फिर आपका औचित्य क्या है? आप क्या देखते हो पत्रकार होने का पाखंड कर रहे हो क्यों ब्लैकमेलिंग से वसूली लिए। आपको नहीं दिख रहा जनता भूख से मर रही है करोना का पाखंड चल रहा है। आपको नहीं दिख रहा इस पाखंड में देश के 35 करोड बच्चे पिछले 9 महीने से घरों
भोपाल गैस कांड की 36 वीं बरसी पर मोती सिंह के बेटे वर्तमान के इंदौर कलेक्टर मनीष सिंह के गले में माला पहनाओ स्वागत करो
 36 वीं बरसी पर मोती सिंह के बेटे वर्तमान के इंदौर कलेक्टर मनीष सिंह के गले में माला पहनाओ स्वागत करो और बरसी मनाओ जब लाखों गैस पीड़ितों की लाशें टपक रही थी। तब वह घोर लालची मोती सिंह जो भोपाल का तात्
याद रखना हर पल, हर क्षण मौत के निकट पहुंच रहे हो, भगवा धारी मोदी व योगी
 नाम आदित्य योगी नाथ काम जब लाखों प्रदेश का और देश का किसान अपने अधिकारों की लड़ाई में सड़कों पर रात गुजार रहा है। उबल रहा है। तब यह नौटंकीबाज पाखंडी वहां फिल्म उद्योग की नचनियों और नौटंकी वाजो का आमं
किसान, श्रमिक, निजी करण विरोधी कानून के विरुद्ध जनता के हर वर्ग को सहयोग करेे
  वर्तमान में भारत में चल रहे किसान, श्रमिक, निजी करण विरोधी कानून के विरुद्ध जनता के हर वर्ग को कश्मीर से लेकर कन्याकुमारी और मुंबई से लेकर इंफाल तक देश की सारी जनता को सहयोग करना चाहिए इन सूअर चान ड
फेसबुक, गूगल, यूट्यूब, टि्वटर सारी सोशल साइट्स बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के इशारे पर नाच कर दुनिया की जनता को इस पाखंड की आड़ में,षड्यंत्र कर देश के लगभग 30 करोड़ से ज्यादा लोगों को और दुनिया के 400 करोड़ लोगों को भूख से मारने व बेरोजगार बनाने पर तुली हुई है
 फेसबुक, गूगल, यूट्यूब, टि्वटर सारी सोशल साइट्स बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के इशारे पर नाच कर दुनिया की जनता को इस पाखंड की आड़ में, अपनी मोटी कमाई करने के लिए और किसानों की जमीनों पर कब्जा करने उनके सारे
चुनाव खत़म हो गयेे, पुन: सरकार रेले बंद कर रही है। और लॉकडाउन कि पुन: तैयारी चल रही
 चुनाव खत़म हो गयेे, तो फ‍िर आ गया औकात पर लौट कर पुन: सरकार रेले बंद कर रही है। और लॉकडाउन कि पुन: तैयारी चल रही है। स्वाभाविक है, देश की जनता उसके रोजगार और जनता की भूख मिटाने मुझे पुराने अप्रैल-मई
बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के यह विश्वव्यापी महामारी के पाखंड को फ‍िर तालाबंदी की तैयारी
 देश और दुनिया की जनता ने पिछले आठ नौ महीने में बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के यह विश्वव्यापी महामारी के पाखंड को अच्छी तरह से समझ लिया। देश और दुनिया की सरकारें जनता को विभिन्न प्रकार के करों मैं लूट कर
भारत में हर आभूषण व‍िक्रेता ठगोरा
 कीमती धातुओं यथा सोना चांदी और प्लैटिनम के और पत्थरों के आभूषणों में ठगी आज से नहीं सहस्त्रों वर्षों से दुनिया के हर कोने में होती आ रही है। पत्थरों में न केवल हीरा, पन्ना, माणिक, मूंगा पुखराज जैसे रत्नों के साथ उप रत्नों में भी जो कि काफी सस्ते होते हैं फिर भी ठगी होती ही है। और भारत में तो 3 बड
ईवीएम से चुनाव करवाना बंद करो। पुुन: भाजपा हर राज्य में ईवीएम की जालसाजी से जीत गई।
 आखिर अमेरिका चीन रूस जापान ब्रिटेन जर्मनी कनाडा फ्रांस मैं ईवीएम से चुनाव क्यों नहीं होते ईवीएम पूरा फ्रॉड है और आपने देखा आसानी से लोगों ने ब्लूटूथ से भी उसको हैक करके भी कर लिया था। बेशक मोदी के अंध भक्त फिर रोना रोएंगे कि जीत गए कि ईवीएम का फ्रॉड पिछली बार तीन विधानसभा में हरवाई गई थी क्योंकि
मप्र में सबसे ज्यादा महंगा पेट्रोल,डीजल,गैस,शराब पर टैक्स वसूली, फ‍िर भी चारों तरफ, वेतन भत़्तेे नहीं, श‍िवराज जनधन बाप की जागीर नही,जो लूूूूटो खाओ
 मध्य प्रदेश सरकार जब तक कर्मचारियों का वार्षिक वेतन वृद्धि, महंगाई भत्ता और सातवें वेतनमान का बकाया भुगतान न कर दे तब तक कोई भी कर्मचारी अधिकारी भाजपा के जिताने की बात ना करें। सरकार के पास 28 विधान
95% रेले बंद, मोदी कब तक जनता का खून पियोगे? 15 करोड हैं, बेरोजगार
 भारत में पिछले 7 महीने से 95% ट्रेन बंद पड़ी हुई है यह भारत में त्योहारो का मौसम है 22 मार्च से पहले-पहल इस देश में लगभग 12000 रेलें चलती थी। लगभग 1000व‍िशेष और त्योहारों के मौसम मैं सभी ट्रेनें भरी
भेड‍ि‍या झुंड पार्टी सांवेर उम्मीदवार घोर भ्रष्ट, लुटेरा,लालची, वसूलीबाज तुलसी सिलावट का इत‍िहास देखें
 तुलसी सिलावट की तारीफें करने वालों जब कांग्रेस में स्वास्थ्य मंत्री था़। तब भी शुद्ध के नाम पर विशुद्ध वसूली का युद्ध चला रहा था। दोनों बेटे नर्सों के ट्रांसफर से लेकर डॉक्टरों के ट्रांसफरों तक दोनों हाथ से वसूली कर रहे थे। खाद्य सुरक्षा अधिकारियों पर इंदौर के दबाव था की। गुटका व्यापारी से 25 करोड
भारत की सरकार,उसका टुुुकड़खोर म‍ि‍डीया, स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय, न‍िर्बल बुध्दी के अंधभक़्त् बंद करो दहशत का व्यवसाय
 7 महीने के पाखंड को जनता के चप्पे-चप्पे ने समझा है. और यदि आप मानव रूप में पैदा हुए हैं. आप भी अन्न खाते हैं। बुद्धिशाली हैं। तो आपको 7 महीने का राष्ट्रीय अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर का जो जनता को निचोड़ने उन्हें गुलाम बनाने का पाखंड चल रहा है। महामारी के नाम पर इस को बेहतर तरीके से समझ लेना चाहिए। आप लोग
चुनाव आयोग बरसों से एक ही ज‍िले में कुंडली मारे बैठे अधिकार‍ि‍यों का कब करेगा स्थानांतरण
 इंदौर में जिलाधीश कार्यालय में अनेकों अधिकारी एडीएम एसडीएम जिसमें घोर भ्रष्ट संदीप सोनी, सीबीएस तोमर को भी अकेले इंदौर में ही बरसो गुजर गए पर उनका स्थानांतरण नहीं हुआ। जिन के सभी भाजपाई नेताओं से मधुर संबंध है। इसी प्रकार हर विभाग में लोक निर्माण विभाग सं2 में जिसमें सांवेर विधानसभा है, लोक स्वास्
गूगल, व्हाट्सएप, फेसबुक दुन‍िया के 300 करोड़ लोगों को परेेेेेशान करने की अमेरिका की जनता तुम्हारी इन्ही बदतमीज का परिणाम भोग रही
 गूगल, व्हाट्सएप, फेसबुक के सूअरों तुम्हारा अस्तित्व खंड खंड बिखर जाएगा। बहुत जल्दी तुम जो शब्दों को हेरफेर करके अनर्थ करते हो कमीनो तुम्हारे अमेरिका की जनता तुम्हारी इन्ही बदतमीज का परिणाम भोग रही ह
Highly corrupt Women & Child Welfare department, swallowing 90% public fund on papers,
 Highly corrupt Women & Child Welfare department, swallowing 90% public fund on papers, of course, corruption fund is honestly distributing from Aangaanwadi worker to ICDS officer, Dist. PO, collector
क्या उपयोग है? FSSAI विश्लेषक प्रयोगशाला वाहन का चमका-धमका कर वसूली करने के लिए
 मध्य प्रदेश के खाद्य सुरक्षा एवं मानक अधिनियम के अंतर्गत खाद्य सुरक्षा विभाग को पूरे प्रदेश में 9 संभागों में नौ चल‍ित प्रयोगशाला वाहन बांटे गए हैं आश्चर्य की बात है कि ना तो उसमें ड्राइवर है, विश्ले
गागरौनी मिड‍िया सरकार से मोटा धन पाकर/लेकर उसकी नाकामियों को छुपाने के साथ देश की संपत्तियों, देश के किसानों को नीलाम करने आद‍ि को छुपाने बलात्कार कांडों, हत्याकांडों को जानबूझकर हवा
 सरकार का गागरौनी मिड‍िया द्वारा बलात्कार कांडों, सुशांत हत्याकांडों को जानबूझकर इसलिए हवा दी जाती है। ताकि सारा मीडिया जमता का ध्यान, सारे टीवी न्यूज़ चैनल्स और सारे समाचार पत्र उसकी खबर छापने लगे व प्रसारित करने लगे और सारी जनता का ध्यान उन में उलझ जाएं और पीछे बैठकर सरकारें चाहे वह केंद्र की हो य
सरकारी स्कूलों में अंकसूची लेकर अगली कक्षा की न‍िजी छात्र के तौर पर परीक्षा देने की हो व्यवस्था
 सरकारी स्कूलों में अंकसूची लेकर अगली कक्षा की न‍िजी छात्र के तौर पर परीक्षा देने की हो व्यवस्था विद्यार्थियों का साल बचाने और पालकों का बोझ कम करने वह निजी स्कूलों की लूट से बचाने के लिए निम्नानुसार दी गई योजना का भी क्रियान्वयन किया जा सकता है। इंदौर में प्रदेश व देश के सभी जिलों के सभी शासकीय व
ह‍ि‍ंंदुओं की श्रद्धा, भक्ति, विश्वास और समर्पण इतना कमजोर क्यों, जो किसी भी पाखंडी चमत्कार दिखाने वाले को देख फिसल जाये
 हमारे देश की संनातन संस्कृति में ब्रह्म ज्ञानी, सिद्ध देवी देवता, सदेह भी चिरंजीवी भी अनादि काल से हम मानव प्राणियों की रक्षा सुख समृद्धि के लिए ही स्वयं विष्णु अवतार श्री राम ने वरदान देकर श्री हनुमानजी को पृथ्वी पर श्री राम जी ने अपने भक्तों, सनातनी हिंदुओं की रक्षा, सुख समृद्धि लिए ही श्री माता
भूजल स्तर बढ़ाने, खुलकर बोरिंग करवाने की अनुमति दें
 अजमेरा उवाच.....,..... बोरिंग करवाने के नुकसान तो पूरे देश और दुनिया में गिनाये जा रहे हैं। परंतु बोरिंग का सबसे बड़ा फायदा उसकी तरफ किसी ने ध्यान नहीं दिया। कि यथार्थ में वह भी भूजल स्तर को बढ़ाने
सच्चे राष्ट्रभक्त होने का दावा करते हैं और स्वतंत्र रहना चाहते हैं तो हर सामान फुटपाथ ठेले वालों से अपनी गली मोहल्ले का दुकानदारों से अपने देसी उत्पादक से ही, का ही खर‍ीीदीयेे
 यदि आप सच्चे राष्ट्रभक्त होने का दावा करते हैं और स्वतंत्र रहना चाहते हैं तो हमें, हमारे परिवार को, हमारी समाज को, हमारे नगर, प्रदेश और राष्ट्र को गुलामी से बचाना है, तो आज से कसम खाईये। कि मैं हर
देव भाषा देव लिपि संस्कृत का तो दूर हिंदी का भी ढंग से ज्ञान नहीं, सबसे ज्यादा हमारे देश में ही उपेक्षा
 देव भाषा देव लिपि संस्कृत का तो दूर हिंदी का भी ढंग से ज्ञान नहीं हम सब देवभूमि में सौभाग्य बस पैदा हुए। पर हम अभिशप्त काल में पैदा हुए कि हमारी देव भाषा देव लिपि संस्कृत का तो दूर हिंदी का भी ढंग से ज्ञान नहीं। अंग्रेजों ने जो सबसे विनाशकारी काम किया ताकि उनकी दास्तां उनके चले जाने के बाद में भ
सच को सच बोलना सीखो। अंधभक्त चिंटों भौंकते रहना तुम, पड़ोस‍ियों ने भूगोल भी बदल दिया
 अंध भक्तों भौंकते रहना तुम। बहुत चिल्लाता था चीन ने यह कर दिया पाकिस्तान ने वह कर दिया। नेपाल ने वह कर दिया बांग्लादेश ने वह कर दिया। और उसके 6 साल से सत्ता में आने के बाद सब ने भारत की जमीन पर कब्जा भी कर लिया और हमारे सत्ताधीश चुपचाप भीगी बिल्ली बने मिमिया रहे हैं। चाइना, नेपाल, पाकिस्तान, बांग
सर्वोच्च न्यायालय से लेकर हर आम व्यक्ति की निजी स्वतंत्रता का हनन, कानूनी अपराध, भारत में गूगल, सभी मोबाइल निर्माता, सेवा प्रदाता, सेवा प्रदाता सभी ऐप, करते हैैं, उपयोग,
 सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में हर व्यक्ति की निजी स्वतंत्रता का हनन ....,..... कानूनी अपराध भारत के सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में हर व्यक्ति की निजी स्वतंत्रता का हनन कर उसके फोन टेप करना, कानूनी अपराध होने के उपरांत भी भारत में गूगल व अन्य सभी मोबाइल निर्माता कंपनीयां सैमसंग विवो अप्पू जिओनी एम आई के साथ हर मोबाइ
औद्योगिक एवं व्यवसायिक की राजधानी को बर्बाद करने में दो ही मनीष सिंह कलेक्टर व सांसद शंकर लालवानी, गिध्द काफी
 प्रदेश की औद्योगिक एवं व्यवसायिक की राजधानी को बर्बाद करने में दो ही गिध्द काफी हैं। पहला शिवराज का वसूली वाला दल्ला मनीष सिंह कलेक्टर और दूसरा भेड़िया वह भूमाफिया झुंड पार्टी का दल्ला सांसद शंकर लालवानी, सह सिंधी व्यापारी जिसने नगर बंदी के उच्चतम नौटंकी वाले काल में अप्रैल और मई में किशोर वाधवान
कृषि को बहुराष्ट्रीय कं. के हवाले करने, किसानों के लिए, जाह‍िल मोदी सरकार ने बनाये तीन अध्यादेशों से 3 काले कानून
 भारत में कृषि सुधार के नाम पर केन्द्र सरकार द्वारा लाए गए तीन अध्यादेशों का पूरे देश में विरोध हो रहा है। किसानों का कहना है कि पहले अध्यादेश में कृषि उपज मंडियों के बंद होने से किसानों का शोषण शुरू
सारा पाखंड बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के अपने ऑनलाइन व्यवसाय और शॉपिंग मालस वालों को चलाने के
 मैं पिछले 22 मार्च से लगातार इस महामारी के पाखंड की सच्चाई यों को हर कदम पर जनता को सावधान रहने जागरूक करने और उसको स्वस्थ रहकर अपने जीवन को अपने परिवार के जीवन को बचाने की सलाह देता रहा हूं। अपने वी
56 इंची सीना, घोर भ्रष्ट, डकैत मोदी संसद अपने बाप की जागीर नहीं, डरपोंक संसद में प्रश्नकाल क्यों नहीं
 अंध भक्तों 56 इंची सीना आखिर 36 से भी कम कैसे‍‌ हो गया? बहुत दहाड़ता था, सार्वजनिक मंचों पर अब घिघ्घी क्यों बन्ध रही है?संसद में प्रश्नकाल ही नहीं होगा। तो मोदी संसद अपने बाप की जागीर है। या जानवरों
अवैध खनन से मोटी कमाई मंत्री और मुख्यमंत्री प्रधान सच‍िव कलेक्टर एसडीएम, एडीएम, तहसीलदार और पटवारी सभी दोषी सभी ने ह‍िस्सा हजम क‍िया
 आखिर प्रदीप खन्ना लोकायुक्त के लपेटे में आ ही गए इसके साथ में ही उन्होंने जिन जिन कलेक्टर एसडीएम और एडीएम के अंडर में, के साथ वहां बैठे सभी बाबू ओ, खनन निरीक्षक के साथ काम किया उन सभी को लपेटे में लिया जाना चाहिए। उनके समय में जितने भी मंत्री और मुख्यमंत्री रहे उनको भी लपेटे में लिया जाना चाहिए। क्
WHO का महामारी की आड़ में 3पून्जी राक्षसों माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के बिल गेट, वॉलमार्ट का वारेन बुफेट, अमेजॉन का जेन बेजोफ व अन्य दुनिया पर कब्जे का मंसूबा
 क्या अंतर्राष्ट्रीय और खास तौर से माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के बिल गेट व अन्य दुनिया पर कब्जे का मंसूबा पालने वालों के अनुसार दुनिया की ज्यादा आबादी हो गई है।उसे कम करना जरूरी है। का षड्यंत्र जिसमें माइक्रोसॉफ्ट
गूगल, फेसबुक, व्हाट्सएप, टि्वटर, मोबाइल उत्पादन कंपनियां सभी ने उपयोगकर्ताओं का हर तरह से करती घोर शोषण
 इंटरनेट के माध्यम से बेशक जनता को संचार साधनों की सुविधाएं तो अवश्य मिली। इसके विकास के साथ माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के बिल गेट्स लेकर, गूगल, फेसबुक, व्हाट्सएप, टि्वटर जैसी साइटों ने जनता को अपनी मोटी कमाई के लि
WTO और देशी, व‍िदेशी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंं. की कठपुतली बन इशारे पर केन्द्रीय व‍ि‍भागों को बर्बाद करने पर तुली मोदी सरकार, सस्ते श्रम के ल‍ियेे 20लाख कर्म‍ियों को बाहर करने का षड़यंत्र
 समय पूर्व रिटायरमेंट पर केंद्र के इस आदेश ने छुड़ाए 49 लाख कर्मियों के पसीने 30 August 2020, 4:15 pm केंद्र सरकार के एक आदेश ने सभी मंत्रालयों और विभागों में हड़कंप मचा रखा है। लगभग 49 लाख सरकारी क
फेसबुक का जुकरबर्ग, टवीटर, गूगल, युटयुब, vimeo, vidyard, dailymotion, metacafe, Billgate of microsoft घोर लालची और बिकाऊ जालसाज षड्यंत्रकारी झूठे और मक्कार
 फेसबुक का मालिक मुस्लिम जुकरबर्ग, टवीटर, गूगल, युटयुब, vimeo, vidyard, dailymotion, metacafe, Billgate of microsoft घोर लालची और बिकाऊ जालसाज षड्यंत्रकारी झूठे और मक्कार हैं। पिछले 6 सालों से भेड़िय
99% भारतीय प्रताणना सेवा के अधिकारियों के पास अरबों रुपए की बेनामी संपत्ति
 आईएएस बनाम भारतीय प्रताड़ना सेवा बनाम घोर भ्रष्ट जालसाज सेवा अधिकारियों की जो संपत्ति सामने आई है वह खोपड़ी के बाल का सौ वां हिस्सा भी नहीं। 99% भारतीय प्रताणना सेवा के अधिकारियों के पास अरबों रुपए क
शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने और शरीर की रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढ़ाने के लिए।
 हर क‍िसी को सुबह उठते ही दो कच्चे लहसुन की कलियां चबाकर खाने के जिसमें बहुत थोड़ी सी असली घर की कुटी पीसी हल्दी, और थोड़ा सा अदरक किसकर गर्म पानी में उवालकर एक गिलास गर्म पानी में पीना शुरू कर दें। श
मीडिया के छिछोरी बुद्धि के पत्रकारों टीवी चैनल वाले यथार्थ में घोर नीच मानसिकता, अनपढ़, जाहिलों की प्रकृति के धन के पीछे घूमने वाले भूखे भेड़ियों की फौज
 हरामखोर मीडिया वाले देसी विदेशी इशारों पर नाच कर देश को 5 महीने से बर्बाद कर रहे हैं। यथार्थ में कोई बीमारी थी तो 30 करोड़ गरीब मजदूरों वर्ग, सफाई कर्मी क्यों नहीं मरा? भिखारी क्यों नहीं मरा? अमीर
भाजपा का उच्च शिक्षित समृद्ध सोच के साहित्यकार ज्ञानी विद्वान नेताओं की पार्टी का समय गुजर चुका
 भारतीय जनता पार्टी का उच्च शिक्षित समृद्ध सोच के साहित्यकार ज्ञानी विद्वान नेताओं की पार्टी का समय गुजर चुका है जब पार्टी नहीं विद्वान ज्ञानी साहित्यकार नेताओं के नाम से पार्टी जानी जाती थी जिनका सम्
US Prez. Trump said, 'IMMIGRANTS, Muslims, NOT AMERICANS, MUST ADAPT... Take It Or Leave It.
 I completely agree with what President Trump said, do you? Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of AMERICA, as the government targeted radicals in a bi
नगर निगम इंदौर के घोर भ्रष्ट हरामखोर घोर लुटेरे डकैत अय्याश, जालसाजों की फौज
 नगर निगम इंदौर के साथ ही पूरे प्रदेश व देश में आपने देखा कि बेलदार भी करोड़ों का मालिक था। खुद के ऑफिस चला रहा था। निगमायुक्त से, उपायुक्त व इंजीनियरों, निरीक्षकों बाबुओं, लेकर सभी पार्षद बेलदार सफाई कर्मी जो तिकड़मी ही है। सभी करोड़पति हैं। इन हरामखोरों के घरों पर छापे मारने चाहिए और देखा जाना चाह
दुनिया में कोई महामारी नहीं सारा पाखंड बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों का, पर भारतीय ब‍िकाउ म‍ि‍डीया सत्ताधीशों की कठपुतली बन कर जनता को कर रहा भयभीत
  पूरी दुनिया में इस कारैना महामारी के फर्जीवाड़े का चारों तरफ विरोध होना शुरू हो गया है। लोग बिना मास्क के सड़कों पर उतर कर उसके खिलाफ नारे लगाते हुए दुनिया के महानगरों लंदन पेरिस आदि में आंदोलन कर रहे हैं। जबकि मैं 22 मार्च से लगातार लिख रहा हूं । करोना कोई महामारी नहीं सारा पाखंड बहुराष्ट्रीय
बहुराष्ट्रीय कं. के ईशारे पर सिरों सर्वे के नाम पर नई नौटंकी इंदौर के कलेक्टर कमिश्नर सीएमओ व मेडिकल कॉलेज डीन ज्योति बिंदल की
  सिरों सर्वे के नाम पर एक नई नौटंकी इंदौर के कलेक्टर कमिश्नर सीएमओ ओम मेडिकल कॉलेज डीन ज्योति बिंदल ने रची है। नाम दिया है विश्व स्वास्थ संगठन का परंतु यथार्थ में यह नई मक्कारी आपके शरीर में जो सुई चुभा कर खून निकाल लेगी यदि वह संक्रमित हुई तो आपको नया संकट पैदा कर सकती है। दूसरा जो कर्मचारी आपका
70 साल से पूरी फ‍िल्म इंडस्ट्री पर मुस्ल‍िम आपराध‍िक ड्रगमाफ‍िया, वैश़्यावृत्त‍ि‍, जुआरी, डकैती, अड़ीबाजी वसुलीबाज गुंडों, आतंक‍ियों, माफ‍ियाओं के ग‍िरोह का न‍ि‍यत्रण ज‍िसको पुल‍ि‍स, नेेेेता, अध‍िकार‍ि‍योंं का संरक्षण
  साल पूर्व जब बहुत छोटा था और फिल्मों में यह खेल फिल्म शोले से समझ में आया था। जब तेरा 14 साल का था तब से यह बात मैं ना कहना शुरू कर दी थी पर लोग मानते ही नहीं थे और पिछले 30 साल से स्पष्ट तौर से सारी फिल्मों पर पूरे फिल्मी उद्योग पर मुसलमान गिरोह का नियंत्रण उनके धर्म की वाहवाही के बारे में सरकार
हिंदुओं में सवर्णों और दलितों को अलग करने वैमनस्यता फैलाकर समाज को बांटने का षड्यंत्र
 बसपा और सपा का अपनी लाइन बड़ी व पार्टी को मजबूत करने के लिए जिस प्रकार से हिंदुओं में सवर्णों और दलितों को अलग करने वैमनस्यता फैलाकर समाज को बांटने का षड्यंत्र रच कर मुसलमानों को साथ में लॉकर सत़्ता हथियाने का षड्यंत्र वर्षों से चल रहा है। इस यथार्थ को समझने के साथ हम हिंदुओं में केवल सकल हिंदु ह
अस्पतालों में मौत या हत्यायें भी पिछले अप्रैल से सबसे ज्यादा उन्हीं निम्न मध्यमवर्गीय और मध्यम वर्गीय हिंदुओं की
 यह 2014 के चुनाव पूर्व से पहले का हीं पूर्व नियोजित षड्यंत्र है । वैसे तो इस षड्यंत्र की तैयारी सन 2000 से ही शुरू हुई थी जब रिलायंस ने हीं अपने रिलायंस फ्रेश स्टार्स की शॉपिंग मॉल की बुनियाद देश के 550 से ज्यादा शॉपिंग मॉल स्थापित करके नींव रख दी थी। उसके बाद में दुनिया की बड़ी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनि
सारी महामारी का षड़यंत्र पाखंडी पूजी पतियों व बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के संगठन यूनाइटेड नोटोरियस आर्गेनाइजेशन,की व‍िश्व व्यापी लूट का ह‍िस्सा
 पूरे विश्व की आबादी 780 करोड़ उसमें भारत की आबादी 140 करोड़ है पूरी दुनिया में अमेरिका और चीन दो ऐसे राष्ट्र है जिनकी कंपनियां और वहां के शासक दुनिया को अपनी मुट्ठी में बंद कर अपनी तरह से निचोड़ कर क
जनता को भ्रमित करने मीडिया में छाए रहने व जन सहानुभूति पाने और यह सिद्ध करने के लिए कि देश में वाकई में करोना है। करंटाइन होना, मौज मस्ती अय्याशी व आराम करने के लिये एक परंपरा
 भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी के नेताओ को अपने कुकर्मों, यथा देश की नवरत्न और महारत्न कंपनियों को बेचने, नाकामयाबियों को छुपाने, जनता को भ्रमित करने मीडिया में छाए रहने व जन सहानुभूति पाने और यह सिद्ध करने के लिए कि देश में वाकई में करोना है। करंटाइन होना, मौज मस्ती अय्याशी व आराम करने के लिये एक परंपरा बन
35 करोड़ लोगों को 4 महीने से बेरोजगार किया जिससे 100 करोड़ लोग भूख से परेशान हैं। उनको रोटी रोजगार मोदी और उसका मुकेश अंबानी, या मंदिर देगा
 इस देश की गुलामी के बारे में मोदी के अंध भक्तों को समझने से ज्यादा कुछ नहीं समझना।ऐसे ही मोदी के अंध भक्त हर काल हर युग में हर आक्रांता का ना केवल अपनी जमीन जायदाद और उनकी गुलामी के साथ-साथ अपनी बीवी और बेटियों को सौंप कर करते रहे हैं। जिनके पास हरामखोरी का बाप दादों का दो नंबर का काले धन का पैस
अमेरिकी व्यापारी और वर्तमान के राष्ट्रपति ट्रंप ने अपने नवंबर में होने वाले चुनाव को टालने के लिए षड्यंत्र रचा
 क्या देश और दुनिया में फरवरी 2020 में भारत आए महा धूर्त चांडाल अमेरिकी व्यापारी और वर्तमान के राष्ट्रपति ट्रंप ने अपने नवंबर में होने वाले चुनाव को टालने के लिए भारतीय प्रधानमंत्री जाहिल घोर धूर्त मक
खुशियां बांटने से बढ़ती है हम किसी को इस प्रकार से थोड़ी सी खुशी देकर हम अपने त्यौहार की खुशी को दोगुना कर सकते हैं।
 सभी पाठकों से और जनता से करबध्द निवेदन है की अभी त्यौहार का समय है कृपया 4 महीने की लंबी तालाबंदी से देश की अधिकांश जनता बेरोजगारी और भूख से परेशान हैं। इसलिए आवश्यक है, सड़कों फुटपाथ पर बैठे विक्रेताओं, ठेलो, छोटे दुकानदारों, अपने गली मोहल्ले के दुकानदारों से ही अपनी खरीदारी करें। ताकि उनके घरों
राफेल के कबाड़ेे की आड़ में १००करोड़ भूख से मरती जनता की चीख दबाने का षड़यंत्र
 तीसरी पीढ़ी के समयबाधित 18 F-16 अमेरिका ने फरवरी में नराधम मोदी की दोस्ती का ख्याल रख कर ही ट्रंप ने फर 20 में मात्र अमेरिकी डॉलर 860करोड़ में उधारी में पाकिस्तान को दिये हैं। अभी मेरा एकसूत्रीय कार
कोषालय में चल रहा भारी भ्रष्टाचार, हर काम, ब‍िल के लगते हैं नगदी
 सभी जिलों में कोषालय द्वारा शासकीय मुद्रांक की बिक्री की जाती है। वहीं पर प्रति सप्ताह ₹10000 का नगद चालान लेकर 10, 20, 50, 100 के स्टांप दिए जाते हैं। और उस पर मात्र 2% कमीशन मिलता है। बाकी सारे बड़े स्टांप के ऊपर e-stamping होने के कारण वह स्टांप अब कोषालय से नहीं बेचे जाते। परंतु कोषालय में बैठे
किशोर वाधवानी ने सांसद घोर निक॔मा भ्रष्ट दलाल लालवानी के माध्यम से ही कलेक्टर महा धूर्त घोर भ्रष्ट मनीष सिंह से गुटका ब‍िक्री की जमावट की
 किशोर वाधवानी ने सांसद घोर निक॔मा भ्रष्ट दलाल लालवानी के माध्यम से ही कलेक्टर महा धूर्त घोर भ्रष्ट मनीष सिंह से गुटका ब‍िक्री की जमावट की घोर निक॔मा भ्रष्ट दलाल शंकर लालवानी सांसद ने पार्षद और
लॉकडाउन को सही सिद्ध करने के लिए मुख्यमंत्री स्वयं करोना पॉजिटिव होने का पाखंड
 क्या भोपाल के लॉकडाउन को सही सिद्ध करने के लिए मुख्यमंत्री स्वयं करोना पॉजिटिव होने का पाखंड कर रहे हैं। ताकि जो भोपाल में ससुर गृह मंत्री नरोत्तम मिश्रा व दामाद कलेक्टर अविनाश लवानियाँ जो होशंगाबा
लॉकडाउन को सही सिद्ध करने के लिए मुख्यमंत्री स्वयं करोना पॉजिटिव होने का पाखंड
 क्या भोपाल के लॉकडाउन को सही सिद्ध करने के लिए मुख्यमंत्री स्वयं करोना पॉजिटिव होने का पाखंड कर रहे हैं। ताकि जो भोपाल में ससुर गृह मंत्री नरोत्तम मिश्रा व दामाद कलेक्टर अविनाश लवानियाँ जो होशंगाबाद नारी अनाथ आश्रम यौन शोषण कांड में संरक्षक की भूमिका निभाता रहा। ने जनता को लूटने बर्बाद करने उद्य
महामारी की सच्चाई बताने और प्रसार‍ित करने पर सर्वोच्च न्यायालय का प्रत‍िबंध, लोकतंत्र की हत्या
 भूतपूर्व राष्ट्रपति के आर नारायणन 25 जनवरी 2001 को राष्ट्रपति का राष्ट्र के नाम संबोधन में स्पष्ट कहा था। की न्यायालय न्याय के मंदिर नहीं जुए के अड्डे हैं। जो जितना पैसा खर्च करेगा उसे उतना न्याय मिल
आयकर, फेरा, इडी के छापे आईएएस, आईपीएस, आईएफएस पर छापे क्यों नहीं
 कभी-कभी केंद्र सरकार के आयकर सीजीएसटी कस्टम और एक्साइज सतर्कता विभाग के साथ फेरा ( फॉरेन एक्सचेंज रेगुलेशन एक्ट और हवाला कांड की जांच मैं मोटे रोकड़े को यहां से वहां भेजना आदि की जांच और उसके छापे) प्रर्वतन न‍िदेशालय ने जिले में पदस्थ कलेक्टर, कमिश्नर, एसडीएम, एडीएम के साथ एसपी, आईजी, डीएसपी और सत्
महामारी की आड़ में WHO के माध्यम से अंतरराष्ट्रीय जनसंख्या नियंत्रण करने का अमेरिकी कंपनियों माइक्रोसॉफ्ट गूगल वालमार्ट आदि का षडयंत्र
 International Conspiracy of US multinational Cos. अगर आपको लगता है कि Corona Covid19Pandamic और ये Lockdown बस एक इत्तिफ़ाक़ था और सब इतनी आसानी से ख़त्म हो जायेगा तो आप भी Brain Wash किये जा चुके ह
ताला बंदी, कलेक्टर, प्रशासन‍िक, न‍ि‍गम, अध‍िकार‍ियों, नेताओं सांसद,व‍िधायकों, पार्षदों, सरपंचों को बनी लूट का हथ‍ियार
  शंकर लालवानी पार्षद और आइ डि ए का अध्यक्ष रहते हुए कितना भ्रष्टाचार किया याद है। फिर तरफ नगर में प्रदेश में और देश में महामारी की आड़ में नगर बंदी प्रदेश बंदी देश बंदी और विश्वव्यापी बंदी की नौटंकी चल रही थी तब किशोर वाधवानी ने इसी शंकर लालवानी के माध्यम से कलेक्टर महा धूर्त घोर भ्रष्ट मनीष
महामारी के पाखंड की आड़ में पूंजी पतियों के शॉपिंग मॉल चलाने ऑनलाइन बिक्री के षड्यंत्र
 महामारी के पाखंड की आड़ में पूंजी पतियों के शॉपिंग मॉल चलाने ऑनलाइन बिक्री के षड्यंत्र को पूरा करने और ऑनलाइन भुगतान करने में हर लेन-देन पर ₹300 वसूल करने का जो राष्ट्रव्यापी षड्यंत्र चल रहा है। उ
सभी जिलों में कोषालय अधिकारी कर्मचारी भारी कमीशनखोर, वसूली, नहीं तो ढेर सारी ब‍िलों में आपत्त‍ियांं
 सभी जिलों में कोषालय द्वारा शासकीय मुद्रांक की बिक्री की जाती है। वहीं पर प्रति सप्ताह ₹10000 का नगद चालान लेकर 10, 20, 50, 100 के स्टांप दिए जाते हैं। और उस पर मात्र 2% कमीशन मिलता है। बाकी सारे बड़े स्टांप के ऊपर e-stamping होने के कारण वह स्टांप अब कोषालय से नहीं बेचे जाते। परंतु कोषालय में बैठे
भारत के समाचार पत्र, टीवी चैनल्स, मोबाइल्स रिंग टोन्स में भी जनता को पूंजीपतियों और सत्ता के इशारे पर 24 घंटे रोज दहशत, जबक‍ि प्राचीनकाल से भोजन में औषध‍ि‍यां
 भारत के समाचार पत्र, टीवी चैनल्स, मोबाइल्स रिंग टोन्स में भी जनता को पूंजीपतियों और सत्ता के इशारे पर जनता को 24 घंटे रोज दहशत बांटते हैं। वह कभी भी पूरे तरीके से गणना करके लोगों को नहीं बताते कि हमारे देश की आबादी विश्व की दूसरे नंबर की आबादी है हमारी आबादी अमरीका से साडे 4 गुना से भी ज्यादा है अम
पूरा दृृृृृश्य प्रसार माध्यम व उनके 99% घोर पाखंंडी, ब‍ि‍काउ धूूूूूर्त पत्रकार पूंजीपतियों और सत्ता के इशारे पर, कोठे पर नाचने वाली चंपा
 भारत के समाचार पत्र, पूरा दृृृृृश्य प्रसार माध्यम व उनके 99% घोर पाखंंडी, ब‍ि‍काउ धूूूूूर्त पत्रकार पूंजीपतियों और सत्ता के इशारे पर जनता को रोज दहशत बांटते हैं वह कभी भी पूरे तरीके से गणना करके लोगों को नहीं बताते कि हमारे देश की आबादी विश्व की दूसरे नंबर की आबादी है हमारी आबादी अमरीका से साडे 4
रोजागार छीन 80 करोड़ लोगों को मुफ्त आटा, मध्यम वर्गीय लोगो के घरों में रखे सोने और बैंको में रखे धन को लूटने की तैयारी
 80 करोड़ लोगों को मुफ्त आटा, मध्यम वर्गीय लोगो के घरों में रखे सोने और बैंको में रखे धन को लूटने की तैयारी 80 करोड़ लोगों को जैसा उस पाखंडी जाहिल पूंजी पतियों की रखैल मोदी ने बताया अगले 4 महीने तक मुफ्त आटा जो पूंजीपतियों के गोदामों में लटों और इल्लियों युक्त खराब हो चुका होगा। वैसे शास्त्रों में
प्रशासन व पुलिस की हर कहानी, पूर्णतः अव‍िश्वसनीय बहादुरी के पाखंड की कहानी बंद करो?
 जीतू सोनी को क्राइम ब्रांच ने पकड़ा या भाजपा के नेताओं और मंत्रियों से आश्वासन मिलने के बाद में आत्मसमर्पण किया पत्रकार मित्रों पुलिस की हर कहानी अपनी बहादुरी दिखाने बाहवाही बटोरने झूठ का पुलिंदा होती है। सच्चाई की खोज करें जैसे चंपू अजमेरा को सुबह नेपाल में गिरफ्तार किया और शाम को इंदौर में पेश ह
मोदी व श‍िवराज ने ही चीनी जोमेटो को हजारों करोड़ हजम कर, पूरे देश की जनता को लुटवाने द‍िया सब्जी भाजी बेंचने का ठेका
 भारत में राष्ट्रवादी होना अर्थात अक्ल हीन श्वानों की भांत‍ि लात जूते खाने के, भूखे मरने, बेरोजगारी 100 दिन के पाखंड में घरों में कैद करने के बाद भी लफ्फाजों की पुचकार सुनते ही पूंछ हिलाकर चरणों में ल
भाजपा के जाह‍िल मोदी ने देश तबाह करने के साथ सबसे ज्यादा बर्बादी ह‍िंदुओं की,की, अंधभक्त छोटी दुकानो, उद्योगो, व्यवसायीयों को 6साल में, कटोरा देकर खड़ा कर द‍िया चौराहों पर
 रॉयल सोशल सर्विस जो अंग्रेजों ने बनाई थी उसी का प्रतिरूप था राष्ट्रीय राक्षस सेवा संघ उसी का प्रतिरूप भाजपा अर्थात भेढ़िया झुंड पार्टी बक/ड़ बोले, सत्ता मैं ना रहने पर चरित्र वादी, आदर्शवादी, संस्कार
पाखंडी अनपढ़, गंंवार, दंभी, झूठे, मक्कार मोदी अपने डर की मानसिक बीमारी को दूर करने छुपाने के नए-नए झूठ और षड्यंत्र
 हर पाखंडी, अनपढ़, दंभी झूठा, मक्कार अपने डर की मानसिक बीमारी को दूर करने छुपाने के नए-नए झूठ और षड्यंत्र रचता है यथार्थ में अनपढ़ गवार दंभी झूठे मक्कार, फेंकू, बक/ड़बोले, हवाई तीर मार खां और पाखंडी
चीनी जिनपिंग और भारतीय मोदी अपनी नाकामियों को छुपाने जनता व प्रसार माध्यमों का ध्यान बांटने सीमा पर युद्ध लड़वा मरवा रहे सैंन‍िकों को
  भारत चीन सीमा पर युध्द का खेल चल रहा है। ताक‍ि दोनों देश की जनता को युध्दोन्माद में उलझा कर अपनी नाकामियों को छुपाया जा सके। भारत में चीन के सामानों पर ज्ञान बांटने वालों मंद और गागरौनी बुद्धि के त
मोटी वसूली के लिए खुलने नहीं दे रहा,घोर धूर्त, भ्रष्ट जिलाधीश मनीष सिंह हरामखोर शहर के छोटे बड़े दुकानदारों, व्यवसाइयों से लेकर सारे बाजारों, मंडिया
 घोर धूर्त, भ्रष्ट जिलाधीश मनीष सिंह हरामखोर शहर के छोटे बड़े दुकानदारों, व्यवसाइयों से लेकर सारे बाजारों, मंडियों आदि से वसूली के लिए खुलने नहीं दे रहा है। जबकि भारत सरकार के गृह मंत्रालय ने आपने प्रेस सूचना ब्यूरो से 30 मई को ही आदेश जारी कर दी थी 1 जून से सबको खोलने के लिए किसी भी गतिविधि पर के
जनता को देशभक्ति का पाठ पढ़ाओ और खुद चीन में जाकर लोट लगाओ
 मोदी के अंधभक्तों किसी भी समाचार को भेजने से पहले उसका सच देखना भी सीखो। कब तक जनता को झूठ और पाखंड की गुड़ का शहद चटाओगे? ढाई सौ करोड़ की पटेल की मूर्ति जनता ने नहीं बनवाई थी जिसका भारत की जनता से लूटे हुए धन से 3000 करोड़ का भुगतान किया। अपने बाप जिनपिंग के देश के चीनी कंपनियों को। आख‍ि‍र चीनी
मोदी के अंधभक्तों करोड़ों जनता भूख से मर रही, कोरोना के पाखंड से युवा पीढ़ी को दहशत बांट उन्हें पौरूषहीन बना कर रहे उनका भविष्य बर्बाद
 देश की करोड़ों की जनता भूख से मर रही है लोगों से रोजगार खा लिए अब 50 लाख सब्जी वालों को बेरोजगार कर डेड सो रुपए की तीन किलो सब्जी बेचेंगे सरकारी घोर भ्रष्ट नीच नरभक्षी चांडाल। पहले ही कम डकैती डाल रही थी जनता की जेब पर जनता से भी रोजगार छीन कर उसके बैंक अकाउंट खाली करके सारा देश बंद करके लोगों को
पूरे देश का जब 40 द‍िन से पूरा बाजार बंद, तो रिलायंस इंडस्ट्रीज को 121904. 63 करोड़ का फायदा कैसे?
 पूरे देश का जब 40 द‍िन से पूरा बाजार बंद पड़ा हुआ है। तो रिलायंस इंडस्ट्रीज अन्य पूंजीपत‍ियों ज‍िसमें टाटा, ब‍िरला, युनीलीवर, को हजारों करोड़ का फायदा कैसे हो गया? अकेले रिलायंस इंडस्ट्रीज 121904. 63
Govt. should pass law for security of sick are being raised in the corona or in any other disease from treatment to recovery or end videography should also be done.
 Govt. should pass law for security of sick are being raised in the corona or in any other disease from treatment to recovery or end videography should also be done. The government is requested that
तालाबंदी का देशभर में जो पाखंड बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के लिए किया गया। पहले सरकार सब्जी बेंचेंंगी, फ‍िर बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों को सौंप देगी।
 आखिर तालाबंदी का देशभर में जो पाखंड बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों के लिए किया गया था। उसका सच सामने आने लगा है। कुल मिलाकर खाद्य व सुरक्षा मानक अधिनियम 2006 में जैसी व्यवस्था की गई थी। कि सारा व्यापार छोटे स
घोर भ्रष्ट सभी डॉक्टर 25%NPA लेने के बाद में भी दूसरे अस्पतालों में मोटी कमाई के लिए अपनी सेवाएं, जिस स्वास्थ्य विभाग की खरीदी में 70% कमीशन हजम
 जिस स्वास्थ्य विभाग की खरीदी में 70% कमीशन हजम करने की तैयारी रहती हो वहां की सारी खरीदी में, जिसमें अस्पतालों की सामग्री, मशीनें, वहां की दवाइयां सब निम्न स्तर की, फिर वहां के डॉक्टर 25% नॉन प्रैक्टिसिंग अलाउंस लेने के बाद में भी 90% डॉक्टर तकनीकी कर्मचारी दूसरे अस्पतालों में मोटी कमाई के लिए
70% कमीशन खाकर अस्पतालोंं की खरीदी जाती हों, नकली चीनी किट से क्या नकारात्मक और क्या सकारात्मक
 नकली चीनी किट से क्या नकारात्मक और क्या सकारात्मक। सब जहां 70% कमीशन खाकर अस्पताल के रसायन दवाएं, जांच सामग्री मशीनें, प्रयोगशाला सामग्री, जांच की मशीनें, खरीदी जाती हों। व्यापम कांड से मोटे करोड़ों रुपए के चंदे से, 0% से 25% अंकों पर चिकित्सा महाविद्यालयों में प्रवेश होता हो। परीक्षा में मोटी
बहुराष्ट्रीय कं. का भारत के खेत, कृषि की उर्वरा भूमि और भारतीय फसलों पर कब्जा करने का षड़यंत्र
 आखिर षड़यंत्र और पाखंड कितने लंबे समय से रचने की तैयारी की जा रही थी़। इसका अंदाजा 99.99% लोगों को अभी तक नहीं लग रहा। 1960 से बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों की आंख का कांटा बने भारत के खेत, कृषि की उर्वरा भ
टीआई देवेंद्र चंद्रवंशी और उज्जैन के नीलबड़ थाने के टी आई की च‍ि‍क‍ित्सीय मौत या हत्या
 दिवंगत जूनी इंदौर टीआई देवेंद्र चंद्रवंशी और उज्जैन के नीलबड़ थाने के टी आई की अरबिंदो हास्पीटल व मेडिकल कालेज में मृत्यु कोरोनावायरस की आड़ में पुरानी बीमारियों में घातक हायड्राक्सीक्लोरोक्विन देने से मृत्यु या चिकित्सीय दुराशय से हत्या, डा विनोद भंडारी पुराना व्यापम कांड का आरोपी, तीन साल
फर्जी महामारी क‍ी आड़ में, 15करोड़ लोगों को बेेेेेेेेरोजगार कर मोटे कमीशन के ल‍िये बहुराष्ट्रीय कं. को सौपने का षड़यंत्र।चीन से नफरत का द‍ि‍खावा और चीनी जोमेटो को सौंपा सब्जी का व्यापार
 चीन से नफरत का पाखंड। फिर भी सारी अस्पतालों में महामारी की आड़ में अर्थहीन बकवास चीनी किट व अन्य चिकित्सा सामग्री की खरीदी मोटे कमीशन पर। के बाद पूरी चीन की गुलाम के खेतों से लेकर सभी घरों तक चीनी कब्जे के लिये उतावले स्टेशन पर चाय बेंचने की जेबकटी, यात्रियों का सामान छीनने वाले बाप बेटे, में बाप
हाइड्रोक्सीक्लोरोक्वीन उच्च खुराक पर लेने से होने वाली क्षत‍ि संबंंधी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी व घातक पर‍िणाम
 हाइड्रॉक्सिकोलोरोक्विन के साइड इफेक्ट्स (यूएस) से हाइड्रोक्सीक्लोरोक्वीन की महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी व घातक पर‍िणाम हाइड्रोक्सीक्लोरोक्वीन को लंबे समय तक या उच्च खुराक पर लेने से आपकी आंख के रेटिना को अपरिवर्तनीय क्षति हो सकती है। इस दवा को लेना बंद कर दें और अगर आपको ध्यान केंद्रित करने
हाइड्रोक्सीक्लोरोक्वीन की महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी व घातक पर‍िणाम
 हाइड्रॉक्सिकोलोरोक्विन के साइड इफेक्ट्स (यूएस) से हाइड्रोक्सीक्लोरोक्वीन की महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी व घातक पर‍िणाम हाइड्रोक्सीक्लोरोक्वीन को लंबे समय तक या उच्च खुराक पर लेने से आपकी आंख के रेटिना को अपरिवर्तनीय क्षति हो सकती है। इस दवा को लेना बंद कर दें और अगर आपको ध्यान केंद्रित करने
For treating COVID19, hydroxychloroquine is highly dangerous too, its having many side effects.
 Hydroxychloroquine overdose must be treated quickly. You may be told to induce vomiting right away (at home, before transport to an emergency room). Ask the poison control center how to induce vomiting in the case of an overdose. Overdose symptoms may include drowsiness, vision changes, slow heart
डॉक्टरों की लापरवाही से थानेदार देवेन्द्र चंद्रवंशी की घातक औषधि की खुराक से चिकित्सीय लापरवाही से हत्या को कोरोना से मृत्यु बता डाक्टर फैला रहे भय
 डॉक्टरों की लापरवाही से जब टीआई देवेन्द्र चंद्रवंशी को साधारण सर्दी खांसी में भी, जबकि न तो उन्हें बुखार था। न मलेरिया अनावश्यक रूप से हाइड्रोआक्सीक्लोरिक्वीन जैसी घातक औषधि की खुराक क्यों दी गई। जो उनकी पूर्व की कार्य की अधिकता, अवसाद व अन्य शारीरिक परेशानियों के चलते अनावश्यक रूप से हाइड्रोआक्सी
प्रसार माध्यमों सच्चाई को जानो, प्रशासन मेंं हर कदम घोर भ्रष्टाचार, 10 आई ए एस स्वास्थ्य विभाग के भोपाल मुख्यालय में केवल भ्रष्टाचार से मोटी कमाई के ल‍िये ही
 किसी भी समाचार को चलाते व लिखते और बनाते समय मेरे भाइयों उसकी जड़ और उसके अंतिम छोर को देख लिया करो। और उसका आंकलन करके उस घटना का विश्लेषण करके उसके बाद अगर प्रकाश‍ि‍त करोगे तो आपकेे नाम और सिक्के दूर तक और ठोस रूप से चलेंगे। कड़वी सच्चाईयां को सीधे नहीं तो भी सच्चाई को समाचार में बेहिचक अवश्य प
हरे भरे देश की सड़कों पर भय का सन्नाटा बिछा दिया।
 हरे भरे देश की सड़कों पर भय का सन्नाटा बिछा दिया। चांडाल ने सत्ता के शीर्ष पर पहुंचते ही। देश को श्मशान बना दिया। पूंजीराक्षसों की सेवा में सारा कोष लुटा दिया करोड़ों गरीबों को भूख से मार सत्ता का श्मशान सजा दिया। हरे भरे देश की सड़कों पर भय का सन्नाटा बिछा दिया। भ्रमित अंधभक्त जयकारे लगा
क्या व‍ि श्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन का उद्दे्श्य पूरी दुनुिया मे, दवा परीक्षण लोक स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण में हाल ही में डॉक्टर पल्लवी जैन गोविल को हटाया गया है जो प्रधान सचिव थी।
 क्या व‍ि श्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन का उद़देष़़स्य पूरी दुनुिया मे, दवा परीक्षण लोक स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण में हाल ही में डॉक्टर पल्लवी जैन गोविल को हटाया गया है जो प्रधान सचिव थी। अब सुलेमान खान प्रधान सचिव स्वास्थ्य राजीव चंद्र दुबे सचिव श्रीमती अरुणा गुप्ता भी अपर सचिव हैं आयुष में एमके अग्रवाल
इंदोर में महामारी के बीमारों की बढती संख्या, मरने वाले अध‍िकतर पुराने बीमार, लापरवाह सरकारी डाक्र्टर बच रहे, प्रश‍िक्षु डाक्टर मन से कर रहे इलाज
 इंदोर में महामारी के बीमारों की बढती संख्या, मरने वाले अध‍िकतर पुराने बीमार, लापरवाह सरकारी डाक्र्टर बच रहे, प्रश‍िक्षु डाक्टर मन से कर रहे इलाज इंदोर में सरकारी अस्पतालों के डाक्टर क्या अपनी बहादुरी द‍िखाने आखिर जितने भी इस महामारी के प्रकोप के शिकार बीमारों को एमवाई में भर्ती किया जा रहा है़। भर
दुन‍िया का स‍िध्दांतहीन एलोपैथिक मेडिकल सिस्टम डाक्टर ही भ्रम‍ित, आदतन औषध‍ि सेवन के श‍िकार
 विश्व का सबसे प्राचीन मनुष्यों की चिकित्सा शास्त्र में भारत के आयुर्वेद का नाम सर्वप्रथम आता है मैंने कुछ अध्ययन किया है पारंगत मैं भी नहीं हूं का सिद्धांत है मनुष्य की प्रकृति के अनुसार उसके शरीर मे
करोना की आड़़ में भारतीय खाद्य निगम व मध्य प्रदेश का एमपी वेयरहाउसिंग एंड लॉजिस्टिक्स कॉरपो. पूंजीपति मित्रों टाटा अंबानी अडानी व अन्य को सौंपने की तैयारी
 साला सोते-सोते भी देश की जनता को इस मोदी के पाखंड के बारे में याद आया तो सोचा सोने से पहले यह भी लिख दूं सुबह तक याद रहा ना रहा। क्या करोना के बहाने देश में भुखमरी फैलाकर भारतीय खाद्य निगम के पूरे
एलोपैथिक मेडिकल सिस्टम, पूरा ट्रायल एंड एरर, दवाओं का अपने पर ही प्रयोग
 एलोपैथिक मेडिकल सिस्टम जो है। पूरा ट्रायल एंड इरर अर्थात कोशिश करो गलतियां हो जाए बदल कर दवाई दो, जिसमें मोटी कमाई व कमीशनखोरी हो और ठीक करने की कोशिश करो प्रणाली पर चलता है। यह गणित की अभियांत्रि
भारत का गृह मंत्रालय के अंतर्गत सांख्यिकी विभाग ही बता रहा 2011-13 के जन्म मृत्यु के आंकडे़
 भारत का गृह मंत्रालय के अंतर्गत कार्य करने वाला देश की जनता का जन्म मरण, किसानी, खेती से लेकर, मजदूरों, व्यवसाय, व्यापार, उद्योग व्यवसाय,रोजगार, बिजली की खपत, आम गरीब आदमी की खपत भोजन की अनाज दाल साग
मोदी के पूंजीपति मित्रों के लिए इंदोर, भोपाल व उज्जैन में तालाबंदी बढ़ाने की तैयारी
 यदि मोदी के पूंजीपति मित्रों जिनके लिए यह तालाबंदी की गई है। किसानों को मंडियों को बंद करने के कारण जो पूंजीपति मित्रों द्वारा 70-80% सभी कृषि उत्पादन को खरीदने की तैयारी चल रही है। दिनरात अडानी के स
नौटंकीबाज सांसद विधायक पार्षद महापौर सरपंच व मीडिया के भांड और भड़वे गागरोनी तोते भूख से मरती जनता को भी देखो
 नौटंकीबाज सांसद विधायक पार्षद महापौर सरपंच व मीडिया के भांड और भड़वे गागरोन तोते भूख से मरती जनता को भी देखो धन से मृत आत्माओं के बिकाऊ मीडिया के भांड और भड़वे गागरोन तोते ऐसी से बाहर निकल कर देखो ह
देश में लोग कोरोना से मरे ना मरे। भूख से हुई हजारों मौतों पर तोतु म‍िड‍िया के भांंड क्योंं चुप
 22- 23 मार्च से लगातार लिख रहा हूं। लोग कोरोना से मरे ना मरे। भूख से जरूर मर जाएंगे प्रशासन प्रशासन से लेकर ऊपर सांसदों संसद और उसका प्रधानमंत्री पाखंडी मोदी को यह बिल्कुल समझ में नहीं आ रहा। उसक
इंदौर, उज्जैन, भोपाल तालाबंदी में क्या जालसाजी पूर्व नियोजित षड्यंत्र के अंतर्गत सबसे ज्यादा मरीज
 इंदौर उज्जैन भोपाल में क्या जालसाजी पूर्व नियोजित षड्यंत्र के अंतर्गत सबसे ज्यादा मरीज बताए जा रहे हैं। जबकि कोरोना में बताये मृत व संक्रमित व्यक्ति पूर्व से ही अनेकों गंभीर बीमारियों के शिकार थे व
आप मानव हो पशु नहीं, जिद करो प्रधान सेवक, चौकीदार मुख्यमंत्री को मजबूर करो
 पं. एस के भारध्दवाज की कलम से विगत 22 मार्च 2020 से पूरे मध्यप्रदेश के सभी नागरिक लॉक डाउन के आदेश से अपने घरों के अंदर बंद हैै ,वह भी देश के प्रधानमंत्री श्री मोदी जी के एक आह्वान पर बंद है नागरिक संवैधानिक पद पर बैठे हुए हर राजनेता, प्रशासक के हर आदेश का शब्दशः पालन कर रहे हैं। कोरोना वायरस से
सर्वोच्च न्यायालय और उच्च न्यायालय के न्यायाधीश, 100 करोड़ गरीब 18 दिन से भूख से परेशानो की कब सुनवाई करेेेेेगा?
 कहां है? वह सर्वोच्च न्यायालय और उच्च न्यायालय के न्यायाधीश जो आतंकियों हत्यारों अपराधियों के लिए रात में दो दो तीन 3:00 बजे कोर्ट खोल कर जमानत देते थे। अब देश के 100 करोड़ गरीब 18 दिन से भूख से पर
पूरे देश में पुल‍िस व पाल‍ि‍का न‍िगम कर्म‍ियोंं को ही मास्क, ग्लो्व्स सफाई रसायन ही नही द‍ि‍ये जाते, साल भर में पूरे देश में रुु 5हजार करोड़ कागजो मेें खर्च
 देश में महामारी का प्रकोप के चलते पूरा देश तालाबंदी में पिछले 15 दिनों से तालाबंदी की व्यवस्था को संभालने के लिए जो पुलिसकर्मी और नगर परिषद पालिका निगम कर्मी आदि जो पूरे देश में करीबन 50 लाख से ज्यादा है। उनको ही हर 4 घंटे में बदले जाने वाले औषधि युक्त मुंह पर बांधने केे मास्क 2करोड़ मास्क चाह‍िये।
मोदी की देश बंद कर तबाह करने की नौटंकी, अदाणी, अंबानी, टाटा, ब‍िरला जैसे पूूंजीपत‍ियों के लाभ के ल‍ि‍ये
 पाखंडी मोदी की करोना की आड़ में पूरे राष्ट्र बंदी की कहानी। जैसा कि मैं 15 वर्ष पूर्व से लिख रहा हूं। केवल पूंजी पतियों की मोटे लाभ के लिए करवाई जा रही है। सारा माल रिलायंस, अदानी, अंबानी, टाटा, ब
95% भारतवंशी जहरीले, कृृष‍ि के कीटनाशको के कारण पूरा भोजन जहरीला, तो कोरोना भारतीयो में ज‍िंंदा कैसे रहेेेेेेेगा??
 इस भारत में क्या खाकर जिंदा रहेगा कोरोनावायरस? 135 करोड़ की आबादी में जब यह सारे लोग स्वयं ही भारी अंदर बाहर से भारी जहरीले हों। बाहर का जहर तो आपने देख ही लिया जो डॉक्टरों पुलिस वालों पर भी इतनी पर
तोतू पाखंडी भांड मीडिया करोना से मरने की दहशत फैला रहा, पर लाखोंं भूख से मरने वालों पर क्यों चुप
 आखिर इस देश का यह तोतू पाखंडी मीडिया करोना के बारे में तो चारों तरफ त्राहिमाम त्राहिमाम करके लोगों को अनावश्यक डरा रहा है और भय पैदा कर रहा है। जैसा कि मैंने 10 दिन पहले लिख दिया था। कि लोग करोना से मरे ना मरे भूख से मर जाएंगे। शासन प्रशासन और पुलिस नगर निगम पालिका और ग्राम पंचायत पाखंड बहुत क
म प्र में मुख्यमंत्री बनते ही शिवराज ने क‍िया स्थानांतरण से वसूली का खेल शुरु
  आख‍िर इतनी आपातकालीन स्िथत‍ि में भी भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी के मुख्यमंत्री माई के लाल शिवराज ने आते ही अपने झुंड के माफियाओं की सुरक्षा के लिए, अपनी मोटी कमाई, भविष्य में होने वाले बागी विधानसभा सदस्यों के चुनाव, नगर निगम के चुनाव के लिए जानबूझकर मोटी रॉयल्टी और ईएमआई चुकाने वाले राज्यसेवा के पदोन्नत
सर्दी जुकाम खांसी सर्दी जुकाम खांसी़-- अद्रक और लहसुन करेें प्रयोग रहेें सुरक्षित
 सर्दी जुकाम खांसीवऱ्त्मान मेंअचानक तापमान की वृद्धि और कम होना ऊपर से इस मौसम में बरसात हो जाना सर्दी जुकाम खांसी बच्चों से लेकर बुजुर्गों तक सभी को सहस्त्रो वर्षों से हर बदलते मौसम में होता रहता है। ऊपर से कोरोनावायरस की 24 घंटे चारों तरफ से बरसती दहशत। बिलकुल भी घबराए नहीं थोड़ी सी सावधानी
विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन बनाम विश्व स्वास्थ बिगाड़ो संगठन। अब बाजी चीन के हाथ
 1910-20 अमेरिकी और यूरोप की दवा निर्माता और स्वास्थ्य संबंधी मशीनों उपकरणों के निर्माता व निर्माता व्यापारीयों की व्यवसाय संवर्धन संगठन कंपनी है। यह जो यथार्थ में जिसे स्वास्थ से संबंधित औषधियों इंजेक्शन उपकरणों को बेचने के लिए इस संगठन का पूरे विश्व में दहशत फैलाकर अपने चिकित्सा औषधियां और
पूरे देश की तालाबंदी कर अपने खास पूंजीपतियों के शॉपिंग माल की बिक्री बढ़ाना।
  पूरे देश की तालाबंदी कर अपने खास पूंजीपतियों के शॉपिंग माल की बिक्री बढ़ानेे यही तो मोदी को, भाजपा सरकारों को चाहिए था। जो काम खाद्य सुरक्षा एवं मानक अधिनियम 2006 नहीं कर पाया। वही काम कोरोना के बहाने अब मोदी सरकार ने कर दिया। ताकि आम 100 करोड़ आदमी भी इन पूंजी पतियों के शॉपिंग माल की बिक्री
पत्रकारों जिम्मेदारी है, मजदूर वर्ग के वर्तमान और भविष्य के कल्याण की
 आपने यदि पत्रकार होने का चोला ओढ़ ही रखा है। तो सदैव एक बात याद रखें आप की सोच और लेखन में हमारे देश और दुनिया के उस अंतिम बिंदु मेहनतकश ईमानदार मजदूर कारीगर हाकर सब्जी बेचने वाला गरीब किसान मजदूर जिसे आप नहीं जानते हैं। या जिससे आपका सीधा संबंध नहीं भी है। तो भी उसके वर्तमान और भविष्य के कल्याण क
कमलनाथ को अंतिम समय में कर्मचारियों के और जनह‍ित के काम करना चाह‍िये
 अंतिम समय में हर जाने वाला आदमी कुछ अच्छे काम, दान पुण्य करके जाता है। इस बात का एहसास कमलनाथ को भी है जाते-जाते अपने मित्रों एवं सहेलियों को पदों की रेवड़ी जो उसने सवा साल से अपने पिछाड़ु दबा रखी थी। बांट रहा है निसंदेह हर जाते आदमी को, डुबती सरकार को यह सब कुछ करना चाहिए और यथा योग्य दान, पुण्य
भारत को दुनिया का उत्पादन केंद्र बन जाना चाहिए, चीन की कोरोना की बर्बादी में
 प्रकृति ने और की कार्यप्रणाली प्राकृतिक एवं स्वचालित है। यहां हर अति का अंत होता है। वैसे ही चीन में कोरोना वायरस ने पिछले 40 50 साल से फैली हुई और चल रही चीन की व्यापार व्यवसाय हड़पो नीति, बर्बाद करो नीति, दुनिया में भरपूर हर माल का सस्ता निर्यात करो नीति ने चीन की सारी हेकड़ी, सारी होशियारी द
भाजपा मोदी-- 4-5 का विकास, बाकी सबका विनाश
 भाजपा मोदी-- 4-5 का विकास, बाकी सबका विनाश भाजपा ने 1998 से 2003 तक पहली बार देश की सत्ता संभाली। जिसमें उनके विनिवेश मंत्री अरुण शौरी ने अपने मोटे कमीशन के चलते देश के सारे बड़ी नवरत्न कंपनियों से
कमलनाथ और उसका सारे मंत्रियों केे गिरोह का 1 सूत्री वसूली का कार्यक्रम चला
 मध्यप्रदेश में कई विभागों में एक एक दो दो महीने से अधिकारियों और कर्मचारियों को वेतन नहीं बट पाया है जिसमें वर्क चार्ज दैनिक वेतन भोगियों को मिथुन वितरण की समय की व्यवस्थाएं कांग्रेस के आने के बाद से
सरकारों में बैठे कर्मचारी राज्यों में 9 महीने, केंद्र में 8 महीने काम करके 14 महीने का वेतन
 देश के 50 करोड लोगों को अपने जीवन यापन के लिए 365 दिन काम करना पड़ता है। उनकी मेहनत से लूटे हुए करो से सरकार चलती हैं। सरकारों में बैठे कर्मचारी जो 9 महीने काम करके 14 महीने का वेतन लेते हैं। इसके बावजूद हर कदम लूटपाट भ्रष्टाचार डकैती डालना इन का जन्मसिद्ध अधिकार है। फिर कभी छठवां वेतनमान चाहिए
मोदी का चुनावी चंदा बना मूल कारण बैंकों का एनपीए और बैंको का डूबना
 बेशक बैंकों के एनपीए में सबसे बड़ा हाथ वहां के अधिकारियों और प्रबंधकों का होता है । वे जब किसी को एक रुपए का लोन देते हैं तो बदले में डेढ़ से रु 2 तक की संपत्ति गिरवी करते हैं। जब बैंक द्वारा दिया
व्यापारी अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति ट्रंप ने, कबाड़ी मोदी को हथियारों का कबाड़ा बेच ही गया, 3 अरब डॉलर का
 व्यापारी अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति ट्रंप ने, कबाड़ी मोदी को हथियारों का कबाड़ा बेच ही गया, 3 अरब डॉलर का आखिर मसखरा व्यापारी अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति ट्रंप भारत में आकर कबाड़ी मोदी को रक्षा जरूरतों के नाम पर
Country first, no business on any cast, with enemies, for India’s Ratan- Tata
 Few months after 26/11, Taj group of hotels launched their biggest tender ever, for remodeling all their hotels in India and abroad. Some of the companies which applied for that tender were Pakistanis. To make their bid stronger, two big industrialists from Pakistan visited Bombay House (Head offi
मसखरा अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति ट्रंप नौटंकी कम कर, गहनता से कोरोना का दोनो नेता फायदा उठा, करें मजबूत अर्थव्यवस्था
 वर्तमान अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति घोर झूठा ट्रंप पहले से ही लंपट, अय्याश, प्लेबॉय की भूमिका निभाता रहा है। अब चूंकि वह अमेरिका का राष्ट्रपति है। तो स्वाभाविक है उसका यह श्रेष्ठता का पाखंड और अहंकार सातवें आसमान पर है। पिछले सवा तीन सालों में लगातार हर पल भारत को नीचा दिखाने के लिए यहां तक कि जब मोदी अमेरि
गैर भाजपाई राज्यों में नागर‍िकता कानून का नहीं, वोट बैंक के कमजोर होने का डर
 कांग्रेसी राज्यों में नागरिकता कानून के विरोध में जो कांग्रेसी खुजली कि विरोध प्रदर्शन की बीमारी फैल रही है उसे वर्तमान पीढ़ी के 90% हिंदुओं को समझ में आ गया होगा की कांग्रेसी कितनी बड़ी राष्ट्रवादी पार्टी है यथार्थ में कांग्रेस आजादी की लड़ाई में भी कोई बहुत भारी सहयोग नहीं किया अंग्रेजों ने भारत
विनाश पुरूष मोदी राष्ट्रभक्ति और हिंदुत्व के नशे में देश को उलझा, कर रहा खोखला
 गुजराती वाचाल धूर्त मक्कार लुटेरे चालबाज मोदी और अमित शाह देश को वित्तीय रूप से पूरा खोखला कर बीमार बेरोजगार और दिवालिया बनाने पर तुले हैं। गुजराती वाचाल धूर्त मक्कार लुटेरे चालबाज मोदी और अमित शाह जिस प्रकार बीएसएनएल ओएनजीसी एयर इंडिया राष्ट्रीय कृत बैंक है जिसमें स्टेट बैंक व अन्य बैंक्स को लू
चीनी महामारी-- चीन का कोरोना वायरस रासायनिक युद्ध रणनीति का हिस्सा। अन्य देशों का कब्जाने का षड़यंत्र
 चीनी बीमारी से महामारी, यथार्थ में चीन का कोरोना वायरस केमिकल यह रासायनिक युद्ध नीति का हिस्सा है। जो चीन ने बुहान स्थित अपनी प्रयोगशाला में तैयार किए जा रहे हैं। कई वर्षों से। उससे कुछ ही दूरी पर वह
प्र मं मोदी और अमित शाह देश को वित्तीय रूप से पूरा खोखला कर बीमार बेरोजगार और दिवालिया बनाने पर तुले
 गुजराती वाचाल धूर्त मक्कार लुटेरे चालबाज मोदी और अमित शाह देश को वित्तीय रूप से पूरा खोखला कर बीमार बेरोजगार और दिवालिया बनाने पर तुले हैं। मोदी और अमित शाह जिस प्रकार बीएसएनएल ओएनजीसी एयर इंडिया राष्ट्रीय कृत बैंक है जिसमें स्टेट बैंक व अन्य बैंक्स को लूटा, रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया को खाली किया।
मु मं कमलनाथ जनता का धन अपने बाप की जागीर नहीं। जनधन से मुजरे करवाओ।चरित्रहीन महिलाओं, आपराधीक नौटंकीबाजों पर लुटाओ।
 मध्यप्रदेश विधानसभा का चुनाव जीतने के बाद यहां के जमीदार भी नहीं जो जनता के लुटे हुए धन से अपनी सरकारी कोठियों पर मुजरा करवाओ या बॉलीवुड के गंदे कोठों की पोस चरित्रहीन महिलाओं, अपराधी सूअर नौटंकीब
असली और प्राथम‍िक माफियाओं सरकारी कर्मचारी, ‍िनरीक्षक,अध‍िकारी, करो ग‍िर‍फ्रतार
 नेता किसी भी पार्टी का हो सत्ता मिलते ही वह वहां बैठे भारतीय प्रताड़ना सेवा के अधिकारी जो एक बार एक दो परीक्षा पास कर घोर भ्रष्ट जाल साज देश की सत्ता में तहसीलों से लेकर राष्ट्रपति कार्यालय तक 35 40 साल तक जमे रहते हैं वह किसी के सगे नहीं होते। क़ानून उनकी रखैल नेता मुख्य, मंत्री, प्रधानमंत्री, र
आखिर खाद्य व औषध‍ि , पुल‍िस, नौटंकी शुद्ध का युद्ध की आड़ में विशुध्द वसूली का युद्ध चल रहा है चारों तरफ।
 मिर्जापुर तेजाजी नगर इंदौर की अशोक वाधवानी की कत्था फैक्ट्री पिछले 30 सालों से चल रही है सब का महीना बंधा हुआ है और उसमें खाद्य एवं औषधि वाले भी शामिल हैं। उनका सबसे ज्यादा मोटा महीना है।अभी क्यों याद आ रही है। पत्रकार भी वहां से वसूली करते हैं। ऐसे इंदौर में २००० से ज्यादा सैकड़ों मिलावटी खाद्य
अमेजॉन का राक्षस जैफ बेजॉस से क्यों मना क‍ि‍या मोदी और अमित शाह ने मिलने से
 आखिर अमेरिकी कंपनी अमेजॉन का राक्षस जैफ बेजॉस से मोदी और अमित शाह ने मिलने से क्यों मना कर दिया। बेशक छोटे व्यापारियों और जनहित के लिए मिलने से मना किया गया हो ऐसा तो नहीं। बेशक ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग ने हीं
आनलाइन शॉपिंग का राक्षस जैफ बेजॉस की भारत मे करेगा व्यवसाय की बर्बादी, करोड़ों लोगों को देगा बेरोजगारी
 आनलाइन शॉपिंग का राक्षस जैफ बेजॉस की भारत मे करेगा व्यवसाय की बर्बादी, करोड़ों लोगों को देगा बेरोजगारी जैफ बेजॉस जोकि अमेजॉन का राक्षस है जिसे दुनिया के करोड़ों लोगों को बेरोजगार बना दिया भारत में
उज्जैन म प्र जल संसाधन विभाग में मुख्य अभियंता कार्यालय खोलने की आवश्यकता क्या है?
 आखिर उज्जैन म प्र जल संसाधन विभाग में मुख्य अभियंता कार्यालय खोलने की आवश्यकता क्या है? मात्र जल संसाधन मंत्री हुकुम सिंह कराड़ा की इच्छा पूरी करना दूसरी तरफ जब इंदौर के मुख्य अभियंता कार्यालय में मात्र 16 संभाग ही हैं और उसमें 4 अधीक्षण यंत्री बैठे हुए हैं। एक तरफ कपट नाथ सरकार बोलती है खर्चे कम क
अर्थव्यवस्था सुधारने के उपाय खंड 1-- निजीकरण रोको, एक करोड भर्तियां करो, जनता की क्रय शक्ती बढाओ-
 अर्थव्यवस्था सुधारने के उपाय खंड 1 निजीकरण रोको, एक करोड भर्तियां करो, जनता की क्रय शक्ती बढाओ इस देश की अर्थव्यवस्था 60 साल तक विश्व की मंदी के विपरीत आगे बढ़ती रही उसके पीछे मूल कारण था। यहां नेहरु की लागू मिश्रित अर्थव्यवस्था का पाया जाना है़। इसके विपरीत दुनिया में सभी पूंजीवादी देशों में हर
Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi, so called Congressmen Mahatma, 'racist and bisexual'
 Mahatma Gandhi 'racist and bisexual' claims new book A controversial biography of Mahatma Gandhi has claimed that the revered political leader was racist and bisexual. Great Soul, written by former
शीत ऋतु में ह्रदयाघात व अकाल मृत्यु से बचने के लिए हिंदू धर्म के शास्त्रों व परंपराओं की श‍िक्षा
 शीत ऋतु में आघातों से बचने के लिए हिंदू धर्म के शास्त्रों परंपराओं की श‍ि क्षा हमारी सनातन हिंदू धर्म के शास्त्रों परंपराओं और दैनिक दिनचर्या में ऐसे शीत ऋतु में आघातों से बचने के लिए ही नींद खुलने के साथ ही एकदम धरती पर पैर न रखें। जागते साथ ही अपनी ही हथेलियों को खोलकर व जोड़कर हाथों के दर्शन क
गुमराह कर रहे हैं मुख्यमंत्री सिर्फ कमीशन के लिए हो रही है दिखावे की कार्रवाई*
 भोपाल,(पं.)एस.के. भारद्वाज)मध्य प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री श्री कमलनाथ जनता को भ्रमित कर रहे हैं वह स्वयं नहीं चाहते कि माफिया राज समाप्त हो मैंने स्वयं अप्रैल 2019 में 1000 सबूतों के बंडल के साथ भोज मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय के संबंध में उसमें की गई आर्थिक, षडयंत्र की गड़बड़ियों के संबंध में विश्वविद्यालय
कमलनाथ सरकार पूर्णता रही असफल, टुकड़ खोर मीडिया कांग्रेस की सरकार की झूठी प्रशंसा में बर्बाद कर रहा प्रदेश,
 टुकड़ खोर मीडिया कांग्रेस की सरकार की झूठी प्रशंसा में बर्बाद कर रहा प्रदेश, कमलनाथ सरकार पूर्णता रही असफल मध्य प्रदेश सरकार के कमलनाथ का आज दिनांक 17 .12 .19 को 1 वर्ष पूरा हो गया। इस खुशी में सरक
देश की सरकार व संचार मंत्रालय ही बर्बाद कर रहा जनता को,
 देश की सरकार व संचार मंत्रालय ही बर्बाद कर रहा जनता को, भारत सरकार स्वीकारती है, विदेश नियंत्रित इंटरनेट तबाह कर रहा देश को भारत में 132 करोड़ की आबादी, मैं भारत सरकार का अनेकों मंत्रालयों का विशाल प्रबंधन जिसमें अधिकांश आत्यधिक गोपनीय प्रकृति के हैं। वर्तमान में बढ़ती हुई तकनीकी संचार क्रांति म
प्रज्ञा से गोडसे की तारीफ करवाना, भाजपा का सुनियोजित षड्यंत्र ‍म‍िड‍‍‍ि‍या व िवपक्ष का ध्यान हटाने
 देश की महापंचायत रूपी संसद में पिछले 5 दिनों से 25से30 नव. तक बड़े आराम से भाजपा ने अपने विरुद्ध महाराष्ट्र का अचानक 2 घंटे में राष्ट्रपति शासन हटाकर देवेन्द्र फडणवीस को मुख्यमंत्री की शपथ दिलवाने व
भारत के मानवीय जंगली नेशनल यु‍न जानवरों के राष्ट्रीय विश्वविद्यालय में वर्तमान में जिन सुविधाओं पर यहां जिस कौम की नस्ल को पढ़ाया और बढ़ाया जा रहा है।
 भारत के मानवीय जंगली नेशनल यु‍िन जानवरों के राष्ट्रीय विश्वविद्यालय में वर्तमान में जिन सुविधाओं पर यहां जिस कौम की नस्ल को पढ़ाया और बढ़ाया जा रहा है। उतनी से कम सुविधाओं पर तो हमें 40 साल पहले भी उसकी 10% सुविधाएं भी मिल जाती तो हमने देश का नक्शा बदल दिया होता साडे 16 साल की उम्र में ही एक हाफ
केवल उत्तर प्रदेश के शहरों के ही नहीं।पूरे देश के सभी शहरों के बदलो वर्तमान मुस्लिम नामों को
  पूरे देश के सभी शहरों के वर्तमान मुस्लिम नामों को बदलकर सहस्त्रों वर्ष पुरानी वास्तविक पुराने हिंदू नगरों के नाम से ही पुनः जाने जाना चाहिए। वह इसलिए नहीं कि हमें मुस्लिमों को अपमानित करना है। वरन वह इसलिए कि हमारी देश की ऐतिहासिक संस्कृति पुरानी नगरों के हिंदू नामों को पुनः रखकर उनकी हिंदू संस्
रात के अंधेरों में, राष्ट्रपति, राज्यपाल, प्रधानमंत्री और गृहमंत्री ने फिर से कर दी संविधान की हत्या
  भेेड़िया झुुंड पार्टी की जन्मजात ऐतिहासिक आपराधिक प्रवृत्ति के ईवीएम की जालसाजी सेे चुनाव जीतकर पूूरी भाजपा और उसके सारेे वरिष्ठ नेताओं को ब्लैकमेल कर मोदी प्रधानमंत्री और अमित शाह गृहमंत्री बनकर अपने बैठाये संवैधान‍िक उच्च पदों का दुरुपयोग कर जिस जालसाजी से महाराष्ट्र में अचानक रातों-रात
मप्र सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग केे भ्रष्ट टुकड़खोर, भ्रष्टाचार को संरक्षण दे, सूचना अधिकार अधिनियम को बना रहेे भोथरा अपने पर‍ि‍पत्रों से
  मुख्यमंत्री मुख्य सचिव और सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग में बैठे सुकरो की फौज अपनी मोटी वसूली और् भ्रष्टाचार को संरक्षण देने के लिए के लिए पिछले 14 सालों में सूचना के अधिकार अधिनियम का मजाक बनाते हुए इस अधिनियम की धारा 19 का उल्लंघन करते हुए पंचायत और इसके ग्रामीण यांत्रिकीय, उद्यान‍ि‍की, महिल
मोटी वसूली के लिए, खाद, बीज, कीटनाशको उत्पादकोंं पर छापे की नौटंकी
 मप्र, कृषि विभाग में झाबुआ में खाद उत्पादकों पर, छापे मारकर, नमूने लेकर जांच क‍िये जाने पर उन फैक्ट्रियों को बंद की जाने की कार्रवाई की गई। पिछले 20 वर्षों से वही घोर भ्रष्ट अध‍िकारी संयुक्त संचालक उपसंचालक और सहायक संचालक के कुंडली मार कर मारकर बैठे वह है जिन्होंने मोटी वसूली का इन सब को लाइसें
स्वच्छता का पाखंड, बदले में विषैली प्राणवायु जनता को दे रही बीमारियां और अकाल मृत्यु
 इंदौर नगर की मुख्य सड़कों पर ही सफाई दिखाई देती है। जबकि अंदर की बसाहटों में, गृह निर्माण मंडल की, विकास प्राधिकरण की, बड़े नेताओं, भू माफिया की कॉलोनियों की सड़कों और मकानों की बैकलाइन में न केवल कचरा भरा रहता है, इस निगम में वर्षों से कुंडली मारे बैठे डकैतों के शहर में पिछले 20 वर्षों में नालिया
भारत के न्यायालय न्याय के मंदिर नहीं जुए के अड्डे हैं।रफाल के फैसले में सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में सिद्ध किया।
  न्यायालय न्याय के मंदिर नहीं जुए के अड्डे हैं,जो जितना बड़ा दांव खेलेगा उसे उतना न्याय मिलेगा। यह मैं नहीं कह रहा, भाई यह तो 25 जनवरी 2002 को हमारे भूतपूर्व राष्ट्रपति के आर नारायणन ने कहा था। बेशक मुझे जानने वालों ने यह आरोप भी मुझ पर ही लगाया था। कि तुम्हारी लगातार 1999 से सन 2001 तक की जाती र
नोटबंदी और जीएसटी सेे अर्थव्यवस्था की तबाही और सीजीएसटी के कर्मचारियों की लूट का तांडव और मारपीट
 जाहिल मोदी की नोटबंदी और जीएसटी जो उसने अपने पूंजीपति आकाओं के लिए लगाई थी। बेशक सभी उसके पूंजीपति आका पिछले दो-तीन सालों में सैकड़ों गुना कमाई करके अरबपति से खरबपति हो चुके हैं। बदले में पूरे भार
म प्र डकैती विकास निगम की सड़कों पर जनता की जेब पर चारों तरफ से डकैती,
 मध्य प्रदेश सड़क डकैती विकास निगम के घोटालों और उसके निर्माण के साथ ही जो मैंने लिखा था और लगातार 2004 से लिखता रहा हूं। वह वैसा का वैसा ही सही सिद्ध हो रहा है। वही हाल राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग सड़क विकास प्राधिकरण का भी होना है और हो रहा है अंदर ही अंदर पर वहां भी चूूंक‍ि‍ सभी भूतल परिवहन, वन एवं पर्याव
मप्र लोक निर्माण के पी आई यु में चल रहा भ्रष्टाचार का तांडव
 मध्य प्रदेश लोक निर्माण विभाग के घोर भ्रष्ट मंत्री सज्जन वर्मा की कहानियां तो पिछले जब कांग्रेस का शासन था तब से 15 साल के अंतराल के बाद जब से कांग्रेस सरकार आई है। जिस प्रकार से कांग्रेसी नेताओं को मंत्री पद क्या मिला। अहंकार में और संदेह का भय क‍ि ना जाने कब सरकार गिर जाए के चक्कर में दोनों हाथ स
मप्र के मुमं कमलनाथ शीघ्र किसानों को फसल ऋण के लिए वित्तीय संस्थानों को निर्देश देंं।
 कमलनाथ सरकार को चाहिए कि इस भारी बरसात से प्रदेश के किसानों की फसलें चौपट हो गई हैं। जो हुआ सो हुआ।मुख्यमंत्री नाथ को चाहिए क‍ि‍ तत्काल केंद्र सरकार से बात कर वित्त मंत्रालय के माध्यम से बैंकों को किसानों को अगला फसल ऋण देने के लिए निर्देश देवें। किसानों की फसल बर्बाद होने के कारण उन्हें शीघ
सारी मिठाईयां रासायनिक दूध से बनी संभल कर खाइए व खिलाइए। जब दुधारू पशु ही नहीं, तो दूध कहां से आ रहा
 सारी मिठाईयां रासायनिक दूध से बनी संभल कर खाइए व खिलाइए। जब दुधारू पशु ही नहीं, तो दूध कहां से आ रहा? इस दीपावली पर सभी पाठकों और साथियों से निवेदन है कि दूध और दूध से बनी हुई किसी भी मिठाई का उपयोग बिल्कुल ना करें क्योंकि दूध के नाम पर विशुद्ध मिलावटी सिंथेटिक दूध मावा मिठाइयां बिक रही हैं। जो ना
प्रदेश के कांग्रेसी मंत्री, सत्ता, बाप की जागीर, अधिकारियों का कठपुतलियों की तरह उपयोग और वसूली।
 मध्यप्रदेश में कांग्रेस की सरकार आई है। सारे मंत्री अपने विभाग के अधिकारियों को कठपुतली की तरह नचाते हैं। उन्हें अपने ऑफिस में काम ही नहीं करने देते हैं। और बस अपने पीछे घुमाना अपने पीछे कार्यक्रमों में ले जाना, उनके टेंट तंबू लगवाने से लेकर, उनकी और उनके पट्टों की गाड़ियों में डीजल, पेट्रोल भ
प्लास्टिक को बढ़ावा देने सबसे ज्यादा उपयोग करने वाली व‍िषैली बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों का हल्ला मचाने का षड्यंत्र, छोटे व्यापारियों को खत्म करने
 हमारे चारों तरफ नगर प्रदेश देश और दुनिया में पिछले 50 सालों में बढ़ते प्लास्टिक के उपयोग से हुई बर्बादी के बारे में चारों तरफ हाय तोवा मचाई जा रही है। बेशक सही है। भव‍ि‍ष्य के ल‍‍ि‍ये अत़्यंंत आवश्यक
भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी का षडयंत्र, कमलेश तिवारी की हत्या पूर्णता सुनियोजित
 यह भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी का षडयंत्र भी हो सकता है कि भाजपा किसी भी हाल में किसी भी हिंदू संगठन को और राम मंदिर बनाने का श्रेय नहीं लेने दे सकती। भाजपा के पाखंडीयों मोदी अमित शाह जब 44 बीएसएफ के जवान
औद्योगिकरण के लिए करेें बंजर भूमि का उपयोग, बंद करो बर्बादी कृषि व वन भूमि की
  पृथ्वी पर भूमि को घटाया बढ़ाया नहीं जा सकता। कृषि व वनो की उपजाऊ भूमि तैयार होने में लाखों साल लग जाते हैं। जो उपजाऊ कृृष‍ि‍ व वन भूमि भारत के मध्य प्रदेश मालवा में काली मिट्टी की जमीन वर्तमान में उपलब्ध है, जो पृथ्वी पर हर प्रकार की कृषि उपज के लिए श्रेष्ठतम भूमि है। जैसा कि कृषि
छोटे दुकानदारों पर मत रोब ऐंठिए, औकात हो तो उनका सच बोलिए बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों से
  एक वीडियो आया जिसमें, एक फुटपाथ पर बैठा जूस विक्रेता, को एक सरदार, आम्र्र रस स्वीकृत रंग मिलाकर दूध मिश्रित रस बेच रहा था। सरदार जी ने उसको कॉलर पकड़कर बदतमीजी दिखाते डांंटने लगे। उसके सच की मैंने अपने शब्दों में व्याख्या कर दिखा जो आम भारतीय नागरिक के लिए जानना आवश्यक है। बेशक यह साम
मुमं कमलनाथ रुअरबों का जनधन का पैसा अपनी नाकामियों को छुपाने, बर्बाद कर रहे विज्ञापनों और प्रचार प्रसार में
  मध्य प्रदेश में मुम कमलनाथ की सरकार पिछले 10 महीने में वित्तीय प्रबंधन मैं हर मोर्चे पर असफल रही़। इसके विपरीत अपनी नाकामियों को छुपाने, शराब, वाहन पंजीयन, पेट्रोल डीजल और गैस पर भारी भरकम व
बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों का ठेका खेती और उद्योग धंधों पर कब्जे का षड्यंत्र
  सभी पार्टियों के बड़े गिद्ध नेता तुले हैं देश को बेचने और गिरवी करने बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियां देश के मंत्रियों और मंत्रालयों के अधिकारियों को खरीद का पहले कानून बनवाती है। फिर देश के प्राकृतिक एवं मानव निर्मित स्त्रोतों पर कब्जा कर देश की जनता को गुलाम बनाकर उनका शोषण करती है। अंग्रेज
सूचना अधिकार अधिनियम की चौदहवीं वर्षी
 सूचना अधिकार अधिनियम की चौदहवीं वर्षी आज12 अक्टूबर है इसी दिन 2005 में पूरे देश में सभी सरकारों पर सूचना का अधिकार का कानून लागू किया गया था जो जनता के मौलिक अधिकारों का हिस्सा था सभी सरकारों पर लोकतंत्र के अंतर्गत जो अब लूट तंत्र बन चुका है यह दायित्व था कि भाई जोधन जनता से करूं के रूप में बसुले
बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों का ठेका खेती और उद्योग धंधों पर कब्जे से 100 करोड लोगों को बेरोजगार बनाने का षड्यंत्र
  बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों का षड्यंत्र देश की काली मिट्टी की जमीनों को हथियाने के लिए 1970 से हमारे देश में शुरू हो गया था। यूरोपीय जालसाज महाधूर्त बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों ने विश्व बैंक अंतरराष्ट्रीय म
प्रदेश में ऑटो सेक्टर में हड़ताल पर इससे जुड़ी रखना चाहिए सभी मांगों को
 जब ट्रक वाले हड़ताल पर चले ही गए हैं। तो केवल डीजल पेट्रोल की कीमतें कम करवाने से काम नहीं चलेगा। मध्यप्रदेश में पेट्रोल डीजल गैस पर 32% वेट वसूलने के साथ जो वसूली शिवराज सरकार ने प्रति लीटर रु5/
"पृथ्वी का वृक्षारोपण से करो श्रृंगार, सभी जीवो को दो भोजन, पानी, स्वच्छ पर्यावरण का उपहार"। ।
  "पृथ्वी का वृक्षारोपण से करो श्रृंगार, सभी जीवो को दो भोजन, पानी, स्वच्छ पर्यावरण का उपहार"। कृृष‍ि भूमि की मेड़ों पर करवाएं सघन वृक्षारोपण़़। केंद्र व राज्य सरकारेें कृषि, उद्यान‍ि‍की व ग्रामीण विकास विभागों को निर्देश देकर । बुंदेलखंड का जाखनी गांव खेत पर मेड़, मेड़ पर पेड़ लगाकर, वर्ष भर लेत
यौनाचार- ब्रह्मांस्त्र के सामने सारे दिग्गज, सारे नियम कानून, वैध अवैध, न्याय अन्याय, अस्तित्वहीन, चारों तरफ बोलबाला
 सभी घोर भ्रष्ट अधिकारी, डाक्टर व इंजीनियर जो नगर निगमो, गृह निर्माण मंडलो, औद्योगिक केंद्र विकास निगम, लोक निर्माण, जल संसाधन, लोक स्वास्थ्य यांत्रिकी, ग्रामीण यांत्रिकीय, पंचायतों, आदिम व जनजाति जात
घोर भुखेरेेे, महाभ्रष्ट मोदी ने रिजर्व बैंक से रु41 लाख करोड में से साडे 39 लाख करोड़ 280 टन सोना भी उसने इंग्लैंड को गिरवी
 मोदी ने रिजर्व बैंक से उसके रुपए 41 लाख करोड की आपातकालीन निधि से लगभग साडे 39 लाख करोड़ निकाल लिया है। रिजर्व बैंक में रखा 280 टन सोना भी उसने इंग्लैंड को गिरवी कर दिया और वह धन भी हड़प गया। कॉन्
मध्य प्रदेश में बिजली, गैस डीजल पेट्रोल शराब देश में सबसे ज्यादा महंगे.
 दिग्गी दानव का साया प्रदेश में मचा रहा तबाही। चारों तरफ भ्रष्टाचार का तांडव. प्रदेश में बिजली, गैस डीजल पेट्रोल शराब सबसे ज्यादा महंगे. मुख्यमंत्री से लेकर सारे मंत्री लगे हैं केवल भ्रष्टाचार से
व्हाट्सएप र्और फेसबुक यूजर मांग करे कि जुकर बर्ग को सरकार द्वारा अंदर कर जेल में भेजा जाए
 व्हाट्सएप र्और फेसबुक यूजर मांग करे कि जुकर बर्ग को सरकार द्वारा अंदर कर जेल में भेजा जाए व्हाट्सएप यूजर ऑफ फेसबुक यूजर को चाहिए दुनिया के उस सूअर जुकर बर्ग जो 200 करोड उपयोगकर्ताऑ के गोपनीयता भंग क
देश में नहीं है वेतन बांटने दाने, मोदी चले एक अरब डॉलर रुस को लुटाने
  क्या आया मोदी भी रूस के राष्ट्रपति पुतिन के मधुयौनपाश गिरोह में फंसा हुआ है? देश में नहीं है वेतन बांटने दाने, मोदी चले एक अरब डॉलर रुस को लुटाने भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था को मोदी ने नोटबंदी और जीएसटी
हावडी मोदी भारत के जन धन से डेढ़ लाख करोड़ डॉलर×रु72=रु108लाख करोड़ जनता से लूटा धन अमेरिका मेंं नौटंकी पर खर्च
 हावडी मोदी भारत के जन धन से डेढ़ लाख करोड़ डॉलर ×रु72= रुु108लाख करोड़ जनता का धन अमेरिका की हावडी मोदी की नौटंकी पर खर्च किया जा रहा है। आखिरी यह धन जो जनता का बैंक में रखा धन, रुपए साडे चार लाख कर
खंड 2-- मंदी से उबरने और मंदी में जीविका चलाने के उपाय।
 इस व‍िश्व व्यापी मंदी से बचने, त्याग दीजिये लेेन देेन के कार्डस सभी प्रकार के। जनता और खास करके हमारी युवा पीढ़ी को आधुनिकता का पाखंड का दिखावा, तत्काल छोड़ देना चाहिए। एटीएम, पेटीएम, ऑनलाइन पेमेंट खरीदी व बिक्री का आधुनिक होने का पाखंड त्यागने से नगदी आपके हाथ में रहेगी आपके हाथ से नगदी कम बंंटे
भूखेरा जन पार्टी के भेड़ियों गुजराती मोदी और अमित शाह ने लूट मारी सारी बैंकिंग, तबाही मचा बना दिया कंगाल
 रिजर्व बैंक से लेकर सभी सरकारी बैंकों को नोच मारा। देश की बिगड़ती आर्थिक हालत 29 बैंकों को 12 बैंकों में बदल कर लोगों की बचत, अल्प व दीर्घ सावधि जमाओं पर, हाथ साफ करने उस पर डाका डालने की मोदी की तैयारी। रिजर्व बैंक के रू30लाख करोड़ के रिजर्व से पहले रू3-3 लाख की छह किश्तों में रू 18लाख करोड से और
चंद्रमा पर यान उतारना-- बकवास और देश की जनता का समस्याओं से ध्यान हटाने व मूर्ख बनाने का षड्यंत्र
 बकवास और देश की जनता का समस्याओं से ध्यान हटाने व मूर्ख बनाने का षड्यंत्र चंद्रमा पर यान उतारना । पिछले 50 सालों से अमेरिका मूर्ख बना रहा था। अब उसमें भारत भी शामिल हो गया। यह केवल दुनिया की जनता क
रक्तप‍िपासु मोदी की ज‍ि‍द्द, मध्य प्रदेश की घोर तबाही, सरदार सरोवर के डूब में 192 गांव के करीब 40000 लोग
 मोदी की जिद्द और पाखंड पूर्ण वाहवाही के, साथ ही गुजरात को हरा-भरा करने के लिए अत्यधिक क्रूरतापूर्ण व बदतमीजी पूर्ण तरीके से मध्य प्रदेश के सबसे घने वनों व उपजाऊ भूमि और आदिवासी बाहुल्य क्षेत्र को सदा
गणेश भक्ति का समय
 •यह गणेश भक्ति का समय है। ध्यान लगाकर आराधना का समय है। उनकी आराधना से सुख समृद्धि और शक्ति प्राप्त करने का समय है। •यह आराधना का समय हमारी आंतरिक और समाज की बाहरी शक्ति के विकास का और एकत्रित होकर
दिग्गी दानव फिर करेगा कांग्रेस का सूपड़ा साफ
 दिग्गी दानव फिर करेगा कांग्रेस का सूपड़ा साफ दिग्गी दानव ने पहले प्रदेश को बर्बाद कर कांग्रेस का सूपड़ा साफ कर 15 साल तक कांग्रेस को सत्ता से दूर रखा। अब जब फिर से भाजपा से त्रस्त जनता ने उसे चुन
खंड1- मंदी से और मंदी में जीविका चलाने के उपाय
 यदि राष्ट्रभक्ति और देशभक्ति का थोड़ा सा भी आपके हृदय में जज्बा है। तो चीनी माल को आयात और खरीद-फरोख्त करना बिल्कुल त्याग दें दिल दिमाग से आपके देश की बेरोजगारी का का बहुत बड़ा मूल कारण भी है। बहुत
विद्युत कंपनियों की लूट और गरीब, सीधे-साधे ईमानदार उपभोक्ताओं से डकैती
 यह है विद्युत कंपनियों की लूट और गरीब, सीधे-साधे ईमानदार उपभोक्ताओं से डकैती का सच। इस लूट व डकैती का सबसे बड़ा अड्डा पश्चिम क्षेत्र विद्युत वितरण कंपनी और उसके अंतर्गत आने वाले 15 जिलों में ही सबसे
देश की बर्बाद होती अर्थव्यवस्था पर से जनता और मीडिया का ध्यान हटाने, यातायात के भारी लूट के नियम
 मोदी है तो मुमकिन है। यातायात के नियमों की आड़ में मोदी चाहता है देश में जनता सड़कों पर उतर कर आंदोलन करें। ताकि देश की बर्बाद होती अर्थव्यवस्था पर से जनता और मीडिया का ध्यान हटाया जा सके। मोदी ने
कांग्रेसी मुमं कमलनाथ व सभी घोर भ्रष्ट मंत्री, जितना लूट सके तो लूट अंत काल पछतायेगा मंत्री पद और गद्दी जाएगी छूट
 कांग्रेस के शासन में मुमं कमलनाथ उर्फ कालिया नाग और उसके 15 साल से भूखे घोर भ्रष्ट मंत्री अच्छी तरह से जानते हैं, कि अपनी सरकार का कोई भरोसा नहीं कि कब तक चलेगी। इसलिए जितना लूट सके तो लूट अंत काल
हर हर मोदी। हर लिया मोदी ने आपका रोजगार। घर घर भुखमरी फैला दी मोदी ने।
 हर हर मोदी। हर लिया मोदी ने आपका रोजगार व्यापार-व्यवसाय नोटबंदी और जीएसटी से अब तबाही मचा रहा है। घर घर मोदी। जब मैं लिखता था। कि अनपढ़ गंवार भूखे घोर लालची जाल साज गुजराती भेड़ियों मोदी और अ
इंदौर नगर निगम में वर्षा केे आंकडों में जालसाजी और इंदौरी भांड म‍िड‍ि‍या की अंध भक्ति, 48" से वर्षा जल गिरने पर भी द‍िखा रहे 31.5"
 आखिर क्या कारण है की दैनिक बड़े समाचार पत्र हमारे यहां 48 इंच से ज्यादा वर्षा जल गिर चुका है। फिर भी पहले 05 से 30 अगस़्त तक 30 इंच छापते रहे और 30 तारीख के बाद उसको बढ़ाते बढ़ाते आज 31 अगस़्त को 31" इंच तक आ गए। यह सच क्यों नहीं बताना चाहते क्योंक‍ि इस झूठ के पीछे रु300 करोड़ से ज्यादा का खेल है
इंदौर नगर निगम शासकीय डकैतों का अड्डा 20-25 साल से भ्रष्ट अधिकारी डकैती डालते और वसूलते हैं करोड़ों रुपए हर महीने
 प्रदेश के भूतपूर्व मुमं द‍िग्गी दानव अपने कार्यकाल के10 वर्षों में अपने घोोर मक्कारी और जालसाजी सेे खूब भ्रष्टाचार से प्रदेश को खोखला किया आप अपनेे बेटेे को भी वही गुरु ज्ञान बांट रहा है। इसीलिए उसने अपने बेटे को नगरीय प्रशासन और आवास मंत्री बनवाया। यहां पर सबसे ज्यादा लूटपाट और भ्रष्टाचार से भारी
बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों और भ्रष्ट म‍िडीया ने मोटी लूट के लिये हर तरह से क‍िया बर्बाद, जनता को
 दुन‍ि‍या में अमेर‍ि‍की बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों पूरे व‍िश्व क‍ी जनता को हर तरह से बर्बा्द क‍िया। छोटा सा उदाहरण है, जैसे क‍ि शैंपू के चक्कर में हमने बाल गंजे कर लिए 20-30 साल की उम्र में हमें बालों में बच्चों ने 15 -20 साल की उम्र से रंग करना शुरू कर दिया। हमारे बुजुर्गों के बाल वही सरसों के तेल और
Astological: For easy remedy of difficult planets in horoscopes Herbs for Planets in Astrology
 To ward off the malefic effects of the planets our seers have recommended a lot of remedies. To propitiate them it is recommended to donate the articles associated with the planet, recite the mantras, wear the gems etc. It is not possible for every person to wear the precious stones for remedy of p
Beware! Heavy recession ahead. Dirty duffer, illiterate fraudulent Modi captured rule by EVM fraud, destroyed total business & economy of country.
 Be careful while spending. Heavy recession ahead. There is unannounced financial crisis in India. Such crises appear to the public slowly. I consider the current situation is only first round of crisis. • Increasing the NPA of banks means. Scarcity of capital which means no fresh investment. The
भारत में राजनीति में, राजनीतिक वही, जो बड़े आपराध‍ि‍क गुंडे, बदमाश, माफिया,
 भारत में राजनीति में, राजनीतिक वही आपराध‍ि‍क लोग होते हैं, जो गुंडे, बदमाश, रेत माफिया, खनन माफिया, भूमाफिया, कॉलोनी माफिया, ड्रग माफिया, शराब माफिया, वन माफिया, गरीबों बेसहारोंं के मकान हडपो माफिया,
म‍िलावटयुक्त कांग्रेस केे मंत्री तुलसी सिलावट का शुध्द का युध्द नह‍ीं कमाई का युध्द
 मध्य प्रदेश की विधानसभा के दूसरे व बजट सत्र में नकली दूध वा दूध से बने दही घी पनीर मावा मक्खन मिठाइयां मिल्क केक आइसक्रीम के साथ अन्य खाद्य पदार्थों के मामले को उठाकर पटल पर रखने का कोई औचित्य नहीं थ
फ़्लाइंग काफेंंन मिग-21 रूसी जहाज 70-80 साल पुराना, पर कार 15साल पुरानीनही़ चलेगी
 आपको बता दें मिग-21 रूसी जहाज जो रूस में द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के लिए बनाया था। रुस ने 1956 में 2,000 से ज्यादा मिग-21 जहाजों 20 वर्ष के उपयोग के बाद यह जखीरा कबाड़ के कब्रिस्तान में खड़ा कर दिया गया थ
भारत 1राफेल $1650करोड में, पाक को उधारी में $860 करोड में 18 F-16
 इमरान अमेरिका गया और 18 एफ-16 विमान ले आया। मात्र 860 करोड में जिसकी भास्कर में रिपोर्ट छपी हुई है। और हमारा घोर धूर्त भेड़िया मोदी एक राफेल भी फ्रांस से 1650 करोड़ में खरीद रहा है।जबकि इमरान वो 860
भेढ़िया झुंड पार्टी नेे अंबानी बिरला मित्तल के लाभ के लिए बीएसएनल किया बर्बाद
 भुखेरा जन पार्टी मैं अटल जी की सरकार ने 1999 में दिल्ली की सत्ता संभाली थी। अटल जी न‍िसंदेह स्वच्छ और अच्छे सुलझे राजनेता थे उन्हीं के कारण भाजपा को सत्ता मिली। पर उनकी साख की आड में देश के बड़े-बड़े
HMS starting their own Social Court, it will reduce the burden of Indian Judiciary.
 X-president K R Narayanan told on 25th of January 2000 "courts are Casino not churches of Justice". that proved Indian official courts are full of corruption. 2nd coin side in India from Prime Minister house to panchayat all are full of corruption dancing on the tune of power, paisa and popularity.
भ्रष्टाचारियों के साए में मुख्यमंत्री कमलनाथ का पहला स्वाधीनता पर्व
 भोपाल ( पं.एस.के. भारद्वाज) कमलनाथ सरकार का जमीर कब जागेगा गद्दी संभाले हुए 8 महीने बीत गए ना भ्रष्टाचार पर कोई अंकुश लगाया और ना ही उस संबंध में कभी सोचने का भी विचार किया ।चुनाव के दौरान किये हुए अ
म प्र सड़क डकैती विकास निगम ने बनाई थी सड़क भ्रष्टाचार की प्रकृति ने बना दी नहर।
 श्योपुर से 24 किमी दूर मध्य प्रदेश सड़क डकैती विकास निगम की यह सड़क जो श्योपुर शिवपुरी मुरैना गुना ग्वालियर जाती है इसका डिजाइन ड्राइंग और निर्माण जहां पर वर्तमान में 20 फुट पानी भरा हुआ है कैसी हो
सड़कों की बनावट व रखरखाव केवल लूट के लिए, उस पर भी चालकोंं से लूट के नये कानून
 मोदी और अमित शाह संसद में देश वर्तमान आर्थिक सामाजिक परिस्थितियों को बिना कुछ खास सोचे समझे अपने पूंजीपतियों के इशारे पर क़ानून पर कानून बनाने में लगे हुए हैं। उन्हें जनता के 132 करोड़ लोगों और देश क
अहं नमामि देव भाषा संस्कृत।
 निसंदेह यह मेरी धरती के इस देवभूमि में अवतरण से लेकर अंत तक मस्तिष्क में यह पीड़ा विद्यमान है और रहेगी। लाखों विद्यालयों में देश के हमारी देव भाषा को मातृ भाषा के रूप में नहीं पढ़ाया जाता। इसलिये यथा
ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर में घोर मंदी व बेरोजगारी के लिए केंद्र व राज्य सरकार की लूटने की नीतियां जिम्मेदार
 भेड़िया झुंड पार्टी के घोर आपराधिक मानसिकता के झूठे मक्कार मोदी ने पूंजीपतियों के इशारे पर नाच कर देश की चंहु दिशी बर्बादी की। जिसका सच अब सामने आ रहा है। केंद्र ने 5 वर्ष का बीमा, वाहन चालन में भ
मप्र सड़क डकैती विकास निगम में बैठे भ्रष्टों को अजमेरा के पत्र लेने में भी लगता है डर
 मध्यप्रदेश में केवल चारों तरफ लूट और लूट का तांडव है यहां तक कि हरामखोर पत्र लेने से मना कर देते हैं। कमलनाथ जिसे प्यार से और गुस्से में गवालियर के कांग्रेसी कालिया नाग बोलते हैं, जिसने ईवीएम की जाल
भ्रष्ट मुख्यमंत्री कमल नाथ ने आते ही शुरू कर दिया लूट का तांडव
 प्रदेश का मुख्यमंत्री कमलनाथ नहीं कालिया नाग ने आते ही साथ बिजली की कीमतों में 7% की बढ़ोतरी देश में सबसे महंगी बिजली सबसे ज्यादा उत्पादित की जाने वाली बिजली मध्य प्रदेश के लोगों को ही सबसे महंगी मिल
म प्र सड़क डकैती विकास निगम रु3000 करोड़ रु की लूट के लिए बना रहा इंदौर भोपाल एक्सप्रेस हाइवे
 मध्यप्रदेश में सड़कों पर डकैती डालने के लिए एक अलग से अटल की सरकार में राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग प्राधिकरण बनाया गया, तो दूसरी तरफ राज्यों में सभी राज्यों की सरकारों को सड़क विकास निगम बना
World's Do not import & buy Chinese Goods. Stop its bossism & terrorism in the world,
 China is the world's largest terrorist who is doing spy on the world through electronics products. Large multinationals of all developed countries should stop producing all kinds of production in Chi
Fraudulently Modi won election of 2019 with planned conspiracy of EVM.
 Fraudulently Modi won election of 2019 with planned conspiracy of EVM. For saving fraud & winning Parliamentary election he lost 3 states in 2018, for creating trust of public in EVM. Electronic Voti
Why dirty devil Modi deal for 24 Romeo helicopters on 3rd from US in Rs18200cr., only to shut mouth of US Prez. Trump,
 Gujarati Churcut Modi total country& its wealth is not your thief father’s property. When the election Code of Conduct was imposed on 10th March. So how did you deal in the end of March? Only for sh
China threatening India. While internal men power so weak, old, ill, exhausted & frustrated.
 China threatening India. While internal men power so weak, old, ill, exhausted & frustrated. Chinese newspapers, written such as Global Times & other, India should remove army from Docklam, or else
It is possible if Modi is. Mortgaging total public property in hands of his friends Adani Ambani etc.,
 It is possible if Modi is. After demonetization & GST both were meant to benefit only capitalists Ambani, Adani, TATA, Birla & multinationals for their big profit. After getting rule opened 100% FDI
CM Kamal Nath diverting public fund for recovering past assembly & future parliament election
 CM Kamal Nath diverting public fund for recovering past assembly & future parliament election, with their fraudulent & corrupt aide CS Mohanti & ACP Fin Anurag Jain. after getting rule of MP state, MP chief minister Mr Kamal Nath appointed highly corrupt and fraudulent Indian abusing service offi
Both Political parties of the state against general category in government officers promotion only for vote.
 Both Political parties of the state against general category in government officers promotion only for vote. In MP state, both political parties i.e., BJP and Congress are against promotion of State Government employees and officers, only for getting 28% votes of SC & ST population in the state. wh
Conspiracy to win again with the forgery of EVMs in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, defeat in 3 states, a master stroke of wolves Modi & Amit
 Conspiracy to win again with the forgery of EVMs in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, defeat in 3 states, a master stroke of wolves Modi & Amit In three states, knowingly messing up EVMs also gave the Congress a chance to win elections and Modi's & bald headed Amit shah’s long, deep chess move. To sav
Gujrati IPM Modi & aide Amit Shah: For Hindus, Ram on lips, knives in hips, fun, self development and ignorance, drown in 3 states
 Bhedia Jhund Party’s (Wolves Gang) Gujrati IPM Modi & aide Shah: for Hindus, Ram on lips, knives in hips, fun & self development drown in 3 states Shiva's ego and in insult on every step of the upp
After all support, why lakhs in country, and thousands in MP state, farmers committing suicide?
 After all support, why lakhs in country, and thousands in MP state, farmers committing suicide? Government policies are good, but from the PS, director to AEO, all the worst corrupt Everyone
EVM totally fraudulent machine, easily can radio control and change its results.
 In all 5 states Congress is winning election, but due to fraudulent tactics, managed by Indian Abusing Services officers, can change results, according to their choice.
BJP versus Wolves gangs’ Party got power after 65 years. woolen snatched from 132 crores of sheep
 Wolves gangs’ Party or BJP got power after 65 years. woolen snatched from 132 crores of sheep were not filled stomach and pockets, and by pledging the bank loans of their Ambani, Adani, types of masters of Modi, they opened accounts of 50 crore poor and deposited the deposits of the poor in banks,
The government & all the political parties, jokes & insults orders of the Supreme Court, None of the political party candidates published their criminal historical record़
 The government & all the political parties, jokes & insults orders of the Supreme Court, None of the political party candidates published their criminal historical record। In the nomination pape
Who brought kenyan citizen Urjit Patel for looting RBI ? asking him to Rs.3.5lakh crore, or resign.
 Who was the one to bring Urjit Patel? That's Modi. While he is not an Indian citizen. Now if he is not listening to him. So the environment is being created against him. Note: When the 125 crore peop
Joint war practice of Russia and China, terrorized Modi came under a lot of fear. got a chance to buy $50, S400 missile in $5000cr each.
 Modi seen all the military exercises are for Russia and China only for India. Of course, both of these joint exercises were done to scare India because Modi was bowing down to the US. He was doing a
Secretariat of MP Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Or house of corrupt, criminals,
 The arrest of the Awasthi Director of deaf, disabled, schools and hostels or brothels and host the MP state's political and bureaucrats for youthful sexual tastes In 1990, retired Mahesh Prasad Awasthi was retired as army constable, hosted hostels of deaf and handicapped people in Hoshangabad fr
Undeclared Emergency in India: Government control, personal message mediums and all public broadcasting media are restricted through courtesy process.
 As the Prime Minister of India, when Modi took over, as soon as the government assumed power, the misuse of government funds, misuse of government funds, fuel cost of diesel, and fuel quadruple recovery, high inflation rate, misdeeds of government mischief, decision to hijack GST in the interest of
Ex ECI T S Krishnamurthy accepted BJP won the election by EVM hacking:
 electronic voting machine is totally fraudulent machine for election it was introduced by ECI on instruction of Congress Govt., Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) were used on an experimental basis for the first time in elections to 16 Assembly constituencies in Madhya Pradesh (5), Rajasthan (5) and
US & UK not the boss of the world, live in limit, no need to finger in internal security of other countries, such as Uigar in China.
 If Uighar minority Muslims in China have been living hard to live in the country's majority Buddhist and other caste people There they perform tandava, others raise problems, they carry out terrorist activities. So China has the right to take action and necessary steps to maintain peace in the cou
Sawarns, Wake up the awakened souls and their brain forces with the mantras and meditation.
 Human life does not only lead to life with earnings and pleasures. Dirty, cunning & shrewd Indian politicians made & given you level of Sawarns, maintain it. You are 30%, the guardians of 70%, including these dirty, corrupt, politicians & bureaucrats. Then you have been looted by the shrewd ruler
Modi & Amit Shah conspiring for trying to capture rule for life long, by managing national & all states election together for winning with fraudulent tactics of EVM frauds, such as did by Putin of Russia and Jin ping of China
 Putin of Russia, Jin Ping of China, captured rule for life long, the same is trying by IPM Modi & Amit Shah by holding elections of States & Central together in India, by conspiracy of winning with EVM, will change the constitution for a lifetime. Yes the preparation is going on. It is being pl
While Trump can make a wall on the entire US border to stop Mexicans entry in US. Than why criticizing India for Bangladeshis
 While Mexico is part of America's business and part of the country. 🤣 Anyway, modern-day America is a country born of crossbreed species of the 17 to 19th century hooligans intruders of the whole world. While the native of Mexico, which is called Red Indians. They are the only native of America.
What Modi is doing in India? Every corrupt criminal master dictator does this, in all countries.
  He bought big media newspapers and TV channels. Many channels stopped showing the news. In India, no one speaks audio-visual & print media against him, DAVP not releasing advertisements to 0.2milli
After all, for what, honest IAS Manish Rastogi sent on pressure leave?We corrupt, all corrupt of us. Honest Pushing outside.
  There is no place for honest people in Madhya Pradesh. IAS Manish Rastogi had exposed the scandals involving 5 lakh crores of tenders in tenders from 2015 to 18 in the online tender process MP Regional Rural Development Authority, MP Road dacoit Corp. MP Housing & Infrastructure Development Board
Destructive men who became men claiming development
 Public gives Vote for rule, not devil capitalists. Undoubtedly make thousands of crores of rupees from the public to make public taxation by making a law, make demonetization, GST, make smart cities
Illegal recovery and harassment of stamp vendors by the dist. treasury offices in MP
 In Madhya Pradesh, for the last 5 years, government non-judicial stamps are used to pay government duty in contracts to purchase property from purchase sale to government duty and in many other works. Due to tyranny of tyranny and dictatorship, gradually being removed from Rs.10000, 5000, 2000, 100
Fraying, fraudulent vultures Google, Yahoo, Microsoft do not tease, torture 200cr. people, they abuse you for doggy death The Chinese ready to answer all your immoralities, data selling, torture & negative activities.
 Learn to live in limit Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, or else where you and all your army were born. Where does it end, will not even know. Do not disturb the 200 million people who use your browser so much that their husbands, your boss and those who work with you started praying to God for the death o
In Indian banking industry most of banks showing losses, while snatching customers on each of the step only due to loans of big fraudulent Industrialist such as Ambani Adani Tata Birla Mittal etc.,
 In Indian banking industry most of banks showing losses, while snatching customers on each of the step only due to loans of big fraudulent Industrialist such as Ambani Adani Tata Birla Mittal etc., in the year of 17-18 most of banks showing losses such as Bank of India shown losses of rupees
MP state commercial tax anti evasion bureau widely collecting bribes from Transporters and sheltering tax evaders.
 MP state commercial tax anti evasion bureau widely collecting bribes from Transporters and sheltering tax evaders. in MP state commercial tax department and it's all 6 wings of anti evasion bureaus, started The Dirty Game of collecting bribes from Transporter giving them freehand for transportat
At last x pm Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan accepted for attack of 9/11 in Mumbai:
 At last x pm Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan accepted for attack of 9/11 in Mumbai: Pakistani ex Prime Minister Mr Nawaz Sharif accepted the truth of attack of 9/11 in Mumbai. That proved Pakistan terrorist attacked on Mumbai. In Pakistan at present there are three parallel government working. first
BJP’s IPM Modi will make 50 million people as beggars, multinational companies take their business, who will buy their goods without money
 Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the Wolf Animal Party, the gesture of capitalist husbands, is bent on starving the people of the country's public at the behest of the capitalists, as Samuel Moore Watson is the owner of Walmart stores in the world. The Food Security and Standards Act of 2006 has bee
China never trustable, Modi’s 5th visit may be fruitful only on few points,
 China never trustable, Modi’s 5th visit may be fruitful only on few points, Prz. Xi Zinping cannot leave its mentality of swallow: duffer, lustrous & greedy IPM Modi is unable to face game of Chinese
Facebook's Zuckerberg used & sold the data of more than 3000 million people in the world,
 Facebook's Zuckerberg used & sold the data of more than 3000 million people in the world, sold it and earned more than 10lakh crore: that dirty bustard Zukerberg, started his facebook platform for h
In DPR part time workers passed more than 30year, getting Rs.5700/- lesser than min. wage per day
 CM SRS Chouhan is directly controlling this DPR. In DPR part time workers passed more than 30year, getting Rs.5700/- lesser than min. wage per day, as salary. In MP Department of public relations actually DPR means Dacoits of Public funds for media relations, spent Rs.25000cr. to35000cr per annum f
Good news for world: North Korean President Kim Jong promised not to test nuclear, atomic bombs and missiles:
 Good news for world: North Korean President Kim Jong promised not to test nuclear, atomic bombs and missiles: since last 4 decades North Korean presidents was terrorizing the total world, in last 3
Putin & Xi Zinping duo, fraudulently captured rule, will create platform for third world war: for domination & destruction of UK &US, for ruling over the world.
 Russian Putin is by birth KGB spy so he is highly cunning & shrewd again he captured the Russian rule fraudulently, by changing total constitution of Russia, he is not looking after the democrati
Highly corrupt and rude CE for swallowing money, not constructing water bodies according to standard.
 Highly corrupt and rude CE YC Sharma of Narmada Tapti Basin of Indore for swallowing money, not constructing water bodies according to standard. in the MP Water Resources Development department most of the engineers are highly corrupt cunning and rude, So they are unable to follow the departme
MP Budget18-19: total game of forged data for swallowing public money, in roads, electric, agriculture, health, education etc.
 MP Budget18-19: total game of forged data for swallowing public money, in roads, electric, agriculture, health, education etc., --- MP CM SRS Chouhan, FM Jayant Mallaiyya produced budget for 18-19, 1st of all they are having only 8 months for next state election, and before 45 days, of dates of ele
The Google top cheater & killer of 1 billion hours life of 2000 million people.
 Now a days Google is biggest search engine on internet world 5 billion people. It is true, it is providing most of free search services, but in place of proper & accurate search results, on 99% time it is transferring their data & search objects on most of ad & other related search commercial site
Hailstorm destroyed crops of 16dist., Govt. ask to pay compensation to all 3million farmers from insurance cos.
 Hail storm destroyed total crops of wheat, pulses, vegetables etc., in 16 dist. Of state, more than 3 million farmers lost their livelihood, earnings & cost of farming production. Now it is required
CIC, IC of Information Commissions across India, unable to check, audit & ask with Central & all state governments for proper follow of law:
 Chief & all Information Commissioners of Central & state Governments are only enjoying the power & post with honey & money. After 12years, all these dirty corrupts could not asked to Central & all st
Central Budget 18-19, cheating to public, increasing unemployment, only benefiting to capitalists.:
 Central Budget 18-19, cheating to public, increasing unemployment, only benefiting to capitalists.: Dirty devil Modi & his finance minister Arun Cheatly produced budget only for benefiting multinatio
Indore Forest Dn. SDO holding property of more than Rs.500cr., land in Dewas Dist. At Sonkatch, Bagli, Udainagar, Indore etc.,
 In Indore Dn Forest a SDO who passed more than 15 years, he widely sold & transferred thousands acres of forest land of Indore Ralamandal, near super corridor, Mhow, Choral & Manpaur etc., to hundreds of colonizers, farmers, industrialists etc., and collected hundreds of crores of Rs., highly corru
Home Min. Rajnath in deep sleep, firing on nationalists in UP, in Kerala, Muslims captured total police force, marched with green shirt
 The Bhartiya Janata Party, which was claiming as nationalists party, after getting rule, forget each & everything, their ethics of nationality, poverty, employment, security, corruption, inflation, terrorism etc., Now only enjoying rule, touring abroad, increasing petrol-diesel & gas prices, snatch
Highly corrupt, fraudulent & cheater Drug & Food inspectors passed more than 10 years against money:
 Highly corrupt, fraudulent & cheater Drug & Food inspectors passed more than 10 years against money: the total Bhukhera Janwar Party & its all ministers, leaders, MLAs, MPs, corporators, sarpanches are highly corrupt, fraudulent & cheater only looking after money. For money these dirty corrupt mini
Jungle rule in MP State, CM Chouhan the biggest dacoit:
  In MP State, here is total jungle rule, crimes, such as murders, mass rapes, theft, dacoity are regularly increasing rapidly. 99% crimes reports not filing by most of police stations, corruption on
Dirty devil IPM Modi sold total country in hands of multinationals, asked for 100% FDI in retail business:
  After Joining as IPM, Modi destroyed total country and its total business, for high commission from multinationals, he demonetised, GST & now given free hand to FDI for retail business, it will cause high unemployment in retail sectors, for benefiting them, these dirty bustards wolves of mayors &
BJP repeating history of Congress of illegal appointments & corruption in MP State assembly:
 Ex Chairman SN Tiwari so called white lion appointed more than 50 relatives in his Congress rule from 1982 to 2003 from back door, the same repeated by BJP CM & their ministers, they also appointed
Highly corrupt town & country planning department, totally fraudulent posting of AD Anita Karothe’s, on forged cast & domicile certificate.
 Highly corrupt town & country planning department, totally fraudulent posting of AD Anita Karothe’s posting. Total Town & Country Planning department is not highly corrupt & fraudulent. These highly dirty & corrupt directors, joint directors, deputy directors & assistant directors are blindly sanct
Highly corrupt West CE Poranik, APD Kharat, widely collecting on each sanction of tenders, extension, escalation etc.,
 Highly corrupt West CE Poranik, APD Kharat, widely collecting on each sanction of tenders, extension, escalation etc., unable to provide RTI information & appeals. In MP PWD, total department is not only highly corrupt, but fraudulent too, from Min. RP Singh, PS Aajamgadia Suleman, EnC Akhilesh Agr
After 12 year of RTI, no one govt. department completed its all information, even no office & email address, name of officers, their post, addesses etc.,
 After 12 year of RTI, no one govt. department completed its all information, even no office & email address, officers. Highly corrupt total central govt. ministries, all PSUs, banks, insurance, oil, cos., universities etc., & all state govt. departments could not completed all required informati
MP CIC HL Trivedi rejecting appeals collecting bribe, unable to ask completion of sec 4 with Govt. & its all departments.
 After 12 years of RTI Act05, all departments of Central Govt. & all state Govt. could not completed sec 4, a & b, its 17 points provisions of total information, while it should be loaded on their official sites within 180 days from enactments of this act on 12.04.2005, while since that Central Govt
Indore DFO Rai asking for 14% commission with all 4 rangers for each bill:
 Indore DFO Rai asking for 14% commission with all 4 rangers for each bill: According to office of Divisional Forest Indore sources, DFO Rai, asking 14% commission, 10% for him & 4% for CCF of Indore
BJP Fraudulently won election of both state Gujrat & Himachal:
 BJP’s N Modi & Amit Shah both are historical highly criminals, conspirators, lustrous gundogs, high jacked total BJP & captured post of IPM & president of BJP. Now total RSS & BJP, dancing on tune of
IN MPPHE, In Charge E in C Songaria paid Rs.3cr. for getting post ignored seniority of CE Sankule.
 Corruption & forgery: IN MPPHE, In Charge E in C Songaria paid Rs.3cr. for getting post ignored seniority of CE Sankule. From highly corrupt & cunning CM Chouhan duffer Min. Kusum Mahdele, previous PS Manoj Govil, taken money of Rs.3cr. from corrupt CE Songaria, posted as Engineer in Chief, while
In Gujrat poll, BJP IPM, 25 minster, 14 CM, 200MP, 350MLA campaigning against Rahul,
 In Gujrat poll, BJP IPM, 25 minster, 14 CM, 200MP, 350MLA campaigning against Rahul, playing all types of fraudulent tactics, distributing liquor, money etc., but total lection commission is looking silently against violations In Gujrat election total ruling BJP IPM Modi, 15 central ministers, 20
EVM totally fraudulent, UP local body election proved, election results by papers valet totally different than EVM:
 EVM totally fraudulent, UP local body election proved, election results by papers valet totally different than EVM: In local bodies election of municipal, corp., Nagar panchayat chairman & members’ election proved this truth of election voting machine is totally fraudulent. The results of municipal
MP Treasury & A\cs for getting bribe, asking for service book govt. employeess but not giving receipt of it.
  In Joint Directorate of MP Treasury & Accounts, Indore, Bhopal, Ujjain, Rewa, Jabalpur, Gwalior, etc., for paying time & pay scale, 7th pay scale to all employees & officers, asking for surrendering service books to JD office, but not giving acknowledgement of receipt of these service books to co
March, April 17, in WRD, NVDA, RES, PWD, PHE, most of sub engineers on strike, but paid salary.
  In month of March April 17, approx. 5000 Sub engineers of all works department such as MP WRD, NVDA, MP PHE, MP PWD, MP RES, MPRDC, MP RRDA MPEB & their all power cos. etc., were on strike for their demand of promotion, time pay scale, & many other genuine demands. On that time CM SRS Chouhan dec
New sand policy for easy sand family business, snatching rivers’ bed, loosing state mining income:
 Highly corrupt, cunning & shrewd CM SRS Chouhan & big sand mafia, his family more than 700 sand carrying dumpers, pokelane machines for snatching the holy river Narmada bed from Hoshangabad & Harda d
Crop Rate difference payment by MP State, only for getting 50 funds back from traders, and attracting farmers’ vote:
 On instruction & secret reports of RSS to MP CM SRS Chouhan for pleasing & cheating farmers, declared the policy of Crop Rate difference payment by MP State, only for getting 50 funds back from trade
National Sacrifice day, late Nathuram Godse hanged by Congress Govt. for killing farewell of Gandhi:
 National Sacrifice day, late Nathuram Godse hanged by Congress Govt. for killing farewell of Gandhi: After leased freedom of India, all 3 dirty lawyers Gandhi, Jinna & Jawahar Nehru, signed with las
Rule toxic State & Central BJP cabinet ministers giving vulgar statements.
 total ruling BJP Central & all state govt. are suffering by most of decisions of PM Modi, such as foreign tours, false appraisal reports & its heavy expenditure on visual & print media, demonetization, GST & many other decisions which are high burden of expenditure, increased unemployment, high rat
MP CM Should reappoint retd. CE RK Sawala PWD as ME NVDA for completing all canals projects:
 MP CM Should reappoint retd. CE RK Sawala PWD as ME NVDA for completing all canals projects: Retd. CE RK Sawala completed all projects of Ujjain Sinhastha16 within time limit with quality & standards. While Sinhastha 16 was a great challenge & a mile stone for CM SRS Chouhan. Of course, Er. Sanwa
Indian Courts are casinos, not temple of justice, no futuristic vision, dancing puppet of rulers & capitalists:
 Ex- President late KR Narayanan told Indian Courts are casinos, not temple of justice. Their judges are dancing puppets of rulers and capitalists, no futuristic vision, no interests of future develo
BJP will win Gujrat with EVM & vote counting fraud, total fraudulrnt election process.
 EVM to counting totally fraudulent process, DM, SDM, ADM, dances on tune of powerful rulers: In India total process is totally full of conspiracy & frauds. Who can buy election commission in auction,
#me too, said millions of women, could not ask with their father, why he born you:
 Woman or female & man got birth on earth? In all species, only for female to conceive male sperms & born & leave next generation on earth according to old Hindu Holy Shastra, Purans, Veds, while Christians & Muslim religions born 2017 & 1400 years ago. So all these religions are having no value i
SC accepted the right of privacy of all civilians, but IPM Modi made it compulsory for all transactions.
 SC accepted the right of privacy of all civilians, but IPM Modi made it compulsory for all transactions. 1st time SC accepted the right of privacy of all civilians after Modi’s rule, Modi’s Govt. is
MP, CM Chouhan – “We corrupts, of corrupts & for corrupts”, change & frame the law for saving corrupts:
 CM SRS Chouhan, who did thousands of frauds & crime of lakhs of crores of Rs. On each of the step in his past 12 year rule, no one department is without scam, from where he could not earned money of several crores to thousands of crores, such as agriculture, backward & minority, commercial tax, coo
Bloody dirty devil IPM Modi sent total country in depression by demonetization, GST, 4 times loot in petroleum:
 Bloody dirty devil IPM Modi sent total country in depression by demonetization, GST, 4 times loot in petroleum: Duffer Indian Prime Minister N Modi bloody devil puppet of Ambani, Adani, Tata, Birla, Mittals & 10-15 others with multinationals sent total business, employment, production, constructio
UNO meant United Notorious Organization pressing to welcome Rohingyas to most of S. Asian countries.
 UNO meant United Notorious Organization pressing to welcome Rohingyas to most of S. Asian countries. UNO is meant for United Notorious Organization & its all other organization are organizations of n
In WRD, EnC to NT Basin CE Dabar & SE Bhagora highly fraudulent, doing a lots of corruption:
 In WRD, EnC to NT Basin CE Dabar & SE Bhagora highly fraudulent, doing a lots of corruption: In WRD, Engineers in Chief Suklikar who is highly corrupt, fraudulent & duffer unable to achieve targets,
Indore Ichchhapur 203 km totally damaged, NHAI failed to manage,
 Indore Ichchhapur 203 km totally damaged, NHAI failed to manage, required to maintain by State NH PWD. Indore Ichchhapur 203 km state highways which was managing by BOT contractor Ashoka Buildcon up to Fab.17, after completion of 15 year time, it is transferred to MP State Govt.PWD, but State Govt.
India rail away from poor, for privatization, not maintaining properly, high corruption:
 India rail away from poor, for privatization, not maintaining properly, high corruption: Indian Railway is not meant for poor, in most express, mail, super fast trains, there are many trains are full
At last media accepted failure of demonetization & GST, destructed Indian economy:
 Highly corrupt, greedy, foolish Indian media is a dancing puppet of rulers & capitalists, at last media accepted demonetization & GST destructed Indian economy. while on time demonetization, these dirty media vultures were appraising Modi, and escaping high problems & difficulties of Indian public
Merger of banks only for benefitting to big capitalists:
 Fin. Min. Arun Cheatly is planning of many Indian 22 nationalized banks in to 6 banks, only for benefitting to big capitalists and cheating with small depositors. Past shows & proved centralization of financial institution increases corruption on all steps of handling of public money, such as State
GST applied on WTO instruction, destructed 50% Indian export, 2cr. small business, entrepreneurs, industries:
 Highly cunning, corrupt, cheater, greedy vulture IPM Modi got at least 50lakh cr. for GST, from multinationals & big capitalists of Europe & Asia. This money of Rs.25lakh cr. he distributed to all political leaders of BJP, Congress, SP, BSP, AAP, JD, NCP,ADMK, AIDMK, etc., than it voted by all MP,
MP CM falsely claiming for completed perfect rehabilitation of all 2lakh ousters of 193 villages of Sardar Sarovar submergence:
 Highly corrupt, criminal & fraudulent MP CM Chouhan is claiming for completed perfect rehabilitation of all 2lakh ousters of 193 villages of Sardar Sarovar submergence, while reality is opposite of i
SC invalidated Muslim triple talaq, beneficial & secure future of total Muslim Society:
  At last after a very long period, a long political drama, today Supreme Court bench of 5 judges, 3 judges bench invalidated triple talaq of Muslims. Marriage is a system for proper, futuristic & secured development of next generation in most of the religions in the world. While in Muslims there i
Most of aanganwadis swallowed 90% funds by selling of foods of women & child development:
 In MP state Women & child welfare department is not only corrupt, but also fraudulent too, now State Govt. Centralized total purchasing from Bhopal while 90% foods, such as wheat crystals as Dalia pu
MP Onion scam of Rs.500cr., in June 17, farmers weeping for high production & low price, Aug.17 public crying for high price:
 In June 17, MP State Food & Civil Supplies played a high corruption drama. In Malwa Region or western MP i.e., in Indore & Ujjain Dn., in this 15 dist.. From end of May17, farmers were weeping for hi
Petro loot game-US$ @Rs.64/-, crude @48$, but Indian Govt. increasing petrol prices daily
 IPM capt of Ambani's loot game in petrol diesel -US$ @Rs.64/-, crude @48$, but Indian Govt. increasing petrol prices daily on Aug.11 it @74/- . Ambani capt. IPM Modi started changing of prices of pe
In India 90% private hospitals involved in drug trial, Govt. not having any legal control, getting big commission:
 In India 90% private hospitals involved in drug trial, Govt. not having any legal control, getting big commission: since 2004, Ex Health Min. A Ramdoss permitted after getting post of health minister
MP Govt. captured Megha PAtkar, unable to properly rehabilite 40000people of SSD submergence.
 Dirty devil IPM Narendra Modi, for benefiting his Gujrat State, increased height of Sardar Sarovar Dam, due to this increase of height, 193 villages are in submergence of this dam of dist. Dhar, Jhab
Thousands of farmers suicide, but corrupt CM sheltering dange corrupt PS R Rajora for money, who swallowed Rs.300cr.
 In MP Agriculture historical corrupt & highly fraudulent PS Rajesh Rajora did thousands of frauds & cheating with public fund in more than last 5years of his tenure as PS Agriculture, his latest frau
US Prez. Trump, block this WTO & stop Chinese invasion through goods & business around the world.
 Prez. Trump, not taken donation from multinationals, so he is free. so it is required now to block this World Trade cum trade terrorism Organisation which is gang of dirty devil multinationals. On th
Highly corrupt & fraudulent DDA Vijay Chorasia, sheltering fraudulent vendors, collecting funds, cheating farmers:
 Total MP Agriculture department is not only highly corrupt, but also highly fraudulent too. What Central & state Govt. provides funds for farmers’ welfare & agricultural development, most of funds swallowed by their PS, Secretary, directors, deputy & assistant directors to AEOs’. CM Cries “we shall
Dirty devil Modi, destroyed total small business, by demonetisation & GST, giving 100% FDI in retail for getting high commission:
  Bhukhera Janwar Party’s illiterate IPM Modi dirty devil destroyed total small business by demonetisation & GST, now permitted 100% FDI to top corrupt Ambani duo’s Reliance, Wallmart, Amazon & hundre
IPM Modi Spent more than Rs.1lakh cr. on US visit, making enemy Russia.
 IPM Modi Spent more than Rs.1lakh cr. on US visit, making enemy Russia. IPM illiterate Modi, who passed his most of education time with gangsters of Gujrat, for saving himself from police, he joined RSS offices, as a servant, but that dirty cheater, collected their secrets and blackmailed them, tha
2State farmers on long 10days strike, PM wandering abroad, MP CM celebrating & giving speeches, killed 6 farmers:
 2State farmers on long 10days strike, PM wandering abroad, MP CM celebrating & giving speeches, killed 6 farmers: due to demonetization, at present 30cr. labours, workers are unemployed, wandering here & there for work & job, but yet not getting proper job, for their 2 times food, dining 1 time a d
Sanchi @70/- & Amul @82/- per kg selling powder & spurious, claiming pure fresh milk:
 Sanchi @70/- & Amul @82/- per kg selling powder & spurious, claiming pure fresh milk: Sanchi is product of MP State Cooperative Milk Federation Ltd., in this, these are having different types of prod
China’s OBOR meant Own Business, Own Rule, for replacing US bossism over the world:
 China’s OBOR meant Own Business, Own Rule, for replacing US bossism over the world: China which is most historical unreliable country in the world. Total Chinese relations and its goods is totally
CM Chouhan collected most of sand from Narmada, than banned for others, for getting high profit:
 CM Chouhan collected most of sand from Narmada, than banned for others, for getting high profit: Most of Congress leaders are crying truth against CM SRS Chohan, one sided he was organizing & playing
GST passed on cast of Rs.50lakh cr. such as FSSAI passed on cast of Rs.25lakhcr. in which wallmart paid $550cr.
 GST passed on cast of Rs.50lakh cr. such as FSSAI passed on cast of Rs.25cr. in which wallmart paid $550cr. IPM Modi who taken more than Rs.20lakhs of crore for election from not only Ambani, Birla,
GST meant to benefit to capitalists & multinationals kill more than 2cr. small scale industries, hawkers, vendors etc.,
 Goods & Services tax at last decided to replace sales tax, on instructions of Ambani, Adani, Birla, SB Mittal, Tata & Unilever, Wallmart, ITC, types of multinationals etc., while more than 20mln. sma
China never trustable, BRF will set their spies in each country of train route.
 China never trustable, BRF will set their spies in each country of train route. China is developing ancient silk route by train route, it is long lasting conspiracy of China for capturing the busines
Corrupt State & Central Govt. officially not utilizing satellite & google earth pic. For saving corruption
 Corrupt State & Central Govt. officially not utilizing satellite & google earth pic. For saving corruption in most of departments: CPWD, Central Agriculture, forest & environment, Min. of surface tra
Mother’s day, multinationals’ propaganda for business, while mother for whole life:
 what is mother's day/ Mother’s day is a multinationals’ propaganda for business, while mother is for whole life: these dirty mean mentality multinationals for their business, snatched mother’s inval
Rs.1lakh cr. loot in toilets scam in BJP states, only Rs.178cr. fraudulently paid in Alirajpur to Co. of CM Chohan’s relative:
 Rs.1lakh cr. loot in toilets scam in BJP states, only Rs.178cr. fraudulently paid in Alirajpur to Co. of CM Chohan’s relative: IPM Modi allotted to Swachchh Bharat more than Rs.2lakh cr. in which Rs.1lakh cr. spent on construction of toilets for poor families in rural & urban poor huts area. While
IPM Modi, puppet of capitalists, stepping Congress tactics killing small business of 10millions for benefiting to multinationals:
 IPM Modi, puppet of capitalists, stepping Congress tactics killing small business of 10millions for benefiting to multinationals: IPM Modi is totally failed on most of issues, such as corruption, terrorism, inflation, farmers’ suicide, black money, Nuxlite control, infiltration, instead of control
Daily newspaper & TV news channels dancing on tune of rulers & capitalists, cheating 130cr. people:
 Highly corrupt, fraudulent PM & all BJP CMs’ of states are distributing average full 4 page advertisement from public funds from different departments, such as agriculture, cultural ministry, PWD, PHE, petroleum, health, urban ministry, electronics & IT ministry etc., central govt. spending average
China exploiting N. Korea for war with US, for getting post of top gundog of world.
 China exploiting N. Korea for war with US, for getting post of top gundog of world. North Korea is threatening US for war on behalf of China. May initiate 3rd world war. China is exploiting N. Korea for war with US, supporting N Korea for developing their missiles, atomic bombs & other armaments fo
Highly criminal, corrupt & fraudulent EinC incharge Damor, retd. On 28.04.17, asking extension spent Rs.5cr. to PS Ashok Varnval to CM & PS PHE Manoj Govil.
 Empty E in C post temporarily was holding by highly criminal GS Dmor as Consultant who is dense Criminal, murdered 7people corrupt & highly fraudulent having a lots of enquiries pending in MP EOW & M
In MP Commercial Tax department, thousand crore of tax files burnt by their CTO, Asstt. Comm. & Dy. Comm.:
 Commercial Tax cum MP Sales tax department is full of highly corrupt & fraudulent officers, most of women officers such as AC Rita Chaturvedi Dondaria of Dewas, Ms. Ruby Raghvansi, Mrs. Punam Chorasi
Capitalists dancing puppet IPM Modi making joke of Supreme Court Orders against Aadhar Card.
  Highly corrupt, fraudulent, liar, public cheating dancing puppet of capitalists & multinationals is making Aadhar card compulsory for each & every govt. work of public for collecting data of 125cr.
9people burnt in crackers shop, due to carelessness of Collector & Commissioner:
 9people burnt in crackers shop, due to carelessness of Collector & Commissioner: in Indore, at Ranipura market, on Tuesday 18.04.17 at 10am Dilip Fire works shops started to explode, within few minutes 2burnt at this shop, felt out of shop, than fire started spreading near by shops of footwear & o
IAS officers for saving corruption, torturing applicants, returning RTI app. Asking for UIDAI.
 IAS officers for saving corruption, torturing applicants, returning RTI app. Asking for UIDAI. Indian Abusing Service officers whom are not only highly corrupt but also highly fraudulent, cunning & s
US dropped MOAB for cleaning ISIS, only for tasting capacity & terrorizing Russia, China, India, and proving his power:
 US dropped MOAB for cleaning ISIS, only for tasting capacity & terrorizing Russia, China, India, and proving his power: US forces dropped a non nuclear bomb which is so called mother of all bomb, for
Most of EE of MPPWD dn. Not deducting royalty, sharing with DA 50%-50%, blindly passing bills of repairing, construction etc., :
 In MPPWD, most of EE of divisions are not deducting royalty of gitti, stones, muram, sand, etc., and not depositing to MP Mining department from most of bills of road, building, repairing, construction etc., and sharing 50%-50% with DA. In case of Dhar Dn. EE RK Jain, DA Sandeep Singh, in most of b
Greedy, corrupt CM SRS Chouhan unable to ban liquor in MP, only for high commission from liquor manufacturers:
 Greedy, corrupt CM SRS Chouhan unable to ban liquor in MP, only for high commission from liquor manufacturers: Bhukhera Janbhakshi Party alias BJP is a highly greedy, fraudulent, corrupt & cheater po
US attacked 59missiles on Cyrat Airbase for saving public of Syria, opposing Russia, China & Iran:
 US attacked 59missiles tomhawk on Cyrat Airbase for saving public of Syria, opposing Russia, China & Iran: after joining as Prez. Trump, 1st time attacked on Syrian Cyrat airbase against chemical off
Highly duffer retd. WRD AE TR Kapoor appointed CGM of MPEDCL:
 Highly duffer retd. WRD AE TR Kapoor appointed CGM of MPEDCL: A civil engineer who passed his 27years as assistant engineer in Water Resources department, who could not completed his allotted in his life time in this department, he was a very poor engineer in the department, within 6year he appoint
Most of opposition political leaders suffering with CM Yogifobia, criticising all good steps.
 IPM Modi did only 1st good work of appointing UP CM Yogi Aadityanath. Most of opposition political leaders suffering with CM Yogifobia, criticising all good steps. On national level, most of oppositi
5states election, false drama, EVM means electronic vote crafting machine, everything pre decided by IAS:
 5states election, were totally false drama of EVM means electronic vote crafting machine, everything was pre decided by IAS: the Indian Abusing Officers are God fathers of this country. What these di
Multinationals wolves creating atmosphere against Trump in all US democratic states, want let live ISIS for selling arms, ammunition & snatching world:
 Dirty vultures of multinationals creating atmosphere against US Prez.Trump in all US democratic states, want let live ISIS for long live terrorism around the corner of the world for selling arms, amm
Dirty vulture CM SRS Chouhan passed act to take any land from anywhere of anyone without any claim on name of public utility:
 CM SRS Chouhan passed act to take any land from anywhere of anyone without any claim on name of public utility: Total Bhukhera Janhitbhakshi Party is snatching public from each & every corner, passin
Govt. stopped inspections of IHS Act 1948, causes high damaged in OFK JBP, high blasting causes deaths of more than 50, hurt 500 workers.
 For benefitting industrialists, govt. stopped inspections of IHS Act 1948, causes high damaged in OFK JBP, high blasting causes deaths of more than 50, hurt 500 workers. Central & all state govt. neu
5states election, false drama, EVM means electronic vote crafting machine, everything pre decided by IAS:
 Election Commission of India is looking after only commission and dancing on tune of rulers. 5states election, false drama, EVM means electronic vote crafting machine, everything pre decided by IAS:
Why Modi govt. produced rail & national budget on same day on Feb1:
  Modi govt. produced rail & national budget on same day on Feb1: only for saving their fraudulent tactics from facing opposition and not producing proper facts. after 93 year: highly corrupt, cheate
CM devil SRS Chouhan’s official Narmada Yatra meant for Narmada Survey Tour for getting sand point for sell:
 CM devil SRS Chouhan’s official Narmada Yatra meant for Narmada Survey Tour for getting sand point for sell: highly dirty corrupt, fraudulent devil CM SRS Chouhan & his family members are also big sa
BJP won fraudulently in Maharashtra Municipal polls in many dist. May repeat in many states with EVM:
  In Indian elections, Electronic Voting Machine is actually vote crafting machine, in this electronic programmed machine, it is working as per operators choice, what the program feed, in this it will work according to that command. It is having many chip sets, remote control in hands of NIC. 2ndly
Russian shrewd & highly cunning Putin may take revenge with Trump:
 Russian shrewd & highly cunning Putin may take revenge with Trump: Russian Prez. Putin supported Trump in US election for presidential post, now Trunp won election of Prez. of US. In year 1986, US used Gorvachov, and divided USSR in 28 states, and tried to end their supremacy against US. Now Histor
Multinationals creating atmosphere against Trump in all US democratic states, want let live ISIS for selling arms, ammunition & snatching world:
 Multinationals creating atmosphere against Trump in all US democratic states, want let live ISIS for selling arms, ammunition & snatching world: After winning of election of Prez. Trump, multinationals are loosing their business of arms, ammunition, drugs & medicines, & several other material selli
Harda, Mandu, Amarkantak municipality won by BJP, with EVM fraud:
 Harda, Mandu, Amarkantak municipality won by BJP, with EVM fraud: Electronic Vote-crafting Machine is totally fraud, it is having high remote operating system, working according to pre designed system & command, so ruling BJP is easily winning most of urban local body elections, and producing the
Highly fraudulent PMGSY or MPRRDA many GM controlling 2divisions extending maintenance without tendering:
 Highly fraudulent PMGSY or MPRRDA many GM controlling 2divisions extending maintenance without tendering: Prime Minister Gramin Sadak Yojna in MP Rural Road Development Authority all engineers from EnC, CE as Chief General Manager, EE as General Manager, AE as assistant general manager, subengineer
Country celebrating 67th day of republic day, while common man in terror of Modi’s speech on Republic day
 Country celebrating 67th day of republic day, while common man in terror of Modi’s speech on Republic day: Bharat is celebrating 67th day of republic. On 25th January Bhartiya PM will deliver a speec
Indian Judiciary worst than casinos, dances on tune of rulers & capitalists:
 Indian Judiciary worst than casinos, dances on tune of rulers & capitalists: Indian Ex-president KR Narayanan stated on 25.01.2002, in their national speech, Indian Courts are casinos, not the church
Game changer: US 45th Prez., Trump sworn, will change multinationals’ game of war as game to capture other countries’ resources:
 Trump will be game Changer: US 45th Prez., Trump sworn, will change multinationals’ game of war as game to capture other countries’ resources: Billionaire Trump sworn as 45th president of US, in his
In MP PWD, lokaukta caught red handed many engineers, after getting money, greedy Min., PS, Enc sheltering them:
 In MP PWD, lokaukta caught red handed many engineers, after getting money, greedy Min., PS, Enc sheltering them: in year 2016, Lokayukta police caught red handed taking bribe, & in excess property ca
In CT, no recovery of petroleum scam of Rs.600cr. tax evasion:
 In CT, no recovery of petroleum scam of Rs.600cr. tax evasion: in the year of 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, there was scam of approx. Rs.600cr. in this MP Commercial Tax department, Regional Upper Commissioner raid petroleum product firms in Indore, whom are buying petro products from HPCL Gujrat, and got R
Cashless will cost Rs.90lakhcrore burden for public,
 Modi's Cashless will cost Rs.90lakhcrore burden for public, reach in hands of capitalists, that will be funding to BJP: dirty devil IPM Modi, demonetized only for benefitting to his financer Adani, Ambani, TATA, Birla etc, now asking for cashless economy it is also meant to benefit to only his aide
Demonetization: 35% unemployed, 96000 suicide, 90% economically burdened, but devil appreciating himself:
 Demonetization: 35% unemployed, 96000 suicide, 90% economically burdened, but devil appreciating himself: after demonetization, suddenly unemployment increased up to 80% employed people were standing
IPM Modi’s most of schemes torching & snatching common men, and increased corruption:
  Modi’s cleanliness drive could not cleaned Indian streets, but cleaning public pocket, Municipal cleaning employees are asking money from shoppers, householders Rs.60/- to 200/- per month, with threaten, if any one, ignore than they sprayed that garbage in front of his\her house, shops or other es
Highly fraudulent, cheater Electric distribution cos. Not issuing monthly bills for collecting increased rates:
 Highly fraudulent state all electric distribution MPPKVVCo., MPMKVVCo., MPUVVCo. MPPKVVco. Etc., not issued electric bills since last 2month i.e., Nov. & Dec16, waiting for rate increment up to 20%.
Demonetization policy designed by corporate criminals, for collecting public funds for their business:
 Duffer IPM Modi is a puppet of capitalists, whom taken heavy bank loans of more than Rs.12.5 lakh cr. For their different types of business, do not want to return, so their team of highly corrupt accountants versus Chartered Accountants designed this demonetization of Rs.500 & 1000 currency notes,
What is black money? When Govt. charging 2% Mandi tax on grains, vegetables, 72% tax on fuel etc., :
 There is no perfect definition of black money, Govt. says who one not paid tax, while Govt. charging 2% mandi tax on all types of grains such as wheat, pulses, soyabean, etc., vegetables such as pota
10cr. Unemployed due to demonetization in transport, readymade garments, construction, electronics, electrical, 25 types of other industries:
 10cr. Unemployed due to demonetization in transport, readymade garments, construction, electronics, electrical, 25 types of other industries: IPM Modi is totally failed in all sectors, but for divert
Cyber slavery: no electric24x7days, no internet speed, cyber security, no alternate arrangement, want cashless economy:
 Cyber slavery: means Modi want to pledge the life of 130cr. people should control & manage through internet, while no electric24x7days, no internet speed, cyber security, no alternate arrangement, Mo
Dirty, illiterate Modi, pushing country towards cyber slavery, for getting high commission
 Dirty, illiterate Modi, pushing country towards cyber slavery, for getting high commission from deshi & videshi capitalists, software Cos., TCS, etc., In India basic internet services are very poor, still there is no speed 1mbps, while claiming all communication cos. Such as BSNL, Reliance, TATA,
Wild earning: In Dewas, forest department sheltering choppers, chopped more than 1mln. Trees
 In Dewas, forest department sheltering choppers, chopped more than 1mln. Trees only in Bagli, Punjapura, Udainagar, Kannod, Khategaon, satwas, etc., ranges. In Dewas dist. In dense forest of Bagli, P
Cunning shrewd devil changing policies daily on changing notes of Rs.500&1000, no promise fulfilled for benefitting to capitalists:
 Cunning shrewd devil changing policies daily on changing notes of Rs.500&1000, no promise fulfilled for benefitting to capitalists: Devil Modi, promised to change notes of 500 & 1000 up to, 30thNov.
On death of Fidel Kastro, world divided & shown capitalistic & communism, in cremation capitalistic away.
 On death of Fidel Kastro, world divided & shown capitalistic & communism, in cremation capitalistic away. The great communist leader Fidel Kastro of Cuba died, cremation decided on05.12.16, after his
11year rule of CM SR Chouhan, total failure, increased crime, corruption, coercion:
 CM SRS Chouhan a man may be gentle, with polite tong speaker, that’s why he got third term of rule of the state. While he is not highly academically & professionally qualified, intelligent, smart & having no futuristic vision. He is a greedy villager of very poor back ground, poor thinking with sho
Total audio-visual & print media dancing on tune of dirty devil IPM Modi:
 Total audio-visual & print media dancing on tune of dirty devil IPM Modi: The great Indian policy maker, politician Guru Chanakya written in Chanakya Niti, if king is merchant, than public will die
Demonetization planned before 1& half year, Modi’s aide Amit Shah bought thousands of hectare land
 Demonetization planned before 1& half year, Modi’s aide Amit Shah bought thousands of hectare land in UP, MP, CG, Bihar, Rajsthan, Aasam, MS & in other states. Bhukhera Jan Party IPM Modi dirty devil
Demonetization drama of Modi, only for promotion of big capitalists' mall.
 Demonetization drama of Modi, only for big capitalists who paid big election donation & demarketing of micro, small & middle level business, industries. Dirty devil IPM Modi is a puppet of big capita
Modi’s demonetization: self nuclear bombing on nation’s 100cr. Public.
 Modi’s demonetization is meant for actually benefitting to Indian dirty wolf devil capitalists Ambani, Adani, Birla, Tata, SB Mittal, Dhoot of Videocon & multinationals such as Indian Tobacco Corp. W
Why dirty devil PM Modi fearing in entering in Parliament on demonetisation:
 Why dirty devil PM Modi fearing in entering in Parliament on demonetisation: Dirty Devil Modi for supporting of mall culture of capitalists such as Adani, Ambani, Birla, TATA, Wallmart, Mittal etc., demonetized for destroying small entrepreneurs, businessmen, industries etc. Whom are competing with
Bloody dirty devil & puppet of capitalists Modi’s demonetisation only for feeding capitalists & making unemployment to 10cr. People.
  Modi’s demonetisation is a self suicidal act for 120cr. Indian public, within 50 days of demonetisation 10 cr. People will be unemployed due to lack of purchasing power of money. At least 1cr. Small self employed entrepreneurs, such as hand carting & footpath vendors of flowers, fruits, vegetables
Indore Patna rail accident: no proper maintenance causes more than death of 300 lives & 1000 injured:
 Indore Patna rail accident: 14coaches of Indore Patna Express derailed near Pukhyarayan on Sunday morning at 3:30am near Kanpur derailed Indore Patna express, causes more than death of 300lives & 100
Bloody devil Modi sucking blood of 100cr. public on name of black money, while black money of Rs.6000cr. daily collecting by only cell cos.
 IPM Modi Bloody devil is sucking blood of 100cr. public on name of black money, only for sheltering & supporting to highly dirtiest cheater industrialists Ambani, Tata, Birla, Suil Bharati Mittal, Vo
Highly corrupt MP Jail administration, ignoring CCTV security for saving corruption:
 Highly corrupt MP Jail administration, ignoring CCTV security for saving corruption: it is well known fact, MP Jail staff is not only corrupt but highly fraudulent too. While most of big jails of MP such as Indore, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Gwalior etc., allotted funds for installing CCTV cameras for secu
Bhopal Police encountered 8 terrorists, who ran away from jail. Dirty anti Indian politicians & TV channels shown their face of saving terrorism
 Dirty Congress & other politicians are clearing their anti Indian mentality, because of unable to swallow good work of ruling BJP. Bhopal Police encountered 8 terrorists, who ran away from jail. Dirty anti Indian politicians & TV channels shown their face: on Monday night at 2:45 8 SIMI terrorists
US election drama: highly fraudulent lustrous Hilary dominated Trump in words:
 In US election, highly fraudulent lustrous Hilary dominated Trump in words: in last session of debate of US presidential election, presidential election candidate highly corrupt, fraudulent & lustrou
CM Chouhan invited Chinese enemy in Global Investors’ Summit:
 BJP alias Bhukhera Janhit Bhakshi Party’s MP CM SRS Chouhan, did a lots of frauds of thousands of crores of Rs. on each of the step, in each & every department such as MPPEB, mining, PWD, MPWRD, NVDA, Education, health, rural development, MPPHE, horticulture, tribal, transportation, energy, petrole
Why IPM Modi silent on daily terrorists striking & attacking on Indian Army & other security forces in Indian territory:
 IPM Modi demonstrator producing his achievement of surgical strike, if it is true, OK, did a good job 1st time, in the history of his rule, but Pak terrorists, since that time, hitting, attacking daily on Indian security forces, killing 3-4 soldiers, till today these vultures killed more than 30 so
MP Comm. & all India Sales Tax Officers striking against GST, will give demo in Delhi on 17.10.16:
 When Samaymaya was producing facts against GST, that is totally meant for benefitting to multinationals & Central Govt., now all sale tax officers of 28 states of India are reaching to Delhi for demonstration against its collection of tax by Central Govt. IPM Modi is a puppet of not only Indian b
Iodine salt, biggest cause of diabetes, heart, lever, kidney failure, for getting Rs.500cr. spending Rs.5lakh cr.:
 In India, only 25lakh people requires iodine salt, it is 0.05% of total population of our country. While 99.95% need not to swallow extra iodine with salt. This extra iodine is disturbing functions of pituitary glands, particularly thyroid gland, which is controlling & balancing the functions of he
Indian Surgical Strike in POK, 1st time replied terror attack in terroristic style:
  1st time Indian Forces replied to Pakistan in their language. Indian Army did surgical strike in Pak Occupied Kashmir and killed 50 terrorists with destruction of training camps. Indian Army replied
Pak- not MFN, it is MEN or MHN:
 Indian govt. given status to Pakistan as Most Favourable Neighbour , while Pakistan is a top Most Enemies Neighbour or most hatred neighbour before China. Indian Govt should turn total water to Rajsthan through canals stop total water supply to Pakistan. Restrict total trade with Pak. Govt. can ea
US, China, Russia also supporting Pak terrorism against and dominating India.
 IPM Modi visited & spoiled Indian public fund all these countries on name of improving relations, that causes big problems to India. Russia was good friend of India since very long but due to Modi’s lust of US, now Russia is also supporting Pakistan, exercising with Pak Army, providing training for
Highly corrupt MPPWD PIU engineers, 10to20% swallowing money, changing designs, charging high leads, prepared incomplete buildings.
 Highly corrupt MPPWD PIU engineers, 10to20% swallowing money, changing designs, charging high leads, prepared incomplete buildings. In PIU of MP PWD, posted highly corrupt, duffer & fraudulent engineers from Engineer in Chief as Project Director Verma to all CE as APD, all EE as divisional project
CM looting by heavy taxation, taken loan, blindly spending thousands of cr. On media for saving his image:
 Highly corrupt dirty devil CM SRS Chouhan is charging highest 32% VAT on petrol, diesel, fuel gas in India, 5th time he taken loan from open market on high rate of interest, on public fund he visited
Narmada Valley Dacoit Authority extended services of on contractual ME Shivhare, SE RS Tomar for & against money.
 NVDA is meant for Narmada Valley Dacoit Authority. In this, from CM SRS Chouhan as chairman, PS & Vice Chairman Rajneesh Vaishya, minister LS Arya of NVDA & all other members such as Finance, Engineering, Electric & power, Forest & Environment etc., of Narmada Valley Control Authority all are top
PWD highly dirty corrupt, lustrous, cunning, manner less PS P Agrawal threatening, abusing most of engineers for money & honey
 PWD highly dirty corrupt, lustrous, cunning, manner less PS P Agrawal threatening, abusing most of engineers for money & honey. Highly corrupt PS Pramod Agrawal who is neither engineer & nor technical expert, but directly asking money even from most of SDOs’, EEs’ from MPPWD, B&R, PIU, NH, Bridge,
For multinational cos. Modi passed GST in 3 frames, CGST, IGST & SGST for snatching public.
 For multinational cos. Modi passed GST in 3 frames, CGST, IGST & SGST for snatching is clear IPM Modi is a puppet of Indian top cheater industrialists such as Adani, Ambani, Tata, Birla etc
Cross breed Americans never reliable, at last IPM pledged total army, naval & airforce base to US.
 IPM Modi is personally highly crazy for US, blindly following terms for visiting US, while he is a puppet for US. Cross breed Americans were & are never reliable, at last IPM pledged total army, nava
Global Tender for RBI Governor, Ambani bought for sister's husband. IPM Modi appointed RBI Governor Urjit Patel, RBI will be Reliance Bank
 IPM Modi appointed RBI Governor Urjit Patel, husband of Ambani’s sister Kenyan civilian, RBI will be Reliance Bank of India.IPM Gujrati Modi who is a puppet of Ambani duo’s Mukesh & Anil, highly corr
Controller getting high birbes from state drug & food inspetors & sheltering them more than 5years in the same dist.
 highly corrupt & fraudulent drug inspectors such as DI Ajay Thakur, Ajay Goel in F& D A Indore passed more than 8-9 years, yet not transferred, because of these dirty corrupts with DI Anamika Singh, Bhigonia etc., are widely collecting bribes from drug vendors, distributors, manufacturers and sendi
India Should rise voice of Hindus & Indian Muslim migratory of Sindh & Punjab & in other State of Pakistan for their extortion, killing, violence on international platform.
 Pakistan is defaming India on Kashmir issue, for his own dirty terrorism act, providing arms, ammunition, fake currency etc., J&K public for riots. India can reciprocate the same with Pak. India Should rise voice of Hindus & Indian Muslim migratory of Sindh & Punjab & in other State of Pakistan for
MP CM Chouhan not transferring, sheltering all highly corrupt officers, engineers, doctors after 4year only for high earning.
 MP State CM SRS Chouhan is not only highly corrupt but also fraudulent too. not transferring most of highly corrupt officers, engineers, doctors, inspectors after 4years, while they should transfer a
In MP Assembly, ruling BJP producing false data and trying to save from answering on Sinhastha corruption:
 In MP Assembly there is more than 70questions on corruption of Sinhashta against MPPWD, who spent more than Rs.700cr., for construction of roads, buildings, architectural gates, dividers, streets lig
Pak proved, blindly supporting to terrorist gangs for creating trouble in India:
 Pakistan is the official factory of terrorists, it is a well known fact around the world. Pak proved, blindly supporting to terrorist gangs for creating trouble in India: On killing of terrorist Burh
IFM Arun Cheatly decreasing interest rates on small savings only for benefiting to capitalists, industrialists & multinationals:
 IFM Arun Cheatly decreasing interest rates on small savings only for benefiting to capitalists, industrialists & multinationals: BJP alias Bhedia Janhitbhskshi Party is working only for benefiting c
Macca blast 17, bangladeshi blast, Baghdad Pak & IS of Pak terrorists found.
 Macca blast 17, bangladeshi blast, Baghdad Pak & IS of Pak terrorists found. The terror factory Pakistan was financial & logistically supported by Arabians previously sent them Jakat, the same did by US & UK both these are giving financial support only for sheltering terrorism for selling of their
IPM Modi expand his ministry, inducted 19 new ministers 3from MP, loading high expenditure on public:
 IPM Modi enjoying rule which is captured by fraudulent tactics of EVM & IAS lobby, now expand his ministry, inducted 19 new ministers 3from MP, only for getting big money from them, loading high expenditure on public: it is proved IPM Modi is enjoying rule, achchhe din only for him & his ministers,
In MP Ministerial expansion for earning of money @500cr. each, Min. Sanjay Pathak paid Rs.100cr. to Chouhan:
 In MP CM SRS Chouhan declared his 2nd expansion of ministery, entered 4cabinet & 5state ministers. he entered only MLA who was near dear & trustable for him. Min. Bhupendra Singh who earned & collect
Why RRDA holding & maintaining 45000km PMGSY roads, while its object was to construct:
 In MP State, Diggi Govt. framed a Regional Road Development Authority for developing & constructing regional rural roads of Pradhanmantri Gram Sadak Yojna. in this most of engineers and other staff a
Indore giving 60% sales, income, custom & excise, but no minister from Indore in MP govt
 Indore giving 60% sales, income, custom & excise, but no minister from Indore in MP govt. MP CM SRS Chouhan expand his ministry entered 9 new ministers from their gang, even he entered Vishwas Sarang
MP state CM SRS Chouhan expanding cabinet with top gundogs for killing voice of truth of journalists, opposition, witness of criminals & fraudulent acts, etc.,
 CM SRS Chouhan expanding cabinet with top gundogs; BJP who got rule on base of Hinduism, after captured, converted in to Bhukhera Jan Party. Its CM SRS Chouhan expanding his cabinet with top gundogs
Brexit beneficial for all, in long term, but Britishers afraid only for immediate effects:
 Brexit beneficial for all after a long period of at least 2year, but Britishers afraid only for immediate effects: British most of public given vote for leaving European Union on 23June 16. after get
In NHAI Indore, mech. Engineer S Kumar looking after Rs.3000cr. project of roads.
 In NHAI Indore, mech. Engineer S Kumar looking after Rs.3000cr. project of roads. National High loot ways Authority of India is looking after development cum dacoity on roads, actually this is a ruling gangsters’ capitalistic gang for on name of development, looting public on roads. For that loot,
IPM Modi dirty devil pledged country, for high commission, permitted 100% FDI
 IPM Modi dirty devil pledged country, for high commission, permitted 100% FDI in food processing, defence & in aviation. Guj. Cheater, highly corrupt, IPM Modi Dirty devil permitted 100% FDI in aviat
GST meant for benefiting dirty devil multinationals, killing of small business, increasing unemployment:
 GST meant Goods & Services Tax for benefiting dirty devil multinationals, killing of small business of more than 2crore, 50lakh industries will increase unemployment: Bhukhera Jan Party is a puppet
RBI Gov. R3, a puppet of Ex. Fin. P Cheat ambaram, top cheater & fraudulent
 RBI Gov. R3, a puppet of Ex. Fin. P Cheat ambaram, top cheater & fraudulent In Indian History of democratic country, the top cheater finance Minister was P Cheat ambram, he swallowed more than 10 to
MP State selling spurious desi liquor making impotents for benefiting foreign liquors manufacturers:
 MP State selling spurious desi liquor making impotents for benefiting foreign liquors manufacturers: highly corrupt, fraudulent CM SRS Chouhan is a puppet of foreign liquors manufacturing gang such as Som Distillery, Kedia group, Shaw Wallace & many others, such as Oasis, MP Bear, etc., MP state go
US citizens do not elect Hillary, Prez. Post for hard work, not for enjoy:
 US citizens do not elect Hillary, Prez. Post for hard work, not for enjoy: Mrs. Hillary Clinton the woman who could not respect & loyal towards her husband, when her husband Bill Clinton was US Prez.
Highly corrupt & fraudulent MP Agriculture department refusing RTI applications & appeals for saving cheating of public fund:
 Behind thousand suicide of farmers in MP State Highly corrupt & fraudulent MP Agriculture department refusing RTI applications & appeals for saving cheating of public fund: highly criminal, corrupt & fraudulent CM SRS Chouhan who did a lots of frauds on each of the step in all departments, cheated
DPR means Dacoits of Public funds for media relations, spent Rs.2500cr. for saving corruption in Sinhastha:
 DPR means Dacoits of Public funds for media relations, spent Rs.2500cr. for saving corruption in Sinhastha: MP State Department of Public Relation actually it is Dacoits of Public Funds for media rel
Sinhastha 16: MP Health bought Rs.5cr. material in Rs.60cr. swallowed Rs.55cr. spent more than Rs.200cr.:
 In Ujjain Sinhastha16, MP Health Department for emergency use, purchased material of Rs.60cr. while its real value was only Rs.5cr.: bought stature of Rs.500/- in Rs.57500/-, stethoscope of Rs.93/- bought in Rs.7000/-, rubber hand gloves of Rs.150/- of 20 nos. bought in Rs.1890/- etc., this news pu
In Sinhastha16: Rs.400cr. spent MPPWD Ujjain swallowed more than Rs.200cr. by Dn. to EnC, PS, Ministers.:
 In Ujjain Sinhastha16, EE Kelkar, SDO Bhutada, all sub engineers to SSC, & others of Sinhatha Dn. did work of more than Rs.200 cr. of construction of bathing stairs of Mangalnath, Ramghat, Triveni, m
MPPCB Ujjain failed to treat water on 1st to last day of Sinhastha,:
 MPPCB Ujjain failed to treat water on 1st to last day of Sinhastha,: Highly corrupt MP Pollution Spreading Board, used public fund for treating water of Sinhastha 16. installed approx. 30 display boards, for Kshipra water status, and used Rs.100cr. for water treatment plants for treating water of
Sinhastha Ujjain, more than 40died & 200injured in storm of 05.05.16:
  On 05.05.16, in Sinhatha Ujjain, at 4.10, stormy waves started with heavy rain for 30 to 35 minutes, collapsed more than 400taints & tamboos of saints out of 4500 plots, that is causes death of more than 40people, injured more than 200 visitors, of course, govt. claimed & declared only 7 deaths &
At last MP High Court decided reservation in promotion in Govt. services is illegal, revert who got promotion
 At last MP High Court decided reservation in promotion in Govt. services is illegal, revert who got promotion. After a long judicial procedure & hurdles, MP High Court decided Ex CM Diggi Devil who given reservation in promotion is totally illegal. But highly greedy & corrupt CM SRS Chouhan MP Stat
IMA Indian agency for WHO, spreading cancer, hurt, kidney, diabetic etc., patients in India for snatching.
 IMA Indian agency for WHO, spreading cancer, hurt, kidney, diabetic etc., patients in India for snatching. WHO means World Hazardous Organization which is organizing, managing & funding by multinationals European drug & medical engineering cos. for selling of their goods around the corner of the w
In Ujjain Sinhastha, 3lakh public visited & holy dip in Kshipra, security torched on each step
 In Ujjain Sinhastha, 3lakh public visited & holy dip in Kshipra, security torched on each step. CM & their Govt. was claiming 30 lakh people will visit Ujjain Sinhastha for holy dip. But no more than
CM declared for free supply of ration to all saints in Sinhastha but selling ration to saints:
 CM declared for free supply of ration to all saints in Sinhastha but selling ration to saints: in Sinhastha of Ujjain Govt. ration shops selling wheat flour @Rs.4/- per kg, rice @Rs.10/- per kg, & Su
Corrupt & fraudulent Indore Postal deptt. Burnt 1110 Samay Maya copies, because asked information under RTI.:
 Highly corrupt postal department & their staff members selling postal orders on 10% commission, while there is clearly printed 5% commission on each postal, but these fraudulent are openly charging 10% commission. These staff members are also making frauds in Post Offices deposit a\cs., there is se
5 PS laid in Ujjain for Sinhastha disturbing work, asking money, torturing departmental staff:
  5 IAS means Indian Abusing Service Officers as Principal secretaries shifted to Ujjain for looking after Sinhastha work. Namely PS Pramod Agrawal of PWD, PHE PS Pankaj Agrawal, WRD PS RS Julania, Ur
Rs.90lakh road paid Rs.15cr. in Indore Municipal Corp. each year more than Rs.200cr. on name of roads
 Rs.90lakh road paid Rs.15cr. in Indore Municipal Corp. each year more than Rs.200cr. on name of roads: 3km long & 20mt wide road which was good well motorable without pits & holes but only for swallowing money road from Pardeshipura to LIG Sq. these dirty bustards corrupts IMC Commissioner Maneesh
MP Road Dacoits Corp. fraudulently increased 8to10% toll on even single lane BOT roads only for getting big commission:
 MP Road Dacoits Corp. fraudulently increased 8to10% toll on even single lane BOT roads only for getting big commission: MP Road Development Corp. alias Road Dacoits Corp. is a total gang of highly co
NVDA, NGLP, 1st bill of Rs.185cr. paid, 10% share distributed to CM, PS & VC, ME, CE, 2SE, 4EE, 8AE & sub engineers & others:
 In Narmada Corruption Valley Development authority Narmada- Gambhir lift link project of Rs.1858cr., 1st bill of Rs.185cr. paid to contractor, in which he distributed 10% as bribe cum commission to C
Rs.5cr. swallowed in IRC 76th Convention, LOC CM & Sec., share distributed to PS, Sec, EnC, & others of MPPWD
 MP PWD's staff Rs.5cr. swallowed in IRC 76th Convention, LOC CM & Sec., share distributed to PS, Sec, EnC, & others of MPPWD: Most cunning & shrewd Indore cir. SE Bansi Jeswal who was secretary & Wes
In MP, Ruling BJP Mining mafia gang killed more than 50officers, mining & police inspectors but no serious action against any one.
 In all 51dist. Of MP state, Most of BJP leaders from sarpaches of villages, corporators to mayors of municipals, members of legislative assembly, ministers to CM, many members of parliament are big mining mafias, of sand, stone, to buxite, copper, coal, mica, to precious diamond stones etc shelteri
In Ujjain, for Sinhastha, govt. construction & Maintenance agencies looting on all corners:
 In Ujjain, for Sinhastha, govt. construction agencies looting on all corners: In Ujjain, on name of Sinhastha, all Govt. agencies such as MPPWD, MPPHE, MPRES, WPWRD, Ujjain Development Authority, Ujjain Municipal Corp., Zila Panchayat Ujjain etc., who earned, more than Rs.1000cr. when was CEO ZP In
After leak in Atomic power plant shut down in Guj., but installing new AE power plants in country.
 After leak in Atomic power plant shut down in Guj., but installing new AE power plants in country. A unit of Kokrapar Atomic power plant in Surat dist. Of Gujrat, shut down after leakage in its heat
IPM Modi donated public fund of Rs.25000cr. to fraudulent banks, unable to control bankers’ corruption.
 IPM Modi donated public fund of Rs.25000cr. to fraudulent banks, unable to control bankers’ corruption. Indian Prime Minister N Modi & their finance minister Arun Jaitly donated public fund of Rs.250
Ind. Budget 16-17: total budget, game of forged data, no income shown from govt. sect. cos. totally meant for IPM Modi's World tour.
 Ind. Budget 16-17: total budget, game of forged data, no income shown from govt. sect. cos. in this budget of 16-17, Fin. Min. Arun Jaitly not shown income from govt. sector oil cos. such as BPCL, HP
Public Cheating: Indian Budget 16-17: Recovery of Rs.40lkah cr. expenditure of Modi’s World Tour:
 Public Cheating Indian Budget 16-17: Recovery of Rs.40lkah cr. expenditure of Modi’s World Tour: Bhukhera Jan Party’s IPM Guj. N Modi & their Fin. Min. Arun Jaitly dirty devils produced Indian Annual
MP budget 16-17; data magic, cheating with public, increased VAT, arranged to swallow public fund from all corners:
 MP budget 16-17; data magic, cheating with public, increased VAT, arranged to swallow public fund from all corners: Chief state gangster & finance gangster produced budget for 16-17 on 27 Feb.16. it
Rail budget2016:Petro crude reduced 1/5, but not reduced fare, shown intention to transfer capitalists:
 Rail budget2016:Petro crude reduced 1/5, but not reduced fare total cheating with public, shown intention to transfer capitalists: in this rail budget, Rail Min. S Prabhu unable to reduce fare, while
Coward BJP Govt. will close assembly session before time, just after passing state budget 16-17:
 Coward ruling BJP Govt. will close session before time, just after passing state budget 16-17, avoid arguments with opposition on any point. Highly corrupt & coward CM SRS Chouhan & their ministry
Stop funding to universities crying anti India slogans:
 Stop funding to universities crying anti India slogans: in JNU Delhi, Jadhavpur University of Bengal, Patna University of Bihar etc., and in other parts of country if students cried slogans of anti I
Top terrorist US, blindly supporting terrorism, supplying F-16fighters to terrorism factory Pak.
  US is top terrorist country in the world, that country initiated terrorism in 1970 for selling of their arms, ammunition, fighter aircrafts, fighter ships, marines, submarines, missiles, tanks etc.,
NVDA Nagod Dn. EE Vindodia filed forged FIR of Machinery stolen for saving himself, while HES Infra P.L did nothing.
 NVDA Nagod Dn. EE Vindodia filed forged FIR of Machinery stolen for saving himself, while HES Infra P.L did nothing. A Turnkey project allotted to HES Infra Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad by work order no. 515\
Corrupt, fraudulent & highly lustrous EnC A Agrawal for promoting his corrupt pets, served notices for breaking their promotions:
 Engineer in Chief Akhilesh Agrawal who is not only corrupt but lustrous too. He passed his most of time in Bhopal, so he having relations with CM, ministers & bureaucrats etc., for high earning & mon
In IRC 76th Convention, LOS Indore swallowed more than 30 to 40% money, unable to give required record under RTI:
 In Indian Road Congress 76th convention was organized by MPPWD west zone engineers, from 18th to 22nd Dec.15, in this CE PK Shrivastava MPPWD West Zone was Chairman, SE BL Jeswal was secretary, & ot
Deface face book from India, US, UK, France & from the world for peace, Muslim Juker berg blind supporter of Muslim jehadies in the world, useless basic freebees
 Deface face book from India, US, UK, France & from the world for peace, Muslim Juker berg blind supporter of Muslim jehadies in the world, useless basic freebees. Face book CEO Juker berg is a sunni
Terrorists attack on Pathankot Indian air base, proved Pak hardcore army & terrorists want Israeli way gurilla war:
 Terrorists attack on Pathankot Indian air base, proved Pak hardcore army & terrorists want Israeli way gurilla war: Pak Army trained hardcore terrorists attacked on Pathankot Indian Air force base a
In 76th IRC in Indore, CM SRS Chouhan given a total false speech, proved his corruption & dacoity on state roads.
 In 76th IRC in Indore, CM SRS Chouhan given a total false speech, proved his corruption & dacoity on state roads. Highly dirty corrupt & posh emotional cheater MP CM SRS Chouhan, inaugurated 76the Indian Road Congress meet in Indore on 19 Dec.15, he given a totally false speech of his achievements,
IPM Modi spent Rs.37lakh cr. of public fund on foreign tours, as an agent of Ambani, Adani, Tata etc.,
 In 17 month on world tour, IPM Modi visited more than 40 countries as a business agent of bloody devil big capitalists and Modi spent Rs.37lakh cr. of public fund on foreign tours, as an agent of Amb
GST will make insolvent to Central & all state Govt.
 GST will make insolvent to Central & all state Govt. of India, than these dirty Corrupt, fraudulent capitalists ask to dance to most govt to dance according to their tune: When Bhukhera Jan Party V\s BJP was in opposition on that time, these dirty vultures were opposing because of they could not ge
US, UK, France etc., sheltered terrorism, still funding to Pak, now bombing on Syrian IS terrorists:
 US, UK, France etc., sheltered terrorism, still funding to Pak, now bombing on Syria on terrorists: Since 1970, US, UK, France, & others were sheltering to Taliban, Hurriyat, Lashker e Tayyaba & more
All fraudulent rulers of 150 countries of world gathered for climate change summit in Paris for a drama:
  All fraudulent rulers of 150 countries of world gathered for climate change summit in Paris for a drama: most of democratic rulers such as US Prez. Obama, Indian PM Modi, France PM Olanda, Chinese P
Central Govt. agree to increase 25 to 50% salaries under 7th pay commission only for multinationals:
 Central Govt. agree to increase 25 to 50% salaries under 7th pay commission only for multinationals: Central Govt. agree to serve salaries & allowance under & according to 7th pay Commission, that will increase salaries of Indian Central Govt. officers & employees up to 25% to 50% only for pleasing
MP BJP lost MP seat of Jhabua, won MLA seat of Dewas, State CM Chouhan reflected power to IPM Modi:
 MP BJP lost MP seat of Jhabua, won MLA seat of Dewas, State CM Chouhan reflected power to IPM Modi: public election for Parliament, state assembly, members of municipality municipal corps by electronic voting machines are totally fraudulent tactics of Indian Abusing Service alias IAS Officers or k
Dirty devil Modi, show sources of funds for foreign trips, public money for public welfare, not father’s property:
 Dirty devil Modi, show sources of funds for foreign trips, public money for public welfare, not father’s property: After joining as Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi, visited more than 25 countries
BJP Namo & Ash unable to see their own collar, and blaming others for defeat:
 BJP top leaders are analyzing defeat of Bihar, unable to swallow the defeat of Bihar. So proudy IPM Modi & his aide Amit Shah both are blaming to RSS Chief Bhagwat for defeat, for his anti reservatio
On name of Swachchh Bharat, Govt. imposed one more tax, increase inflation:
 On name of Swachchh Bharat, Govt. imposed one more tax, increase inflation: Dancing puppet of Capitalists IPM Modi is torturing poor increased taxes on fuel, now for diverting attention of public, st
BJP lost Bihar due to their harmful public policies, Nitish joint won 179 seats
 BJP lost Bihar due to their harmful public policies, Nitish joint won 179 seats: BJP & their alliance won only 58 seats out of 243 seats in Bihar, while Nitish Alliance won 179 seats, in which 80 sea
Honda Shine bike failed within 11 month, not reliable:
 Honda Shine bike failed within 11 month, not reliable: Honda is well known world wide name in bikes, cars, electrical goods since 30years, but now it is not trustable name: I bought a Honda Shine 125cc on 13.11.14, engine no. JC36E-7-3593099 frame no. ME4C36 NGEA 01475, after 2nd servicing, engine
MP govt. 12000 engineers going on strike, due to Datia Collector slapped EE PWD:
 MP govt. works departments' 12000 engineers going on strike, on 06.11.15, due to Datia Collector slapped EE PWD: IAS awarded Datia dist. Collector slapped EE Singare MPPWD Datia Dn. when he tried to file FIR on him, TI refused & SP sheltered to dist. Collector, that matter reported to EnC Akhilesh
IPM Modi not communal, puppet of capitalists, writers not getting rates, surrendering awards:
 Modi not communal, puppet of capitalists, writers not getting rates, surrendering awards: Most of cunning, black mailers media, electronic visual & print media men whom are not having futuristic visi
Bihar state election high voltage drama of vulgar language, stopped for final poll:
 Bihar state election high voltage drama of vulgar language, stopped for final poll: in this state poll, two political enemies Nitish & Lalu of last 2 decades were jointly fought election against BJP. In this election BJP is loosing Bihar, while Nitish & Lalu joint is winning due to image of Nitish
Emergency dial 100, CM will inaugurate services, on 01.11.15, that proved, services were dead, from many years:
 Emergency dial 100, CM will inaugurate services, on 01.11.15, that proved, services were dead, from many years: In BJP rule, most of ministers, MLAs, MPs, corporators, sarpanches, leaders are not only big criminals, but also sheltering gangs of criminals, gun dogs, land mafias, sex, satta, drugs, l
Iranian Ex- PM accepted, they bought 3atom bomb from Pak in US$10thousand million, proved US sheltering saving Pak:
 Iranian Ex- PM accepted, they bought 3atom bomb from Pak in US$10thousand million, proved US sheltering saving Pak: It was proved in year of 2000, Pak is developing atomic bombs & selling it to other countries, but US always sheltered & saved him on international platform only for creating problems
US warships entered in China Sea, China warned for not to repeat,
 US warships stayed in south China Sea since a week, China warned for not to repeat, for provoking, US authorities, told, they are in international sea. China is great threat to each & everyone country on this planet, not only for India, Japan, Vietnam, etc., including US too, at least US broken Ch
NVDA Comm. Rehab. Highly corrupt & fraudulent, paid 3times high for taxis:
 NVDA Comm. Rehab. Highly corrupt & fraudulent, paid 3times high for taxis: Commissioner Renu Pant who was previously dist. Collector of Burhanpur did a lots of frauds collected crores of Rs. pm from
Now US Prez. Obama warned to Pak PM Nawaj for his leniency against terrorism & relation with
 Now US Prez. Obama warned to Pak PM Nawaj for his leniency against terrorism & relation with India: After 6tens of years, US admin. understood, what are results of sheltering scorpions? That were US & NATO whom sheltered terrorism for selling of their arms & ammunition. Now it sprayed around the wo
IPM Modi can easily control inflation, in 2 line orders, but Gujrati Modi not interested:
 IPM Modi can easily control inflation, in 2 line orders, but Gujrati Modi not interested: Indian PM Modi can easily control inflation of all food commodities, in 4line orders, such as: 1stOrder shoul
Dramatizing on Tuar dal, but not closing MCDEX & NCDEX, big cause of inflation:
 IPM Modi is a big dramatic politician who is a dancing puppet of capitalists. On high cast of tuar dal which is a basic of Indian food, it crossed Rs.220/- while it was before election of Modi, Rs.60
China irritating against India, US & Japan combines naval exercise, warned India:
 China irritating against India, US & Japan combines naval exercise, warned India: IPM Modi;s last visit of US & Japan, now shown fruitful result for interest of nation, all three countries such as US
Min. Lal Singh Arya also responsible for Petlabad blast died 108 people, and hurt more than200:
 Min. Lal Singh Arya also responsible for Petlabad blast died 108 people, and hurt more than200: MP State Minister LAl Singh Arya, his son & aide Veera Swami are also main suppliers & businessmen of g
Again NASA of US spreading propaganda of water on Mars,
 Again NASA of US spreading propaganda of water on Mars, for diverting attention, while no clouds in Mars atmosphere. US & its NASA got only specialty in aviation, entered in space with discovery & in
Nepal dancing on tune on China, framed secular Constitution, working against India:
 China totally captured present Nepalese Govt., not only changed, but framed total new secular constitution, while that was only Hindu Country in the world. That secularism will create new problems in that country, that will be new dangerous station for ISIS and IS terrorists, Chinese, Bangladeshi r
MP having excess electric, only for commission, installing atomic power reactor at Mandala dist.,
 MP having excess electric, only for commission, installing atomic power reactor at Mandala dist., : MP state is having capacity of 7699MW generation in Govt. sector, while more than 4000Mw power gene
BJP CM SRS Chouhan sold Sarani power plant only in Rs.72cr. of more than Rs.3000cr. plant, swallowed commission:
 BJP CM SRS Chouhan sold Sarani power plant only in Rs.72cr. of more than Rs.3000cr. plant, swallowed commission: BJP meant of Bhukhera Jan Party, Its CM SRS Chouhan dirty corrupt vultures already pro
104died & 150 hurt due to negligence of Petlabad Jhabua, dist. Collector, SDM & ADM.
 On 4th sep, 15, at Bus stand Petlawad, at 8.14 AM, there is one blast, near Sethia Restraiunt, at Rajendra Kasawa’s agriculture shop of urea fertilizer etc., Which was also containing illegally gelatin explosives rods for blasting in mines, bells, it was very well known for all, many times, nearb
Shivsena opposing ban of BJP on meat selling in Maharashtra during 10 days Paryushan:
 Shivsena opposing ban of BJP on meat selling in Maharashtra during 10 days Paryushan: total world is asking for vegetarian, even medical science also proved meat, beef, non-veg is not suitable for human body. Jainism is totally depends upon vegetarian, there is 10 days of paruyshan fast days from 1
Vishwa Hindi Sammelan meant for saving post of CM, on cast of public money:
 Vishwa Hindi Sammelan meant for saving post of CM, on cast of public money: highly corrupt & criminal CM SRS Chouhan, organized Vishwa Hindi Sammelan only for saving his post of CM, and making image
Schools torturing to 50crore parents for Aadhar Card, banks a\cs., only for collecting data to sell multinationals for futuristic conspiracy.
 10 lakh private Schools directors are torturing to 50crore parents for Aadhar Card, banks a\cs., only for collecting data to sell multinationals for futuristic conspiracy. Supreme Court banned but Sc
European Countries Germany & Austria welcoming Muslims refugee, sheltering danger for future:
 European Countries Germany & Austria welcoming Muslims refugee, sheltering danger for future: past history of centuries of Muslims, these are never reliable for their own & nor for others. What is ha
Supreme Court banned but Schools asking for AAdhar card & bank a\cs. With students of KG 1 to 10 class
 Multinationals puppet IPM Modi, is totally following steps of Congress Govt. Highly fraudulent ignoring Supreme Court orders against Aadhar Card, only for providing basics datas of our next generatio
Chinese demo of armed forces for terrorizing & capturing land of Asian countries.
 Chinese celebrated 70th victory day of Japan, openly demonstrated their arms, ammunition, fighter aircrafts etc., it is world’s biggest army. History of & present China is not trustable. Their attitu
Nation wide 15cr. labours’ strike against new labour acts of Modi govt. favoring capitalists and against labours,
 IPM Modi who is puppet of big industrialists, capitalists, multinationals, trying to change and introducing new labour laws for economic & physical extortion of more than 20crore labours in India. He
Top gang of MPRDC for high dacoity, closed Dn. & GM offices of Indore, given charge to highly corrupt & fraudulent Borasi.
 Top gang of MPRDC for high dacoity, closed Dn. & GM offices of Indore, given charge to highly corrupt & fraudulent Borasi. MP Road Dacoit Corp. is a subsidiary corp. of MPPWD of Govt. of MP, in thi
Why no rate list of pathological taste, surgery operations, check up fee etc.
 Why no rate list of pathological taste, surgery operations, check up fee etc. for patients in all hospitals, clinics etc. Now a days, medical profession is a high margin business, not a godly profes
Modi suspended change of land laws after wide opposition, still GST & abolition of labour laws under pressure of World Bank & WTO in his priority for capitalists
 Modi suspended change of land laws after wide opposition, still GST & abolition of labour laws under pressure of World Bank & WTO in his priority for capitalists. IPM Modi, who won election with the
Now MP CM Shiv devil ordered clean forest, permitted chopping of 52 types of trees, for capturing & transferring forest land.
 At present no one political leader is respectable, all these are using public & public property as their father's property. Now CM Shiv devil clean forest, permitted chopping of 52 types of trees, f
US & total European union dilute total structure of World Bank, puppet of big vulture capitalists:
 US & total European union dilute total structure of World Bank, puppet of big vulture capitalists: World Bank is a group of big multinational capitalists conspiring gangsters. Only for getting high profits, controlling of natural & human made resources of earning, these vultures conspiring for debt
In India: Snack worship on Nagpanchami not only religious but completely scientific for next generation:
 In Indian mythology & Hindu religion, there is 5th month of Sawan, in 2nd half of moon days, on 5th day calls Nagpanchami meant for worship of snacks. It is not only religious, but scientific too. Ac
MP State Edu. Min. P Jain succeeded for board exams for 5th & 8th class, good sign for our next gen.
 MP State Edu. Min. P Jain succeeded for board exams for 5th & 8th class, good sign for our next gen. Ajmera chief editor of Samay Maya news paper was opposing since 2000 for the cancellation of board
At last ex-director Sharma raided got only Rs.5cr. assets while he collected thousands of Cr. of Rs.:
 At last ex-director Sharma raided got only Rs.5cr. assets while he collected thousands of Cr. of Rs.: On Monday MP Lokaukta raided Ex- director DN Sharma, and got only assets of Rs.5cr. while he was
NH59A damaged, but EE Mathur NH Indore not interested to repair:
 NH 59 A from Indore to Nemawar 128km is totally damaged, but MPPWD NH Indore Dn. EE BK Mathur is not interested to repair its patch work, due to lack of experience & knowledge, because of he passed m
Corrupt Govt. of India, MP govt. & their IEC awarding corrupt & fraudulent IAS Aakash Tripathi for his dirty tricks in all polls in Indore:
 Corrupt Govt. of India, MP govt. & their IEC awarding corrupt & fraudulent IAS Aakash Tripathi for his dirty tricks in all polls in Indore: total BJP means Bhukhera Jan Party won assembly election N
In Indian Parliament ruling NDA trying to pass most of bills for benefiting capitalists:
 In Indian Parliament ruling NDA trying to pass most of bills for benefiting capitalists: Ruling NDA & its major part Bhukhera Jan Party & its PM N. Modi, is a puppet of big vulture capitalists, indus
Controller MP F& DA collected fund from maggy nudals, so not extended ban from 05.07.15:
 highly corrupt & fraudulent controller Pankaj Agrawal of MP Food & Drug admin. got heavy bribe of Rs.5cr. so kept mum on ban on selling of maggy nudals in MP State, according to their official source
Anti Evasion Bureaus of MP Comm. Tax doubled rate of bribes for recovery of paid bribes:
 In MP Commercial Tax department, their anti evasion wings are having only powers to checking & collecting tax on unpaid goods transporting trucks, buses & all other vehicles etc.,, and raiding busine
BJP v\s Bhukhera Jan Party PM & CM amending land laws for land mafias, colonizers, industrialists, capitalists etc.,
 BJP v\s Bhukhera Jan Party PM & CM amending land laws for land mafias, colonizers, industrialists, capitalists etc., Total ruling BJP versus Bhukhera Jan Party PM Modi & MP CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan both are dancing on tune of land mafias, colonizers, industrialists, capitalists, illegal land encroa
World’s most gentle Muslim, great teacher, scientist, missile man, musician Ex-Prez. Sir A P J Abdul Kalam left world.
 World’s most gentle Muslim, great teacher, scientist, missile man, musician Ex-Prez. Sir A P J Abdul Kalam left world. Loss of our Ex- President A Kalam, really it is very sorrowful for total Indian
Indian media, gang of greedy vultures, made hero, terrorist devil Yakoob.
 Indian media, gang of greedy vultures, made hero, terrorist devil Yakoob. Indian top audio-visual media goons are big dirty greedy gangsters, for getting big viewers’ rating, can do anything beyond futuristic interest of public. latest case of Yakoob memon who killed more than 257 and hurt more th
E-Registry of real estates, big conspiracy for fraudulently swallowing of land, building, houses, shops etc.,
 E-Registry of real estates, big conspiracy for fraudulently swallowing of land, building, houses, shops etc., MP State govt. started E-registry of buy & sell of land, building, houses, flats, shops,
At last BJP closed MP Vidhan Sabha on 22.07.15, for saving skin from charges of murders, corruption etc.,
 At last BJP closed MP Vidhan Sabha on 22.07.15, for saving skin from charges of murders, forgeries, corruption etc., What Samay Maya declared coward & corrupt BJP will close Vidhan Sabha Session on 2
Coward BJP CM Chouhan will close session before time, due to Congress attack on unnatural 50deaths related with MPPEB scam.
 Coward BJP CM SRS Chouhan, cabinet ministers, other BJP MLAs are trying to close Mansoon session up to 22 July, because of attack of opposition Congress MLAs & leaders due to 50unnatural deaths of PE
In MPPEB scam, related deaths actually murders for saving top politicians, bureaucrats, PMT mafias such as coaching institutions.
 In MPPEB scam, related deaths actually murders for saving top politicians, bureaucrats, PMT mafias such as coaching institutions. This scam is in existence since 1990, most of politicians of Congress including CM Diggi & others were responsible up to Nov. 2004 or their rule & BJP is responsible aft
For purchasing electric, for getting high commission, not generating, creating water crisis in Indore; even burnt Sarani electric station.:
 For purchasing electric, for getting high commission, not generating, creating water crisis in Indore; even burnt Sarani electric station.: Highly corrupt CM SRS Chouhan for getting commission, unwon
Dramatician IPM Modi, using tactics of cleaning, yoga, for diverting public attention from his failure.
 Dramatician IPM Modi, using tactics of cleaning, yoga, for diverting public attention from his failure. Indian Prime minister N Modi, is a high dramatician & big puppet of capitalists, dancing on the
Modi’s 1st good step. Indian forces replied properly to north eastern rebels, who killed 12 Indian Army soldiers.
 Modi’s 1st good step. Indian forces replied properly to north eastern rebels, who killed 12 Indian Army soldiers. Indian Army properly replied to north eastern rebels logistically supported by China,
Highly corrupt Ex-Indore Aakash Tripathi posted as MD of MPPVVCo. Ltd. For snatching public & Co. on all corners.
 Highly corrupt Ex-Indore Aakash Tripathi posted as MD of MPPVVCo. Ltd. For snatching public & Co. on all corners. Ex-Indore Collector Aakash Tripathi who did a lots of frauds on each of the step in
In Bangladesh visit, IPM Modi given 111 & taken 51 villages, given 17000 ha & taken only 7000Ha land, benefited Adani & Ambani on national cast
 In Bangladesh visit, IPM Modi given 111 & taken 51 villages, given 17000 ha & taken only 7000Ha land, benefited Adani & Ambani on national cast. Indian Prime Minister visited Bangladesh for solving b
US $ increasing against Indian rupee only for benefiting black money holders & foreign investors.
 US $ increasing against Indian rupee only for benefiting black money holders & foreign investors. Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitly is also stepping on footsteps of ex- fin. Min. P Cheat ambaram, w
Corrupt, fraudulent dictator IPM N Modi killing audio-visual media freedom for hiding his failure:
 Highly cheater, corrupt, Indian Prime Minister N Modi passed 1year as failed prime minister, Indian & other world audio & visual media is highly criticising him on each of the step. So he is much ann
CM spending public funds of Rs. hundred cr. for his own publicity in Krishi Kranti Rath, while farmers killing self due to non payment of compensation.
 CM spending public funds of Rs. hundred cr. for his own publicity in Krishi Kranti Rath, while farmers killing self due to non payment of compensation. CM SRS Chouhan spending public funds of more th
1year of IPM Modi, totally failed on each of the step, even nature unlike him & torched public.
 1year of IPM Modi, totally failed on each of the step, even nature unlike him & torched public. Indian Prime Minister N Modi cum Indian false promise minister could not do very public welfare oriente
MPPWD Min. SArtaj Singh earned more than Rs.100cr. from posting & transfer.
 MPPWD Min. SArtaj Singh earned more than Rs.100cr. from posting & transfer. MPPWD min. Sartaj Singh, & their PS Pramod Agrawal not organized & called DPC for promoting engineers, only for getting bri
In MP Com tax, money played crucial role for posting in NT evasion bureaus, DC Rs.50lakh, AC Rs.25 to 35lakh, CTO RTs.20 to 30lakh,ACTO paid Rs.5 to 10 lakh.
 In MP Com tax, money played crucial role for posting in NT evasion bureaus, DC Rs.50lakh, AC Rs.25 to 35lakh, CTO RTs.20 to 30lakh,ACTO paid Rs.5 to 10 lakh. In MP Commercial Tax department openly a
MP State cabinet ministers' transfer industry earned more than Rs.5000cr. in this season.
 State cabinet minister’s transfer industry earned more than Rs.5000cr. in this season. In summer of 2015, CM SRS Chouhan opened transfer in all govt. departments for earning to ministers of all govt
Highly corrupt & fraudulent SE Bhagora passed more than 15 years, in Khargone, swallowed more than Rs.20cr.
 Highly corrupt & fraudulent SE Bhagora passed more than 15 years, in Khargone, swallowed more than Rs.20cr. Present WRD SE Bhagora Khargone Circle passed more than 15 year at one place, on behalf of corruption, he was SDO in Khargone Dn. but holding charge of EE of Khargone Dn. did a lots of frauds
MPPHE: Dhar dn. Most of allotment of check & stop dam funds swallowed by EE of all dns., sharing by all:
  In MPPHE, govt. is allotting funds for drinking water, in rural & village areas of all dist. Of state, for arranging drinking water, govt. approved construction of small check & stop dams on rainy nalas, small rivers etc., also for increasing ground water level in that local area for continuous dr
Facebook spreading & exploiting net of IS, ISIS, SIMI, IM, etc., exploiting & destroying Muslim youth, Indian & state home ministries mum.
 Facebook spreading & exploiting net of IS, ISIS, SIMI, IM, etc., exploiting & destroying Muslim youth, Indian & state home ministries mum. Indian Home ministry, all state home ministries are well aw
At last IPM Modi changed child labour act, for extortion of children in factories:
 At last capitalists’ puppet Indian PM changed child labour act for using children in factories on low wages with 12 hours working, it is meant only for extortion of children, killing their childhood
Highly corrupt & fraudulent AS & others, saving CM SRS Chouhan on each front i.e, PEB, mines, electric etc.,
 Highly corrupt & fraudulent Amit Shah & others, saving CM SRS Chouhan on each front i.e, PEB, mines, electric etc., MP CM SRS Chouhan is not only highly cheater & cunning but also corrupt & fraudulen
Indian Court Are casinos, not temple of justice, proved in after 13year, Salman got only 5year jail term for unintended murder, within 4hours granted bail,
 it is well known for Indian Judiciary, even 1st man told, Indian Court Are casinos, not temple of justice, proved in after 13year, Salman got only 5year jail term for unintended murder, within 4hour
Under Chinese pressure, Nepal govt. asking to leave Nepal with more than 40 countries’ help & their workers including India.
 Nepal highly damaged due to heavy earthquake of 7.5 intensity on 01.05.15. more than countries sent their workers and other material for public and damaged property. Under Chinese pressure, Nepal gov
Pvt. bus of BJP leader, 50passenger burnt in a accident near Panna dist. CM Shiv vulture kept mum.
 Pvt. bus of BJP leader, 50passenger burnt in a accident near Panna dist. CM Shiv vulture kept mum. That bus was Anoop Travel which is owned by BJP Leader of Satna. In this bus 50 passengers burnt, an
HRD ministry unable to provide NCC training for 10 mln. Young school college students:
 HRD ministry unable to provide NCC training for 10 mln. Young school college students: Defence ministry is operating & managing National Cadet Corps for young students for providing military training
Dirty Roll of Indian media, torturing earthquake suffering Nepalese, Nepalese netizens slams Indian media.
 Dirty Roll of Indian media, torturing earthquake suffering Nepalese, Nepalese netizens slams Indian media. For making spicy news on Indian TV news channels & print media, these media persons are torturing Nepalese earthquake suffering public in Nepal, asking useless & silly questions, while public
US warning India on religious ground, while unable to control color discrimination in their own country:
 US warning India on religious ground, while unable to control color discrimination in their own country: Prez. Obama of US is warning & indicating regarding religious disputes, while US admin. is wel
In PIU MPPWD Indore, EE Rane did lots of frauds on each of the step, MTH Hospital Bldg. & made hostel in place of ITI workshop.
 In PIU MPPWD Indore, EE RAne & his SDO Gotam did lots of frauds on each of the step, MTH Hospital Bldg. & made hostel in place of ITI workshop. In MPPWD, govt. developed a new wing Project Implementation Unit as PIU for construction of Govt. buildings, such as courts, schools, ITI, hospitals, trans
In MPRDC Ujjain EE Jain did a lots of frauds in construction of Ujjain Bye pass, used old electric polls, charged new polls:
 In MPRDC Ujjain ADM Ashok Sharma & Karotia did a lots of frauds in construction of Ujjain Bye pass, used old electric polls, charged new polls: In Ujjain bye pass which is constructed by MPRDC Ujjain, did & are doing hundreds of frauds by Dn. Manager Jain, Assistant Dn. Manager Ashok Sharma & Karot
Pakistan govt. sent beef as help to earthquake damaged Hindu nation Nepal proved mean mentality.
 Pakistan govt. sent beef as help to earthquake damaged Hindu nation Nepal proved mean mentality. In world media, published a news of Pakistan, sent beef food packets to earth quake damaged Hindu nati
DDA Meena also did same frauds, such as DDA Dhar, Jhavua, Ratlam etc., without writing of note sheets allotted subsidies of millions of Rs.
 DDA Meena also did same frauds, such as DDA Dhar, Jhavua, Ratlam etc., without writing of note sheets allotted subsidies of millions of Rs. in Indore Dist. PS Swai & director Meena of MP Agriculture
China born Nepal earthquake, more than 1lakh died & 50000injured, Nepal govt. claiming only 10000died:
 China born Nepal earthquake, more than 1lakh died & 10 million injured, Nepal govt. claiming only 10000died: China used time barred nuclear or atomic bombs under the ground of Nepal, that caused not
IPM Modi’s friend Adani captured total wheat of MP state for hoarding in his steel warehouses.
 IPM Modi’s friend Adani captured total wheat of MP state for hoarding in his steel warehouses. Fraudulent & corrupt Indian Prime Minister Modi who taken thousands crore of Rs. From his financer frien
Heavy Earthquakes in Nepal & 20Indian states, may be underground explosion of time barred atomic or nuclear bombs by China in Nepal.
 Heavy Earthquakes in Nepal & 20Indian states, may be underground explosion of time barred atomic or nuclear bombs by China in Nepal. It is very clear Chinese are not only wandering openly here & ther
PS WRD closed 65sub dn. in NT basin, unable to explore topographic possibilities for new water bodies:
 PS WRD closed 65sub dn. in NT basin, unable to explore topographic possibilities for new water bodies: MP WRD PS RS Julania closed more than 65 sub dn. only in CE NT Basin WRD Indore, in MP state he
Highly corrupt CE Dabar, SE Gandhe unable to hear appeals for saving their subordinate staff, reappointed retd., collecting agent SK Panwar.
 Highly corrupt CE Dabar, SE Gandhe unable to hear appeals for saving their subordinate staff, reappointed retd., collecting agent SK Panwar. NT Basin CE Dabar who is not only corrupt but duffer too,
Defence ministry require to recruit 1cr. army, naval, air force, semi armed forces soldiers for internal & external security of nation.
 Indian border with Pakistan is more than approx.1400km long from kutchch Gujrat, Rajsthan, Punjab to Jammu, and 4200 km long border from Jammu, Leh, Laddakh, Aasam, Arunachal Pradesh Meghalaya with C
Al qayada killed 147 University students in Kenya, no action from UNO & UN Security council:
 Al qayada killed 147 University students in Kenya, no action from UNO & UN Security council: Today 4 terrorists killed 147 non Muslim students After some time, Al Quada taken its responsibility. It is proved Muslims terrorism spreader around the corner of the world. the big matter who is funding th
IPM Modi spending Indian public funds of millions of dollars in world media for false image & popularity.
 IPM Modi spending Indian public funds of millions of dollars in world media for false image & popularity. Highly cunning, shrewd top cheater politician of world, Indian Prime Minister Modi who fraudu
Ujjain Comm. Pastore, Dewas collector A Awasthi cunning both IAS, torturing dist. Officers of all department for money.
 Ujjain Comm. Pastore, Dewas collector A Awasthi cunning both IAS, torturing dist. Officers of all department for money. Both these dirty corrupt Indian Abusing Service Officers, i.e., Ujjain Dn. Commissioner Pastore & Dist. Collector Aasutosh Awasthi are not only very rude, unmannered, threatening
Killing public health, Dirty devil Modi, blindly supporting ITC, Gujrat tobacco producers, ignoring medical warning.
 Killing public health, Dirty devil Modi, blindly supporting ITC, Gujrat tobacco producers, ignoring medical warning. IPM Modi after getting post of prime minister & rule in India, that dirty bustard
Capitalists puppet IPM Modi passed 49% FDI in insurance, for benefiting FI Cos. increased 3times high premium:
 Capitalists puppet IPM Modi passed 49% FDI in insurance, for benefiting FI Cos. increased 3times high premium: Indian Prime Minister Modi is a puppet of Indian & foreign money devils’ gang, soon afte
At last Indian cricket conspiring lost semi final only for swallowing money of Rs.10lakh cr. of betting.
 At last Indian cricket conspiring lost semi final only for swallowing money of Rs.10lakh cr. of betting. It was pre decided of loosing semi final of cricket match by Indian team, only for swallowing
After 2 terrorists attacks in Jammu, today in J&K assembly shouted MLAs Pakistan Murdabad
 After 2 terrorists attacks in Jammu, today in J&K assembly shouted MLAs Pakistan Murdabad, proved J&K part of India. On 20 March, terrorists attacked at PS Raja baug of Jammu, on 21 March terrorists
Fire in Ind. Parliament short circuit or conspiracy of burning old records of frauds:
 In Indian Parliament, today again fire started, according to sources of Govt. that was due to short circuit in Air Conditioners, while that fire burnt many documents & records after election of parli
CM Mufti sheltering Pak terrorists, attacked 2times within 48 hours in Jammu, required to arrest him:
 CM Mufti sheltering Pak terrorists, attacked 2times within 48 hours in Jammu, required to arrest him: that dirty bustard CM J&K Mufti Saeed, who is Pak oriented historical terrorists agent, after get
PS, Min., want to collect money for filling post by promotion, while hundreds of ACTO, CTO, AC, DC, UC post laying vacant.
 In Commercial tax department more than 180 posts of ACTO, 80 posts of CTO, 20 posts of assistant commissioner, 10 posts of deputy commissioner, 4posts of upper commissioner are laying vacant, but hig
Hungry BJP PM invited 49% FDI in Insurance after getting commission only for snatching Indian public
 What is need of FDI in insurance, assurance & banking in India? All these dirty hungry vultures of not only BJP, Congress, but all other political parties also passed bills of Foreign Direct Investme
Coward N. Modi fraudulently got post of PM, unable to face MP’s, run away to foreign.
 Tea hawker N. Modi fraudulently captured post of Indian PM, but unable to face questionnaires, dialogues & challenges of very small opposition leaders & MP in Indian Parliament, puppet of capitalists
J&K CM Mufti pose, political terrorists, he should prosecute as anti Indian, either he separate J&K from India.
 J&K CM Mufti pose, political terrorists, he should prosecute as anti Indian, either he separate J&K from India. If anti Indian J&K CM Mufti Saeed hold post of CM in J&K up to next month, that bustard
Highly corrupt, fraudulent NH & PIU EE Rane building hostel in place of ITI, nothing according to design:
 EE Rane, who did thousands of frauds on each of the step, even his date of birth & cast certificate is very doubtful, that’s why he is not giving this certificate in RTI, he fraudulently got promotio
MD V Agrawal MP Road Dacoit Corp. blindly collecting bribes, Govt. loosing millions of revenue per day:
 MD V Agrawal MP Road Dacoit Corp. blindly collecting bribes, Govt. loosing millions of revenue per day:highly corrupt & fraudulent MD Vivek Agrawal of MP Road Dacoit Corp. blindly collecting high bri
J&K CM M Said, using BJP support to support & shelter terrorists groups in J&K, require quick break for saving J&K.
 J&K CM M Said, using BJP support to support & shelter terrorists groups in J&K, require quick break for saving J&K. BJP-PDP alliance govt. in J&K, PDP’s cunning CM Muft Said blindly supporting to mos
Srilankan threat to kill Indian fishermen, if enter in their sea limits,
 Srilankan threat to kill Indian fishermen, if enter in their sea limits, Srilankan PM roil vikramsinghe threaten to kill Indian fishermen if they will cross Srilankan sea limits, while Indian Foreign
Vulture Modi’s 1st budget to promote capitalists, industrialists, snatch poor & middle class:
 Bhukhera Janwar’s Party IPM Modi vulture who is puppet of capitalists, make in India theme to promote big industrialists, multinationals etc., finished wealth tax, decreased corporate tax for benefit
Indore SP Crime A Khan blindly supporting Muslim gangsters & criminals, using police power, provided information:
 SP Crime A Khan blindly supporting Muslim gangsters & criminals, using police power, providing information: On 24.02.15 Shakir Chacha his gang men Firoj & Imran killed Jitu Yadav, according to newspaper, a police officer was providing call details & location of Jitu yadav & his gang men to Shakir &
Coward BJP CM Chouhan will close session before time, due to Congress attack on MPPEB scam.
 Coward BJP CM Chouhan will close session before time, due to Congress attack on MPPEB scam. Coward BJP CM SRS Chouhan, cabinet ministers, other BJP MLAs are trying to close budget session up to 27 Fe
Anna on movement against land acquisition bill, while require to go against FSSA, FDI, decentralisation etc.,
 Again Anna Hazare returned on movement against land acquisition bill of that dirty, corrupt, puppet of capitalists IPM Modi. It is good in interests more than 10cr. farmers of the country. While Anna
IPM Modi spent more than Rs.1500cr. on Obama’s visit against cheating poor.
 IPM Modi spent more than Rs.1500cr. on Obama’s visit against cheating poor. in India on 26.01.15: at one side, govt, is asking for invest in India for make in India, 2nd coincide spent more than Rs.1
Egypt & S Arabia killing ISIS & IS terrorists. Pak, fertile land of terrorists for entire world, required to stop all types of support & business.
  It is true now Pak forces are also killing terrorists in their own country, but it is not sufficient, because of their official agency still providing direct support to terrorists groups and trying
India won cricket match due to speculators with Pakistan
 Cricket matches are meant for speculators. Total world cup matches are only for cricket speculators. All teams are dancing on tune of big world mafias such as Daud a most wanted criminal of India who
Modi’s star in dust. AAP;s jhadu cleaned not only Congress but also BJP.
 Modi’s star in dust. AAP;s jhadu cleaned not only Congress but also BJP. AAP’s Arvind Kejriwal cleaned both Congress & BJP both in Delhi Assembly election won 67 seats out of 70, BJP got only 3 seats
Delhi BJP & IPM Modi highly afraid with AK & its AAP, using total power for winning of Delhi.
 Delhi BJP & IPM Modi highly afraid with AK & its AAP, using total power for winning of Delhi. IPM Modi & their political party BJP are highly afraid with Arvind Kejriwal & their political Aam Aadmi P
In MP state 50% reserve category employees & officers working on forged cast certificate, but govt. mum.
 In most of MP state govt. department, employees & officers whom are working in reserve category i.e., under SC, ST & OBC, selected on forged cast & domicile certificates, such as Er. SN Meena EE in NVDA dn. no. 25 & 28 of Punasa & Narmada Nagar dist. Khandwa, Er. Tentwal EE, Dn. 18 & 24 of NVDA Kha
Delhi BJP & IPM Modi highly afraid with AK & its AAP, using total power for winning of Delhi.
 IPM Modi & their political party BJP are highly afraid with Arvind Kejriwal & their political Aam Aadmi Party versus AAP. BJP’s chief Amit Shah using total power to win Delhi Assembly election. While
Most of highly corrupt staff officers, giving undue tax relaxations for bribes working beyond their limit.
 Highly corrupt Dn. Deputy commissioner Gopal Porwal who is holding property of more than Rs.5cr. assessing cases 1,2, &5 no. circle of Rs.10cr.& above and collecting bribes of millions of Rs. while t
IPM Modi eager to sign atomic pact only for high commission with Obama, while US supply rejected reactors:
 IPM Modi & their Bhukera Janwar Party when they were in opposition, present ministerial members were opposing against nuclear deals with US & others in Manmohan’s UDA govt. now these corrupt are deal
Most of Jt. Dir. Overlooking frauds & corruptions of all DDA’s, sharing corruption funds & sheltering them.
 Jt. Dir. DK Pandey MP Farmer Welfare & Agriculture Development of Ujjain Dn. Who is controlling 7 dist. i.e., Aagar, Dewas, Mandsour Neemuch, Ratlam, Shajapur & Ujjain and Jt. Dir. Agrawal of Indore
Total blind Administration & electoral officers supporting only ruling party candidates for municipal election:
 Total blind Administration & electoral officers supporting only ruling party candidates for municipal election: all dist. Collectors, SDM, ADMs, of Indore, Bhopal & Gwalior etc., blindly supporting t
CM Helpline only a drama, nothing to do. CM online, a public problem solving call cum information center, for the state public.
 State public can directly file their complaints 181, which is meant for public problem & information centre. I filed complaint in Jan Sunwai on 28.02.14, against a person Nirbhay Singh Patel who take
MP Govt. planned to hand over PWD rest houses to private sectors, only transferring to our relatives & for getting big commission.
 MP Govt. planned to hand over PWD rest houses to private sectors, only transferring to our relatives & for getting big commission. MP State Govt. owned rest houses managing & operating by Public Work
DDA Meena Indore for corruption using other staff members:
 DDA Aalok Meena who is working on forged cast certificate, is not only highly corrupt, fraudulent, did a lots of frauds on each of the step. He generally leave office before 3pm, than after wander here & there for planning of corruption. He has been swallowing at least more than Rs.5 to 8cr. pa for
CM SRS Chouhan destroyed PDS, selling kerosene @Rs.64/- per liter, no ration for other than BPL:
 CM SRS Chouhan destroyed PDS, selling kerosene @Rs.64/- per liter, no ration for other than BPL: highly corrupt CM SRS Chouhan for saving money on Public Distribution System, now there is no ration,
Highly criminal, corrupt & fraudulent EinC incharge Damor, suspended without power EE C Raghuvanshi
 Highly criminal, corrupt & fraudulent EinC incharge Damor, suspended without power EE C Raghuvanshi for revenge, game of torturing. Empty E in C post temporarily holding by GS DAmor who is dense Crim
Highly corrupt & fraudulent Modi’s all promises, fused, no control on inflation, corruption, no common civil code, no proper reply to Pak.
 IPM Modi of BJP, before election promised for control on inflation, corruption, on terrorism, no common civil code, even Amit Shah proved, BJP IPM Modi, Party Chief Amit Shah are more dangerous for
For Ujjain C’hanstha 16, CM posted most corrupt officers in PWD, PHE & CEO for development :
 CM SRS Chouhan selected & posted in Ujjain for development for Sinhastha, such as in MPPWD highly corrupt EE Kelkar who did a lots of fraud in PWD B&R Ujjain dn., than again he posted in PWD Bridge D
Muslim terrorists killed 12 mediamen in Paris,that proved no boundaries for US sheltered terrorism in the world.
 Muslim terrorists killed 12 mediamen in Paris,that proved no boundaries for US sheltered terrorism in the world. France Capital Paris, terrorists killed 12media men of Weekly Charlie Habdo due to pu
In International market crude under $50/- from $115/-, in India it reduced only 15%, increased duties & taxes:
 IPM Modi, who got rule on coming good days, but Bhukheri Jhuthi Party when in international market crude was reducing up to 63%, ruling BJP Central govt. increased custom duties 4%, on diesel & petro
EE C Raghuvanshi suspended on advise of CE Damor, taken revenge, game of torturing.
 EE C. Raghuvanshi Mech. MPPHE Indore was OIC in case of CE Damor against his corruption cases which were pending in High Court Bench Indore, when he produced replies against him, so Damor could not g
US sanctioned $534million for Pak terrorists farmhouse for fighting against terrorism for torturing to India.
 Crossbreed US Prez. Barak Obama taken u-turn against terrorism, again supporting & sanctioned Pak means the farm land of terrorism on name of fighting against terrorism. US who sheltered & supported
MD M. Singh treating this AKVN, his personal property, restricted no entry for journalists & RTI applicant.
 MD M. Singh treating this AKVN, his personal property, restricted no entry for journalists & RTI applicant. Highly corrupt MD Manish Singh of MP AKVN Indore is treating AKVN as his father’s property.
NVDA CM, CS, PS & VC R Vaishy reappointing retd. Parihar 65 as consultant cum collecting agent after getting bribe of Rs.1cr.:
 NVDA CM, CS, PS & VC R Vaishy reappointing retd. Parihar 65 as consultant cum collecting agent after getting bribe of Rs.1cr.: Corrupt retd. SE BPS Parihar (65) who was holding 5 posts based on & for
Corrupt Dictator IPM Modi, puppet of capitalists, passing acts through ordinance, for benefiting capitalists:
 Corrupt Dictator IPM Modi, puppet of capitalists, passing acts through ordinance, for benefiting capitalists: IPM Modi is highly corrupt, cunning, shrewd who is dancing on tune of Capitalists, such a
Air Asia crash due to hit by missile, how it converted in pieces, dead bodies floated:
 Air Asia crash due to hit by missile, how it converted in pieces, dead bodies floated: Air Asia flight no. QZ28610 crash is due to missile hit, because of it converted into pieces, 40dead bodies foun
Govt. using & linking Aadhar for fuel gas, ration distribution for pressurizing to collect data & placing these services to private cos.,
 Govt. using & linking Aadhar for fuel gas, ration distribution for pressurizing to collect data & placing these services to private cos., while these data using by multinationals on international lev
ISIS killed 150 young girls & women in Iraq on name of Allah for refusing to marry these militants:
 ISIS killed 150 young girls & women in Iraq on name of Allah for refusing to marry these militants: 150 killed by ISIS militants but no country comment on it, UNO is also kept mum. Indian newspapers
Do not extend date of submission of returns, on advice of consultants, they made it joke:
  Do not extend date of submission of returns, on advice of consultants, they made it joke:while there is no provision of extension in Income, custom & excise tax return dates, why this Commercial Tax
Govt. using & linking Aadhar for providing data & placing these services to private cos., while these data using by multinationals, criminals on international level.
 Fraudulent IAS officers of IPM of Indian Govt. spent more than Rs.4500cr. on this aadhar card only for collecting public data for providing this data to different types of multinationals for their fu
No provision of extension & escalation in turnkey project, why CM is sanctioning extension & escalation in LBC & RBC of Onkareshwar, for commission:
 All projects of Narmada Valley Development Authority, such as Onkareshwar Narmada Valley Corruption Dev. Authority Lower Narmada Zone in-charge CE Ajnare is not only highly corrupt, but duffer too, h
Highly fraudulent DDA Meena, sidelined all ADOs’ and using REAO SS Sengar who is posted in Depalpur.
 Highly fraudulent, corrupt DDA Meena of Indore, who is working on forged cast certificate, doing frauds on each of the step, for his corruption, he is using SADO T-3 Tomar, who passed more than 15 years at Indore office, the same with Rural Agriculture Extension Officer SS Sengar of Depalpur, who i
CM, CS, min., PS, Sec. of Comm. Tax waiting for bribe for promotion of officers, not releasing list of DPC since Sep.14.
 Highly corrupt, cunning, shrewd & lustrous PS Manoj Shrivastava & others of MP Commercial Tax Department completed departmental promotion committee in Sep14, of all officers from ACTO to CTO, CTO to
State got 3rd Krishi Karmana Award on false data:
 Total State Agriculture department is highly corrupt, having budget of Rs.36000cr. for welfare of farmers & agricultural development. While reality is just opposite, on name of welfare of farmers and
Total NHAI is not only failure, but also NH converted into official highways loot centers.
 National Highways Authority Of India, its all offices of project directors to state offices to HO Chairman & MD all are highly corrupt vultures, these dirty bustard corrupts are neither having proper
Loot of more than by fake bills & HR in EE Dn. No.21 of NVDA Sanawad
 Loot of more than by fake bills & HR in EE Dn. No.21 of NVDA Sanawad corruption & improper utilization of public funds, of EE who was holding the charge of Executive Engineer of Dn. 21
US & Pak sheltered Taliban massacre 124 students at Army School in Peshawar of Pakistan.
 In 1970-80 US & Pak supported, sheltered Taliban for terrorism. If scorpions supported & sheltered, it is natural after getting maturity these scorpions sting supporters & shelties’. These terrorist
Highly fraudulent face book & twitter both social sites providing strongest platforms for cyber criminals antisocial & terrorists on global level for money.
 Highly fraudulent face book & twitter both social sites providing strongest platforms for cyber criminals antisocial & terrorists on global level for money. Highly fraudulent facebook & twitter both
Coward Indian PM Modi, afraid with audio-visual & print media, legally trying to dominate, banned Rs.0.25paise stamp for posting newspapers.
 Highly fraudulent, liar, dramatician, puppet of capitalists, Indian Prime Minister N Modi, used audio-visual, print & social media for wining of Parliamentary election, spent more than Rs.1lakh crore
Fin. Min. Arun Jetly unable to understand, change & control ex- FM Cheatmabram’s lobby in Fin Min.
 Fin Min. Arun Jetly of BJP after 6month of rule unable to understand tactics of south Indian lobby of Finance Ministry, which was planted & set by ex- fin minister P Cheatambaram, and their fraudule
Total highly corrupt, cheater & fraudulent transport department snatching public on each of the step.
 MP Transport department is not only highly corrupt, cheater but also highly fraudulent too. ARTO Archana Mishra Indore is handicapped who is unable to drive 2wheeler or 4 wheeler, not having her driv
MPSIDC Indore MD Manish Singh fired corruption money of more than Rs.50lakh crackers on Deepawali.
 MP SIDC means MP State Industrial Development of Corruptionization, it is not only in Indore, it is story of total MP State Industrial Development Corp. in last, Global Investors Summit in Indore, MP
On name of Kisan Mela & Kisan Rath, DDA Agri. & ATMA, swallowed more than 50% funds in each dist.
 in this, they are swallowing more than Rs.1000cr. per month, even on allotment, clerical cadre of each section of min. & directorate of agriculture sharply deduct 1to 5% as their service charges or b
Indore Police torturing & terrorizing bikers for helmet for diverting attention from their own crimes.
 Indore Police torturing & terrorizing bikers for helmet for diverting attention from their own crimes. Highly corrupt & fraudulent Indore police who is sheltering prostitution mafias, drugs mafias,
CM Chouhan spending public fund producing false data & photo only for saving his post of CM & confusing mass
  After winning of BJP of Haryana by Min. K vijayvargriya, who was election incharge of Haryana State, he is waiting for CM post of MP, such as promise by IPM Modi. Present CM SRS Chouhan is highly af
In NVDA dn.21, on name of escalation, EE, SE, CE, ME, & VC paid 3times to contractor BC Bihani & looted Rs.15cr.
 Total NVDA is a gang of highly corrupt, fraudulent engineers from sub-engineers, asstt. Engineers, Executive engineer from EE Aaragh, Kole, Paraste & now EE Gupta, with SE, CE member engineering, vic
On black money, Modi govt. confusing SC & I public for saving his corrupt, capitalists, bureaucrats, political friends, who paid thousands cr. of Rs. for election.
 Highly corrupt, fraudulent, liar IPM Modi, who collected lakhs of cr. of Rs. for election, he spent more than Rs.100000cr. only on face book, twitter etc., on social sites, for winning election, he m
Most of Bike manufacturers are using masks on head light only for snatching public,
 Most of Bike manufacturers are using masks on head light only for snatching public, what is use these plastics masks covering head lights only for snatching, having more than 10to 15 nut bolts for fitting of this masks, no one mechanic is able to fit these masks properly, after some time, other nut
BSNL means Bhrashta, Shookar Nikamma un Limited also torching & snatching subscribers
 Govt. Communication Co. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. Is totally converted into highly corrupt means Bhrashta, Shookar Nikamma un limited, these are also top cheaters, cheating more than Rs.500cr. with p
PDPL officially closed, still mfg. 2lakh pd bottles and supplying to govt. health deptt.:
 PDPL officially closed, still mfg. 2lakh pd bottles and supplying to govt. health deptt.: Parental Drugs Pvt. Ltd. Nemawar Road Indore is officially closed due to deaths of 18 female patients at Umme
At last, BJP fraudulently won election of Haryana & Maharashtra.
 Electronic voting Machine is totally fraudulent, control & operated by Dist. Collectors & their fraudulent official gangsters. At the time of counting of votes, most of political party workers are ve
Min. K Vijayvargiya land mafia won Haryana Election will ask for post of CM.
 Corrupt, Cunning Parliament speaker S Mahajan MP of Indore, promised Min. K Vijayvargiya for post of CM. the same she asked with IPM Modi, so Modi handed over Haryana to Min. K Vijayvargiya, if he wi
CM Chouhan for snatching state passengers, & getting big bribes from pvt. Operators, totally closing MPSRTC.
 In the 3rd term of CM post, Chouhan is totally blind for money, forgot public interest. Totally looking interest of capitalists, only for getting big bribes & commission, on each of the step. While
Lokayukta raided on DC Jamod of Indore, suspicious, Rs.32lakh cash, while bed box was full of cash, and on many other places cash found.
 Lokayaukta SP & their team raided on 17.10.14, Deputy commissioner Jamod of MP Excise in Indore on his residence, that team got bed box was full of packets of Rs.1000/- & 500/- 1brief case was full o
Don’t buy Chinese goods, for saving our Indian economy, employment & foreign currency:
 This is the time of Deepawali festival, total Indian market flooded with cheap, unreliable Chinese goods, such as electronics goods as mobile phones, computer hardware, pen, button, camera memory chi
CM Chouhan going to finished existence of MPSRTC too, only for cheating of 7mln. passengers per day.
 Highly corrupt CM SRS Chouhan is dancing on tune of bureaucrats & capitalists, unable to look into future of state public & more than 7million passengers or travelers per day. At present these travel
Indian Forces replied properly to Pakistan, that bustard US asked to stop it.
 Again he started firing. Since independence, Pakistan forces & their rulers, were using Kashmir as tool to fight against India, for gaining cheap popularity and for diverting attention from their own
For proving & remembering of slavery of India, UNESCO declared
 For proving & remembering of slavery of India, UNESCO declared Jan Gan Man Adhinayak jai he, best national song of world. We got an information on what’s app. UNESCo declared, Jan Gan Man Adhinayak J
CM SRS Chouhan appraised IPM Modi for saving his seat in GIS.
 Today MP State CM SRS Chouhan much appraised Indian Prime Minister N Modi for his all foreign visits such as Japan, UNO, US etc., only for getting security of his CM post, because of CM Chouhan was comparing for post of PM before election with Modi. He was opposing & making platform with Veteran
Cunning Shrewd CM passed VCS scheme for extortion of labor for attracting industrialists in GIS.
 MP State Govt. promised to their industrialists guest for global investment summit for freeness from major labor acts, and same published in booklet for terminating 16 following acts as burdens. 1.
MP CM organizing Global Investors’ summit for investing their black money & earning by increasing cost of land.
 The past history of these global investors’ meet only meant for increasing rate of land surroundings declared & undeclared industrial estates & benefiting land, colony mafias only. Most of land bought by Min. k Vijayvargiya, his aide MLA Ramesh Mandola & many of others. On the name of industrial es
All types of Power can generate energy, & any type of energy can generate power.
 Nature gifted a lot of power & energy in its natural form, such as air, blowing air, water & flowing water. blowing air & flowing water having power can generate energy. While Sun a big source of energy, operating total world in its natural frame work. this solar energy can generate electric & dyn
Modi unable to clean corruption, extortion of capitalism, inflation, corporate criminality, for diverting attention, getting fake popularity, cleaning streets.
 Modi unable to clean corruption, extortion of capitalism, inflation, corporate criminality, for diverting attention, getting fake popularity, cleaning streets. Modi won election fraudulently to confu
Why Modi drunken water only in his last US visit? IPM Modi made so many records in his last US visit
 Why Modi drunken water only in his last US visit? IPM Modi made so many records in his last US visit. Of course he was 1st Indian Prime Minister who not folded his knee, opposite US Prez. Barrak Obam
If PM, CM, min. & other govt. officers can clean streets, why paying salary to sweepers, & tax to municipals
 Dramatician IPM Modi, is unable to ask with their corrupt Municipal mayors, corporators, leaders, their sweepers for sanitation of city streets of nation, because of Atrocity Act, The cleaning of str
Corrupt State Fin. Min. Mallayya taken loan for paying salary, CM blindly using public funds too.
 Highly corrupt & fraudulent MP Govt. Fin Min. Jayant Mallayya, for his personal benefit reduced VAT tax from 13% to 5%on cement & steel & others, and after that reduction of tax on cement, actual pri
40% increased, loot on medicines, for recovery of election donations.
  1st time in India, drug mfg. cos. directly increased not more than 0.1% of their profit & black money, which is in hundreds crores of Rs. It is a history in Indian drug market, Modi govt. permitted
In NVDA, Corrupt retd. SE BPS Parihar holding 5 posts based on & for corruption.
 Narmada Valley Development Authority is full of highly corrupt gangsters, whom are meant for cheating of public funds on name of development, CM Chouhan is also chairman of this authority, who made s
Modi govt. asked to celebrate 2nd October as cleanliness day,due to Atrocity Act.
 Modi govt. asked to celebrate 2nd October as cleanliness day, because of no 1 municipal sweepers want sweeping streets properly, if anyone ask these workers threaten to use Atrocity act. Now a days A
FWI S Singh collecting funds from all corners, petrol pumps, gas agencies, ration shops freely looting public.
 food Controller Sukriti Singh of FOOD & Civil Supplies Indore, is not only highly corrupt, unable to control total department, so most of petrol pumps, i.e., more than 400 pumps are widely serving pe
Highly corrupt fraudulent director P Bhakhadikar for bribe, destroying total system of Com tax deptt..
 Com Tax departmental promoted only one Dir. Praveen Bhakhadikar of Commercial Tax department, who did a lots of frauds from CTO to this post of director, asked bribe money with DC of all 8Anti Evasio
Bhopal Janhagirabad TI Chouhan not producing Challan of a RTI activist & Journalist SK Bhardwaj:
 For asking information under RTI, with MP Welfare Commissioner Jasmine Ali Sitara called RTI Activist & Journalist SK Bhardwaj on 12.09.14 used her power and arrested by police Jou. Satish Bhardwaj, chief editor of, daily SWARAJYA Abhiyan, that was preplanned conspiracy against
Fraudulent IPM Modi planning to penalise Rs.20000/- on smoking but unable to ban mfg of cigarettes cos.
 Indian PM Modi is a puppet of multinationals, such as Indian Tobacco Co. Ltd. Is subsidiary of British Tobacco Co. of Britain, and biggest manufacturer of cigarettes in India, so they are unable to b
For asking information under RTI, MP WC JA Sitara used power and arrested by police Jou. Satish Bhardwaj:
 Our Bhopal Representative Jou. Satish Bhardwaj, who asked information under RTI with highly corrupt & fraudulent Welfare Commissioner Jasmine Ali Sitara of Construction workers of MP Labour Departmen
At last gangster Dir. DN Sharma kicked out from agriculture directorate, on charges of corruption.
 When & our colleague Mr. SK Bhardwaj who is also managing published & reported corruption of gangster Director DN Sharma & his gangmen Jt. Dir. A Parmar, DDA Ty
Imran & Co. asking resignation with Pak PM Nawaj Sharif, while ex-prez vomiting against India for saving him.
 In Pakistan, PPM Nawaj Sharif is facing many charges on this behalf Imran & co. is asking resignation from PPM Nawaj Sharif and demonstrating on Pak Parliament. Ex- Prez. & Army chief Musarraf who is
Army, BSF should be trained in Japanese & Israeli commando way for reply to enemy neighbors:
 Now IPM Modi is reacting against all neighbors it is not only good, but it is the best for all neighbor enemies, such as Pakistan, China, Bangladesh etc., it is ancients trend, if you shall reply in
Highly corrupt, fraudulent EE Rane of Indore dn.1passed more than 6 year in Indore on loot & distribute.
 Total MPPWD is full of highly corrupt, fraudulent gang of engineers from E in C, approx. 10CE, 20SE to 600sub engineers all are collecting funds from all corners, i.e., from contractors. They are hav
Highly corrupt, cunning, shrewd & fraudulent all Comm. Tax officers of HO widely collecting funds from all corners.
 Upper Commissioner JS Gupta, who sent some photo journalists for shooting on all 29 toll tax barriers to spy their staff collecting funds, after getting all these videos, he is now blackmailing his o
Most of aanganwadis swallowed 90% funds of foods of women & child development:
 In MP state Women & child welfare department is not only corrupt, but also fraudulent too, most of funds for women & child welfare is swallowing by aanganwadis, there is only 3 to 5% children & women
Extract of Indian police: highly corrupt, criminal, lustrous, drinker saves real criminals, torches innocent for proving their power, paise making record:
 Indian police of all states from police constable to head, const. asstt. Sub, town inspector or TI, CSP, DSP, SP, IG, DIG, DG all are not highly corrupt all are collecting bribes directly or indirec
CM SRS Chouhan prefers highly corrupt IAS, again appointed IAS IS Bens in his crew:
 Highly corrupt & lenient CM Chouhan prefers highly corrupt, cunning & shrewd Indian Abusing Service Officers in his CM staff crew for collecting funds and save his image from all corners. So again he
Corrupt IAS Suleman Khan now PS of Urban Admin. Urban Admin.
 Min. K Vijayvargiya who is old friend of Suleman Khan Aajamgaria Dacoit, now PS of Urban Admin. in most of urban cities are buying central lighting system for lighting in cities, in this all these ma
How our freedom while we are singing national song of slavery:
 By tomorrow morning on 15Aug.2014, our country is celebrating 68th independence day, how our freedom? While we are singing national song of slavery, hundreds millions of people will sing Jan Gan Man
RBI not only sheltering dacoits of Indian banking industries but also passing acts for decoying& terrorizing customers:
 Yesterday RBI governor passed a bill against customers and sheltering bankers for their robbery, cheating, deducting, charging high rates of interest, other charges, corruption, beating of customers
EE Aaragh, Kole, Paraste & Gupta did a lots of frauds in Dn.21 NVDA Sanawad.
 In Dn.21 paid fake bills of more than Rs.10cr., In NVDa Dn. 21, since 2003 to Feb.12, as EE Aaragh was there he did a lots of frauds with contractor BC Bihani, M\s Dhyan Singh Ladda Ram Jabalpur, M\s
Modi puppet dancing on tune of ITC, promotion of ITC cigarette,
 Modi puppet dancing on tune of ITC, promotion of ITC cigarette, restricting chewing tobacco, but not most dangerous cigarette. Indian Tobacco Corp. which is Indian name format of British Tobacco Co.
Use word Loknayak in place of Adhinayak it is word of slavery:
 This National Anthem written by R N Thakur, for welcoming GeorgeV in 1911, when we were slave of UK. In this, Adhinayak is a word of slavery in our national song, use word of Loknayak, which is rep
Modi & Shah will dictate total BJP & country.
 Today Modi appointed Amit Shah as BJP chief, it is prime sample of dictating BJP, slowly & slowly he kicked out all senior leaders of BJP from their way such as LK Aadwani, Rajnath, MM Joshi etc., .
SC & ST Atrocity act, tool for terrorizing, threatening, blackmailing & collecting money:
 This act SC &ST Atrocity Act was made for social respect of SC & ST, but since 1990, it is against constitutional right of equality, beyond cast & creed. Now it is converted a tool for schedule cast & tribal peoples for terrorizing, threatening, blackmailing & collecting money from general category
CM Online & 181 totally propaganda, no site for complaint against police, agriculture, education, tribal etc.,
 Highly corrupt & corruption sheltering CM SRS Chouhan is demonstrating since last 8months for providing facilities of complaints to state CM online for benefiting to highly corrupt, fraudulent indust
Corrupt CM Chouhan propagating for CM on line, but no space against police, mines, CT etc.,
 Corrupt CM Chouhan propagating for CM on line, but no space against police, mines, CT etc., CM SRS chouhan is propagating for their MP Online complaint services. While there is no site, name, link fo
Pak & China both invading Indian borders, but HM Rajnath denying & confusing mass.
 Pak from Kashmir side & China from Arunachal Pradesh side both are daily crossing Indian borders, even Chinese are distributing & claiming in their maps Arunachal Pradesh is in their part of country.
STF saving most of Ministers, IAS, IPS, IFS & SAS officers in PEB & MPPSC scams.
 MPPSC which is selecting officers, engineers, doctors for the state govt. departments since last 40-50 years is not only highly corrupt but also highly fraudulent working for money, Most of political chairmen & members recruited & appointed thousands of officers in each department after getting mon
Money wolves, mindless, audio-visual & print Indian media highly coward too:
 Indian print & audio visual media is a black mailers’ gangster’s gang of money wolves, not using mind because of all these dirty vultures are not highly qualified, it is not welfare oriented mission, having no vision, so unable to look into future. These are looking after money, dancing as puppets
Most of posts of CE, SE, EE, AE holding by their juniors, not promoting general category even after 30year of posting.
 In state Govt. departments Indian Abusing Services officers whom are holding posts of secretaries, principal secretaries and looking after posting promotions & all important work of policy making, torturing most of state general category officers and employees in their promotions even after 30 yea
Pak & China both invading Indian borders, but HM Rajnath denying & confusing mass.
 Pak from Kashmir side & China from Arunachal Pradesh side both are daily crossing Indian borders, even Chinese are distributing & claiming in their maps Arunachal Pradesh is in their part of country.
Shrewd IAS officers torches & using as pet, state staff, ignored basic facilities:
 IAS means Indian Abusing Services officers are not only cunning & shrewd but also highly corrupt & fraudulent. They treated them selves as supreme authority, they enjoys all types of facilities, such
Highly fraudulent total CT deptt. made RTI act as joke.
 Total Commercial tax cum sales tax deptt. is not highly corrupt, but also fraudulent too. 70% reserve category officers are working on forged cast & domicile certificates, but when asked under RTI fo
Pak & China shaking hands with PM, 2nd coincide crossing LOC:
 Pak PM Nawaj Sharif & Chinese PM Xi Ling are shaking hands with Indian PM N Modi, and assuring him for peace, while 2nd coincide, crossing borders and challenging Indian army. Both the countries are
SADO Bhatnagar & Tomar, DDA Meena are trying to save all forged seed vendors after getting money:
 In Indore, MP agriculture deptt. Most of staff officers are highly corrupt, they are sheltering most of fraudulent seed, fertilizers, insecticides & pesticides and agriculture related material vendor
Modi budget 14, total flop show for common man, dancing on tune of multinationals for their benefits:
 Fraudulent Modi won election fraudulently with money of multinationals, he bought each & everything for winning election, so it is necessary to benefit them. Today he produced his 1st budget, but the
Highly corrupt & fraudulent gang of IMC & MPPHE are going to waste Rs.280cr. for water from Choral ignoring WRD:
 MP WRD is meant for development of water resources department, but its work is limited for only irrigation of agriculture lands and its production. Developing only ponds, dams, canals etc., MP govt.
IMC mayor produces budget of Rs.2200cr., while more than Rs.550cr. only for swallow.
 IMC mayor produces budget of Rs.2200cr., while more than Rs.550cr. only for swallow. Most of Govt., autonomous bodies such as Municipal corp. municipalities, boards’ officers always plans for swallow
Rail budget2014: total cheating with public, shown intention to transfer capitalists:
 IPM Modi fraudulently captured rule and PM post, with help of Ambani, Adani, Tata, ITC, HL, & others who provided funds for winning of election, now in this 1st rail budget, he promised to provid br
Retd. Corrupt CE RK Kala taken away govt, assets when he left Govt. Banglow:
 Corrupt CE RK Kala retired on 31.03.14 from his services after 35 year of service of MP PWD. He did a lots of frauds for getting fund. When he left his official residence, he taken away more than 400 plants with pots & saved at his son’s father in law’s nursery near Yeshwant sagar pond, with 2 big
MP Fin. Min. benefited his own diamond cement, reduced VAT 13% to 5% in budget, declared 5000km cementing state roads.
 Today MP State govt. Fin. Minister Jayyant Mallaya produced his 1st budget, no benefits for poor class common men, but for getting high benefits from cement manufacturers, colony & land mafias, from
MPPEB & MPPSC fraudulently selected relatives, of ministers, MLA’s, MP’s, & bureaucrats.
 Most of members, officers, staff of MP Professional Examination Board & MP Public Service Commission are highly corrupt not today since 1985, after getting big bribes, funds, or approach of ministers
Min. Kusum Mahdele want to hold post but unable to bear & control all corrupt such as PHE, horticulture department:
 MP Minister Kusum Mahadele is holding MPPHE, MP Horticulture & Food Processing, Fishermen Welfare & Fisheries Development Cottage & Rural Industries, Law & Legal Work i.e., 5 department but there is
In Iraq most of Indians murdered by ISIS, while govt. not declaring, unable to save them.
 In Iraq most of Indians murdered by ISIS, while govt. not declaring, unable to save them. In Iraq, home clashes of Siya & Sunni, most of Indian workers killed by ISISI who captured most of oil indust
Multinational puppet dramatician IPM Modi don’t want to reduce inflation:
 IPM Modi who promised to Indian Public for coming good days, it is far behind good days, these days gone. Modi does not want to reduce inflation, while it is too easy to reduce inflation on all food
MPSRTC closed by politicians only for torturing & snatching millions of state travellers and selling property.
 MP State Road Transport Corp. closed by Congress politicians in 1995 than BJP govt. followed only for earning high profits by private bus owners of politicians, bureaucrats, big mafias etc., while mo
Criminal Min. Vijay Shah MP state called Jou. Sushil Parihar drunk liquor together, died today.
 Jour. Sushil Parihar of Aashapur Dist. Khandwa MP, who produced & published hundreds of news against frauds, criminality & conspiracies of Min. Vijay Shah. Shah threaten him many times, Shah’s gundog
Frame a new centrally controlled law for state police. Total police deptt. Criminals’ legal official gang sheltering criminals, torturing common people, refusing RTI.
 Police is not meant for security of public, now police is actually meant for sheltering all types of criminals such as drug sellers, prostitute agents, terrorists, matka-satoriyas, IPL satoriyas, poc
US Obama proved that terrorism is a tool for rule, for terrorizing India, he released 5 dangerous terrorists :
 Samaymaya has been producing this hard fact, since last 1998, terrorism is a tool for rule & marketing strategy of selling of arms for US. Recently US Prez. Obama released 5 Afghanis dangerous terror
Good days only for Modi & their cabinet, bad & black days for 125 cr. public of nation.
 IPM Modi fraudulently won parliamentary election, by management of money oriented media spent more than Rs.1lakh cr. invested by Anil & Mukesh Ambani & other capitalists. Very soon Modi will instruct
Highly corrupt DDA Meena working on forged certificate, collecting funds from seeds vendors.
 DDA Meena Indore, who is working on forged cast certificate, his enquiry pending with SC &ST commission, since 4year but after spending money, Dir. DN sharma is saving him. He is highly corrupt he did a lots of frauds in Shajapur dist. When he was DDA there, he swallowed more than Rs.50cr. in diffe
MP state Govt. regularizing highly corrupt & fraudulent agents as asstt. TO:
 Very soon highly corrupt fraudulent BJP ministry of MP govt. is going to pass an ordinance in assembly for regularizing of all dist. & divisional office agents as asstt. Transport officer. These agen
Total staff of MP Tribal highly corrupt, cunning shrewd too, unable to accept & not replied RTI applications.
 50% funds swallowed by Tribal Min., Commissioner, asstt. comm. & dist. collector & other officers. Most of funds allotted to tribal department at least 50% funds, of tribal students for scholarships
Dr. P. Garg CMHO Dewas for saving corruption suspended doctors & clerks.
 Dr. P Garg is highly corrupt, shrewd& big vulture snatching 30% funds from all 84 health schemes it is more than Rs.15cr. pa: Most of doctors of Govt. Health department are not only snatching funds from most of all health schemes & projects of central & state govt., but also asking money from patie
CM SRS Chouhan unable to follow Supreme Court orders for promoting gen. category employees & Officers of state Govt. only for getting corruption fund.
 Highly corrupt, totally lenient CM SRS Chouhan is unable to take strong & fast decisions, because of only getting corruption funds. He is overlooking orders of Supreme Court for promotions of general
MP govt. crying for industrialization, but not developing monitoring structure such as AD in MPIHS on each dist.
 Union Carbide was the biggest industrial disaster in MP state, but State Govt. yet not after 30years taken proper steps for monitoring all industries for minimum industrial accidents and proper Indus
Why FDI? Only for long lasting commission. More greedy than Congress. Calling slavery.
 Why FDI? Only for long lasting commission. More greedy than Congress. Calling slavery. While India is having all 6Ms of industrialization, i.e., money, management, manpower, machine, material & mind,
Stop funding to J&K Govt., if unable to accept cancellation of 370 and common state category.
 Central Govt. is spending more than Rs.40000cr., in which more than Rs.15000cr. only for army, while there is more than Rs.20000cr. for J& K Govt. & more than Rs.5000cr. for local govt. of J&K for ci
Terminate: Indore Ichchhapur 203km BOT road agreement with Ashoka Buildcon\VIVA.
 Highly corrupt gang of MPRDC sheltering all BOT contractors after getting monthly funds, keeping close eyes with shutting lips. Ashoka buildcon alias VIVA is collecting increasing toll since2004 but
Thanks & Congratulation to entire public of nation, who elected & got a strong PM with clear majority.
 Today Narendra Damodar Modi taken oath as PM. We are highly thankful of god and Indian public who elected a good prime minister. Congratulation to entire public of our nation, who got a good leader w
Amit Shah should be next home minister in ruling BJP for terrorism free India.
 In Narendra Modi govt. Amit shah should be next home minister in India for controlling crimes, not only muslim terrorists, illegal intrusion of Bangladeshi Muslims in India from W Bengal, Aasam, Gora
Reply Pak & Muslim terrorists as soon as possible in their own way:
 Again Pak is playing double game, on border, these dirty vultures started firing and 2nd coincide giving hands for unconditional talk on border issue, the same Muslim terrorists such as SIMI, Aajamga
Modi g stop cow slaughter houses & meat export:
 Since 1947, most of Hindu Parties, such as Akhil Bhartiya Hindu Mahasabha, RSS, Jansangh, Janata Party, Bhartiya Janata Party, VHP, Bajrng Dal, Shivsena etc., all are Hinduism oriented Parties were
Modi g call Indian black money of all politicians, industrialists, bureaucrats, capitalists etc., from Swiss, US, UK, from all other countries.
 First priority should be bring back black money, 700 trucks jewellery of Jaipur Royal treasury of Rajsthan Kingdom, which is looted by late Indira Gandhi in 1975, open all a\c of Congress politicians
Nationality oriented Hindu political party saffron BJP won first time after freedom with clear majority.
 After 66 years of freedom, it is first time nationality oriented Hindu political party BJP got clear majority. Congress who was ruling over India after freedom, snatching total country from all corne
Modified India cleaned all other political parties from India.
 BJP PM candidate N.D. Modi modified India, modified Indians cleaned all top political parties & their leaders from Indian map. BJP’s Modi won 283 seats around the corner in India from Laddakh remote
Education is totally captured by mafias & dacoits, from nursery to higher educational colleges, universities all are sheltering by Govt. bureaucrats.
 Total education from nursery, school to higher educational, academic, professional, technical , medical etc private & govt. colleges, universities are totally under control of big mafias, dacoits, f
Most of beauty parlors, spa & massage centers operating prostitution centers:
 Most of beauty parlors, spa & massage centers are operating as prostitution centers, all these are maintaining albums for male female customers, providing take home services, they are having their in
All IMC sanitary inspectors are collecting funds by threatening to food vendors:
 In Indore Municipal Corporation there is 5 sanitary inspectors whom are also notified as FI Vivek Gangrade, FI Sandeep Patodi, FI Lakhan Shastri, FI Rajesh Jaiswal, FI Goutam Bhatia also using rights of Daroga for making challans of Food vendors, so all these are widely using their powers for thre
For Kharif crop session, new license of cotton seeds asking Rs.50000/- renewal of license @Rs.35000/-.
 In Indore DDA office, Bhatnagar is looking after new & renewal of seeds license, in new Kharif session, for BT cotton, soyabean he is charging bribe of @Rs.50000/- for new license & asking for @Rs.35
Why all the law of child marriage, child control, single wife etc., applied only on Hindus?
 All the Indian political parties such as Congress, BJP, SP BSP, NCP etc., are dominating only Hindus, applying all acts of such as child marriage, child birth control, single wife etc., while questio
Political drama for rule, on peak, but no one caring for country & its natives:
 Political drama for rule, on peak, but no one caring for country & its natives: In electraction, tongs war between Modi & congress is on high peak, only for attracting voters, while no one political
Indian election process & EVM is totally fraudulent & unreliable.
 Indian Electronic Voting Machine is totally fraudulent, it is meant for democratic voting process, for electing candidates for local, state & central Govt. present time is electronics time, this mach
BJP declared in their election manifesto 100% FDI in India, these FDI will capture total Indian business.:
 BJP is more dangerous than Congress, BJP declared their manifesto, in this they promised 100% FDI, means they pledged total country in hands of foreign direct investors only for getting big commission from them, than after they will make this country as slave.FDI will directly buy land of farmers a
Most of state Govt. dist.& other Officers are paying bribe funds to BJP for winning of election of party candidates.
 It is hard & true facts most of dist. Officers & seniors are blindly serving funds to BJP & their candidate for election expenditure. 2nd coincide what actually limits decided by ECI it is only for demo, while most of big party candidates such as Congress, BJP, BSP, SP etc., are spending more tha
Indian Election Commission of India is totally fraudulent, blindly supporting to Congress, BJP & other ruling parties:
 Indian Election Commission of India is totally fraudulent, blindly supporting to Congress, BJP & other ruling parties: Chief Election Commissioner of Election Commission of India is appointed by ruli
Total election process of Election Commission of India is not only highly fraudulent but also supporting to political parties.
 Total election process of Election Commission of India is not only highly fraudulent but also supporting to political parties. Total Election Commission of India is a puppet of ruling & big political
All SDMs are widely illegally collecting funds on FSSAI from Namkeen, sweets, confectioneries, hotels etc.
 Under Parliament Election code, all the powers of CM&HO of Food Safety & Standard Act of India withdrawn by Election Commission of India and transferred to DM & SDMs in all districts of India. In Indore, SDM Meena, Soni, R Singh, R Kasera are using these powers of FSSAI and without written warning,
Conspiring Congress left barking Kejriwal, Mulayam Singh of SP & others only for barking against Modi.
 Congress means Corruption Oriented Notorious Gang for Resources Extortion & Sucking Services, is unable to counter to Modi wave around the nation, so these vultures are using their B team heading by
Min. E&H of MP appointed highly corrupt RO AA Mishra as member secretary in MPPCB who passed more than 20 year in Indore.
 Min. K vijayvargiya Urban Dev. And Environment & Housing appointed highly corrupt, fraudulent regional officer AA Mishra as MP Pollution control Board, which is actually meant for pollution spreading
BJP’s drama of state closure only for saving their fraud & corruption of MPPEB scams.
 Congress is crying & demanding for CBI enquiry against MP Professional Exams Board scams, in this most of ministers are involved in this scams, so for saving this scandal, they played drama of closure of state for demanding loss of total crops by hail storms, while it is clear due to election code,
Highly corrupt EE RN Mishra Bridge Dn. Is looking after collapsed flyover bridge on ring road, only suspended for cooling public pressure.
 Highly corrupt EE RN Mishra who passed more than 15 years in Indore, previously he was a SDO in Indore Dn.1, who did a lots of frauds on each of the step, when he was SDO, in Indore Dn.1 & 2, since 1
Electraction: Rajnath declared for apology drama only for getting Muslim votes, having no character
 Political drama is again going on peak while there is 2months for Parliamentary election. Dirty Bhukheri Janwar Party means BJP is highly hungry for rule in Parliament, they want to attract Muslim vo
Facts of Samaymaya, producing by A Kejriwal against Congress & BJP.
 Facts of Samaymaya, producing by A Kejriwal against Congress & BJP. Samaymaya is producing facts of total Congress & their UPA, BJP, BSP, SP & all other political parties are dancing on tune of not only Ambani, but TATA, Birla, Mittal, ITC, Hindustan Lever, JP Associates & many other capitalists et
Drama of Cabinet meeting at Ujjaini meeting point of Kshipra Narmada Sinhstha Link Project.
 Today CM SRS Chouhan played a drama of Cabinet meeting at Ujjaini meeting point of Kshipra Narmada Sinhstha Link Project, while they spent more than Rs.1cr. of public fund only for celebrating a picn
CM SRS Chouhan more than Rs.1lakh cr. in allotment of Coal blocks of Amilia to 2 major block to JP Group & 4blocks to ACC group.
 Highly corrupt CM SRS Chohan for getting money & 30% share in coal blocks of Amilia of 1800lakh ton coal transferred owner ship to JP group, in this they given 51% share JP, 19% share of state Govt.
Electrotraction: Central budget drama of vote attraction for only winning of election & snatching public from all corners.
 FM P Cheatamberam produced enterim Central govt. budget, taxes slashed on cars, 2wheelers, cell phones, AC, freezers etc., against high commission collected from auto, electronics & cooling industrie
US Prez. Obama romancing with many of Europe, due to his power, unable to control US admin. & world power.
 US Prez. Obama is also very lustrous nature, previously he was romancing with Hileri Clinton wife of ex-president Bill Clinton of US, now again he is romancing with Pop singer Beyonce Nails, these ar
Kisan Morcha of BJP’s drama of rail rook against central’s anti farmers policy.
 On Friday 07.02.14, State farmers’ BJP Kisan Morcha was agitating and organized disrupting railway services against Central’s Govt. policy for the farmers. It is only drama for diverting attention fr
CM SRS Chouhan extended FSSAI only for 6month for getting high bribes, while Cent. Govt. extended for 1year.
 On last day i.e., on 04.02.14, dirty devil CM SRS Chouhan extended 6month in enforcement of FSSAI, while Govt. of India Health Min. Gulam Nabi Aazad extended enforcement of this act on 15th of Jan14
I&B min. spending Rs.thousands cr. of public funds treating their father’s property on promotion of Rahul Gandhi as PM.
 Indian Ministry of Information & Broad casting is spending thousand crores of Rs. of public fund for promotion of Rahul Gandhi as PM on advertisement in thousands of daily, weekly newspapers, magazin
MNS taken good step against toll on roads in Mumbai &it is spreading in MS.
 Raj’s is agitating against toll collection on BOT roads in Mumbai, while it is spreading around the total Maharashtra state. It was long awaited, should spread in nation because of each state govt. i
Highly fraudulent, cheater Nandan Nilkeni an agent of MNC collecting biometrics data of Indians by Aadhar Card may be Congress’s PM on contract.
 Highly fraudulent, cheater Nandan Nilkeni an agent of MNC collecting biometrics data of Indians by Aadhar Card may be Congress’s PM on contract. Regarding Nandan Nilkeni from site http://moneylife.
Delhi CM Kejriwal totally unmatured, required to learn ABC of rule:
 Unmatured Arvind Kejriwal who suddenly got post of CM is unable to justify his post & power, required to learn ABC of post & power. CM Arvind Kejriwal’s road rage drama of dharana at Rail Bhavan near
CM SRS Chouhan fraudulently appointed CIC KD Khan working PS Law & Legal Deptt. for saving their corruption, against order of SC:
 Supreme Court in a writ petition, ordered in July 12, CIC should be from Judicial services, when Samaymaya published these hard facts, in month of July 12, most of information commissioners were usin
Total home min. up to constables are highly corrupt & fraudulent, refusing 99% complaints, 1%complaints driving by money.
 In MP state, total home ministry, from minister BL Gour, to CS, PS, Sec., DG, all DIG, IGs, SP, DSP, CSP, ASP, TI, SI, ASI, head constable, constable etc., are not only highly corrupt, fraudulent, bu
Gang leader of UPA Congress extended FSSAI for 1year due to Loksabha Election:
 Congress leading of UPA gangsters extended Food Safety & Standard Act 06 meant for safety of their commission & profit of multinationals for 1year only for election of parliament. While that act will
Total Congress & their UPA gangsters are dancing on tune of US, pledged total nation in hands of their multinationals.
 Congress means Corruption Oriented Notorious Gang for Resources Extortion & Sucking Services, according to their name these dirty vultures are doing the same since freedom of India, and snatching the country from each & every corner, and sending that money in Swiss & many other countries, even in T
Indian media is dirty gang of money wolves, dancing on tune of rulers & capitalists, unable to look after interest of public.
 Indian media journalists are money wolves, using by rulers and capitalists. So these money vultures are unable to look after interest of public. while Indian rulers as elected politicians and selected bureaucrats all are commission hunters only looking after commission from European countries such
Dramatician, highly corrupt & fraudulent CM SRS Chouhan is highly afraid denying demand of CBI enquiry of MPPEB.
 Luckily SRS Chouhan got 3rd term of CM of MP State, is playing high drama to random check of hospitals, Govt. offices for breaking corruption, while he is widely collecting bribe & corruption funds f
Coward CM SRS Chouhan will close 1st session within 3-4days for saving their collar from opposition:
 CM SRS Chouhan who is not only highly corrupt but also coward too, called 1st assembly session from 8th January to 17 Jan 14, but planning to finish on 10 or 11 Jan.14, only for saving his collar fro
Dirty bloody devils of Congress for selling data, asking Aadhar card for viewing TV channels, torturing 300mln. While Supreme Court banned importance of Aadhar Card
 Highly corrupt, dirty devils are sucking blood of Indian public, torturing public for preparing Aadhar card. Aadhar Card is only meant for collecting data not only for getting total data for multinat
CM SRS Chouhan distributed ministries to ministers according to criminology and mastership of corruption of their gangster party MLA:
 CM SRS Chouhan distributed Urban Administration, Housing & Environment to corrupt K. Vjyvrgiy, he is a big land mafia in MP state in BJP gang, captured thousand acre of agri. Land, and made it super
Chouhan got rule, due to EVM fraud and Congress is most corrupt, criminal dacoits, no other alternate for public:
 SRS Chouhan joined as CM won election, while BJP gang is less corrupt in comparison with Congress. In this election ruling BJP also fully utilize govt. machinery and won election with EVM fraud. Govt
CM SRS Chouhan is not honest, unable to appoint 1 CIC & 13 Information commissioners in State.
 CM SRS Chouhan promised to HC Jabalpur to appoint 1CIC & 13 commissioners before 12.12.13, but after swearing he was unable to appoint them only for saving corruption, AGMP could not produced audit report since 2010 in assembly, Lokayukta is also unable to produced cases against because of SRS Chou
Indian Govt.1st time properly replied to US for their dirty behaviour against Indian diplomat.
 First Time Indian govt. replied to US Govt. against dirty & insulting behaviour against Indian Diplomat Devyani Khobragade. While they have insulted to our most respected Ex- President Abdul Kalam, t
MP PEB is a top fraudulent & cheating center of high corruption since 1985, dancing on tune of money.
 Total MP Professional Examination Board which is taking pre engineering, medical, agriculture, post graduation course of medical science test for entrance of all these professional courses, making fr
After Oath of CM, SRS Chouhan started his corruption sheltering activities, again posted IAS Arun Pandey in Ujjain.
 After taking oath of CM, SRS Chouhan has been starting corruption sheltering activities. In this line, he again posted highly corrupt, fraudulent IAS Arun Pandey as Ujjain commissioner, he is a maste
Congress sprayed net to hook AAP leader Arvind, if he will accept, surely Congress will destroy total AAP.
 Congress is giving open unconditional support to AAP leader Arving Kejriwal for forming Delhi state Govt. In this step, Congress is hitting many targets in pelting of a stone. If AAP takes support fo
Supreme Court banned to link any scheme with Aadhar Card, but Indian Oil Cos. Are insulting SC order, torturing & terrorizing to gas consumers.
 Indian Oil cos. Such as BPCL, HPCL, IOCL etc., which are Govt. of India Undertakings, working under direct control of Petroleum & Natural Gas Ministry, all these are torturing & terrorizing to more t
Lokpal Act is actually open cheating with public, Anna Hajare unable to understand, Congress using him.
 Dirty, vulture Congress used Anna Hajare’s movement since last 2011, on 23July11, he declared his next movement will start from 16Aug.11, when total media was centralised on him, Congress imposed Fo
In MP state, in 51dist. Only 38 CMHO are posted while 13only confirmed 25 holding charge, the same with JD of Dn.:
  In total MP state there is 51 dist., in these dist. There is only 38 CMHO’s are working, while 25 CMHO are holding charge of CMHO, these are not confirmed, so they are freely swallowing public funds
In all 4states, voter cleaned Congress, BJP got majority, that proved dirty character of Congress.
 MP, Raj., CG & Delhi Public shown their hate against policies of vulture Congress & their other UPA gangsters, in all 4big, major states of nation. Public kicked them out, while in these states BJP &
Congress eager to pass Communal Violence Act V\s Hindu Legal Rape Act, because of Hindu are not giving votes.
 Italian Pope guided Sonia & her ruling Congress gangsters are conspiring against Hindus terrorizing Hindu majority, all these dirty vultures are torturing Hindu saints, framing false rape, murder, terrorist, & other types of criminal cases etc., torturing them inside jails asking them to accept the
Pope guided Sonia & her gang conspiring against Hindus Saints & Hindus, eager to pass Communal Violence Act V\s Hindu Legal Rape Act.
 Pope guided Sonia & her gang conspiring against Hindus Saints & Hindus, eager to pass Communal Violence Act V\s Hindu Legal Rape Act. Italian Pope guidied Sonia & her ruling Congress gangsters are
All BOT contractors are paying extra salary to all DM MPRDC, GM, to MD, for keeping mum & looting public on roads
 so all these dirty corrupts are keeping mum, increasing rates of 7%toll each year in place of 3year. MP state Govt. pledged total roads under BOT to Contractors, while these contractors are unable to
Congress asked to Pak PM to terrorized India for winning election in India in states, in Loksabha in future.
 Congress is only meant for getting commission after selling & pledging of India and interest of Indian public. it is useless word of national interest. Congress means Corruption Oriented Notoriou
Aadhar Card data is widely selling by Nilkeni & their Co. to not only multinationals but to also enemies of countries.:
 What produced on our site, Congress & his fraudulent Nilkeni who did a lots of fraud, but Fin. Min. Chidambram appointed him head for Aadhar Card, and allotted him Rs.700cr. for complet
Sonia is 12th richest in the world, with $171bn this is commission money.
 One US magazine declared Sonia is 12th richest in the world, how she collected that money, only this is commission money. Samaymaya published & declared, she is collecting money after pledging Indian
AIDS Day. HIV is propaganda of condoms mfg. cos. On HIV Govt. of India is dancing on tune of multinationals:
 Corrupt Govt. of India, media & condoms manufacturing multinationals, Stop the dirty artificial terror of AIDS for earning & selling of condoms. Total govt., & media is developing & making public pl
CCTV camera’s should install in all courts for real, fair, fast & true justice.
 “Indian Court are casinos, these are not churches of Jusitce” ---- Ex- prez. K R Narayanan. It is stated by our ex- president KR Naraynan, while President of India told it, so there is no need of any
No justice for poor & common men--Public Courts are organising by Indian Judiciary or Corporate Judiciary for their corporate benefits.
 “Indian Courts are casinos, these are not churches of justice.” Ex-president KR Narayanan, Public Courts are organising by Indian Judiciary or Corporate Judiciary for their benefits. It is true fac
“Indian Courts are casinos, these are not churches of justice.” Ex-president KR Narayanan, Public Courts are organising by Indian Judiciary or Corporate Judiciary for their benefits:
 “Indian Courts are casinos, these are not churches of justice.” Ex-president KR Narayanan, Public Courts are organising by Indian Judiciary or Corporate Judiciary for their benefits: It is true fact that total Govt. of India ruled by Congress & their other UPA gangsters are actually operating by m
Electraction: War of words between desi Modi & Italian Sonia for next assembly election:
 Electraction: War of words between desi Modi & Italian Sonia for next assembly election: Congress President Italian Sonia Gandhi & her son both are not actually leader, both these are readers, what
On name of tobacco gutka pouch, ADM & FSO collecting Rs.25thousand each & leaving them from ADM Court.
 On name of tobacco gutka pouch, ADM & FSO collecting Rs.25thousand each & leaving them from ADM Court. In Food Security & Safety Act, there is clear provision, if any Food Safety officer & above, suc
In all 5 states most of political parties candidate for assembly election widely collected donations funds by all way.
 In all 5 states most of political parties candidate for assembly election widely collected funds from govt. officers, industrialists, contractors, service providers & businessmen on name of election: In all 5 states such as CG, MP, Raj., Delhi & Mijoram, where assembly election is going on for stat
Electraction: No one want to listen Rahul finished within 6minute in Delhi, while Congress irritating on Modi:
 on 17.11.13, Rahul start his written speech in Dakshinpuri Delhi for Congress CM Sheela Dixit, public start to run away from that area of meeting, within 6minutes, It is the case, where Rahul residin
Why Bharat Ratna for Sachin, while he also earned & involved in cricket betting, played according to desire of betting mafias & board:
 Cricket is game of betting it is hard true fact around the corner of the world, total game is operated by betting mafias most of players are dancing & playing on desire of fixers, which team will wi
Electraction: No one political party promising for removing corruption, non stop electric, good roads, etc.,
 In all 5states, most of leading parties such as Congress, BJP etc are for getting votes, promising laptops & mobiles etc., but no one party is promising against corruption free rule, 24hour electric
IDM bought in more than Rs.20000cr. an aircraft carrier Vikrmaditya, which was laying dead since 1986 in Russian port.
 Ex PM Atal Bihari Bajpai dealt with Russia that aircraft carrier Gorshkov in only Re.1/- which was laying dead as scrap since 1986, in Russian Bladimir port but Congress vultures paid more than Rs.20
Some international cosmetics cos. launched a triple blade razor for women, that will cast long lasting hair problems in women.
 Some international cosmetics cos. launched a triple blade razor for women, showing their advertisements on Indian TV channels showing hair removal of women body by these razors, while women require p
Ashoka Buildcon is a highly fraudulent prepared 2lane road, collecting toll of 4lane on Dewas byepass, the same frauds on other BOT in the state.
 Ashoka buildcon a highly fraudulent Aurangabad firm of MD Ashok Katria, who did lots of frauds on each of the step in the state, but most of Indian Abusing Officers v\s IAS lobby & ministers of state
Guwahati High Court decided in a appeal, CBI is not legal & constitutional. No legal entity.
 Central Bureau of Investigation actually working as Congress Bureau of Investigation, widely torturing their opponents or who is not paying them, by that way these dirty vultures of Congress gang, showing their power. Such as these dirty Congressmen asked to Aasharam Bapu for Rs.200cr. when he refu
Total media is totally puppet of rulers & capitalists, diverting attention from Modi, showing only mars mission & Sachin.
 Congress is much afraid, distributing money to both printed newspapers, magazines, total newschannels are showing fraudulent mars mission & retirement of Sachin Cricektor only for diverting attention from Modi. Modi’s popularity and crowd of millions in Modi’s meetings for speech is creating enoug
Mars mission & Sachin's retirement both are only for diverting attention of public from Modi's popularity.
 Mars mission is totally fraudulent propaganda only for showing Congress performance for election. Visual Media is totally puppet of rulers & capitalists, diverting attention from Modi, showing only m
In all 5 states due for election, both the leading parties are unable to decide the candidates for election:
 in all 5states such as MP, CG, Raj., NCRT Delhi state & Mijoram, both the major parties BJP & Congress are unable to decide the candidates for next assembly election. In all 5 states, there are thous
Total Drug & Food safety department is full of fraudulent gangsters, meant for collecting money.
 In this department, Drug & Food Controller DD Agrawal to all 35drug inspectors & more than 200 food inspectors all are not only highly corrupt but also highly fraudulent too, sitting Food safety offi
Terrorism is a tool for rule for Congress & their UPA gangsters. Patna blast is preplanned conspiracy of Congress & JD (U), against Modi:
  It is no doubt, Guj CM N Modi is proving himself for candidate of PM, his all meetings shown proved attraction of millions of people, around the country, it is creating enough irritation & great fea
Rahul Gandhi is totally unmatured, reader not a leader.
 Cunning Congress leaders pushing Rahul Gandhi for PM, but he is totally un-matured mamma's boy. he is unable to even read Hindi. Actually he is reader not a good leader. He can not control post of PM
Diwali collection:DFC H Singh is collecting through FI Sengar. Asking Rs.20to50thousand with more than 300petrol & gas pumps dealers ,.
 For Diwali, festival, FI Sengar, is collecting money from all diesel petrol gas pumps Rs.20-30000, on behalf & name of FCI Harendra Sing, while there is more than 450 ration shops whom are distributing sugar, Wheat. Rice, kerosene to poor public, while what all these Ration shops, are also paying
Ratengarh temple stampede caused due to police illegal collection of money with the 4whehlers.
 More than 300 died in Ratangarh temple stampede on Kalisindh river bridge, in Datia dist. that was due to some police constable for collecting money from 4wheelers on this bridge, due to this collec
No possibility of fair election, if retd. CS R Parshuram is Commissioner of State Election Commission.
  Highly corrupt ex CS R Parshuram did a lots of fraud on each of the step in his active service, actually he was retired on 31March13 but CM extended his services for 6month, before his retirement, b
6terrorists run away from Khandwa Jail due to admin. Is not only coward & careless, but also highly corrupt & greedy:
 Central Govt. provided fund for installing video cameras in all dist. & central jails, why total Jail administration could not installed after a year, because of total jail staff from jail supdt. To
Com. Tax, DC Sonwalkar is not only highly corrupt but also a big fraud, holding post of DC AEB B, collecting Rs.5to10lakh per day.
 In MP Com. Tax, DC Sonwalkar is not only highly corrupt but also a big fraud, holding post of DC AEB B, collecting Rs.5to10lakh per day. DC Sonwalkar highly corrupt, cheater & top fraudulent did a lo
ARTO Sunil Tiwari is holding assets of more than Rs.500cr. sending shares to minister, EOW, Lokayukata, etc.,
 Income Tax raided ARTO Sunil Tiwari for his uncountable wealth, Life Care Hospital, while he is having more than 50 houses, in Indore, Ujjain, Bhopal, Dewas etc., on his relatives names. He passed more than 25 years in Indore only, he was collecting per day Rs.5 to 10lakh in total western MP i.e.,
Japan should reborn for international trade, military system & reorganize their Air force, Navy & Army for fighting with China & others.
 Japanese govt. should delink or revise its ties with US Administration for developing their own military, Navy & Airforce to fight with their enemies such as China & others. It is not only their but
Sinking US, Obama to popularize him self on health scheme, sent 0.8miln. employees on leave for not paying salary bills.
 Total Federal Govt. employees on pressure leave without pay due to Prez. Obama. Sinking US, Obama to popularize him self on health scheme, sent 0.8miln. employees on leave for not paying salary bills
Muzaffarpur riots are well conspired by ruling SP MLA Aajam Khan, supported by CM Akhilesh Singh,blamed on BJP, VHP etc.,
 In UP State, ruling SP MLA Aajam Khan designed cast riots in Muzaffarpur, blindly supported to Muslims community to killed Hindus, while it is well known Muslims are not only highly notorious, crimin
Supreme Court ordered for Right to Reject in election is highly dangerous, it should be Right to Recall:
 Supreme Court ordered for providing option of Right to Reject, it is highly dangerous, because of most of political candidates are widely providing liquor, money, material etc., to 30% lower class pe
Drama: withdrawal of controversial ordinance to protect convicted MP & MLA to make Rahul hero in public:
 Ruling corrupt, cunning & shrewd Congress gang & their other political party gang members of UPA & total opposition gnag of BJP & their political gang memebers of NDA passed a ordinance to protect co
Cash subsidy is game of multinationals to capture total Indian business,
 Cash subsidy is game of multinationals to capture total Indian business, and earning 20 to 1000 times profit. Ruling Congress & their gangsters of UPA of Govt of India, want to pledge total country
All anti Evasion Bureaus are collecting monthly from all transporters for their corruption & tax evasions.
 All 6 Anti Evasions Bureau of MP Commercial Department are widely collecting monthly bribes @Rs.5000/- per truck & bus from transporters & truck owners, intercity of state & interstate passenger bus
Courts are casinos, passed liquor in plastic bottles, while plastic is soluble in alcohol.
 Ex President KR Narayanan told on 25Jan2001, Indian courts are casinos, these are not churches of justice. They experienced it, and straight forward stated it. It is true & hard fact with Indian cour
Onion Prices increased due to Reliance & ITC, these dirty vultures collected & stocked.
 Both these dirty corporate big houses dealing with all types of crops in India, they invested more than Rs.1000crores in only onion, because of it can stock upto 3to6months, 2nd coincide, Reliance fr
Nairobi mall murders proved how capitalists are torturing common man, Congress Govt. should learn lesson of mall culture.
 In Nairobi of Kenya, what happened on Friday20, Sep.13, at shopping mall, Muslims terrorists used hand grenade, AK47gunned down more than 70people officially, while actually more than 300 died at the
US Admin. Is torturing to Yahoo for spying public email a\cs.
 US bloody administration is torturing Yahoo executives for spying public email a\cs & their activities for getting their personal data and other related information on name of security, these dirty v
MP EC JD Govind is also unable to move Govt. officers & employees whom are working on same place of more than 3-4 years.
 MP EC JD Govind is also unable to move Govt. officers & employees whom are working on same place of more than 3-4 years. Only in Indore, in each department more than 50% officers & employees are work
Most of funds of FII, in India is a black money of Indians, invested through Foreign investors.
 Most of black money invested in India in share market, industries and in other business on name of foreign indvestment in India is 90% black money of corruption of Indian bureaucrats, ministers, indu
Pope guided Italian Sonia conspiring against Hindus & their saints for promoting Christianity in India.
 European, US and Rome representative & spying agent Italian Sonia is conspiring against Hindus since 43years, While Congress for getting votes, blindly supporting Muslims & Christians in India. At on
What, produced on atomic deal, it is proved, it is only game of commission,
 Ind. PM MM singh signed atomic deal not for energy, it was only for high commission, while there is no need of atomic energy in India for generating electricity, 2nd coinicide US want to sell their t
IFM appointed RBI governor Raghu, using as pet, increased interest burden on common men, but unable to control inflation & credit of multinationals.
 IFM appointed RBI governor Raghu, using as pet, increased interest burden on common men, but unable to control inflation & credit of multinationals. Indian Fin. Min. Cheat ambram appointed RBI Govern
Fraudulent FM appointed south Indians on top financial post of RBI, banks, insurance cos. For using them
 Fraudulent FM Cheat abaram appointed south Indians on top financial post of RBI, such as Governor RAghu RAjan banks, insurance cos.For using them according to their choice for making frauds, sucking
90% fund of Poshan Aahar fund which is more than Rs.2000cr. is swallowing by W&CD deptt. Employees & Aanganwadi workers.
 We collected documents under RTI from Women & Child Development department Dewas, in this Dist Project Officer Mrs. Trupti Tripathi who is highly corrupt holding property of more than Rs.10cr. but sh
BJP at last declared Modi as PM candidate, big hurdles are regional parties, organized them.
 At last, RSS & BJP agreed on name of Modi as PM candidate for next LS election, after big disputes inside RSS & BJP both. While there is big hurdle is to unite all the regional parties of nation, bec
MP Excise department is getting only 10% revenue of its total liquor sale & production due to high corruption.
 Total staff of MP State Excise department is not only highly corrupt, but also fraudulent too. At present what actually total department is getting excise revenue it is only 10% of total sale of all
Most of funds of FII, in India is a black money of Indians, invested through Foreign investors.
 Most of black money invested in India in share market, industries and in other business on name of foreign indvestment in India is 90% black money of corruption of Indian bureaucrats, ministers, indu
Most of transfers did against money in total MP state in commercial tax department.
 Min. Jayant Mallaiyya, most of transfers of all ACTO, CTO, Asstt. Comm. Did against money. It was last period, of MP state Govt. & their ministers, while transfer & posting of all departmental employ
MP Jyotiraditya Scindia may be game changer due to high corruption, proud of ministers of ruling BJP in MP State.
 MP Jyotiraditya is campaigning & leading Congress in next coming election of MP State, he may be game changer due to corruption of all ministers in total state, and after all above, silence of CM SRS
Congress’s Italian Sonia defaming & torturing Hindu saints for terrorizing Hindus for promoting Christianity in India:
 Italian Sonia is not only representative of Europe, but also Christian Ambassador of Italian Pope in India for promoting Christianity in India. For that purpose, she is using her Congress for demoralizing Hindu saints, previously on name of terrorist attacks CBI, NIA, ATS & other investigative agen
IDM Antony is blindly supporting Chinese intrusion, that’s promoting Chinese insurgency in Indian border.
 Chinese are capturing Indian land since 1948, in Indo China war of 1962 Chinese captured more than 1lakh sq. km of Indian land. Chinese people’s army is not capturing Indian border land since that ti
Highly corrupt DDA Meena swallowed of A3P project in Shajapur from 2010 to July 12.
 highly corrupt, DDA Meena who is working on forged tribal cast certificate of Indore was posted 09 to July 12 in Shajapur as DDA, he did a lots of frauds at there, snatched money from each & every co
All BOT contractors are paying extra salary to all DM MPRDC, GM, to MD,
 All BOT contractors are paying extra salary to all DM MPRDC, GM, to MD, so all these dirty corrupts are keeping mum, increasing rates of 7%toll each year in place of 3year. MP state Govt. pledged tot
Dacoit ruling Congress is looking to swallow gold of Hindu temples on behalf of bad Indian economy.
 Ruling dacoit gang of Congress vultures are snatching money from each & every corner, due to that snatching, economic management is going to be worst, 2nd coincide for getting commission from black m
Dir., Min., Sec., PS all are corrupt cheaters, spending Rs.14000cr. and swallowing more than Rs.3to4thou. cr. & Rs.1000cr. from other way, of state & Central Agricultural fund.
 Total MP state Agriculture department is highly corrupt gang from dir. DN Sharma, Jt. Dir. A Parmar, DDA Tyagi, DDA Chouhan for Fertilizer, DDA Thakre Crop insurance etc., all these are looking after
Obama is again conspiring against Syria for attack, for demo of weapons, capturing oil fields and proving bossism:
 US Prez. Obama noble prize winner is conspiring for attack on Syria against Syrian home war and chemical attacks by rulers. While actually Obama’s intention is to show bossism, looking after oil fiel
Now Rape is a tool for rule for ruling Congress Gangsters, diverting attention of public & media, and raped interest of Indian public, increased petrol prices.
 Congress gang is using rape cases through Media for diverting attention from their own sin and saving their own corruptions, frauds, etc., For getting high commission on conversion value of US$ in In
Congress Vultures are using Aasharam for diverting attention of public & media for saving their corruption.
 Congress again adopted & repeating that tactics for diverting attention of media & public from their corrupt acts. at present most of TV news channels, are running behind fraudulent, dramatician, lus
Indian media is not only sheep walker, but also totally mindless too.
 Most of TV news channels, are running behind fraudulent, dramatician, lustrous St. Aasharam Bapu, while 2nd coincide, no one media channel is looking after national interest. Ruling Congress means Co
Food Security bill v/s vote security bill for again making India country of beggars.
 Only for securing votes of poor & getting huge commission from multinationals Congress gangsters are pledging total country in hands of multinationals Congress gangsters passed food security bill, th
Total Agriculture department is highly corrupt, sheltering all fake fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, seeds manufacturers, vendors & cheating mln. Of farmers of state & country.
 Total MP state Agriculture Department from Director DN Sharma, Jt. Dir. A Parmar, DDA Tyagi, DDA Chouhan for Fertilizer & others whom are collecting commission & high bribes from fertilizers, insecti
Supreme Court ordered to burn 350ton MIC killer gas of UC at fraudulent Ramkey Pithampur will surely create big long term hazards from here to Kolkatta.
 Supreme Court ordered to burn 350ton methyl isocyanides killer gas of 0.2mln. people in Bhopal on 02.12.1984 and still dying after 29years due to hazardous effects of that gas of Union Carbide. whi
PM Singh & FM Cheat amberm don’t want to control inflation & devaluation of IN Rupee only for getting personal benefits & commission.
 Parlimanetary election is due in May14 i.e., after 8 month, so total Congress gang of rulers is much busy in collection of money from all conrners. All these dirty corrupts & fraudulent PM Singh, Fin
90% electronics goods such as cell phones in Indore are selling in black market without VAT :
 In most of electronics market of cell phones sellers shops are not paying proper VAT tax of 12.5%, only in Indore Jail Road Market, there is a sell of more than 5000 sell phones per day from more th
Min. supported mines mafia is 2nd top powerful lobby in MP for illegal mining.
 Most of ministers are not only highly corrupt, cunning & shrewd but also big gangsters, having their own business of mining or they are supporting mines mafias in the MP State, this is a business of
How PR Min. LK Sharma used illegal land & developed Techno University at Sironj of Vidisha Dist/:
 How PR Min. LK Sharma used illegal land & developed Techno University at Sironj of Vidisha Dist/: Highly corrupt & top cheater of public fund of department of Public Relation, technical education & t
What Samaymaya produced in July05 regarding flood in Himachal, it was also a conspiracy,repeated in Uttaranchal on 16June 13.
 Chinese forces & their admn. both are teasing & torturing on each steps since 1949 after Chinese independence, but our Congress Rulers always dinied it while Defence min. Anthony accepted these facts
Regular cross firing on Punchh sector of LOC, only for passing bills in Parliament without arguments:
 top leadders of Indian Congress such as PM MM Singh, HM Cheatamber, FM Salman Kurshied & Pak leader Nawaj Sharied mutuallly using army on LOC and both sides exchanging firing for diverting attention
TCS top fraudulent & criminal stepped in Indore only due to I & IT Min. K Vjyvrgiya for getting benefits of prices of land captured by him.
 Tata is most corrupt, & fraudulent corporate criminal industrial group of India, captured total table salt on name of Iodine salt even after spending money late PM Indira Gandhi framed Iodine salt ac
CM SRS Chouhan, is going to enter once again lustrous gangster Vijay Shah as Minister in their cabinet on 12th of Aug. 13.
 At last for getting vote of tribes & winning State tribal belt of west MP. CM SRS Chouhan & their other party leaders decided to enter highly corrupt, unmannered, he & his highly lustrous son, who p
Pak attack is a part of Chinese conspiracy, want to divert total attention toward north west of Pak border, than Chinese will attack on Indian north east border.
 China & Pakistan both are big neighboring enemies of India, Chinese are most dangerous for India, on Tuesday night Pak attack on Punchh border & killed more than 5 soldiers of Bihar regiment when the
Most duffer LNZ in charge CE Ajnare, NVDA Indore, in last 2 year, could not inspected sites of Rs.1500cr.
  Narmada Valley Corruption Dev. Authority Lower Narmada Zone in-charge CE Ajnare is not only highly corrupt, but duffer too, how he passed Narmada Khipra Sihanshta Link Project, while there is no riv
Highly cheater & mannerless CMHO Dr. Vishnar of Dewas, unable to supply RTI information after 10months because of corruptio
 n. Highly dirty mannerless, corrupt Dr. Vishnar is cheating public funds of at least Rs.10 to 15 cr. Pa from different schemes, such as funds from Central govt. for National Rural Health Mission, Rep
Most of CTO’s, ACTO’s are highly corrupt, widely collecting funds from loading trucks, buses, autos etc.,
 Anti Evasion Bureau A & B, of MP Commercial tax Indore are totally gangsters on name of tax evasion, all these CTO’s Alka Damor, of Anti Evasion wing A, widely catching buses which were carrying goods, caught them, taken money out side and left them, the same with many loading auto ricksaws, the sa
In BJP’s Jan Aashirwad Yatra CM SRS Chouhan is using public funds snatched from MP Madhyam for political campaign:
 MP Madhyam MD shown registered under Firm & Society Act, While it is working under one MD & Cm is SRS Chouhan, both are getting salary from public funds, & a total business organization, issuing advt. to newspapers, magazines, TV news channels, & to others, deducting 15% service charges, from all t
7th extension granted CM house to Somdatt Builders Pvt. Ltd. For construction of Onkareshwar canal face1,& II for getting high commission:
 Highly corrupt NVDA duffer engineers are dancing on tune of highly fraudulent, cunning contractors, blindly these engineers from member of engineering to CE, SE, EE, AE & sub engineer level and payin
Collectors are top gundogs of dist., collecting funds from all state govt. departments & private of more than Rs.100cr. pm.
 Dist. Collectors are top official gundogs, these dirty vultures are collecting monthly, from govt. departments such as State Police, Excise, Women & Child welfares, Agriculture, ATMA Agriculture, Horticulture Road Transport, Registrar of land revenue, MPPWD, MPPHE, WRD, Rural Engineering services,
Total MP PWD department from Sub-engineer to EnC all are cheating public funds, corrupt kingpin EE are sheltering by SE, CE & EnC.
 Highly corrupt Engineer in Chief Agrawal who is earning more than Rs.50cr. per month, so he is also sheltering more than 12CE, 20 SE, 70 EE of all dn. Of state, all 50dist. PWD EE’s are also holding most of state lands, properties, assets, buildings all these EE’s are not only pledging, selling & t
Anti Evasion bureaus of MP Comm. Tax are meant for personal collecting bureaus from DC to ACTO:
 Most of wings of Anti Evasion bureau of MP commercial (sale) tax are meant for personal collecting wings for all staff members from deputy commissioner to assistant comm. tax officers, in wing A of I
Highly corrupt dirty Congress vultures pledged most of GoI undertakings to fraudulent industrialists, using Govt. assets as their father’s property.
 Tata is earning by internet services on BSNL cell. Ruling Congress vultures, how they are snatching Govt. of India managed & operated Govt. undertakings such as services providing Cos. Corp., Banks, insurance cos. Etc., only for their high commission, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. Is oldest one Govt. o
In coming Monsoon session, rulers will arrange money, bills for saving & earning money, MP BJP is also capt of capitalists. industrialists & Landmafias.
 In MP State, ruling BJP called monsoon session in assembly for arranging money through supplementary budget for buying electric for supply of electric, for funds for roads to MPPWD, RES, MPRDC, NVDA,
Most of DDA for swallowing money of Central & State govt. illegally directly transferring funds in personal a\cs of SADO, REAO etc.,:
 in MP State Farmers welfare & Agricultural Development Deptt. all deputy directors of agriculture department, for swallowing funds of several crores of Rs. Of several schemes of central & state Govt.
Now again IIRS Is claiming that flood came through 2glaciers which broken Gandhi Sarovar & swept away Kedarnath, Uttarkashi etc., our site produced facts on 20.06.13.
 Accroding to study of Indian Institute of Remote Sensing through satellite, there is nothing such as clouds broken on 16 June in Uttranchal that caused heavy flood in Kedarnath, Uttarkashi etc., in n
Most of highly selfish politicians are playing high drama & collecting donations on name of flood victims of Uttrakhand:
 Indian politicians are not only most selfish but also most dirtiest in the world. At least 0.2 million died in Uttrakhand & more than 0.3 peoples are homeless, but politicians are playing drama for g
Total MPPHE deptt. Is full of highly corrupt, fraudulent engineers & officers, only CE Songaria earned more than Rs.5cr. only in giving order of regular, posting than attachments.
 Total MP Public Health Engineering department is full of highly corrupt, fraudulent, cunning, shrewd, cheater engineers from sub, assistant, executive, superintending, chief engineer to engineer in chief Sehra, officers, secretaries to principal secretary, minister GSC Bisen etc., CE Songaria, on
FM P Cheat amber is using RBI for benefiting to colonizers & big fraudulent capitalists. Previously reduced rates on housing loan, now provided easy term loan & working capital. I
 ndian Fin. Min. P Cheat amber is meant for high corruptions, cheating with public & its public funds, for high commission from colonizers, previously he reduced interest rates of housing, now he prov
U’Khand’s disaster was imnatural, conspired by China.
 Recent disaster of Uttrakhand was not natural, in which more than 5lakh people killed, while more than 1lakh people saved by army soldiers, more than 80 villages 100 Dharamshalas, more than 60hotels
Govt. official DD channels are not Italian father’s property of Sonia, using for Rahul.
 Govt. official DD channels are not Italian father’s property of Sonia, using for Rahul. European spy Italian Sonia is treating Central Govt. Machinery is their Italian father’s property. Total Minist
US conspiracy again came on front of world, how PRISM was spying email of world public through face book, google, & twitter etc.,
 Snowden an employee opened the fact of PRISM an US agency was spying emails of world public through face book, Google, twitter, hotmails etc., for showing their supremacy, cyber attacking China, Indi
A(bhi to)tal Jyoti Abhiyan, only poliitical drama for attracting vote.
 In the MP State, CM SRS Chouhan is playing drama of Atal Jyoti, while there is no electric, he is buying electric from private Cos. such as TATA power, Reliance Energy only for getting high comission
Last Drama of LK Aadwani only for drawing attention & showing power.
 No doubt 85 year old LK Aadwani is a great founder & builder of BJP, but also highly greedy, corrupt, eager & hungry of post of PM, but his greed of PM post will be destroying total image of BJP. Of
Why Sonia is so eager to pass Food security bill, only for vote & high commission.
 Why European spy, Italian Sonia is so eager to pass, Food Security bill in Parliament, because of on name of food security of poor, she want to attract votes of poor & high commission from multinatio
For chasing China, develop relations with Japan in each sector, even defence, electronics, technology etc.,
 China is highly afraid with Japan, Japan ruled over China upto 200years, and always ready to check them on each sector. While Japan is always ready to help India on each sector, if Japan interested t
Direct Cash Subsidy or direct cash bribe to voters:
 Ruling Congress & their UPA Gangsters are going to provide direct cash subsidy in poor’s bank A\cs of fuel gas, distribution of cheaper wheat, rice, sugar, kerosene etc. of public distribution system
Nuxlites killed more than 30 Congressmen, who born them, sheltered them for using as tool.
 Congress born nuxlites, when they were rulling since 1947 to 2004, torch, sheltered for growing them, it is past history of Congress, it is not only case of nuxlites, Late PM Indira Gandhi shelterd B
PHE of IMC is supplying dusty water for getting commission.
 MP Public Health Department of Indore Municipal Corp. is getting Commission from may be from Congress, doctors, multinationals, water filter manufacturing Cos., land & colony mafias, so they are supp
Govt. appointed defence IAS Sec. as CAG for saving their frauds & cheating of millions of crores of Rs.
 Central Govt. is ruling by Congress & their UPA gang. All these from PM to all ministers are highly corrupt, it is well known facts, not only in India but around the croner of the world. They appoint
Coward Indian govt. kicked a chance, to terrorise China in naval exercise with US & Japan:
 US & Japan offered Indian govt. for joint naval exercise with futuristic plan to counter China on naval front, if China attack on India, for this attack, China is planning since 1962, capturing India
Only 2 left, total UPA, PM & all ministers are highly corrupt vultures’ Gang.
 PM Singh is king of all scamsters’ gang, such as P cheat amberam, Kapil Sibbal, Agri. Min. Sharad Panwar, Foreign Min. SM Krishna, Min. GN Aazad, Energy Min. SK shinde etc., holding lakhs of crores property, no one is clean, in this power black box of rule. Rail Min. Pavan Bansal & Law Min. Ashaw
Rail Min. Bansal’s bribery scam is a sample of Congress & UPA’s culture, all min. bureaucrats all are having their collection agents, brokers & middlemen for illegal work.
 On 2nd May CBI caught nephew of Rail min. PK Bansal in case of bribery of Rs.10cr. but it is a sample of bribery & corruption culture of Congress & their UPA gang. In each & every ministry & its deop
We can easily knell down China, with boycotting all Chinese goods, lustrous Congress is busy in collecting commission.
 All types Chinese goods is totally untrustable, it should be widely publicized by us, when around the world public will boycott this goods, it can easily knell down, 2nd coincide, Chinese army, airfo
MP RDC Ujn DM Suryavanshi gundog is dancing on tune of BOT contractors, When CEO asked him, his AE Ashok sharma threaten.
 MP Road Dacoit Corp. is meant for dacoiting on roads. MP RDC DM Suryavanshi who passed more than 5years in Ujjain, is unable to provide information neither on site on MPRDC under sec4 of RTI Act05, nor giving under RTI, today on 27.04.13 evening, he was in Indore, when I asked him regarding his roa
Narmada Kshipra Sinhastha Link project of Rs.432cr. is meant for watering to industrialists of Pithampur & Dewas:
 Top Fraudulent CM SRS Chouhan & his gang of ministers & Indian Abusing Services officers are cheating funds from all corners, these dirty bustards using public funds for their personal benefits, in m
Electraction13: funda of 24hr electric supply in many dist. For earning by buying electric from private cos.
 Under Electraction13. CM SRS Chouhan of Bhukheri Janata Party is widely publishing for Atal Jyoti Yojna for 24 hr. electric in Khandwa, Morena etc., 1stly that shown, CM SRS Chouhan & his gang was on
BRTS V\s Bus Road Terrific System, swallowed more than Rs.300cr..
 In Indore, highly dense corrupt engineers of Indore Municipal Corp. Indore Development Authority & dist. Collector from IAS Vivek Agrwal, IAS Raghvendra Singh, Rakesh Srivastava & present collector A
DFC H Singh is not only highly corrupt & cheater, but cunning & shrewd too. swallowing more than Rs.50lakh pm
 Indore Dist. Food Controller Harendra Singh, of Civil Supplies & consumer protection Officer who is sitting from more than 2years, earning more than Rs.20lakh, from more than 200petrol, diesel & gas pumps each paying @Rs.10000/- pm, left them free for blindly adulterating petrol & diesel with keros
Indore PWD dn.1 is holding more than 1lakh sq. feet land on different place, having cost Rs.more than Rs.1000cr. Er. Rane is selling it directly.
 Indore PWD dn.1 is holding more than 1lakh sq. feet land on different place, having cost Rs.more than Rs.1000cr. Er. Rane is selling it directly. Highly corrupt EE Rane is looking after Dn.1 of MPPWD
Guj. CM N. Modi is a puppet of multinationals, not fit for national politics & post of PM.
 Guj CM is dancing on tune of multinationals cos., industrialists, capitalists, etc., he is also highly corrupt, he allotted illegal lands to many capitalists, industrialists such as TATA, Reliance an
Ruling BJP of MP is puppet of highly corrupt, fraudulent dacoit capitalists, businessmen, contractors whom are having rulers & administrators in their back pocket.
 Dirty criminal contractor Dilip Suryavanshi of Dilip Buildcon, relative of Smt. Sadhana Singh w\o CM SRS Chouhan killed Mining Inspector Sanjay Bhargava of Ujjain who was posted in Ratlam due to he w
Wikeleaks proved what produced, Sonia Gandhi is apy agent of US.
 US launched Sonia Antario Marino with futuristic conspiracy, in life of late Rajeev Gandhi in 27Dec1965 in Oxford, when he was studying in Oxford, while she was working as a bargirl for livelihood ac
Small & chicken pox spreading around the state& nation but total health department is mum.
 Due to rapidly increasing & fluctuating temperature, causing several types of diseases in the public, at present 5to8% suffering by small & chicken pox, but total state & central department is ignori
Congress gangsters framed Communal & Targetted Violence Act11 for securing 30% vote of Muslims & spreading Christianity:
 For Congress “Terrorism as a tool for rule.” Samaymaya is producing this fact since 2000, this bill proved our truth. Communal fraudulent Congress gangsters are well aware, Indian public particularly
Today is world health day, most of newspapers published big advt. Of most of cheating doctors, hospitals, drug producers etc.,
 today is world health day, most of daily newspapers such as Dainik bhaskar, Patrika, Agniban, Raj Express, Nai Duniya, Hindustan Times, Times of India& hundreds of other newspapers produced hundreds of advertisements & promotional articles of cheating doctors, nursing homes, hospitals, drugs manufa
MP govt. published an advt. Of no1 state in India. It is true, in killing officials, rape & killing of women etc.,
 Today 06.04.13, MP State Govt. published an advertisement of no. 1 state in all daily newspapers of the state, for shutting publication against failure of MP State govt. while in actuality MP State i
Total Food Safety deptt. Is dancing on tune of multinationals, DD Agrwal issued show cause to 95 FSO for sampling.
 Samay Maya produced in 2006 Central Govt. framed Food Safety & Standard Act 06 for safety & standard of profit of multinationals, the same is happening at present in total country, the commissioner D
Drama of SAARC summit on regional journalism at Indore organized by dacoits of IPC.
 Indore Press Club is a gang of highly fraudulent cheating journalists daily news papers, whom are master of copying of news from here & there, not highly qualified, not having futuristic vision, these dirty cheater post holders entered many criminals for sheltering their illegal business of gamblin
Rs.37500cr. loot plan of UPA Gang from set top box for 25cr. TV viewers.
 Dirty vultures of ruling Congress of UPA gang is collecting commission through set top box sellers from 25cr. TV viewers in India. So ruling congress of Central Govt. made set top box compulsory for
Media Mafias are working as & for land & colonizing gangsters for hooking public for snatching money.
 Most of big media mafias of audio-visual & print media such as Bhaskar group, Patrika of Rajsthan Patrika, Raj Express, Zee TV, Sadhana TV, Sahara TV, & hundreds of others are holding thousands acre
Highly fraudulent Congress gangsters are using CBI as Congress Bureau of Investigation, raided Drumuk members.
 Uncrowned queen Sonia, PM Scam Singh, P Cheat amberam, are using CBI as Congress Bureau of Investigation, When KarunaNidhi of Drumuk withdrawn their support from ruling Congress vultures UPA, they in
Highly fraudulent CE Sonagara is earning through renting IMC quarters.
 MPPHED CE songaria who is highly corrupt, fraudulent & cunning, did a lots of frauds on each of the step. Most of IMC projects quarters, belong to Indore Municipal corp., but he framed committee, and declared its chairman, and captured more than 200quarters of MPPHED CE songara who is highly corrup
MP State is unable to control crime, so for controlling crime rate, blocked emergency call no. 100
 : Highly corrupt, Bhukheri Janwar Party alias BJP CM, & their HM US Gupta, and all IPS i.e., DG, IG, DIG, all SPs’ of all dist., TI of all police stations of MP state officers to all SI & ASI etc. o
EE PIU Indore having work of Rs.143cr. in his hand, swallowing more than 15%.
 At present EE Bagole of Project Implementation Unit in which he is constructing more than 20 Model High Schools of Rs.3cr. each, total Rs.60cr. 50High schools of Rs.1crore, total Rs.50cr., 1Eklavya School of Rs.10cr. 1 MP Public Service building of Rs.7cr. Auditorium of Rs.8cr. for MG Medical Colle
SE Awasthi swallowed more than Rs.300cr. of 603 km NH, MPPWD from June 06 to Nov.10
 SDO Awasthi joined as EE in June06 up to Nov.10, at National Highway office, MPPWD Indore, was having NH3 of Shajapur to Indore of 100km, Indore to Sendhwa 265 km, NH59 Indore Ahmedabad from Indore to Petol naka 192km 27’ width with both sides 5’ wide semi stone patties, one NH 59A from Indore to N
Multinationals are serving high commission and capturing central & state ventures, industries etc.,
 These multinationals are serving high commissions to bureaucrats & ministers of Central & all Indian state govt. of such as Hindustan Lever captured Khadi Gramodyog’s masala industries such as turmer
US for diverting attention of public & media and showing superiority, planning to attack on Iran for oil & demo for marketing of arms & ammunition.
 Economy of US is going to die, due to capitalism. Govt. of US is totally Insolvent, having high debts from all corners, financial institutions such as World Bank, IMF, i.e., even from many enemy coun
CM’s Sec. Enjoyed women & wine of Cont. Kirloskar Bros.’s Party at Pune, for what?
 CM’s kitchen Brahmin secretary enjoyed a party of women of Banglore, & wine on 1st Sunday of March at Hotel Blue Diamond in Pune of Contractor Kirloskar Bros. Who is working for Narmada drinking Wate
In WRD & NVDA 60% engineers, officers, employees of SC& ST are working on forged certificates, such as EE BS Sankat,
 In WRD & NVDA 60% engineers, officers, employees of SC& ST are working on forged certificates, such as EE BS Sankat, working on forged hand written HSS mark sheet in Hindi of 1981. We got these certi
MPPHE mech. fraudulent CE Saxsena is saving all his corrupt & fraudulent EEs’ for getting shares of Rs.50lakh each pa.
 Total mechanical wing of MP Public Health Engineering department is a gang of highly fraudulent sub-engineers, assistant engineers whom are getting corruption funds from 20-30% installation, repairin
Terrorism is a tool for rule for Congress vultures’ gang, blasted Hyderabad for saving & operating Parliament session.
 Congress vultures’ gang again used their tool of terrorism for rule and diverting attention of media & public. Congress gangsters are in fear for their corrupt acts, such as, in chopper’s deal, Home
SRS Chouhan allotted WCL coal blocks of Tamia to JP Associates on high commission against Constitution Article19 (5):
 Highly corrupt MP CM SRS Chouhan on high commission\bribes allotted coal blocks of Western Coalfields Ltd. Of tribal block Tamia of Chhindwara Dist. to JP Associates, while that block is under Centra
Total BJP is dancing on tune of Ambani, allotted 2big coal blocks, Sidhi thermal power projects, etc.,
 Ruling BJP means Bhukheri Janwars’ Party is dancing on tune of big capitalists only for big commission of thousands of crores of Rs. such as Ambani, CM SRS Chouhan for high commission, allotted 2 big
Corrupt CM, CS, NVDA Min., VC & ME are spending Rs.5300cr. on turn key irrigation projects while most of projects failed.
 Corrupt CM SRS Chouhan, CS R Parshuram, NVDA State Min. KL Agrawal, Member Engineering JR Ingle all are not only highly corrupt, destroying money only for their commission of hundreds of crores on th
DPR is blindly distributing public funds, costly cars, LCD etc., for shutting mouth of top guns against BJP Govt..
 MP DPR means Dacoit gang of Publishers’ Relation, this Department of Public Relations is looking after maintaining relation of top newspapers’ publishers & TV news, radio channels’ reporters of NCT D
For crore of Rs. extended services after retirement of 1Enc & 6CE, but more than 400SDOs of gen. are waiting for single promotion of EE since last30years.
 In most corrupt MP Water Resources Department, CM, Min. WRD & PS are giving 3rd extension to Engineer in Chief Choubey, and 6Chief engineers i.e., SK Khare Bodi Project, CE Arya (E&M), CE S L Jain Se
State BJP operated govt. is blindly supporting Muslims for vote, Namaj in Bhojshala for creating disputes:
 In Holy Quran, there is clear, no Muslims will pray Namaj on any disputed land, if Bhojshala is disputed land for Namaj, Why these dirty vultures are supporting & provocateurs Muslims for Namaj on hi
China is playing dual policy, one side these dirty capturing to India for war, 2nd side increasing relations, but India govt. is unable to reply on both front.
 Chinese Govt. is attacking & entering on borders, capturing India on all corners, developing their war point against India, such as they taken Pakistan port on lease, in Srilankan & Bangladeshi ports
Highly corrupt EE Mech dn. Indore asked for Rs.24/- per cash book page for saving their frauds, corruptions & cheating with public funds:
 Highly corrupt EE C. Raghuvanshi, of Mech. Indore Division, who is cheating public funds, with fake bills of lakhs of Rs. Of repairing of bore wells machines, purchasing of oil, diesel, spare parts,
ZP CEO Abhishek Singh, for collecting money, is illegally threatening all dist. Officers for suspension.
 Recently joined as CEO Abhishek Singh of Zila Panchayat Dewas, after joining, he started to threaten all dist. Officers of Panchayat & Social Welfare, tribal, NREGS, Secretaries of 6 Janpad & more than 500 rural panchayats etc., for money, for showing power of his post, he taken way all cashbook, M
Kumbh stampede was preplanned conspiracy of Congress for defaming UP govt. & diverting attention of media & public from Modi’s PM candidture:
 Congress is highly terrorized by popularity of Modi as candidate of PM, so these dirty vultures are playing many types of dramas for diverting attention of media & public, Kumbh stampede was 5th prep
Why Congress & its gang of UPA played drama of hanged Guru, only for diverting attention from Modi;
 Congress & their gang played a drama of hanged to kill of Afjal guru on 09.02.13 after 12 years of attack on I. Parliament, only for diverting attention of media & Indian public from Gujrat CM & NDA
MP state CM house is full of top corrupt, fraudulent history seater IAS vultures, how can SRS Chouhan claim for candidature of PM of BJP
 CM SRS Chouhan extended 6month for R parshuram, who did a lots of fraud on each of the step in last rural & agricultural ministry that dirty bustard is keeping law in his back pocket , for saving cor
Highly corrupt, cheater FM P Cheat amber is using RBI for benefiting to colonizers & big fraudulent capitalists.
 Indian Fin. Min. P Cheat amber is meant for high corruptions, cheating with public & its public funds, for high commission from colonizers, he reduced interest rates of housing loan from all govt. ow
Lokpal is meant for save all political fraudulent pals;
 Highly corrupt, fraudulent, cheater Congress Govt. framed Lokpal bill to save all highly corrupt, fraudulent cheater political leaders their educational institutions, NGO meant nototrious (bureaucrat
All the shopping malls are highly criminals, corrupt, fraudulent, having their bouncers to beat customers.
 Most of shopping malls in India, are full of highly criminals, fraudulent, corrupt cheating to customers on each & every corner, selling & giving time barred, adulterated, costly goods, if any body o
Total MP state Public Health Engineering Department is full of highly corrupt hungry dogs.
 Total MP state Public Health Engineering Department is full of highly corrupt min. GS Bisen, who is a hungry dog, for getting money he is blindly supporting highly criminal, corrupt GS Damor, now who
CM, Agri. Min., to all highly fraud DDA’s are cheating mln. Of farmers & earning Rs5to10crore pa.
 Most of dist Agriculture officers of Indore, Dewas, Ujjain, Dhar, Ratlam, Shajapur, Khargone, Khandwa, Badwani, Jhabua, Neemcuh, Mandsour, Alirajpur, Bhopal, Sehore, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Sagar, Vidisha
Total MPPHE is full of highly corrupts, fraudulent from Min., PS, Sec., EnC, all CE’s, SE’s, EE’s are looting from all corners.
 . Total MP state Public Health Engineering Department is full of highly corrupt min. GS Bisen, who is a hungry dog, for getting money he is blindly supporting highly criminal, corrupt GS Damor, now
EE Pankaj Gourkhede Mech. Dn. Rewa is also working on fake certificates of SC.
 EE Pankaj Rao Gourkhede Mech. Dn. of Rewa is also working on fake certificates of SC which is issued by Addl. Collector MA Khan Bhopal on 06.04.1990, prima facie it looks as unofficial & illegal, sim
Ind. Rulers converted into vultures whom are snatching public and celebrating republic day.
 It is 66th republic day. Rulers are celebrating 66th republic day, for succecesively snatching public on all corners dancing on tune of multinationals & capitalists. Actually, India is not a democrat
Total Indian media TV news channels are dancing on tune of Congress vultures, for crowning Rahul as PM:
 total Indian print & audio-visual media is a puppet of rulers & capitalists, neither having futuristic vision, nor well educated. It is a true hard with total all types of media. These dirty vultures
HM Shinde blamed BJP&RSS for Hindu terrorism only for saving their actual face of Muslims terrorism:
 Congress vultures are ruling India on their Principals Englishmen’s tactics of rule, “divide on rule” that funda they got from their principal Britishers. So these dirty gangsters are utilizing that tactics of divide & rule, between Hindu & Muslims. Congress uses Muslims for terrorism, most of time
Dacoit gangsters Congress organized conspiracy think camp @Jaipur only for promoting Rahul as PM
 Congress means Corruption Oriented Notorious Gang for Resources Extortion & Sucking Services, that definition self proved by history of last 65 years of rule of Congress on national or state level in
Congress vultures are rapidly increasing prices of fuels and propaganda of susidy on petrol, gas, & diesel only for high commission.
 Congress vultures are increasing petrol, diesel, kerosene & fuel gas prices rapidly only for high commission from Reliance and snatching public only for benefiting to Reliacne petroleum, it is double
Corrupt MP govt. is giving 1year extn. To highly corrupt CS Parshuram:
 CM SRS Chouhan is not a good administrator, because of he is unable to understand capacities, working of a working officer, sensitivity is not always work on each & every place. He had given post of
Mechanical wing of MPPHE Narmda Maintenance Dn. is passing most of fake bills of repairing.
 EE Patel of Mech. Wing of MPPHE Narmada Project of Indore Municipal Corp. at Mandleshwar passing more than Rs.2crore per annuam since last 2009, in NIT no. 20\SAC\MDn.1\Mandleswar\12-13\84. 52.51dtd. 26.07.12, it is totally a fake bill passed only for fake payment. It is the same story with 10-15 b
Total MP Govt. is full of land mafias & dancing on tune of colonizers & land mafias.
 2013 is year of state assembly elections. So CM SRS Chouhan is collecting funds from all sides. At least in MP there is more than 9000illegal colonies in the state, in all dist. & tahseal head quarte
Ruling Congress is unable to reply Pak, bcoz of all arms ammunition bought on commission, is time barred & obsoleted, may fail.
 Pak chopped 2soldiers, but ruling Congress vultures & commission dacoits are silent because of these dirty bustards bought all arms, guns, tanks, missiles, fighter aircrafts, marines, submarines all
Highly fraudulent ruling Congress is torturing for funds to all non Congress States, such as MP, CG, Guj.etc.
 2013 is due for state election in Rajsthan, MP, CG etc., for dominating ruling party of non-Congress states, ruling Congress fraudulent vultures of all ministries are not releasing funds of Centrally
Ruling Congress will clean total Indian Forests, for hiking prices & creating fuel gas short supply only for commission.
 Fraudulent Congress vultures are increasing prices of fuel gas only for lakh crore commission from Reliance. These dirty Congress Dacoits are importing gas @0.80paise per kg, after charging other cos
Pak chopped 2soldiers, but all are silent. It is proved that, rape scandal is floated by Congress for damaging image of Modi.
 Ruling Congress Vultures kept silent on chopping of 2soldiers in Jammu sector by Pak army, 2nd coincide total young generation including Indian public is also silent, whom had been boiled on rape cas
2soliders beheaded by Pak, coward ruling Congress is silent, busy in digesting commission:
 dirty commission vultures of ruling Congress gang is silent, because of these vultures are much busy in digesting commission, which they are getting on each of the step in all Govt. business, program
For tasting of beautiful women officers, Min., PS, Commissioner kept all laws, rules in their back pocket:
 In MP state Commercial (sale) tax department all top vultures are not only highly corrupt, but also wine, women lovers, Min. Raghav g’s women scandal, PS, ex-Commissioner Shailendra Singh were well k
Bustards of Indian TV news channels are converting India as a land of rapists, destroying & washing brains of young not to touch any opposite.
 Dirty vultures of Indian media TV news channels are producing only news of rapes only for getting attention for selling of their advertisements time slots, and proving that India is a land of only ra
MPPWD min. NSN, PS, EnC appointed a civil engineer on post of EE (E&M) only for saving corruptions of retd. EE Ashok Bansal.
 MP State PWD min. Nagendra Singh Nagod, PS KK Singh, EnC Agrawal & all other engineers are highly corrupt, for earning they can do anything, change law, even they posted a civil engineer Chetal Desai on post of EE ( Electrical & Mechanical ) after retirement of EE Ashok Bansal who was highly corrup
IPM MM Singh is top rapist of the year, who raped interest of 125cr. people of India. Theek hai, only for his huge commission in all govt. transactions:
 world public seen, how IPM MM singh raped life of 125cr., some scams such as Coalgate scam of more than Rs.8.5lakh crore, because of CAG charged only Rs.295/- per ton royalty on coal, estimated only
BJP cheated 50000 daily wage workers, who spoiled 40 to 20 year lives in Govt. services:
 BJP means Bhukhere Janwar’s Party, after getting 2nd term rule, these dirty bhukehra’s janwar party is trying to snatch all rights of employees of all state Govt. departments, want to use them as the
BJP & RSS both are highly selfish, unable to fight against Congress operated NIA, CBI conspiracy against Hindus, for demoralizing, terrorizing, defaming & socially damaging images :
 RSS, who was known as the best nationalist party & BJP is their political face to fight for interest, welfare, proper development & guarding rights, religion on political level of Hindus and against
SE Ajay Dayma is working on fake ST cast certificate, even cheated HC
 SE Ajay Dayma is working on fake ST cast certificate, even cheated HC: At CE Office, Indore Zone, SE Dayma is working on fake ST cast certificate taken from village Unchakheda of Budni Tahseal, Dist.
Killing spirit of equality of Constituion, & cast clashes dominating upper cast Hindus only for votes of SC & ST, passing bill of reservation in promotions.
 Dirty corrupt, cunning & shrewd Congress devils are fond of clashes previously it was between Hindus & Muslims, now these dirty wolves are planning for upper & lower cast Hindus. Since 1950, Congress
Wallmart paid high commission to IPM for FDI, it is proved:
 What Samay maya was producing, it is proved in Parliament. CONGRESS means Corruption Oriented Notorious Gang of Resources Extortion & Sucking Services, these dirty vultures Congressmen are proving it
In Guj. Election- Modi replied allegations of all top Congress vultures in public meet.
 In Guj. In a election meeting top vultures of Congress such as Sonia, Manmohan & others are charging false allegation on Modi, such as communal charge, swallowing Central funds, etc., while Guj. Stat
Ruling vultures, industrialists, colonizers are destroying 5lakh hactare agricultural land pa.
  In India, ruling vultures such as UPA & their other gangster, including Cnetral & all states Govt. with land mafias, colonizers, industrialists, mines mafias etc., all are destroying at least more t
Dirty Congress devil won battle of FDI after throwing flesh to vultures.
 Total UPA is a devil’s gang, only for huge commission, these corrupts called FDI. At last it is proved, that ruling Congress vultures are not looking after nation’s interest, these dirty vultures are
FDI launched only for huge commission from multinationals & destroying native businessmen:
 FDI launched only for huge commission from multinationals & destroying native businessmen: dirty vultures of Congress & their UPA dacoit gang only for getting huge commission of thousands crores of R
Highly corrupt EE A Bansal is holding property of more than Rs.100crore, his pet Aruna is also having more than Rs.10crore:
 Highly corrupt, fraudulent, cunning dirty devil EE A Bansal (E&M) Indore Dn. who is going to retire on 31.12.12, for saving his frauds, he given charge of regular senior a\cs clerk (SAC) to his pet work charge employee Aruna who is also holding assets of more than Rs.5cr., in Brajeshwari Extn. Near
Indore Ichchhapur 203km BOT road is collecting increasing toll since2004 but unable to maintain according to standard of IRC, should be terminated:
 Ashoka Buildcon’s VIVA Highways who is having this BOT, is unable to maintain this road properly according to standard of Indian Road Congress, that dirty corrupt is collecting increasing toll since
AIDS Day. Don’t develop & make public places as brothels:
 Corrupt Govt., media & condoms manufacturing multinationals, Stop the dirty artificial terror of AIDS for earning & selling of condoms. Total govt., & media is developing & making public places as b
Narmada Shipra Link Project will totally failed due to lack of electric:
 On 29.11.12 MP CM SRS Chouhan & LK Aadwani inaugurated Narmada Shipra Link Project of Rs,432cr. in this project, NVDA dn.32 Badwah will lift water from 120msl river water by electric and bring it 50k
Drama of transfer of gas subsidy into customers’ a\c only for building strong vote bank.
 Cunning, shrewd, highly fraudulent Indian PM is going to play subsidy card for building their vote bank. What the subsidy these dirty will release for transferring into bank a\cs of domestic gas cust
Is really Congress hanged Ksab, or conspired propaganda for winning no motion against FDI, corruption charges & election, no video clippings, no pics of dead hanged body:
 highly fraudulent ruling Congress gangsters & UPA in much hurry hanged Ajmal Ksab, without releasing any news of rejection of his mercy appeal to President of India. It is also possible he was in hig
Dirty vulture MM Singh, controlled 6 cylinders for creating terror, poor & villagers are chopping forest for cooking;
 NDA & its major Congress gangsters & their PM MM Singh, controlled 6 cylinders pa for a connection, for terrorizing Indian public for getting votes, that reflected effects on poor & villagers, in mo
Very soon US will divide in 20states as new 20countries, US dollar will be treated as waste paper.
 Samaymaya long back declared Obama is a most failure president of United states, but US citizens again elected him, now he will be very soon last president of United states. He is unable to control d
In MNREGA, most of CEOs are constructing roads for swallowing 50 to 70% funds:
 In most of dist. Panchayat CEO are highly fraudulent, these dirty corrupts are collecting more than Rs.100 to 500cr. pa. Central govt. allotted more than Rs.5500cr for MP. Approx. each dist. Is getting average Rs.110cr. pa. For MNREGA is meant for providing employment to villagers, but in place of
Total Central & all state Govt. are puppets of capitalists dancing, framing law on tune of them:
 Top 10 fraudulent capitalists & industrialists such as Mukesh & Anil Ambani & their approx. 500cos., 2nd Tata & their approx. 400cos, Birla & their approx. 500cos., Mahindra & their 400cos., Sunil Bh
Fraudulently saved, highly corrupt, big fraud Gadkari, damaged image of RSS & BJP:
 BJP Chief Gadakari is big fraudulent businessmen, who was having relations with Mafia gangster Daud, so he appraised Daud & compared with Swami Vivekanand, when Arvind Kejriwal declared his cases of
US Prez Obama again won election of US administration, US public is also such as Indian Bihar, UP etc.,
 US Prez Obama again won election of US administration, US public is also such as Indian Bihar, UP etc., US’s present working President Obama again won election. Again he will abuse Indians for not
Most of DC appointed in AEB wing of MPCT on Rs.10-50lakh for collecting
 In MP Commercial (sale) tax department CS, PS, Sec. fraudulently framed a wing for collecting black money or corruption money for open tax evasion. In Indore, DC VS Bhadoria appointed in AEB wing B,
GIS12, in Indore, spent Rs300/- of PF, for highest fraudulent activities.
 CM SRS Chouhan & Industry Minister K Vijayvargiya, who organized this Global Investors Summit 2012, both are having million crores of black money, 2nd coincide IM K Vijayvargiya is having more than 5
BJP means highly selfish Bhukheri Janata Party is supporting fraudulent capitalist Gadkari causes crash landing in next election.
 BJP chief Gadkari’s fraudulent activities, bogus companies & their investment with black money unmasked by Arvind kejriwal, but BJP’s cunning leader such as LK Aadwani & others still supporting to Ga
Global Investors’ Summit 2012, is meant for investing & getting black money of BJP state & national leaders and for getting big bribes for Govt. facilities:
 CM SRS chouhan & industry minister K Vijayvargiya with state govt. bureaucrats are organizing Global Investors’ Summit, it is not meant for actual development of MP state & its public. It is totally
21Oct. is World Iodine Salt day or on name of salt, world salt cheating day.
 No need of iodine salt for 99% of world population, it is only propaganda of selling of iodine salt hundred times high around the world of Indian cheater & leading businessmen Ratan Tata, Tata is als
Obama did many frauds on each step for showing superiority, impressing US & world public, while destroyed total economy, employment etc., kick him out.
 Since 2008 after joining as President of US, what he did? Only romancing with Ext. Min. Hileri Clinton, while 2nd coin cide, unemployment increased in total US, many multinationals offices closed, lo
Highly corrupt total MP Panchayat Dptt. Made RTI as joke, fraudulently appointed PIO as appellate officer for saving their corruptions.
 Present CS R Parshuram, who is not only highly corrupt but also fraudulent, previously he was PS of Panchayat Deptt., for saving frauds of Panchayat & Rural Development, he ordered & changed PIO’s & Appellate officers in this department, in dist. Panchayats, CEO of Panchayat appointed as appellate
CEO, ZP, dist. collecotrs of Tribal Dist. are earning more than Rs. 300cr. To Rs.500crore Pa,
 While in tribal dist. In Indore dn. here is 6dist. Of tribal such as Alirajpur, Badwani, Dhar, Jhabua, Khandwa, Khargone, the same in Jabalpur Dn. there is also Chhindwara, Mandla, Seoni, Dindori, Balaghat and in Shahadol dn. Shahdol dist. Anooppur, Umaria, Singrouli, there is allotments of funds
Ujjain dn. CEOs of all ZP are highly corrupt & top snatchers of all types of funds of rural development.
 Most of Zila Panchayat Chief Executive Officers are highly corrupt, swallowing more than 50% of Indira Aawas Yojna, Mukhyamantri Aawas Yojna, Draught Prone Area Programme, Mid Day Meal, Pension of disables & widows, MG National Rural Employment Guarantee Schemes, SJYS, Bardana, Panchayat developmen
BJP CM SRS Chouhan is posting highly dirty corrupt, cheater officers on key post for collecting funds & winning election.
 Now total BJP its CM SRS Chouhan, Min. BL Gour, Raghoji, K Vijayvargiya, Jayant Mallaiya, Archana Chitnis, Kusmaria, Ajy Vishnoi, Ranjana Baghel, Bhargava, Anoop Mishra, KL Agrawal, US Gupta, J Devda
Congress Govt. will very soon convert this country in a slave country.
 Dirty vultures of Congress gangsters will convert this country again as a slave country, that foreign investment will work as a historical East India Co. & capture total business from food,electric,
Fraudulent, Cheater CM SRS Chohan cheating tribes, snatching farmland, funds etc., 2nd coincide dramatizing with tribes followed Jan Chetana rally.
 High dramatician CM SRS Chohan with his gentle face, is promising on each of the step with tribal for their progress, security of land, proper education, scholarships, farmland pattas etc., even he f
Only big vultures are supporting FDI, whom are collecting funds from India & sending abroad.
 Only fraudulent & corrupt ministers of central & state assemblies, IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS, big businessmen, capitalists, industrialists, contractors, land mafias, colonizers, mines mafias etc., brokers &
FDI is meant for fraud and profit, that dirty vulture entering them on high commission, not for improvement:
 Dirty vultures of Congress IPM MM singh & their UPA dacoit gangsters are collecting high commission & blindly permitting them for direct investment in all sectors, yesterday that dirty vulture permit
CM SRS Chouhan is a dualism player
 CM Chouhan what he is using fair words, but in action he is doing just opposite of it, highly corrupt, fraudulent is collecting funds from all corners, he is totally centralized on personal earning o
Bhartiya Kisan Sangh is dancing on BJP tune, cheating millions of farmers on each of the step:
 Bhartiya Kisan Sangh a unit of Rastriya Swaym Sewak Sangh, is now a puppet of BJP, dancing on tune of BJP, while BJP is dancing on tune of capitalists, industrialists, land mafias, ruling over MP, Jh
After 65year, No arrangement of technical audit of railway, PWD, PHE, WRD, EB, EC etc.,in India.
 IT is great lacuna in India, yet not any Govt. official arrangement of technical audit in India for engineering types of technical department such as railway, public works department, public health e
At last IPM MM Singh accepted, US is not dictating us.
 Why he used these words. In last 4-5 months Sonia visited US on name of treatment of cancer, while it was only a propaganda for getting sympathy, before visit of Sonia, US Prez. Obama warned them, fo
CAG means Corrupt Auditors’ Gang, in 99% corruption cases leaves free after getting their share.
 CAG is means Comptroller Auditors General of India is also a official gang of stamping corruption after getting their share, while it is actually official Corrupt Autors' Gang. This CAG gang also dem
Indian PM office is the biggest conspiracy center in the world:
 world Public seen frauds, cheating & corruptions of millions of crores of Rs. These are very few cases, it may be 0.001% while in that office, thousands of frauds are taking place on each of the step
Pray almighty to sink total US, if multinationals are entering & capturing Indian business:
 Pray almighty to sink total US, if multinationals are entering & capturing Indian business: Indian PM Man Mohan Singh dirty vulture permitted to FDI in India under pressure of US for getting huge com
World Bank means World’s top bustards bank, on name of financial help, multinationals are capturing business countries:
 World Bank means World’s top bustards bank, on name of financial help, multinationals are capturing business countries: World Bank is a financial institute of UNO & their gangs, their object is on na
FDI permitted for getting huge commission, their investment not for welfare, for getting 100times profit pa.
 These dirty vultures framed Food Safety & Standard Act06, for security of profit of these dirty fraudulent Multinationals and Indian vulture capitalists such as Reliance, Tata, Hindustan Lever, ITC,
India was closed due to corrupt vulture PM MM Singh & its dacoit gang’s policies to snatch public on each step:
 Today India was totally closed, TAI (Transport Association of India) stopped 95lakhs trucks around the country, at least 20lakh private buses, total business markets of India was closed from Kashmir
CM SRS Chouhan is dancing on tune of industrialist & capitalists, snatching land, revenue & public assets and serving to them.
 CM SRS Chouhan is dancing on tune of industrialist & capitalists, snatching land, revenue & public assets and serving to them. MP CM SRS Chouhan is a puppet of industrialists, capitalists & vulture I
51% investment in FDI for high commission & unemploying 5crores Indians.
 At last Congress & its UPA vultures of Central Govt. given permission of 51% Foreign Direct Investment in retail business in India after getting billions of Rs. In commission, it will unemployed at l
Fradulent & cheaters Diesel & gas prices increased, claimed subsidy withdrawn. Is subsidy coming from Italian Sonia’s or scam Singh’s A\c?
 Highly corrupt, fraudulent, cheating vultures’ gang of PM singh, their goddess Italian Sonia, Petro. Min. Murli Devda, Fin. Min. Cheat Amberam & all others are top devils, whom are snatching money fr
International defame Is it a conspiracy of Soniya against PM MM Singh for posting of Rahul Gandhi as PM? :
 Internationally top newspapers such as Washington Post, Time Magazine of Newyork & thousand of other print media of the world are producing news against Indian PM MM Singh is a scam gangsters’ King,
Most of ruling vultures want to ban on social sites, because of their fear of publishing of frauds, corruption, cheating with public funds etc.,
 Ruling vultures such as PM MM Singh, Law Min. Kapil Sibbal, Sonia, Meenakshi Natrajan & hundreds of others are having fears of publication, widely circulating their bad acts of corruption, cheating,
SP Mulayam singh opposed reservation in promotion, Congress want cast riot for saving their corruption:
 Congress their gang of UPA including BSP are planning to change total Indian Constitution for reservation in promotion, at once Constitution changed, it will also apply in armed forces, judiciary etc
IMC spent Rs.680crore on BRTS project of JNRUM, while all damaged roads shown their quality in rain of 2012.
 Indore Municipal Corp. with construction agency Indore Development Authority & its all highly corrupt, fraudulent & highly cunning engineers with political leaders swallowed more than 40% funds in co
RSS Indore wing broken BJP office, should maintain their separate & controlling existence.
 On 28Aug. Rastriya Swyamsewak Sangh members broken BJP Indore Dn. office opposite Nehru Stadium Indore, RSS workers did good job to taught lesson BJP leaders cum gundog gangsters, while RSS is God fa
CM MP is a puppet of multinational, trying to sell multinational goods on fair price shop meant for BPL & APL.
 MP CM SRS Chouhan is not only highly corrupt but also puppet of multinational cos., at one side he is promoting multinationals in all sectors for getting big commission, dominating & destroying states big & small business, industries, service sectors of govt. & private sectors. 2nd coincide, what t
Propoganda of swine flu only for buying of medicines, 95% Govt. doctors are doing thier private practice.
 5death claimed under swine flu by State Govt. Hospitals, while actual reality there is no such types of arrangement in state Govt. hospitals to check swine flu, it is disease of birds, 2year back mul
Scam Srdar did hundreds of scams, on each of the step, 1again caught by CAG of Coal,
 Congress vultures are crying foul, & threatening CAG. Indian PM Srdar MM Singh, is really a king of scam Singh, he did scams on each of the step, Comptroller Auditor General of India opened a one mor
Highly corrupt PS SN Misra MPPHE taken big bribes & posted corrupt EE’s on their desired dn. for saving criminal CE Damor
 Highly corrupt SN Mishra who is historical corrupt posted as Principal Secretary of MP Public Health engineering, just after joining, he taken bribes with highly criminal murderer CE Damor & changed
Highly corupt & fradulent PM MM Singh again repeated old promise for transparent rule, inflation control from Redfort:
 On Aug.15, 12, 66 th day of freedomIndian PM MM singh addressed to republic of India & other entire world. He repeated the old promised for inflation control, clear & transparent rule, but since 2004
Aasam's violence is a result of Muslim love of congress dacoits for vote Bank.
  At least 10crore Bangla Deshi Muslims are living in India. Since Dec1971, congress Gangsters welcomed them for vote. Now they are torturing to original Assamese as BODO Land. Congress Gangsters are
Congress Govt. vultures are planning to serve free cell fones to BPL families for threatening for vote.
 Congress & their UPA gang of Central Govt. is planning to serve free cell fones to below poverty line families, for threatening & pressurizing for votes and farmig new Govt., 2nd coincide after distr
TRAI is pet dog of all cell fone Cos. sheltering them for their funds snatching Rs.1000cr. pd from 98cr. Consumers.
 Indian Communication Ministry & their Telecom Regulatory Authority of India all bustards are puppets of private cell service providers, so they are unable to control & restrict their funds snatching
Greedy Aadwani is demoralizing total BJP & its leaders:
 Greedy SAI & top brass of BJP LK Aadwani is well understood, there is no chance of post of PM, because of many talented leaders such as Guj. CM Narendra Modi, Murli Manohar Joshi & many others are al
US is claiming landing on mars, it is totally propaganda for showing supremacy.
  In the space, there is nothing, totally zero, so all power will also zero, no internal & external propeller can work in zero. No one fuel either atomic or liquid hydrogen can generate power without
Black out in 24states: electric cos. caused heavy snatching of power, north grids collapsed.
 Ruling Congress vultures of Central govt. converted all state boards into electric cos. are trying to snatch from all corners causes black out. Cunning multinationals framed World Bank distributed fu
Swarn who served note & vote, highly selfish & corrupt BJP is kicking them:
 Bhartiya Janata Party which is so called party of Brahamin- Baniya, samanya Jan party or party is supported & promoted with note & vote by swarn or high cast community of Jains, Agrawals, Maheshwari
Heavy rain opened State govt.’s reality of their administration, road work, disaster management etc.,:
  This year monsoon was very much late, it arrived after 40 to 45 days, while its proper time is from mid June to last week of June, but this monsoon arrived in the last week of July. After arrival it is fulfilling its required quota, it is natural, in the total MP state, here is heavy rain around t
Conspired Drama of termination & reinstitution of 2MLA, for saving of corruption charges.
 Highly corrupt & coward ruling BJPs’ past shows, always they tried to escape from debates on their corruption in assembly sessions, so they conspired for closing session within 2-3 days for not to fa
In this transfer season, most of ruling ministers earned more than Rs.50to100cr. while most corrupts are still working on the same post & place, after several years.
 This is last year for State BJP govt. for transfer, posting & placing of officers, & other staff members of all State Govt. departments, because of next year is a election of state assembly, so rulin
BJP coward CM & Speaker closed assembly session for saving our own frauds:
 On Wednesday, corrupt & coward CM SRS Chouhan & Speaker ID Rohani closed Assembly session for saving their frauds, corruption & discussion on their closed fraudulent contractors Dilip Suryavanshi & S
Dirty Discover 100cc, 125cc, 150cc is totally failed, but Rahul shukar Bajaj advertising for the best:
  Historical, corrupt, cheater & fraudulent industrialist family known for its dirty Bajaj scooters since 1960, now for dirty problematic bikes since 2000. that time that dirty bustards Bajaj Family c
MP Assembly adjourned by Congress against mines mafia:
 In MP Assembly, monsoon session started since Monday July 16,12, Congress party MLA’s are demanding discussion on Mines Mafia Dilip Suryauanshi & Sudhir Sharma, whom have been chopping, digging small
Converted Christians are not entitle for getting cast benefits of SC & ST, but 20 to 30% officers of SC & ST are converted Christians getting benefits
 Converted Christians are not entitle for getting cast benefits of SC & ST, but 20 to 30% officers of SC & ST are converted Christians getting benefits in all the MP State govt. departments, should removed. The man who converted his religion from Scheduled cast & tribes they are not entitled for get
India is not father of Obama’s property, taken donation for election from multinationals, pressurizing India to welcome them.
 US Prez. Obama taken big billions $ of donations from multinationals for election, and pressurizing Indian Govt. to welcome them in India for their business, for withdrawing high profits from India &
MP BJP vulture CM framed MP Jal Nigam for selling of water:
 State Govt. BJP CM SRS Chouhan & their gangsters are dancing on tune of capitalists, state owned properties of Boards, corps. Cos., are transferring to private parties for getting big regular commiss
Highly corrupt CM & CS, are insulting Supreme Court order, treating rule is their father’s property:
 Highly corrupt, greedy & fraudulent CM SRS Chouhan, & CS Parashuram are not only doing high frauds, swallowing public funds, selling & pledging public property to highly fraudulent vulture industrial
CM & their ministers earned more than Rs.500cr by transfer & posting of IAS, IPS, IFS, engineers, doctors & other officers in MP state:
 Highly corrupt, fraudulent, hungry vulture state Govt. CM, ministers, CS, all PS of all govt. departments from administration, home, PWD, WRD, PHE, W&CD, Agriculture, health, education, excise, triba
In India 10% of total deaths during treatment in private & Govt. hospitals due to only drug trials
  In India drug trials is totally free since March 2005, when Ambumani Romdoss was Health minister in Congress gangsters’ rule, he got money from WHO gang of multinationals for freeing drug trials in
Ask Obama to romance with Hillary, no time for ruling over US:
 After joining of Obama as President, more than 200 banks bankrupted, total economy is under high depression & heavy foreign debts, causes high unemployment. Obama is not having time to look after all
DC Karoria, CTO Nisha Chohan & their staff of AEB B are only meant for collecting of bribes of Rs.20crore pm, saving & sheltering fraudulent businessmen, transporters & big business fraudulent tycoons.
 MP Commercial tax department all officers & employees are meant for collection of sales\commercial tax, but only for collection of monthly bribes tax for pocket of CM, CS, Min., PS, Sec, Commissioner
School opened, cheating shops of selling books, dress, charging donations, admission fee with parents, Admn. Education Deptt. Kept mum, for getting shares of this loot cheating & plundering.
 New School session started in India from 1st July excluding J&K state, in most of urban, semi urban, cities, most of school education in private hands, local highly corrupt dist. administration & public education department are controlling them, while school directors, principals are purely commerc
IT, CCE, caught CM SRS Chouhan sheltered Dilip Raghuvanshi, Sudhir Sharma & others in mining scams.
 State Govt. was caliming there is no illegal mining in the state, while there is more than 25000mines are running in the state. most of them illegal mines owners are paying single paisa as royalty. Recently Income tax, Central Custom & Excise caught & raided more than 50 places of Dilip RAghuvanshi
When terrorist Abu Jundal proved dirty Congress vultures torched Hindu saints for pleasing Indian Muslims for only votes:
 Indian Agencies caught Pak terrorist Abu Jindal, who was team member in Karachi whom were guiding to Kasab & his team who attacked at Hotel Taj in Bombay, and his other members also accepted they bla
NVDA Min. KL Agrawal appointed Highly corrupt & fraudulent Er. JR Ingle as ME in NVDA for money.
 CM SRS Chouhan & minister KL Agrwal are dancing on tune of highly corrupt & fraudulent contractors such Karan Singh, of Karan Constructions of Gwalior of Som builders New Delhi, Bihani of Bhusaval,
Patrika newspaper of Bhopal published 2nd death anniversary of our Bhopal Rep. Pt. SK Bhardwaj, for saving Dr. Padmakr Tripathi DMO of Bhopal.
 Our Bhopal Rep. Of SAMAYMAYA, Pt. SK Bhardwaj asked some information under RTI05, with Dr. Padmakar Tripathi dist. Malaria Officer of Bhopal Dist.. In place of supply of information, Dr. Tripathi ill
MP CM, NVDA Min. appointed Highly corrupt & fraudulent Er. JR Ingle as ME in NVDA for corruption money.
 Total Canals of Rs.40000core of NVDA are totally constructed without standard norms and at least more than Rs.20000crore swallowed by their engineers to CM. CM SRS Chouhan & minister KL Agrwal are d
Highly corrupt EE Mech. Malviya Ujjain Dn. is fraudulently earning approx. Rs.5crore pa. In MPPHE Mech.
 Ujjain Dn. highly corrupt EE Malviya did many frauds in maintenance of drilling machines, purchased big material, passed bills of purchase of diesel, oil, pipeline, motor pumps etc., even he taken ve
Ruling vultures only for getting commission from capitalists, are converting capitalistic system, from mixed economy PHE converted into W M.Corp.
 Ruling vultures of corrupt, fraudulent Congress & their UPA gang of Central Govt. & all state Govt. of BJP & others converted Public Health Engineering system into water management corp. are dancing
Indore collector is sheltering big mining mafias their illegal mining, stone cutting & crushing, in Indore,
 Indore Collector Raghvendra Singh, Mining Inspector Sanjay Lunawat, are sheltering big mining mafias, whom are cutting & crushing at least 10 to 15000qM hard, soft stones, muram, mountains & mines, t
Total BJP leaders are suffering by power phobia fighting, insulting & downing each other.
 Total Bhartiya Janata Party leaders are trying to down images of each other, that showing their greed for post of PM, While LK Aadwani, is waiting for post of PM, while due to LK Aadwani, Indian publ
Chinese army not only regularly crossing Indian borders but also entered in Sikkim but Ind. Rulers are mum, only looking after commission:
 Indian ruling corrupt Congress vultures’ gang looking after only commission, imposing taxes on all services excluded only funeral, but coffin & funeral wood is taxable, for snatching money from all c
Movement of Anna & Ramdev is a smoke bomb for rulers to save their corrupt acts.
 Ruling vultures of Govt. are using movement of Anna & Ramdev as a smoke bomb for sheltering as smoke screen for their corrupt acts. They did when last year Anna declared their movement from 16Aug.11,
Movement of Anna & Ramdev is not only useless, but also benefiting fraudulent Central & all state govt. for their fraudulent acts.
 Anna, Ramdev & their team is not highly qualified, all these are not aware of economics, and unable to understand policies of Central & all state Govts. Of our nation. While these dirty corrupt vultu
On asking under RTI information, staff of CE Indore were trying to burn total record;
 When highly corrupt, criminal Damor was posted as CE in Indore, he did many frauds in Indore Zone in purchasing of material, issued many orders through Laghu Udyog Nigam Ltd., orders placed & paid th
UPA increased 135% petrol prices within 8years, charging 78% taxes, fraudulently crying for subsidy such as dirty vultures are paying from their god mother Sonia’s Italian a\c.
 Corrupt dirty dacoit vultures of Congress & their UPA gang increased 135% rates of petroleum products, Central govt. is charging 32% custom & excise duty, 2%cess of road development while most of nat
FM is going to produce white paper on black money, proved cause of devaluation of INR:
 Indian fin. Minister is going to produce white paper on Indian black money deposited in abroad banks. It was preplanned conspiracy of ruling vulture Congress & their UPA gang, they conspired for deva
In. Rupee is going down against US$, only for getting high value of black money deposited abroad.
 Ruling Congress vultures are ignorant while Indian Rupee is highly devaluing against US$@Rs.54.80 only. Public rights activist, many MP were crying for bringing back black money from abroad. It was b
BSNL actually it is Bhrashta, Shookar Nikkamma Un Limited.
 Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. The oldest Indian Communication Govt. agency is now calling as BSNL, converted in to Bhrashta, Shookar Nikkamma un Limited, most of staff is average 40 to 55 year old, highl
India is the richhest country, but our rulers made us begger only for commission
 In India, there is 250 hands, can capture total planet in their palm, if Indians can organise, think on this fact, with true nationality, Indian total 125cr. population is hard worker, intelligent, b
Dirty hungry vulture CM of BJP, one sided promised small food vendors for safety of their rights, 2nd coincide signed MOU of Rs.43000cr. with big fraudulent Industrialists for food processing units.
 When on 09,10, 11April 12, total MP State Food vendors & industries gone on strike against Food Safety & Standard Act06, MP State fraudulent CM SRS Chouhan promised to them, no action will take again
Indian Railway is actually rape way of millions of passengers:
 Indian Railway is most dirtiest, top cheating railway in the world, actually it is rape way of 10 millions passengers per day. Railways raping passengers by so many ways, it may be most cheaper in th
US & EU agent Sonia, guided Hillary to ask WB CM Mamta for FDI in India on behalf of human trafficking:
 Highly corrupt, EU agent Sonia, want India as slave country of US& EU. So she want Foreign Direct Investment in retail marketing in India, to capture & crash Indian Food Industry, at once FDI entered
Packaged food of multinationals is highly dangerous for Indians:
 Congress vultures framed law, Food Safety & Standard Act 06 for purely safety of high profit of highly corrupt & fraudulent multinationals & their standard commission of total sale for ruling vulture
Obama is a failure President of US, anti India failed on each of the step, always abused NRI, Indians should not reelect:
 Obama is a present President of US, he failed on each of the step from administration, internationals, providing jobs to US youth, economy, international relations with Asian countries, African, Aust
Doctors are white apron vultures, meant for snatching funds from patients.
 All hospitals, Nursing homes are widely collecting funds from patients by unwanted treatments but three is no control on this loot. Most of private as well as govt. nursing homes, hospitals, helth ce
Highly fraudulent Congress & BSP are inviting cast clashes, killing talent, crashing Constitutional equality.
 When Britishers left India, transferred rule to Indian Congress, In. Congress asked to Britishers how you ruled over India up to 300 years, they given one line statement “divide & rule”. Since 1947,
When vehicle owners are paying toll & road tax, can sue claim in case of damage:
 While govt. charging road tax on registration of all types of vehicles, and for using roads now on most of roads of state & national highways, these dirty corrupts contractors are charging toll tax,
In Indore, 95% INJ Stamps vendor are charging 3to 50% extra, highly corrupt DR, JR sheltering them.
 In Indore India Non Judicial stamps for registry of real establishments, property, contract, agreement & for other legal purposes, registered stamps vendors are charging Rs.15/- for stamp of Rs.10/-
Banned tobacco pouches, but not cigarettes, bidies because of high bribes from producers, while smoking most dangerous for all.
 MP state Govt. banned tobacco pouches for saving public, of course it is good for chewers, while most young generation was involved in chewing pouches, while these pouches or gutkas were having only
Education mafias are operating schools against collector orders only for getting fees of April, May & June:
 Dist. Collector ordered to close all schools due to high temperature, but most of private schools’ directors again opened their schools after 15april only for collecting tuition fees of April, May &
WB CM Mamta is mamta less dictator, banning public voice against truth:
 Mamta means, a lady who is full of mother’s love for all her children, but WB CM Mamta, who is also mother of all bengalies, she is not only responsible for their welfare & futuristic development, bu
On name of packed food, multinationals are selling totally adulterated, less weight & unhealthy food on high cost.
 Congress vultures of Indian govt. enacted Food Safety & Standard Act 06 only for safety of high profit of multinationals and getting commission from these multinationals. What Health Min. Gulam Nabi
MP BJP Govt. is playing dualism with state small food vendors, traders, producers etc., 2nd coincide preparing for Food Safety & Standard Act06.
 On 3day strike of all small food vendors on 09, 10, 11April of in MP State, CM SRS Chouhan promised to Association of small food vendors, traders, producers, dealers, distributors etc., he will save
Indian media is unable to understand Food Safety & Standard Act.06 appraising it for only their personal interest.
 Most of media journalists are unable to understand legal language, what Govt did in Food Safety & Standard act06, they could not read it microly, appraising it only for their personal interests of bi
SC ordered to burn MIC of UC @ Pithampur, all Indoreans should strongly oppose it for safe future.
 Supreme court ordered to burn 3600 ton methyl isocyanides wastage of Union Carbide which killed more than 30000 peoples and injured more than 0.2million by this gas on 02.12.1984 in MP state capital city Bhopal, @ Remki Wastage management plant at Pithampur. While this plant is only having boundary
Indian media vultures ignoring public interest, blindly dancing & supporting on tune of capitalists, rulers, etc.,
 Indian audio-visual & print media vultures are confusing mass, hiding facts, such as AAJ Tak, Zee, Star, India TV, etc., in print media Times of India, Hindustan Times, Bhaskar, Patrika, Raj Express, Amar Ujala, Jagran & thousands of others are not showing actual facts of Indian Food Safety & Stan
In Indore DAVV is total gang of all types of mafias, from admission to fraudulently passing of exams.
 Some students of DAVV reported they given 2times examination but bustards examiners are giving 2-3 marks, to thousands of girls students when students asked to open their answer sheets, these vulture
At last, 2crore small, medium class food traders are going on strike against Food Safety & Standard Act06:
 This Food Safety & Standard Act06 is totally meant for safety of multinationals from all corners, these dirty vultures such as Reliance, Pepsi, Coke, Indian Tobacco Corp.,( Subsidiary of British Toba
MP State govt. is insulting order of Supreme Court, not promoting gen. Officers & employees:
 Supreme Court given clear verdict in case of 460\2003 M. Nagraj V\s Union of India dtd. 19.10.06. No reservation in promotion, but since 2002, MP State govt. govt. is giving regular promotion to SC &
BRICS ask to join other countries in this group, for destroying US, EU & NATO image & their bossism in the world.
 Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa organized as BRICS. Of course it is a good organization to reply US, EU & NATO on all front, that organization should ask other Asian countries to join thi
Judicial Accountability Bill: Law for using judiciary as puppet, while Judiciary is only making trust & center point of public:
 Corrupt fraudulent Congress & their all other gangsters of UPA lost their creditability in India & around the world. These dirty cunning & shrewd want to control & tapped judiciary by this bill. Of c
Indian Law & ruling Congress Conspiracy: Save Pak terrorist Kasav, Afjal Guru and hang Balwant Singh:
 Highly cheater dirtiest conspirators Congress & their all gangsters are saving Ajmal Kasav who attacked at Hotel Taj & killed 23 persons, and Afjal Guru who planned to attack on Indian Parliament, Co
Mulayam beoda is lifting UPA upto getting a package of Rs.25-50000Cr. Than kick.
 Highly corrupt, criminal & cunning SP Prez. Mulayam singh who always is in drunken state, supporting Central ruling United Progressive Alliance of many political gangster dacoit vultures such as Cong
MP CM is unable to follow SC decision for promotions of gen. Category Officers & employees.
  MP State govt. CM SRS Chouhan & its Indian Abusing Services Officers whom are sitting as Chief Secretary, Principal, upper, secretaries are unable to follow up Supreme Court Decision of M Nagraj V\s Union of India AIR 2006 in a WP 460\2003 which is applicable to all states Govt. employees & office
Food safety & standard act06 is totally meant for safety of monopoly & profit of multinationals.
 This act will unemployed more than 1crore small & middle class food vendors, hotels, shopkeepers, merchants, traders, packers, producers, manufacturers & at least 4crore employees of all these units
Very soon GoI will kill freedom of Press for saving their corruptions:
 Vultures Congress & UPA Gangsters are playing dirtily for their high earning through corruption, while they allotted 2G spectrum & lost Rs. 1.76lakh-crore, in coal mining, they earned more than Rs5la
IFM imposed heavy tax burdens on Indians for their commission & snatching money of public funds.
 Ruling Indian Congress dacoits & their finance Minister Pranav Mukergee, imposed heavy tax burdens of custom & excise and as service tax, that will cause of high inflation rate, very soon these dirty
US warning of ban on India: India, China, Pak, Iran, & all Asian countries required to united reply:
 US is treating himself as a boss & king of the world. While US is having only 8% population of total Asian countries. Most of Asians i.e., Chinese, Indians, Pak & other countries’ millions of civilia
5state election polls proved total status of ruling corrupt dacoit Congress in central:
 Congress got only leading position in smallest far east Manipur state. While in leading 3other states such as UP, Punjab, & Goa other parties are leading, in UP SP got clear majority with 225 seats o
Total BJP min. are highly criminal, having relation with mines mafia who killed SP Morena:
 Total state ministry its all ministers are highly corrupt, criminal cunning & shrewd, sheltering all types of criminals, at present mines mafias are in lime light, who killed journalist Chandirka Rai
Indian ruling fraudulent Congress is dancing as puppet of US rapidly changing statements in case of attacks on Israeli car:
 Sonia is an agent of US & EU working for them since last 47 years. US plotted a terroristic attack on Israeli car for creating fractions between Iran & India for breaking oil supply from Iran and wor
Coward ruling BJP CM suspended MP Legislative Assembly 8 days for saving their frauds from questioning opposition.
 Highly corrupt, cunning gangs of BJP Ministers are also cowards, they knew of only collecting money from corruption, but unable to face charges of corruptions of opposition in assembly, so generally
Diggi devil destroyed image of Rahul in UP election:
 Samaymaya newspaper published a news, Arjun Singh destroyed late Rajeev Gandhi, Diggi devil will destroy Rahul Gandhi. Result of election of UP proved these facts, due to uncontrolled speaking of cun
State Fin. Min. Raghavji present their poll13 oriented budget of 12-13 for their own earning, with most of forged data.
 State Fin. Min. Raghavji presented their 9th budget their earning such as they provided Rs.3910cr. for agriculture, ruling BJP swallow Rs.2000cr., Rs.3596cr. for health, swallow Rs.1800cr., Rs.7710cr
Applicants of RTI05, can sue against CIC of SIC & NIC under sec120A,179,216, 218,219 of IPC for their fraudulent decisions:
 Chief or Information Commissioners of National and all States Information Commissions are fraudulently deciding appeals for saving Govt. officers, applicant can sue & file court cases against such c
Only for commission, PM MM Singh, St.Min.Narayansami framing charges on opposing NGOs for diverted funds.
 No need of atomic energy in the nation, while with Russian help GoI wanted to build a nuclear plant in Kudankulam of TN. The 3NGOs whom are opposing this plant, Ind. PM MM Singh & state min. Narayans
Most of PS, Sec. Level officers are highly corrupt & criminals, BJP Govt. is sheltering them for their earning through corruptions.
 Most of Indian Abusing Services Officers are not only highly corrupts but also criminals while they are working as Chief Secretary, Principal secretary, secretary, to collector & commissioner in MP s
NCTC will be a tool for terrorizing to Hindu organizations & their workers, saving actual Muslim terrorist
 NCTC will be a tool for terrorizing to Hindu organizations & their workers, saving actual terrorist of Muslims for vote such as NIA, STC did in past with Prgya, Col. Purohit, Kamal Chouhan. Union rul
All Asian countries should also oppose US.Afghan & Pak united for not to support US for war against Iran.
 All Asian countries should oppose US for attack & war against Iran. India, China, Japan, Russia, Iraq, Gulf countries, all 25 states of old USSR Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia etc., should rise their
US&EU improve your economy & employment, not to war with Iran:
 US, NATO & EU are ready for war with, attack on Iran, while US & total European Union requires improve their economy & employment, while war will create more problems in their economy, employment and
US played 3way trick for creating fractions with Iran, platform for defaming & attack on Iran.
 It is a trick of US, caused a attack on Israeli embassy car. It is a big conspiracy of US, Indian land used for creating fractions with, defaming creating platform against Iran & India, because of In
Chinese Cheaters are killing thousands of Tibbetians for voice of autonomy. Why are UNO & IHRC mum?
 Chinese dirty vulture ruling cheaters are having mentality of capturing lands of other countries since 1948. these dirty vultures swallowed Tibbet & killed more than 7million Tibetains, again rising
Dirty BJP rulers & IAS are destroying MPEB as they destroyed MPSRTC for their personal earning of Rs. thousands crores pa. & darkening future of public
 MP BJP rulers destroyed total MP State Road Transport Corp. for operating their buses & personal earning now 7crore public is suffering daily in their life journey in private buses, these private bus
Why Govt. is appointing on higher posts, retd. officers on contract basis in place of promotions in NVDA.
 In Narmada Valley Development Authority, many members engineering, CE, SEs are working on contract basis after retirement, most of these officers\ engineers were highly corrupt in their regular servi
GoI framed law for half property to wife on divorce, for breaking family system:
 GoI framed most of laws, such as Dowry act, Women Violence Act, in50% cases cunning married women filed cases against torturing their husbands & in-laws, & made it a tool for fulfilling their desire
No dirty devil want to stop drug trials, all are asking for regularization of Drug Trail, treating Indian public is as animals.
 No one political party even ruling BJP Govt. of MP and its State Min. of Health M Hardia told straight forward drug trial can not stop because of each & every one earning through this drug trail i.e.
In MP, highly corrupt forest minister to staff all are snatching forests from all corners,for their benefits.
 In MP state, there is no more than 10% forest, what actually state is claiming of 30% forests. MP state Forest Depatt. Staff from beat guard to ranger, DFO, CF, CCF, PCCF all are snatching it from al
US will attack on Iran via Israel indirectly for capturing oil wells.
 At present US is suffering by financial crisis & recession, but having vulture eyes on Iran since last 40years for oil, but unable to directly attack, so US & EU used indirect method and imposed busi
BJP Govt. is destroying total electricity boards & their cos. for benefiting & transferring assets to multinationals:
 BJP State Govt. for getting big share from multinationals in selling & pledging total assets of MP Electricity Board now a days working as 5 different cos. 3 distributing cos. 1 generating & 1transmi
BJP CM & total ministry is dancing on tune of multinationals, torturing farmers for registration:
 Highly fraudulent, corrupt BJP Ministry from CM SRS Chouhan to all ministers are not highly corrupt, hungry alsesian bull dogs are collecting funds ,big bribes from big multinationals such as ITC sub
US & EU dacoit conspirators are exploiting Iran, banned its oil exports.
 US having vultured eyes on Iranian oil, since last 30 years, playing conspiracy against Iran, imposed so many business bans. India govt. should keep pressure on US Govt. to stop interfrence in Asia,
More than 10,000personnels are holding assets of more than Rs.2to50cr. saving them, lokayukta & EOW are raiding only tiny.
 In MP state, EOW & Lokyukta are raiding only employees such as peons, clerks, with crores of Rs. Assets, while most of IAS, IPS, IFS to SAS, dist. Officers, ADO, of all Govt. departments, Dn. Engineers of MPPWD, MPPHE, MPWRD, MPRES, MPRDC, NVDA, CMHO of MP Health, RTO, Mines, cooperative, CEO of
Congress gangsters framed Communal Violence Act11 for securing vote of Muslims & spreading Christianity:
 Terrorism as a tool for rule. Samaymaya is producing this fact since 2000, this bill proved our truth. Communal fraudulent Congress gangsters are well aware, Indian public particularly Hindus seen th
All Govt. appointed Commissions are only meant for work on commission &follow the instructions of our principals:
 Central & all states commissions such as Telecom Regulatory Commission, Energy Regulatory Commission, Information Commission, Women Commission, all enquiries commissions & hundreds if other types of
Congress gangsters are trying to woe Muslim & SC-ST voters by declaring reservation:
 Congress gangsters are showing their heart’s hate against general category Hindus such as Agrawals, Brahmins, Kayastha, Jains, Chhatriya as Rajputs etc., of all 5states due for election in Jan., Fe
Govt. is showing fraudulently food inflation is negative only for election of 5states:
 Congress gangsters & their other UPA dacoits fraudulently showing food inflation is negative, while it is totally forgery of index data of essential commodities of public needs only for facing electi
Bandhav Garh 52 parties captured more than 500acre forest land & developed their hotel illegally forest Deptt. kept mum.
 In national park of Badhav Garh more than 52 parties captured more than 500acre of forest land chopped highly valuable trees, disturb natural climate & environment and developed their resorts, hotels
Central Govt. conspired & freed back door entry of foreign investment in share market, for capturing Indian market.
 Congress dacoits & their UPA gangsters conspired through freeing foreign investment in share market, after investment all these foreign investors try to capture Indian market & its profitable cos.. i
Year 2011is memorable year of public civil war against corruption of rulers:
  In year of 2011, Anna Hajare & his Civil Society, & others including Baba Ramdev started demonstration against corruption of rulers. Demand raised against Black money deposited in Swiss banks & oth
Fox(MM C ng) appraised Wild dog (P cheat Ambrm):
 Fox known as very cunning, shrewd wild animal, such as our IPM MM Singh, while wild dog is small wild deshi dog, which is highly dangerous, always lives in 10-20group, even these animals catches leop
Highly corrupt MP State ministry is dancing dirtily & kissing feet of capitalists for money.
 Total central & state ministry & govt. are dancing on tune of & touching feet’s of capitalists, industrialists, because of these dirty corrupts are getting commission & donations from them. MP state
State Govt. is playing fraud with unemployed young educated work force by extending retirement age upto 62 years.
 In mp state more than 5million educated young work force of 20 to 30years is unemployed, while in all state Govt. departments are suffering by at least of 1thousand of ABC grade officers, more than 1
US is conspiring for military rule in Pakistan, democrat govt. & public are opposing US forces.
  US want military rule in Pakistan, because of democratic elected Govt. & public are not only opposing US forces & its interferences in Pakistan, that is creating enough trouble to US inside & out si
US left Iraq after demonstrating war game, no N. or A. bombs found in Iraq. Why are UN & HR mum?
 At last after killing more than 3million Iraqis, US forces left Iraq, because of financial burden on forces and defame around the world. Of course, US forces demonstrated arms, ammunition, missiles &
Before producing any bill in legislative assemblies, why do Govt. not publishes in Indian local newspapers for public comments & opinion such as in Britain.
 Before producing any bill in legislative assemblies, why do Govt. not publishes in Indian local newspapers for public comments & opinion such as in Britain. Indian Parliament, Rajya Sabha, and all state assemblies are framing rules & Acts according to their choice, benefits & their interests not f
Congress & its UPA gangsters are treating rule as their father’s property & played fraud in Lokpal bill with Anna & Public:
  Historical Dacoit & Fraudulent Congress & its UPA gangsters treating rule is their father’s property and played tricks to save themselves from their cheating & conspiracies from this Lokpal Bill, wh
UPA Dacoits framing Food Safety is meant safety of interest of multinationals not for Indian public:
 Congress vultures & their dacoits UPA gang designed Food Safety bill for safety of interest & benefits of multinationals, who will pay Rs. thousands of crore to these ruling Congress vultures & their
Siberian Court is hearing on Geeta for banning, Indian politicians, Hindu saints are crying, while no Geeta in Indian education.
 India is a land of Geeta, where Lord Shrikrishna taught Geeta to Arjun on commencing of Great Mhabharat War. Geeta is a book of science of humanity, it is not a Hindu religious book, not having any m
EOW caught RTO Indore clerk with assets of Rs.400crore, while total department is highly corrupt:
 MP State Economic Offences Bureau caught a Clerk Raman Dhuldhoye having property of more than Rs.400crore, in this he is having 60acre land casting Rs.5per acre on AB Road Indore of Regional Transport Office of Indore. While his uncle Chandu Dhooldhoye is also Supdt. In this office, who passed more
IN Re is declining came @52/- per US$, it will give a lot to black money depositors & holders in abroad banks:
  Indian Rupee is @52.54paise per US$, it is trick for benefiting black money holders who deposited money in different countries, Central Govt. knowingly pulling it & giving chances to bring it back n
Multinationals made bankrupt to US, same will repeat in India after capturing retail market
 Central Govt. is offering to multinationals in Indian market for capturing retail business and killing at least 2crore small business men whom are not giving any donations, bribes to Govt. ministers,
MP Govt. blocked police emergency phone no.100 for saving their collar of crimes rate: state public is now on trust of gundogs.
 It is hard & true fact of MP state Govt. CM is unable to control & administrate their highly dirty & corrupt bureaucracy, so these dirty bustard bureaucrats are playing new types of frauds, changing
Govt. & doctors are using 25crore patients as animals for money for drug trails:
 Ruling govt. of central & all state govt. are treating Indian 25crore patients as animals given free hands to doctors for multinationals drugs cos. of Europe for drug trials. Of course all these vult
Indian media is not only highly selfish & illiterate, but also not having futuristic vision & puppet of capitalists & rulers:
 Indian media is not having any principles, no religion of public & environmental present & futuristic welfare, having no dare & courage for presenting truth. These are dirty propaganda makers confusing mass for their personal interests, saving their black business of colonization, land capturing,
US is planning for attack on Iran for petrol, but unable to lineup their economy:
  US admn. Is unable to lineup their economy, while it is prime requirement for US Govt. to go for nationalization of all big multinationals, big cos., arms & ammunition manufacturers, wall marts type
Highly corrupt Indian Railway is a loot way of passengers. Av.speed 40km of pass. train, but charging express train of 100km
 Indian Railway is 2nd biggest railway in the world, 2nd coincide it is actually highly corrupt top official loot way too. More than 50% express trains are running with average speed of 40km but I Rai
NVDA is milking cow for all engineers to Min. & CM. Engineers are Looting public money with contractors:
 In Narmada Valley Development Authority Dn. 21Ex EE Aaragh who passed more than 8 years, swallowed more than Rs.100crorewith contractors such as BC Bihani, Karan Developers, Som, Sudershan Cont., M\s
Dirty picture lovers & viewers are havihng their dirty mentality
 Of course sex is only cause of world. each & every animal born for & from sex. but after birth sex is not full life. no one animal creature can not involve round o'clock in only sex. it is a mean of
Ruling Coward min. Kapil gangster want to censor social sites, against their corrupt acts:
 cowards are coward due to their own acts. Such as ruling vulture min. Kapil want to censor social sites as facebook, twitter, blogs etc., because of these are in fear & worried about their own corrup
Why did left cried for 51% FDI in retailing? While left supported to pass Food Safety & Standard Act06.
 On 51%FDI in retailing & multi-brand, left front cried & stall Parliament for reverting this decision, while all these parties supported bill of Food Safety & Standard Act06 for safety of business of
Nov.30 was the smallest day of 2011, while according to science Dec23 is a smallest day of each year.
 Chinese exploded atomic\hydrogen bombs under sea nearby Japan, on 14March11 that caused high damage in Japan and according to big laboratories, earth moved from it axis up to 6.5 degree, towards sout
US & India should rise demand of free Tibet, Taiwan, etc., from Chinese control can easily disturb Chinese rulers:
 Chinese Govt. captured Tibet, while Tibet was a free state, India & US Govt. should support Tibetians for their demand of free state, 2nd coincide Chinese Govt. also treating Taiwan is also their sta
Ruling UPA hungry vultures permitted multi-brand retailing only for big commission:
 Corruption Oriented National Gang of Resources Extortion & Sucking Services means Congress & their other dacoit gangster associates of UPA, at last permitted multi-brand retailing for getting commiss
PWD Indore Dn. EE Rane swallowed more than Rs.10cr. from01.04.11 to 31.10.11 so vulture unable to provide record under RTI.
 All dn. EE of MPPWD dns. are swallowing more than Rs.5to10crore pa in roads & building funds: Most of executive engineers of all 65 dns. Of MP state are swallowing more than Rs.5to10cr. in most of ro
Question room of MP state Assembly is captured by brokers:
 In all state Govt. department total officers & staff are managed by these dirty fraudulent, corrupt brokers in State capital Bhopal. The same is happening at question room of state assembly. Most of
Bengalin greedy lioness CM Mamta got bit kept silent, no question of public interest.
 WB hungry lioness CM Mamta Banerjee is highly greedy opportunist, after a small deal, stopped movement against price rise of petrol: TN Congress leader WB CM Mamta Banergee started to create pressure
Dirty cheaters of ruling BJP of MP closed all thermal power stations for buying power on commission:
 Total Central & all State govt. are dancing on tune of big fraudulent capitalists for getting big commission from them such as Ambani duo, TATA, ITC, Birla, L&T, JP Group, Hindalco, & hundreds of oth
Total petrolium prices are increasing for benefitting Reliance of Ambani & getting commission.
 Total UPA Govt. is dancing on tune of Reliance of Ambani Brothers, when Vulture of UPA want commission, Ambani asks govt. to increase petrol prices. within 7year petrol is more than double Rs.34.5 to
98%MP govt. offices were closed\locked on 27, 28, 29Oct. without declaration of govt.
 Since Deepawali of 26 Oct. most of Govt. offices were closed in total state, on 27, 28, 29 Oct. without declaration of state Govt. of course in some govt. departments offices were open but 99% staff
Inflation control Drama of RBI, increased 0.25%basic interest rate, 1% subsidy on home loan for snatching public:
 Basically total Govt. of India, its PM, all ministers, all bureaucrats are a dacoit gang of Congress & its UPA whom are dancing on tune of Reliance, TATA, ITC, etc., so it is automatically RBI is als
Dirty politicians are saving all adulterated sweets shops, FI of IMC are collecting bribes:
 SDM Aalok Singh of Indore Admn. Distributed area illegally to food inspectors of Indore Municipal Corp., while all these 5 inspectors are maintaining relations with all sweets & namkeen shops owners on this Deepawali festival and collecting bribes, 2nd coincide food inspectors of Food & Drug Adulte
US & NATO succeeded to destroy Libya & its dictator Gaddafi for petrol:
  US wanted to capture oil of Libya, so US exploited public & created movement against kingdom of Gaddafi, & at last that movement killed Gaddafi same US has been trying to do in Iran since 1990. Now public of US is also demonstrating against this extortion of capitalism. It is the dirtiest game of
On name of Deewali gifts, capitalists are serving note bribe sweets packets to all Govt. bureaucrats in India.
 Deepawali is the biggest festival in India On name of gift on this festival, most of capitalists, industrialists, land mafias, criminals, illegal business mafias are serving currency packets to all state & central govt. ministers, bureaucrats. Judges etc., At least more than bribes of Rs.10lakh cro
Indian Govt. is censoring news of European demonstration against capitalism for saving their capitalists
 Indian Govt. & its all state Govt. are having commission oriented mentality so these dirty vultures are transferring each types govt. business & organizations to private capitalists parties for getti
Adopt mixed economy: US & all other govt. should go for nationalization of all big Cos. For welfare of poor:
 Adopt mixed economy: US & all other govt. should go for nationalization of all big Cos. For welfare of poor: Most of European countries are suffering by big public demonstration due to unemployment
Dirty corrupt ruling gangsters want to kill RTI act for saving their frauds, cheating. Treating rule is their father’s property.
 Dirty corrupt ruling gangsters of UPA govt. are much afraid with Right to Information act 05, while after 6 years yet not any central govt. department is completed its requirement of sec4ii & its 17clauses, not loaded details & other information on their sites, while it is under matured, but these
Learn vulture Indian rulers, Capitalism is creating bankruptcy in US:
 In US, their youth are demonstrating for jobs, total capital is under control of only 400 families of US, total US govt. is standing on bankruptcy, having debts of $90lakhcrore. 08-09, 09-10 at least
Rau, village illegal firecrackers mfg. Units hub: most of child labours are working in these units.
 Rau is a village 7km away from Indore, on 06Oct. one factory blasted, 7people died, in which out of 3, 2brother was minor, several injured, many houses & buildings cracked, BJP MLA Jitu Jireti is wel
Indore Municipal Corp. is a gang of elected & selected dacoits:
 All the municipal corporations are the gangs of elected corporators, mayors leaders etc., & selected employees, officers, engineers, doctors, inspectors etc.. these are top cheaters, fraudulent & highly corrupts. In case of cleanliness, Govt. of India provided funds for project UDAI, in this proje
2G spectrum & note 4Vote scam proved all ministers are big dacoits & top frauds, what samaymaya was producing:
 In 2G spectrum scam, total scam started from PM House, disputes of Fin. Min. Pranav & Home Min. P Cheat amberm proved it. That also proved PM MM Singh is King of all scams. While since a very long S
Ruling Congress gangsters are treating rule is their fathers’ property & threatening to Judges:
  Ruling Congress gangsters & their UPA dacoit gang are making several lakh crores’ frauds, forgeries, inviting terrorists are hitting Indian ruling capital New Delhi, business capital Mumbai, ignoring internal & external security of nation, widely collecting bribes, dancing on tune of capitalists s
Most of leaders, bureaucrats & capitalists are hungry land wolves:
 In India most of leaders of all political & non-political parties & 99% bureaucrats of all govt. & non- govt. departments are much greedy for lands, they did several frauds for land, plot, or real estate, actually these are all hungry land wolf. Most of political leaders are involved in lands or re
Appraising: Ruler’s historical fast for confessing & regretting victims of 9year old Hindu Muslim riot case:
 In India, while Centrally ruling Congress dacoit, fraudulent, gangsters are doing frauds, snatching public funds, even framed law such as Food Safety & Standard Act06, opened drug trails only for get
Mother is only enemy of futuristic mother. Women are killing futuristic women in their own womb.
 Male & female ratio declining very fast, in India it is now average for 10 male, only 9 females, in Indore it is 100:86, in MP 100:91. most of couples preferably woman want only1 male child, if 1st i
120 Octane Aviation fuel is cheaper @Rs.58.45pl, while 54octane petrol is @Rs71.77pl.
 Indian govt. is dancing on tune of capitalists, particularly Ambani Brothers of Reliance. Most of airlines such as Kingfisher of Vijay Malya, Jet Airways of Goel financed by Daud mafia, Go Airways, e
UPA vultures are snatching through petrol, prices increased Rs.3/- pl.
 UPA Govt. generally cries for losses to oil cos. while Profit of ONGC for year 08-09Rs.16126cr., 09-10 Rs.16767cr, 10-11 Rs.18924cr, IOCL 08-09Rs.2949.56cr, 09-10Rs.10220.55cr.& 10-11Rs.7445.48cr, HP
Sep.11,2001 attack on WTC was designed by US for getting sympathy and cause to attack on Afghanistan:
 Sep.11,2001 attack on WTC was designed by US for getting sympathy and cause to attack on Afghanistan: today is attack anniversary in US, Prez. Obama & X-prez. Bush paid homage to dead. While most who
Corrupt CM, CS, PS & many others of MP state on trip of the biggest enemy China for getting investment:
 Total world, Indian public & rulers are well aware with Chinese enmity with India. Since 1949, how Chinese are invading & swallowing Indian land, captured at least more than 2lakh sq. km, how Chinese
If congress gangsters is unable provide security to public & to control crimes & terrorism, why are not leaving Govt.
 Indian Home Min. P Cheat Amberm told, “ no guarantee of security of public. We can’t claim, ” That shows, total Congress gangsters of UPA govt. are not only physically unfit, but also mentally unfit
Delhi Blasts: Historical tactics of dirty Congress to divert attention of media & public from their corruptions:
 It is regular historical tactics of Congress Gangsters , when they got captured by their corruption charges, media & public focused them, always Congress used this tactics of blasts. Today, Delhi bla
CM & CS are sheltering highly criminal & corrupt EnC PHE GS Damor & SAS Aasutosh Awasthi,
 CM & CS are sheltering highly criminal & corrupt EnC PHE GS Damor & SAS Aasutosh Awasthi, While HC Indroe dismissed their petition 2times, but Highly corrupt CM SRS Chouhan & CS Avni Vaishya are not
Dacoits of MP treasury are asking for bribes for each payment, torturing stamps vendors for extra:
 Most of Dist. treasury officers & their staff is asking bribes for each payments with all govt. departmental staff. In Indore corrupt DTO Swati Tripathi, city treasury officer, at DTO, even she & her staff ask for bribes for paying of salary, allowances, traveling, medical bills etc., on each payme
Min. PS, US,& commissiner all are big fraudulent, I asked for documents under RTI, cunning refused:
 Commercial tax Min. Raghav G, Principal Secretary, Upper Secretary Yadav, & PC Rathore, Commissioner all are big frauds. I applied for getting some documents of AC Sunil Mishra, AC AK Bagga, AC SK So
Crack Commissioner Shailendra Singh again charged 5%VAT on cloth & sugar:
 Crack commissioner S Singh, at one side asking to all commercial tax officers & employees to do 99% self assessment of all types of traders, merchants, businessmen, industrialists etc., and making ch
Anna movement got partial success of prime level but cunning rulers will play tricks in formation of law:
  the definition of law is: ‘Rules are made by cunning rulers for saving their interests and always torturing innocent public.” If anyone who will go into the deep of any law, that definition will con
MP State Govt. vultures closed MPSRTC only for snatching, torturing & burning public & property:
 2days before 2passenger buses, compete ting with each other @ Sendhaba in Badwani dist. One bus operator at last burnt other one bus with passengers, 10 totally burnt, more than 50others badly burnt
Audio-visual Indian Media vultures supported Govt. for diverting attention for enacting killing act of Food Safety & Standard Act for safety of profit of 1lakhcrore pm of multinationals.
 Audio-visual Indian media vultures diverted attention of public from actual issue on ground of Anna Hajare & Co. while Anna is NCP & dirty vulture Sharad Panwar is also dancing on tune of Ambani, Agn
AADHAAR \UID is actually meant for benefits of multinationals, public is only means to show:
 Govt. of India is preparing Unique Identification Card or AADHAR Card with biometrics of public, and claiming these cards for benefits of public, while this data is actually benefits for multinationa
MP SHM M Hardia & its relatives are collecting health funds on fake bills of medicines supply.
 MP State Health Min. M Hardia & its relatives, such as Vishal Hardia many other Hardias developed their firms for supply of medicines, hospital material etc., but actually they are not supplying & do
Use word Loknayak, "Jan, Gan, Man, Loknayak Jai he." in place of Adhinayak it is word of slavery:
 Adhinayak is a word of slavery in our national song, use word of Loknayak, which is represents our elected members such as President of India, MPs, of Parliament,MLAs' of state assemblies, all othe
Dramatizing Anna & Ramdev, security of multinationals with diverting attention of public & media:
 Anna & Ramdev & their total team of social society. All these dirty is a drama team to secure business of multinationals to control total India in their hands. Govt. of India, Min. of Health applied
Stop this national song of slavery of bustard R Thakur:
 Jan Man Gan Adhinayak Jai he, Bharat Bhagya Vidhata. It is national song of India, while this song is written by R Thakur for welcome of ruling king George V in 1917, who arrived in India in 1919.
Chinese army reached on W. border of Guj., Rajsthan, Punjab J& K border, PM mum:
 Pak & Chinese people’s armies are jointly exercising, learning & getting trail experience against Indian western border of Guj., Rajsthan, Punjab, J&K. but dirty coward, ruling brokers are busy in o
CM, min. & others destroyed public money in hotels to call public meet for their appraisal report
 Just before few minutes, CM, min K Vijyvrgiya, M Hardia & others hold a meet a public meet in hotel fortune landmark in Indore, from 10am to 2pm onb 10.08.11, spent more than Rs.25lakh, of public fund. While all these dirty corrupt ministers appraised only their work, there was no public question.
US economy is going to sink, only due to capitalism. Learn dirty devils rulers of India:
  US crossbreeds are having, debts of US$ 70000lakh crore, due to only capitalism, open trade, take loan-chat cream system. Now world is standing on terror of credit. Indian ruling dirty devils have t
Drama of surgery of Sonia in US only for escaping from Parliamentary Session:
 Drama of surgery of Sonia in US only for escaping from Parliamentary Session: Why Sonia gone to US for surgery, there was only reason to escape from Parliamentary session, where was continuing argume
Corrupt UPA PM Singh is dacoit gangsters’ king. Getting share of Rs2to5lakh crore pa.
 Total UPA govt. is full of dacoit gangster, while question arises with PM MM Singh, who was never honest, since when he was a Governor of RBI, he did a lots of fraud in RBI, in credit policy, interes
Highly corrupt, health min. Narottam Misra, is sheltering vulture couple Dr. Sharad & wife Aasha Pandit in Indore & thousands of others in MP for only big bribe:
 Total corrupt, hungry BJP Govt. of MP is sheltering all highly corrupt, fraudulent, cheater bureaucrats Indian Abusing Service, State Abusing Services, doctors, engineers only for getting big bribes.
Highly dirty Com.Tax Comm. crack S Singh abused 9 addl. 5deputy Comm. Of his own staff.
 Commissioner MP Com Tax Shailendra Singh is not interested to work as Commissioner, he is releasing & passing circulars & bills for taxation, such as he asked to pay 13% tax on cell phone mobile rec
If Food Safety & Standard Act will apply in the country, bloody revolution will take place within 5year.
  This act is totally meant for huge commission from multinationals & sharing their profitability, that will cause at least 5crore will be unemployed & their 20crore dependants will be hand to mouth w
Rs.45000crore purchase of defense deal will earn commission of more than 25%.
 It is true, Indian Army, Air force & Navy requires defense material, but these dirty corrupt vultures of UPA can also develop all these in India, such as China developed fighter aircraft, missiles, s
All NH of MP state are in worst condition, public is suffering. NHAI staff is a puppet of all contractors.
 In MP state there is 5000 km roads are under national category. Govt. of India min. of surface transportation taken all these roads from MP state Govt. PWD, and given to National Highways Authority o
Lustrous RCH & NRHM director Manohar Agnani posted all sweet females as dist. Officer of RCH:
 In Reproductive & Child Health mission which is using at least fund of Rs1500crore, but since last 5year there is no required progress, while MP state is leading in child mortality rate in India, it
Highly corrupt x-EE Borasi of Bridge Dn. made all useless bridges only for big commission.
 Total Bridge zone of MP state PWD department is highly corrupt. Most of executive engineers of bridge dns. Of total state are not only highly hungry of money & commission, they are not having good knowledge of construction of bridges, such as X-EE of Indore Bridge Zone, constructed useless, technic
Only for Commission, UPA changing base of mixed economy to Capitalism.
 Congress & its other gangsters are getting huge comission, changing basics of mixed economy to capitalism. These dirty vultures are making laws for big multinationals such as Food Safety & Standards Act06. IT is only meant for benefitting to multinationals such as Indian tobbaco Corp. ITC which is
On national level, mining scam is more than Rs.10lakh crore pa.
 On national level, scam of mining is more than Rs.10lakh crore pa. Most of ministers of all state & central govt. around the nation are involved in mining scams, all these dirty corrupt are not payin
After 6days, no clue of blast, in hands of MS or Central govt. a 1more great performance of UPA.
 After 6 days of Mumbai blast, no Mumbai police, not any other investigation agencies find any clue because of it is designed & directed by Congress itself, so all these dirty are not taking any inter
China is cheaters, having characters of dacoity, cheating to entire world by selling of standardless goods
 China is not a boss of world to guide & decide other countries such as US Prez. Not to meet with Dalai. US Prez. met with Dalai Lama, on this issue China warned to US for consequences. While Chinese not only captured total free Tibet state, since 1950 killed more than 5million Tibetians for Tibet l
Congress is responsible for serial blast in Mumbai for diverting attention of media & public:
 Congress is responsible for serial blast in Mumbai, because of these dirty, corrupt, shrewd vultures are blindly supporting SIMI, IM for getting Muslims votes. It is past history of Congress, when op
All fraudulent FIs of F&D Admn. Are collecting funds only & saving all adulterators.
 All food inspectors of Food & Drug Admn. Are not highly corrupt collecting more than Rs.5to10lakh per month from their area, not taking samples, but also fraudulent, in case of if these dirty collect
US & NATO will not leave Afgahnistan up to next 10 years due to its geography.
 Afghanisan is situated among so many conutries Afghanistan is located in southern Asia. Afghanistan is bordered by Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan to the north, Iran to the west, and Pakista
Central Govt. ruling dacoits will try to swallow Wealth of Padmanabh within 2-3 year
 On order of Supreme Court in south India, at Padmanabh Swami Temple, opened treasury of that temple, there is wealth of billions of Rs., most of Central Govt. ruling ministers particularly Sonia Gand
FBI wanted Rahul Gandhi, he caught redhanded on Boston airport avoids visiting USA
 On September 27, 2001 Rahul Gandhi MP and his Columbian live in girl friend of Kerala backwater tourist centre fame, Juanita alias Veronique, was arrested in United States of America’s Logan airport
IF Rahul puppy becomes PM, surely China & Pak will attack on India.
 China & Pakistan are waiting for attack on India for capturing Kashmir & total North Eastern states such as Aasam, Arunachal, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim etc., Sonia & total Congress dacoits are wait
Petroleum, gas price rise, only for cheating from public pocket:
 Congress dacoit gangsters are cheating mass by all the way, these dirty bustards are rapidly increasing petroleum prices, while at least more than at 50places, ONGC, GAIL, Oil India are producing oil
Congress exempted CBI v\sCongress Bureau of Investigation from RTI for saving their own crimes.
 Congress Gangsters exempted CBI from Right to Information Act05 for saving their own crimes, such as these dirty Congress fraudulent gangsters are savings Muslims of anti Indian mentality such as SIM
Social worker Anna Hajare, & Baba Ramdev should be work & check on macro level Govt. generated corruption:
 Congress dacoit gangsters of Govt. of India are pledging & selling national properties in hands of multinationals for it, govt. framed law & acts such as Foods Safety & Standards Act06, in which Govt
Ruling Congress gangsters killed democratic voice of Baba Ramdev
 Corrupt ruling Congress gangsters killed democratic voice of Baba Ramdev at midnight on 04.06.11, on Ramleela maidan of New Delhi, while Baba was sitting on hunger strike for making law for black mon
All parties are dancing in hands of multinationals, Food Safety & Standard Act06 will work from15Aug11.
 For safety of multinationals, getting huge commission from these multinationals such as ITC of British Tobacco Co. Reliance, Mc dowell, Parle, Hindustan Lever of Uni Lever etc., Govt. of India & Its
Drama of Helmets for collection of money on name of challan & commission from suppliers:
 Since 23May, Indore police made more than 10000 challans of bikers & 2wheelers’ drivers who were not having helmets on their heads, while 2nd coincide, most of cross roads squares are without control
Indian media is escaping anti govt. true news of Chinese & Pakistan hunted Indian choppers:
 Indian media is not only corrupt, but also highly fraudulent, cheater, Indian public seen in thousands of cases in print & visual both types of media. Total Indian media is dancing on tune of capital
China openly challanged to US & its forces in Pakistan, supporting Pak for war.
 Of course, China is also using Pakistan for their purpose, to capture India from all corners, to get way upto Karnchi port for business, war, capturing oil & gas of Iran, Soudi Arabia & other oil ex
Both India & Pakistan are in trouble of credit & goodwill, want to divert attention of world media & public with war:
 Pakistan is suffering of loss of credit & goodwill due to murder of (innocent on name of) OB Laden by US CIA & Forces, so Pak rulers want to divert attention of inside & outside public & media of Pak
US CIA & forces murdered a innocent on name of Osama, snatched eyes from his dead body as dirty vulture as per their true nature:
 Total US is country of crossbreeds of all over the world. Crossbreed is always more cruel, most fraudulent & selfish. While US CIA & forces murdered a innocent on name of Osama on 01.May.11, these di
Dirty vulture PM MM Singh gifted, petrol prices up by Rs5/- pl in the country.
 All these dirty vultures of Congress, are widely collecting funds from each & every corner, at one side these are charging 34% custom & excise, 2ndcoincide, all states are also charging @38% sales ta
Didi Mamta hit Dada Budhdev in W Bengal after 34year, Bhadralok gone to Bhootlok:
  In W. Bengal, Communist Bhadralok (land of gentlemen) became Bhootlok (land of past), these dirty rigid fellows of Marxism Communist as red were ruling since 1977. Trinamula leader Mamta Benrgee as
China is hitting choppers regularly, in NE states, openly challenging but GoI is blaming weather etc., unable to reply.
 Dirty Congress dacoit gangsters are only cheating public by increasing inflation by regularly increasing cost of petrol-diesel, selling of Govt. cos. such as state electricity boards, oil gas bells,
US Drama of murder of innocent on name of OB Laden in Pak-2:
 All top leaders of Asian & European Countires are well aware OB Laden died due to lever cancer, in Sep.06 according to France Newspapers. He was sick since 2004, suffering with chronic lever cancer a
US Drama of killing duplicate laden, only for showing greatness & winning of Prez. election for Obama.
 CIA, & US forces declared to killed Osama Bin Laden, while according his dead pics. he is not older than 40-45 year old, his dead body was having black beared & head hairs. While real OSama Bin LAden
Top Cheaters of CM & CS of MP govt. are selling total electricity boards for their earning:
 Total shortage of electric is artificially created for selling, pledging, transferring of total electricity board properties in private hands for their personal earning. In this conspiracy top cheate
Fraudulent Congress dacoit gangsters, changed OL MM Joshi for saving 2& 3G spectrum frauds:
 In a dramatic conspiracy of Fraudulent Congress dacoit gangsters, illegally changed Public Account Committee Chairman & Opposition leader Murli Manohar Joshi, for saving their biggest frauds of 2&3 G
On prime level, most of members of Lokpall Committee bill are highly corrupt:
 Framing of Lokpall bill Committee, all members of this unit are highly corrupt, Adv. Shanti Bhusan & his son Adv. Prashant Bhusan both these as law experts duo who were prime members, having their cr
Winning of battle of Anna Hazare for Lokpal Bill is not an end, it is prime level:
 In India there are so many laws against corrupt bureaucrats, ministers, capitalists, industrialists & others, even in Constitution of India, there is law of equality, but no one political party is in
All of us are KLP Vriksha. If we can create & maintain our divinity from inside.
 In Indian mythology there is KalpVriksha, which can provide what actually man desires. We can say, kalpvriksha is a tree of desires. While all of us are also divine kalpvriksha, if we can open, rise & maintain our divine power from inside. Of course it requires high level fairness & welfare of all
Total Petro. ministry to all oil & gas Cos. & their all dist. & Pumps are top fraudulent, cheaters:
 Total petroleum ministry, S. Jaipal Reddy, PS, Sec. their all officers, employees, to all oil & gas dist. Cos., their dist. to even all gas & oil pumps such as IOC Ltd., BPCL, HPCL, ONGC, Reliance et
Corruption can easily remove, but dirty ministers don't want to do it, because of thier earning sources.
 If Govt. & its all ministers want to remove corruption from the Central & state govt. business, it can easily remove very soon, but these dirty cunning, shrewd, hungary dacoit bustards ministers, eve
Total State & Central Govt. Admn. is going to collapse due to reservation policy.
 Total govt. & its all department are going to collapse very soon, because of most of general category officers & employees are going to retire, remaining SC & ST officers & employees who came with least qualification, knowledge, are unable to manage with law, work. these corrupt passes time, treate
Congress gangsters are promoting child prostitution, but opposing Child Marriage:
 Total dirty Congress gangsters are dancing on tune of US & its multinationals, in each sector of India. While Total US & European Countries are big conspirators, all these are treating all other cont
Fukushima atomic power plant a sample for India. IPM have to see its disastrous effects:
 Indian PM is much eager to buy time barred atomic power plant from European countries such as US, England, France, Australia & others for getting huge commission. While all these plants are not only
IPM MM Singh is top liar, corrupt, cunning, coward, commissionkhor, shrewd,
 Indian Prime Min. MnMohan Singh is not only corrupt, cunning, commission khor liar, but also a very coward, cunning & shrewd politician. He is top cheater cheating to not only 1250million Indians, but also showing damaging Indian image on international platform.
World Consumer Day 15March. In Indore, DFC made it a joke, did formalities, no DC & IMC was present.
 Today is 15 March, govt. officers celebrate it as World Consumer Day. In Indore, for celebration & creating consumer awareness, total program organizes by Food Controller, of MP Food & Civil Supplies
Is it nuclear or atomic bomb explosion, tasted by China in deep sea, near Japan, causes Disaster & heavy destructioin in Japan?: heavy earthquake & speedy ocean waves.
 Yesterday on 11.02.11 at 9:30 AM a earthquake, with ocean waves upto 60’ high destroyed japan, its capital city Tokyo & others more than 0.1mln people died, 4mln. Houses damaged. Most of atomic power
Indian Govt. Budget for multinationals, capitalists, industrialists & officers, not for general public:
 Total Indian Budget is only meant for capitalists, industrialists & officers, it is not meant for general public. These dirty corrupt loaded indirect taxes on daily needs, they are planning to double
Indorean DI Garg, Shobit, Goel & Thakur are saving PDPL for their low standard IV fluids which caused 14deaths in Jodhpur.
 PDPL Indore product IV fluids caused 14 deaths of pregnant women in govt. Ummed hospital Jodhpur of Rajsthan, due to substandard manufacturing. Rajsthan Govt. asked the same with MP Food & Drug Contr
US is supporting public protests for change of rule in many democratic countries, for thier interest
 US is also supporting many protestors in many countries such as particularly in Iran, because of Iran is not dancing on tune of US govt. as puppet for petroleum, public protests in Iran is totally sp
At last Supreme Court accepted Central Govt. changes only Hindu laws not personal law of Muslims
 After 64 year of independence Supreme court accepted & give true verdict against Central Govt., told straight forward, that Central Govt. changes only Hindu laws, while unable to chagne even touches
US failure in Egypt, public kicked out US puppet Husni Mubarak
 US is playng game of thier interest around the corner of world. Change of rule in Egypt, may be simply a ouster of dictator Husni Mubarak, but at last US also accepted public demand to leave Husni Mu
Congress gangsters are torturing Hindu priest only for diverting attention from thier corrupt acts, inflaton, etc.,
 Congress dacoits gangsters are torturing through CBI versus Congress Bureau of Investigation Aseemanand, Prgya, Col. Purohit & several others only for diverting attention from their thousands of corrupt acts of useless, time barred, obsoleted, scrap purchasing of defence & other materials only for
Channel NDTV is top cheater, dancing on tune of ruling Congress, destroying nationalism:
 TV news channel NDTV is not highly fraudulent, it is proved in case of high level prose Neera Randia, ARAja, Rtn Tata, Mukesh, Veer, were her customer, brkha dtt types of reportrs are memebers of her
Courts are casinos these are not temples of churches of justice, causing shelters to corrupts.
 Indian Judiciary is top corrupt & most responsible for corruption in India. On 26Jan2001, Ex President of India commented on working of courts, these are casinos, not temples of churches. It clears each & every thing of Indian Judiciary. Indian Judiciary is sheltering all corrupt bureaucrats, polit
Congress vultures are trying to separate J&K from India, supporting separatist Omar Abdulla, by opposing flag hoisting.
 J&K is a state in which Congress state & GO I are spending money collected from India without getting a single coin & supporting all divisive activities of their leaders since 1947, Vulture CM Umar A
Highly corrupt Min. Kamal nath of NHAI did fraud of Rs.4. 2lakh crore on pledging National Highways under BOT.
 Highly corrupt Surface transport X-minister Kamalnath swallowed at least Rs.5to7crore per km of 70000km of national highways of India & pledged to all BOT contractors. He pledged all these roads of R
Fraudulent facility of Cell no. portability for cheating to BSNL, & cell consumers & benefiting to Reliance, TATA, Bharati etc.,
 Cell no. portability facility only for fraudulently benefiting to Reliance, TATA, Bharati, & many others such as Vodaphone, Aircell, Vidiocon etc., of course, all these cos. Given a big bribe to daco
Highly corrupt EE AP Rane, posted in Indore again after paying Rs.50lakh to ENC S. Shukla.
 Highly corrupt & fraudulent EE AP Rane, who is unable to produce his cast & domicile certificate, and 2ndly according to his service book he born on 06.08.1969, and he passed his higher secondary exa
US is top notorious & fraudulent country in the world, wikileaks proved it.
 Our news paper & sites Samaymaya were producing these facts since last 10 years, US is the toppest notorious, corrupt, fraudulent country in the world. US is treating himself as a boss of the world,
Congress means Corruption Oriented Notorious Gang of Resources Sucking Services V/s Inflation
 Congress Gangsters are sucking blood of common man by so many ways for getting heavy commission from multinationals, such as Reliance, TATA, ITC, AIRTEL, Aircell, & thousands of others. Actually CONG
Congress Dacoit gangsters' drama on inflation, don't want to stop export import, stock trading & Bank credit on food stuffs.
 Indian PM is a dacoit gangsters', srdar, Manmohn Singh, playing a drama on inflation, don't want to stop export import, stock trading & Bank credit on food stuffs. All these gangsters are well awar
CBI purely converted into Congress Bureau of Investigation defaming himself, saving terrorists
 Ruling corrupt, fraudulent, dacoits Congress Gangsters converted Central Bureau of Investigation as Congress Bureau of Investigation. Using it against saving their frauds, corruptions, torturing RSS
MPPSC is a gang of recruitment mafia. Duffer niece Ritu Chouhan of SRS Chouhan selected as DC.
 MP Public Service Commission is a total gang of highly corrupt bureaucrats, employees, who are having wide network of brokers whom are collecting bribes in lakhs to crores of Rs. from candidates. The
Ruling Congress Gangsters’ Crocodile’s tear on inflation:
 Congress Gangsters’ are increasing rates of all petrol & diesel prices, that’s causes high inflation and even prices of vegetables, such as onion, ginger, garlic even crossing rates of Rs350/- per kg
Ruling Gangster Comm. Min. Kapil Sibbal is giving clean chit to all 2G scammers.
 Ruling Congress gangster Kapil Sibal is now crying there is no scams in allotment of 2G scam, for saving all corrupts of Indian Telecom ministry & all cell phone company operators because of he also
20000farmers suicided in MP, due to lack of electricity, spurious seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, but CM is mum.
 More than 20000farmers suicided in MP in last 10 year, due to lack of electricity, spurious seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, that causes big damages & burden of heavy loan but corrupt CM
Total Congress Gangsters of GOI & its Petro. Min. are dancing on tune of US & Mukesh Ambani of Reliance Petroleum:
 Govt. of India is rapidly increasing petrol prices for cheating to Indian Public & earning huge commission from Reliance Petroleum of Mukesh Ambani. Total conspiracy is planned by Mukesh Ambani, for
Fraudulent MP Health Min. & F&D Controller for collecting money are demoralizing hard working FI & DI so unable to reply RTI applications.
 Total MP Health ministry its minister, all secretaries, directors, commissioners & its all departments including MP Drug & Food Admin. Department & its controller all are not only highly corrupt, b
In 2G spectrum scandal, Congress using Barkha Datt of NDTV for saving their image, defaming BJP & Anant
 Congress Gangsters are using Brkha Datta of NDTV, for their image of top cheaters & high level corrupt and defaming to BJP, Brkha is a dirty, corrupt buyable journalist & TV news reader, tapes of CBI
US may repeat history of 26Dec04 of bomb explosion for TSUNAMI or earthquake on earth:
 US taste atomic & nuclear bomb generally in deep winter chooses day before or after Christmas. On 26 Dec04 early in the morning US exploded timebarred atomic or nuclear bombs in sea near by Thailand,
Kisan movement captured state capital for their demand of electricity, fertilizers etc
 In Bhopal, more than 20000state farmers captured total state capital for their demand of round o’clock electric supply, proper supply of genuine fertilizers, genuine seeds, insecticides, pesticides e
Indian PM MM Singh is true follower of 3monkey of M Gandhi.
 Indian PM MM Singh is true follower of 3monkey of M Gandhi. He always keeps silent regarding all types of corruption in UPA govt. of India. It may be case of 2G spectrum scandal of telecom, inflation
India is a garbage for developed countries Such as US, France, China, Russia, UK & others
 In last 3 month, 4 leaders of 4top countries of the world, such as US, France & China, Russia etc., All these 4leaders visited with their business team. US Prez. Barak visited in 1st week of Nov.10 sold their garbage of US fihgter planes, Prez. Sarkoji sold atomic power plants & other war material,
Google is dancing on tune of money, & defaming
 google is a top search engine of the world, is defaming on instruction of Congress Gangsters of Govt. of India. Of course samay maya releasing news of world level for safe & peace f
Petro price hike for heavy commission from & for Reliance Petroleum
 Rapidly increasement in petrol & diesel prices, only for heavy commission from & for Reliance Petroleum. Congress Gangsters are dancing on tune of Mukesh Amabani of Reliance Petroleum only for big co
TATA, Ambani duo, Mittal, Birla & all other big & small capitalists are highly corrupt & big frauds.
 Central & all states govt. are dancing on tune of Tata, Ambani duo, Birla, Mittal & hundreds of other big, millions of small industrialists, they are serving money for their illegal business, tax evasion, land allotment, & hundreds of other benefits. top inustrial tycoons such as TATA, Reliance, Mi
UK is dancing on tune of US, for Julian Assange, arrested him, on Interpole notice
 Julian Assange is an not international criminal, but Interpole issued a warrant against him. While it is clear Swiss Govt. framed fake charges on him, only for torturing, terrorizing for leakage of US documents on his site
X-CM of MP, highly corrupt, devil Diggi swallowed 720crore of Kargil fund is habitual of controversial useless barking for diverting attention.
 Devil Diggi, Ex-CM of MP state who is highly corrupt, cunning, shrewd white collar criminal, lustrous, swallowed more than Rs.720crore of Kargil Donation Fund in 1999, Rs.70crore of 2days compulsory
US admn. is afraid with thier own true face in international media.
 Why US admn. & thier top operators i.e., thier Prez. Obama, Foreign Min. Hileri Clinton & all others are highly afraid with leakage of Wikileaks. It is 1st time when US Admn. who was treating themselves as superpower, superboss & toppest gundog of the world, is trying to control damage of image on
P Cheat amber is toppest fraudulent minister in India
 P Cheat amber did frauds of at least Rs.40lakh crore, since he was Commerce minister in ministry of NArsimharao, he asked & permitted at least 40000 finance cos. in India, these cos, collected more t
Ganga Aarati blast, it is a tactics of Congress Gang for diverting attention:
 In Varansi, on Tuesday @Sheetlaghat, 6.30pm, 2bomb blasted, this is an old tactics of Congress Gang. Of course, Indian Mujahideen taken its responsibility & save ruling Congress dacoits from their si
40%SC,ST & OBC engineers are working on forged cast, domicile even birth certificate from CE to supervisor.
 In state MPPWD, most of engineers are highly fraudulent, at least 40% SC, ST & OBC engineeers are working on forged cast, domicile & even birth certificate, acting CE MP Singh of west zone, Indore, his brother EE CP singhMP Police housing having residence of Tah. Kukshi, produced cast certificate o
At least 5000 groups are selling forged marksheets, degrees, school certificates etc., in India.
 MP Higher education depatt. tighten at least 5 forged colleges which were selling forged marksheets & degrees of graduation of even BE, MBA, MCA etc., while only in Indore there is more than 50 institutions which are selling many different types of degrees, diplomas of animation, computer, manageme
GOI & Indian media are censoring facts of Wikileaks against India
 Congress Gangsters of Govt. of India spent millions of US dollors & paid to Google & other world search engines & portals for censoring leakage of Wikileaks news against India. US treated India as slave, Sonia is a US Agent in India which is operating total Central Govt. of course Sonia european sp
Save Wikileaks director, US Govt. is trying to kill him, Swiss Govt. is also dancing on tune of US.
 What is doing Wikilieaks director Julian Assange, it is totally true & required for entire world. US is crossbreed of total world, treating total world as slave. US is playing big frauds with total w
Indian media is not releasing news of Wikileaks, which is against India
 Wikileaks also released news against Indian Govt. used by US officials, but Govt. censored this news and warned to total media, for not to use any true facts. While US crossbreed treated Indians as slave. Of course, Con. Prez. Sonia Gandhi a US Agent in India, is saving interest of US, so she is al
TV Shows Big Boss & Rakhi Ka Insaf are destroying children's future
 At present, on TV boxes, for increasing TRP, most of TV channels are producing very low category serials, such as BigBoss, Rakhi ka Insaf etc., which are not only destroying, respect of elders, senio
Raja is a Raja of corruption of not only allotment of 2G spectrum but also 3G too.
 In Indian Parliament, opposition is only crying for corruption in allotment of 2G, while there is no question of 3G spectrum. In allotment of 3G spectrum, Raja repeated the same story with fraudulent
Poisonous lady Sonia plotted to killed X-PM Indira, & her husband Rajiv, still is trying to make India slave.
 RSS chief K Sudershan told truth after 26 year, Congress gangster’s god mother plotted to killed X-PM & her mother in law Indira Gandhi in her own house, on 31.10.1984 @ Trimurti Bhavan, New Delhi, s
Obama’s Indian visit, is in totality a national loss for Indians.
 Obama visited India for their benefit, IPM given orders of Rs.44000crores for survival of their state, of course he promised for permanent seat in UNO, while UNO is a United Notorious Organization ma
Widely collected bribes for setting DC in Anti Evasion Bureau of Com. Tax of MP by Fin. Min. Raghavg his son & daughter.
 In MP Commercial Tax department, MP Fin. Minister Raghavji‘s son Lokesh & daughter Jyoti Shah who is chairwomen of Visdisha’s Municipal, through CTO Richharia PA of Raghavg are widely collecting br
Drug trials: doctors should be punished u\s302 of IPC for millions of murders in last 5year in India
 Death of 300 children under drug trails in Chacha Nehru Children Hospital of MGM Medical College Indore India according to hospital records, within 2years, these trials did by Dr. Hemant & Dr. Rajesh Jain & others, that news came in the picture due to disputes of money, while they were trailing sin
Dualism of CM of MP on Drug trial, on 29.10.10, restricted total drug trail, 2nd coincide call public meet.
 CM SRS Chouhan after a long debate in MP Assembly, and report of Drug Trail Committee of MP Health Department, on 29.10.10, State Govt. directly & clearly restricted & banned total drug trial in the
Collector Ujjain penalised Varha Infra Ltd. of Jodhpur for Rs.3.5crore against less payment of royalty.
 Varha Infra Ltd. which is a BOT contractor of Indore-Ujjain 4lane road. This Co. excaveted muram, stone, gitti, boulders for building of that road, but not deposited its royalty for 16km of Rs.2,89crore only for 16km, while remaining road of 40 km. yet not paid for Indore dist. it may be more than
MP State Govt. signed fake MOU of Rs. 2lakh crore @Khajuraho
 CM SRS Chouhan & its ministers of Trade Commerce & Industry & others of MP State are playing drama of Global Investers' Meedt since 2007, but at last all fradulents ie. industriliasts & CM, Ministers, bureaucrats all are enjoying it. Reliance Anil & Mukesh both are signing MOU for Electric generati
Congress gangsters hiding its past terroristic record, arresting RSS leaders and shown thier involvement in Ajmer blast.
 Ruling Congress gang of criminals, are trying to hide, their past of terroristic blasts around the country for terrorizing Hindus, supporting Muslims, widely arresting Hindus saints, such as Pragya, Col. Purohit and hundreds of others, now again these dirtiest criminals, conspirators are purely ge
WHO paid Rs.500crore to X health min.A. Ramdas, for free global clinical drug trial
 Since 2004, when New Congress Govt. came in rule in Govt. of India, World Health Organization on behalf of all multinational drug mfg. cos, paid Rs500crore to Ex. Health Min. A Ramdass & Sec. for Hea
Amul & Sanchi are widely using milk powder with DDT, Sodium bi carb & other types of adulterations
 In MP State, Sanchi milk, Ghee, icecream, flavoured milk & other all sanchi products are preparing synthetically, using importate milk powder with many other chemicals such as DDT powder for deinsect
Game of Common Wealth of public of more than Rs 1lakh crore, while 20crore are hungary in India
 Congress gangsters plundered more than Rs.1lakh crore in Game of Common Wealth of public blindly, of course they claimed Rs.70000crores, while other charges such as security, Food, transportation, el
Taliban with ISI of Pak army in Chinese shelter blasted NATO oil tankers for showing power of China in S Asia.
 Recently NAto oil tankers blasted in transit Pak to Afgahnistan by Taliban in shelter of PAk Army on instruction of China. By this way China shown thier power to US & NATO Forces, but US is unable to
Closure of MPSRTC, for snatching properties & assets of SRTC, earning through private buses, cheating public.
 MP state Govt. CM, ministers, secretary of transport closed MP State Road Transport Corporation only for earning of hundreds crores of Rs. through selling lands, building, buses, workshops, offices e
Reporters of TV news channels are highly shrewd, cunning.
 Reporters of visual media, such as Sahara, Zeenews, Aajtak, Star, ETV, BTV, & all others are much interested in creating disputes, riots, propagating not only useless issues, but also not having futu
Indian patients are lesser than animals, doctors are tasting different types of medicines directly on human, dieing a lot:
 Indian public is lesser than animal, for most of multinational medicines & drug companies such as Glaxo Smith Cline of US, Markers & Co. US, WHO US, Crusels Switzerland AG, Montufast Markers US, John
High deadly criminal & corrupt Er. GS Damor is going to be EnC of MPPHE:
 Er. GS Damor at present holding 2posts at once, he is a CE in west Zone Indore, & Consultant of EnC in State Govt.s’ important department Public Health Engineering, which is having budget of Rs.7000c
Congress Gangsters spent more than Rs1000crore, for getting sponsership for huge corruption & on media for favouring news.
 Most of Australian Newspapers claimed Sports Ministry of Indian Govt. distributed to all 72 Common Wealth members $1to2miilion for getting sponsership & at present in month of Sep. Sport Min. thier G
Food Safety Act for safety of multinationals' business & getting big hug commission, creating unemployment for more than 50mln. people.
 Dirty vultures of Congress, at last applied Food Safety & Standard Act06 for safety of multinationals such as Reliance, ITC, Unilever, Tata etc., This act is totally meant for multinationals, these d
Unwantedly 6lane casting Rs325crore byepass on Indore Mhow road, only for legal dacoity with vehicle owners.
 No need of Indore Mhow bye pass, while it is 4lane low taffic, but for only collecting funds through toll tax, National Highways Authority of India of Ministry of Surface transportation of Min.Kamal Nath who has been election of MPsince 1977, cheating with MP public. While there is 4lane cement con
Crocodiles’ tears of Congress on inflation & Kashmir riots: Congress Dacoits are meant for inflation & terrorism
 Highly corrupt, dirty vulture Congress gangsters are responsible for rapidly increasing inflation, because these dirty dacoits are collecting commission from all businessmen, industrialists, charging
Rs.1600crore swallowed by X-Min. Anoop, PS Joshi, Secretary, EnC PK Tiwari, Prjapti & PICU Engineers MP WRD of World Bank
 MP WRD got Rs.1600crore for micro utilisation of water around the state. But after 5 year there is no fruitful result, total money of debt is exhausted, by X WRD Minister, Annop Mishra, Ex-PS Arvind
At last, BJP also tuned to dance over atomic issue of Congress Gangsters
 At last, Congress gangster PM MM Singh bought BJP on atomic issue, now BJP also tuned to dance according to Congress vultures on atomic issue, it is deal of Rs. crores of lakhs. While most of Europea
In Bagdi bus accident, dist. collector is most responsible, but suspended only DTO & inspector
 In Khategaon of Dewas dist. on Wenusday, a private 50seater bus with more than 110 passengers fall in Bagdi flooded river, 30 save their life, 30dead body found, 60 yet not recovered. That bus was running without insurance & route permit. Of course, in MP X CM Diggi devil, & present CM Shiv rakchas
All declarations of property are totally false, many having crores of Rs. property in all govt. department:
 Most of declarations given by officers in all state govt. deptt. such as Commercial Tax officers are totally false, such as highly corrupt AC TK Ved is having property of at least Rs.3crore in Gumasta Nagar Indore, having one school, AC Anil Jain Ujjain is having property of Rs. 2crores in IDA Sche
Games of Common Wealth of Indian Public of Rs.50000crore, while Indians can not win more than 25gold
 Common Wealth Games defines its own name. Actually it is game of Rs50000crore of Common man wealth, which is Govt. earned & snatched from public for filling thier swiss banks a\cs by at least Rs25000
All highly fraud DDA’s are cheating mln. Of farmers & earning Rs5to10crore pa.
  Most of dist Agriculture officers of Indore, Dewas, Ujjain, Dhar, Ratlam, Shajapur, Khargone, Khandwa, Badwani, Jhabua, Neemcuh, Mandsour, Alirajpur, Bhopal, Sehore, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Sagar, Vidish
Highly corrupt, big fraud, cheater SE Ajy Dayma is working on fake ST cast certificate
 X EE Ajay Dayma now SE on fake ST cast certificate, working in CE MPPHE Indore, many complaints are pending in ministry of PHE, but highly corrupt from min. GS Bisen, PS RK Swai, Sec. Srivastva after this complaint of fake cast certificate & so many corruption reports, given him promotion, since la
P. Cheat amber Home Min. planned to make India as a terroristic state:
  P cheat amber got big commission from small arms manufacturers of US, UK, Germany, Israel etc., so that dirty vulture advocating free arms from licensing, than any body can keep revolver, pistols, s
US & Israel are preparing for attack on Iran only for petrol & a path to Afganistan to terrorize to SA Countires
 Dirty devil US & Israel are preparing to attack on Iran only for big assests of petro products and a direct path to Afgahnistan for terrorizing, keeping close watch, creating disturbances in S. Asian
MP CM, all ministers, IAS, IPS, IFS, SAS are big hungry land scammers capturing, selling & pledging to fraudulent capitalists:
 MP Govt. CM SRS Chouhan, BL Gour, K Vijyvrgiya, V Shah, Bisen, Bisnoi, ID Rohani, R Shukla, all ministers, BJP MLA, all IAS Vivek Agrawal, Mohanti, Suleman, Anurag Jain, IS Bais, all IPS, IFS, State
India is having 250crore hands can hold total earth, but govt. dacoits made them beggar:
 India is a 2nd largest country in the world, having a great talent to do a lot, but Indian ruling Congress dacoit gangsters are collecting funds, through commission, corruption, even taking loan from
India is dacoitycratic not a democratic country.
 In India, from top to bottom, all ruling politicians, they may be from Congress, BJP, BSP, SP, bureaucrats of both Central & states all are top dacoits, on name of public welfare, these are snatchin
Opening of 51% investment in retail business is a open invitation of slavery.
 Cunning vulture Congress Gangster Fin.Min. Pranav Mukerjee opened FIs'51% investment in retail business, actually it is open invitation to foreigners from front gate for making country salve, Centr
OSD Rajendra Singh is operating Trans.& Jail Min. J Dewda & collecting funds from all RTO & all jailors:
 Transport & Jail minister J Dewda is dancing on tune of their OSD Rajendra Singh of Bhind, who is collecting funds from all Jailors of all dist. & central jails of MP state, and from all regional tra
China & Pak are increasing their forces on border, Congress gangsters are enjoying rule, snatching money & sending to Swiss banks.
 Indian Congress Vultures are enjoying rule, selling & pledging Indian assets & business to multinationals for commission, collecting funds from all corners and sending to Swiss Banks. 2nd coincide, China captured 50km inside border area of Indian territory, China & Pak constructing roads, even layi
Conspiracy for big commission to sell electric cos. to private parties, such as Reliance, Tata etc.,
 Anytime black outs by electric cos. not only in MP but it is around the country only for selling & pledging to private parties for earning of big commission on monthly basis. Congress Gangsters are
Ag. Min. Sharad destroyed total original seeds of cotton, tomato, Bhindi, wheat, etc., for commission from multinationals
 Indian Agri. Min. Sharad Panwar, within 20year destroyed total original seeds of Indian cotton, tomato, bhindi, wheat, many types of other crops etc., only for commission from multinationals. Now th
S.H. Min. taken money and saved & transferred as per choice to all corupt drug & food Inspectors of F& D Admn.
 MP State Health Min. M Hardia taken money with FI Sachin Longaraia Rs.5lakh for not transferring him, while he is not only most corrupt & fradulent, passed more than 4 year in Indore, DI Brindani who
Most of big Industrial houses, Congress ministers are sheltering & financing to big criminal gangsters in all metros of India
 All big industrialists such as Tata, Ambani, Mittal, Sahara,etc., most of builders are supporting big criminal gangsters & financing them for thier safety.
Govt. of India bought scrap submarines of Rs.50000crore for commission of Rs.30000crore.
 Congress Gangsters of Govt. of India, ministry of defense signed agreement of buying of useless scrap of submarines of Rs50000crore from Russia, for Indian Navy only for commission of Rs30000crore. I
MP Road Dacoit Corp. issued only 10CC, to 10 BOT but contractors are collecting toll on 33 BOT on more than 60 toll plaza on roads
 MP RDC means MP Road Dacoit Corp. issued only 13 completion certificates to 13 BOT contractors, i.e., 1. Indore-Edilabad 203 km M\s Viva Highways P Ltd. M Nashik, on 17.09.04 proj. cost Rs.183cr. sub
CM SRS Chouhan converted Forest villages converted into revenue villages only for big money & commission.
 CM SRS Chouhan of MP converted forest villages of many dist. Of MP into revenue villages only for big commission & handing over this land to big business mafias of mining, industries, etc., It is e
How highly corrupt Ambani Brothers got KG Basin gas, while it is searched, dug & found by ONGC.
 Total Indian Congress gangsters are dancing on tune of highly corrupt, fraudulent, top cheaters thug Ambani Brothers, KG Basin gas natural store is a property of Mukesh & Anil Ambani brothers, while
Congress Gangsters increased petro prices for their earning & benefiting Reliance Brothers:
 At last Congress Gangsters increased per liter Rs.4/- on petrol, Rs3/- on diesel & Rs.3/- on gas, on instruction of Reliance Brothers i.e., Anil & Mukesh. Actually Congress gangsters taken big commis
For Aircel market, BSNL officers disturbed total landline & cell network on 20,21 &22 June.
 In Indore, BSNL means Bustards, Shrewds, Notorious Limited torched & teases thier more than 1.5lakh consumers of landline & cell phones for earning & setting market of newly introduced Aircel cell ph
In Kirgistan, cast war caused & sheltered by US forces for creating trouble for Russia:
 In old Russian state Kirgistan, there are cast clashes are happening due to US armed forces conspiracy for economically & morally weakening, defaming, Russia & ending reunion probability of old Russi
DPR MP: (be)Laj papi Aahuja Add. Dir. is looting public funds dist. to his friends, loaded forged information on site.
 Department of Public Realtions of MP, top most cunning, corrupt addl. director Lajpat Aahuja, holding property of more than Rs.25crore, having 5houses, 1@rebero town housing board colony, costing more than Rs50lakh, 2nd@a famous colony of Nehru nagar, where there is his capt lives. 3rd Katara Hills
Bhopal Gas Tragedy- Court decision- True, black & dirty face of Ruling hungary dogs of Congress gang, Indian Judiciary, CBI & MP police:
 Bhopal Gas disaster causes more than 20000deaths, more than 5lakhs victims are still suffering by several diseases, that Union Carbide factory still polluting water since 2-3 Dec1984. After this disa
On Petroleum 72% Govt. taxes is a biggest source to earn money for Congress Gangsters.
 Ruling congress Gangsters are trying to again increasing prices of petroleum products for earning money. It is useless to say these dirty corrupt are providing subsidies on petro products such as dom
Congress gangsters are looting through petrol, diesel prices for high corruption
 Congress gangsters are looting Indian public thorugh rapidly incresing petro prices, while crude in International market is running around $50-60/-, these dirty cunning shrewd are getting high commis
Chinese participation in communication services will be top mistake for internal & external, civil & military security of India.
 Highly greedy, corrupt, cunning shrewd Congress gangsters of Govt. of India, min. of communication are offering & giving chances for participation in communication services such as phone, mobile, 3g
Total Indian Civil Aviation ministry & other branches are full of highly corrupt, careless, cunning & shrewd bureaucrats, officers & engineers:
 Total Indian civil Aviation ministry & its all other departments, such as Air traffic control, security, air port authority, airport management, directorate general of civil aviation & its all other
In Inodre Bobby Chhabda is not only one, there is so many others too.
 In Inodre, at present total administration & media is centralized on Bobby Chhabada & his land scams, while there is more than 800 other colonies which are illegally developed, more than 3000 other land scams of most of political leaders, capitalists, bureaucrats and land mafias of Indore, Bhopal,
Highly corrupt Eldest Brother BP Singh Indore Dn. Commissioner, Indore Collector Raghvendra Singh, & IMC Commissioner CB Singh all are highly corrupt, having & controlling total dist. & dn Indore Dn
 Highly corrupt Eldest Brother BP Singh Indore Dn. Commissioner BP Singh, having & controlling 8 dist. Of Indore Dn. In which Alirajpur, Badwani, Dhar, Jhabua, Khandwa & Khargone 5dist. Are tribal dist. Getting at least Rs.1200crore, each dist. Khandwa, Burahanpur, Indore are normal, but these are
Total Govt. of Congress gang is working on cast, appointment, promotions of HRD, budget allotment etc.,Muslims are increasing10%pa, so Census should be on cast basis.
 Indian Constitution gives equal right to all citizens, under fundamental rights, but since 1950, total Indian govt. system is running on cast basis fraudulently only for holding powers, getting vote
China is going to contruct a dam of 36000mw hydel project on Indian river Brahmputra. Coward Indian Govt. is mum.
 China is caputring not only Indian land, but also capturing water of Brhamputra for preparing dam on thisa Indian river for major hydro electric power plant for generating 36000mw electric with Indian water. Coward Indian Govt. & highly corrupt Congress gangsters are not paying attention towards th
Narmada 3rd face, fraud of more than Rs400crore, in PIU of IMC.
 Narmada 3rd face water supply project for Indore city was funded by Asian Development Bank, with loan of Rs.1200crore. While at least 30% fund is swallowed by Project Implementation Unit & their gang, in which Er. Prabhat Sankhala GM, Dharmendra Verma, Monika Mandloi, Ratnawat, Singh, etc., with In
US & China both countries are destroying total world from each corner.
 US & China are in the biggest race of arms & ammunition. Both these dirty fox are creating enough trouble to environment, using atomic powers, releasing radiation to green house gases, for their interest they are torturing other countries of the world by all the way. Of course China having a bigges
Indian Govt. is ignoring, while Chinese are not only capturing Indian land,water,business etc., but also damaging Indian interest in all sectors.
 Highly coward Indian Govt. is overlooking & ignoring Chinese invasion in Indian boundries, these dirty capturing water of Brahmputra, they made dam in Chinese land but sucking water from Indian river
CBI:Congress's 'Conspiracy Bureau of Investigation' to conspire for Congress, against BJP, VHP, RSS, Bajrangdal etc, & to torture Hindus, Hindu Organisations, Congress gangs' opponenats.
 Central Bureau of Invstigation now converted into Congress's Conspiracy Bureau of Investigation, CBI is working only for Congress. Now Congress gangsters are using CBI for conspiring against all Hind
Multimedia Mobile should restricted in schools up to 12th class. Most of Students are having blue films.
 Govt. Should restrict using of camera & multimedia mobiles in all schools of country, because of most of students are having blue films in their mobiles. Many school teachers reported to us and requested to ask to ban of using of mobiles in schools. of of course, it is creating mental, physical & s
Dacoit F&CS DC Parmar is collecting Rs50lakh pm from petrol\gas pumps, gas dealers, ration shops, kerosene dealers
 MP Food & Civil Supplies Indore Divisional controller Parmar dacoit who has passed more than 4year in Indore, asking & collecting Rs.10000/- pm from 130 petrol, diesel, gas pumps and leaving them fre
Govt. Official loot at Mahakal Temple in Ujjain.
 Ujjain Admn. is looting at Mahakal, torturing, insulting, demoralizing Hindu worshippers at Temple for money. In Ujjain, there is famous Mahakal Hindu Shiv temple, Collector Ujjain is administrator
Indore DMO S. Lunawat is collecting Rs5lakh per day while there is no valuable ore.
 Indore Dist. Mines Officer corrupt vulture Sanjay Lunawat collected Rs6lakh by 10trucks of illegal sand in Indore boundary on NH3 at Bherughat Phata 42km away from Indore on 07.05.10 at 6am. Today he
Royalty scam of Rs10000crore in MP Mines department. From CM, CS, PS, Sec. Dir. DFO, DMO all are getting shares according to their post, so all these are sheltering mines mafia in MP State
 More than 5000 mines of coal, stones, iron, copper, aluminum & metals, mica, diamond, marvel, lime, & hundreds types of other minerals. On most of major rivers banks thousands of contractors are coll
No 1 MPs, MLAs, all political leaders, from PM to sarpanch, IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS, most of judges are honest towards public interest, actual welfare & development of country & states and its generation
 No one leader of any political party, members of parliament, states assemblies, PM, CMs, ministers, IAS, IFS, IPS, IRS, even most of judges are honest, each & every one want to earn money by any mean legal or illegal. No one is looking after interest of country, its public, coming generation. Whil
MP Lokayukta: Saving highly corrupts, collecting bribes by both hands in hundreds of crore, catching honest for hitting target.
 On 26.04.10, Lokayukta MP raided Asstt. Com Tax Officer BS Thakur, he is not only very gentle, highly religious, honest, hard worker, highly god fearing, always sing songs of Goddess Durga, he is known for me since 2005. It is true he was having mother & fathers' agricultural land & property of Rs.
All highly dirty corrupt Indian Abusing Service Officers & all ministers given false declarations of property in MP state
  Most of IAS officers given false & fraudulent declarations about their property, while most officers are having more than Rs. hundreds of crores, on their relatives names on different places, such a
MP RDC & its all BOT contractors are big frauds, Ashoka Buildcon build 2lane while designed for 4lane.
 MP Road Development Corp. & its all BOT contractors are big frauds, snatching funds from public, while most of toll roads are not following standards of Indian Road Congress. In Dewas byepass road, that was designed for 4lane but that dirty corrupt Ashoka Buildcon constructed it only 2lane road, an
MP Seeds Certification Agency is totally big fraud, cheating farmers & govt. funds:
 Total Seeds Certification Agency is gang of big un & under qualified officers, scientists etc., That’s why these dirty bustards are unable to give reply of RTI application. In this application , we a
FI Sachin & CMO Dr.Pndit are collecting bribes, ignorinrg big ice candy, ice, icecream, water pouch packers etc.,
 Highly dirty corrupt Chief Medical & Health Officer Dr. Sharad Pandit who returned 3time to Indore on base of bribes, & Food Inspector Sachin Longaria are collecting big monthly bribe from big ice ca
Retd. 3 FIs are blackmailing & collecting funds & sheltering all adulterators in MP:
 Retd. Food Inspector Pachouri of Indore, one from Jablapur & one of Gwalior are widely blackmailing & collecting funds from businessmen on name of MP Food Consumer Forum, 2nd coincide, these are pres
Swa-earning MP:32% Com. Tax on petrol & diesel while all state highways are under RDC for BOT for snatching public for moving on roads.
 MP state Govt. is fradulently claiming for swa earnim MP, its mean swa mean self, arnim meant for earning, self earning of rulers. while these dirty bustards are charging 32% commercial tax 2% local municipal tax on each drop of petrol & diesel in MP state, but unable to provide free roads in MP st
Health Min. Anoop Mishra, Drug Controller & its all inspectors are sheltering corrupts & collecting funds from drug factories, shops:
 In this department, most of drug inspectors of Indore who are working from last more than 5 to 20 years, in which DI Trivedi, DI D Jain, DI Brindani, DI Chowdhary, DI Garg, DI Parihar etc., one DI Sh
Indian Food Safety & Standard Act06 will force to convert more than 5crore to nuxlites
 GoI, Min. of Health, Food, Civil Supplies & consumer Protection Act, Min. of Agriculture & many other of Govt. of India is dancing on tune of US multinationals, ITC subsidiary of British Tobaco Co. Relaince Ind. This act is only meant for ITC & Relaince. Both these cos will operate total country &
Income tax raid on Ashoka Buildcon, why not on bustard Suleman Sec. of MPPWD & MD of MP RDC
 Income tax raided on highly corrupt & fraudulent Ashoka Buildcon group of Aurangabad, holding more than 4 BOT contracts in MP state in MP RDC, having business of infrastructure business, with help of
Top criminal, fraudulent CE Damor blindly purchased Rs.200crore material only for up to 30%commission:
 Indore Zone MPPHE CE Damor who is having 5 murders in his account, Lokayukta charge sheets, many departmental enquiries in which Rs4crore scam of Custom & excise, top fraudulent is holding 2posts, he
HM Cheat amberam is cheating tribals & capturing valuable mines of CG with BJP rulers in revenge Nuxls are killing security pesonals
 Indian Home minister P Cheat amberam is consultant of all big multinational & Indian big mafias capitalists, such as steel tycoon Lxmi Mittal UK, TATA, Jindal, Reliance, Hindalco & many others, are c
IPL is total game of fraud & speculation of black money.Indian cricket is now converted into horse race
 Total Indian Cricket is converted into game of horse race, and total game of fraud, speculation & black money. Top fraud Cong. Gangster Sharad Panwar & his partner Daud from Pak, operating this game,
UDA CM Madhu Yadavmade scams of more than Rs.300crore
 in Raj Xpress published news of this highly fraudulent Ujjain Development Authority Chairman Madhu Yadav did a lots of fraud on each of the step, land transfer, sell of plots, development of UDA work around the city. in last 6 year he did frauds of Rs.100crore pa, in purchase & acquire of farm land
250food inspectors of F&D Admn. are collecting Rs.12 to 20 crore pm bribe:
 Most of food inspectors of MP Drug & Food Adulteration Department under MP Health Department, who are appointed from back door, before 4year & 225 appointed by exams, collecting only bribes, not tak
GoI & min. of Fin. set TPA for corporate fraud & dacoity in mediclaim assurance
 Govt. of India, Min. of Finance set Third Party Administration system in all Govt. undertaking assurance cos. such as National, Oriental, New India, United India Assurance Cos. only for business of c
Child marriage is illegal, while all govt. agencies are promoting child prostitution is legal for selling of condoms
 In India, Govt. of India, its Health department, women & child department, education, Judiciary are all against Child marriage, while it is most secured for life of male & female at the age 15 to18 y
US is using slave PM MM Singh as puppet in S. Asia for their business.
 Slave Indian PM MM singh will meet today on April 11, 10 for Afghan & Pak road map, with BH Obama. there is no need of mediation in US, Pak & Afghan issue, while it is trouble creating for India. US
RO MP PCB Indore is sheltering all polluted units, sitting since 2006, passed more than 10year
 : Highly corrupt RO A A Mishra is widely collecting funds from all pollution releasing & creating units. In Indore more than 3000 small industries, more than 300 nursing homes, 400 pulse mills, more
Murder of 76CRPF by Maoists, under political shelter
 total Maoist & Nuxalite organisations are spreading under political shelters in all 10 states Most of political parties are sheltering such types of organization for terrorizing public, earning of ma
MP Forest is swallowing $2000crore pa from WWF for saving of wild life.
 MP Forest Deptt. is swallowing $2000crore means Rs.1lakhcrore from World Wildlife Fund without spending a single coin on these wild life animals. For getting this fund these dirty bustards Principa
50% funds swallowed by Tribal Min., Commissioner, asstt. comm. & dist. collector & other officers
 Most of funds allotted to tribal department at least 50% funds, of tribal students for scholarships, hostel facilties, development, tribal development swallowed by CM, Tribal min., CS, PS Dr. Deoraj Virdi, SecretaryVK Batham, Commissioner SAnjay BAndopadyay, Asstt. Commissioners, dist. collectors,
Compulsory Education bill of GoI only for managing & earning of colleges of big education mafias, as IAS, IPS,IFS, IRS, SAS, ministers etc.
 Govt. of India & its corrupt PM MM Singh passed a bill for compulsory education for all children only for earning, maintaining & managing of big professional colleges of medical, engineering, managem
Comm. Shailendra Singh getting more than Rs.120crore bribe pm so he is sheltering all highly corrupt DC of Anti Evasion bureau.
 In MP Commercial Tax department HO Indore, Commissioner Shailendra Singh Indian Abusing Officer who is recently posted, collecting more than Rs.120crore pm. Only anti evasion bureau A & B wings are p
Dirty bustards IAS are getting promotion every 3 year, while other officers, employees are passing 20 to35 year without promotion.
 These dirty highly & top corrupt Indian Abusing officers top bustards of the country are getting promotion in each 3 year, and posting according to their choice after several frauds of hundreds crores of Rs. in not only MP state, in all the states & central govt. services. While other MP state admn
50% funds swallowed by Tribal Min., Commissioner, asstt. comm. & dist. collector & other officers
 Most of funds allotted to tribal department at least 50% funds, of tribal students for scholarships, hostel facilties, development, tribal development swallowed by CM, Tribal min., CS, PS Dr. Deoraj
March31, closing of financial yearly a\cs of all govt. & private business.
 Of course, it is Englishmen born system, still it is working after independence of 62 years. While it should be after rainy season on 30 Sept. In India, total economy is depending on rain, that define only how will be economic position of India, from 1st October to next 30September. Not Indian acc
Corrupt CM promoted highly corrupt IAS Suleman from Secretary PWD to PS PWD
 Highly corrupt CM & their gang of Indian Abusing Service officers promoted secretary MPPWD Aajmagariya Aantki Suleman as Principal Secretary of MPPWD. while that corrupt bustard swallowed more than R
Corrupt GoI Agri. Min. is supporting BT&GM seeds & damaging Indian agriculture:
 Corrupt GoI Agri. Min. is supporting BT&GM seeds & damaging Indian agriculture: GoI Min. Agri. Dirty bustard, criminal gangster Sharad Panwar & all corrupt bureaucrats Agri. Ministry & even PM MM S
Women Reservation Bill:That will increase women extortion, disturbance & destruction of family system
 At one side women's organization, Judiciary, even Govt. is crying for women's extortion,while this bill will increase high extortion on all corners of women. Women will leave the house and enter in p
All Indian petroleum cos are top big frauds looting 120crore public of india on each step from buying to distribution
 All Indian petroleum cos are top frauds & snatchers from buying of petro crude to distribution of petrol, diesel, kerosene, LPG, CNG, & all other petro products on each step. In which Reliance is top
Corrupt, dirty CS, PS, Secretary are not promoting engineers in all works departments for direct swallowing public funds:
 In MP Public works department, most of engineers to clerical staff is not getting promotions after 20 to 30 years of their services, due to only corrupt & dirty mentality of Chief Secretary, Principa
Top fraud DB CMD Ramesh Agrawal using media power for collecting money, capture govt. land, extorting employees etc.,
 India's biggest daily Dainik Bhaskar having more than50 editions in 9 states in India, black mailing Central & all state Govt. in north, western & central India. Dainik Bhaskar CMD Ramesh Agrawal who
Obama is using dead Osama as terroristic tool for selling of arms-ammunition & diverting attention of media
 US sheltered & developed Osama was a tool for business of terrorism & selling of arms & ammunition in south Asian countries, died in Sep06. Still Obama is using him for creating terror in South Asian
UP CM 1 Maya is spreading hunger, bearing currency garlands,what will happen when 33% Maya in rule by reservation.
 At present 1 Maya as UP CM in rule, bearing currency garland of Rs1000/ each casting Rs.24crore, this money collected by their party gundogs with businessmen, contractors, industrialists, bureaucrats
Atomic & Nuclear bill in LS only for commission in importing atomic fuel
 Nuclear & atomic energy bill in Indian Lok Sabha, is only for getting big commission of Rs.hundreds of crore on instruction of US, while there is no need of atomic energy in India. US & other Europea
Total MP Health department is full of white vultures doctors from ministry, directorate to PHC of villages.
 Total MP Health & family welfare department is full of white apren doctors from ministry, HO directorate of Bhopal to thousands of primery health centers of rural areas. Each Dist. Chief Medical & HE
For Saving price rise, Congress gang will use all types of tactics & tools, from introducing new acts to terrorism for diverting attention
 Congress Gangsters PM MM Singh, European Agent Sonia, FM Pranav, Agri Min. Sharad Panwar, HM P Cheat ambram are using all types of tactics for diverting attention from price rise of petrol & diesel a
Rs.1000crore royalty scandal of Suleman & SRS Chouhan, both swallowed in BOT roads (Revised)
 Only MD & Secretary Suleman of MP RDC & their BOT, & other road contractors swallowed Rs1000crore since 2005 each year, and CM SR Chouhan blindly given them relaxation after getting share of this roy
Women Reservation Bill:Official open legal prostitution bill, Spread open sex, and save our corrupt & anti nation acts.
 Why women reservation? Only for calling from home & set women around the corner, promote prostitituion and open sex to save their corrupt, anti nation & public interest act. Most of women in the mark
On & average each IAS officer is earning Rs.200to400crore pa from these electric cos
 MP Electricity Board is divided into 7 cos. in the year of 2000 only for corruption & snatching money from each corner. Indira Sagar Hydro Electric Power Stn.,(125x8)=1000mw, Omkarewshwar 520mw, Sardar Sarovar 54mw, not included & shown on MPEB site, while they are having their 60%share, and remain
Rs.2000crore royalty scandal in Mines department:
 State mineral department is collecting only 10% royalty from all types of mines of all types of minerals, rough & hard stone, sand etc., of course in this scandal all from CM, Min of Mines, Secretary
Women reservation bill is a big conspiracy& big propaganda to divert attention of MPs, media & public from inflation.
 Congress gangsters played a big conspiracy in budget session, by introducing Women reservation bill. It is big propaganda to divert attention of MPs, media & public from inflation, and save their cor
Propaganda of darken state only for increasing rates of energy charges, and buying high rate coal, electric for commission. While swallowing maintenance charges, showing big heavy expenditures on all corners.
 At one side these are not paying coal bills of all Indian Coal cos., such as WCL, SCL etc., but 2nd coincide importing coal from abroad only for getting big commission, for all 8 thermal power statio
National budget 10-11: from, for & to capitalists, industrialists, multinationals, snatching poor & middle class due to high inflation
 Samay Maya wrote in month of Jan10, Mukesh Ambani is visiting PM House for designing budget 10-11. this budget totally meant for capitalists. At present 40% public is earning lesser than Rs10000/-pm, govt. treating poor means income lesser than Rs.12000/-pa, these are 5crore, providing help to tham
US exploded time barred Nuclear or atomic bomb causes earthquake in Brazil & tsunami
 US tasted time barred nuclear or atomic bomb in sea near Brazil, that causes heavy earthquake in Brazil & heavy ocean waves attacked upto Japan. It is not natural disaster. TSUNAMI it meant Taste of
MP state Budget 10-11 for Women & Child Welfare: 60% to swallow
 MP State budget provided Rs.22.02crore for ICPS, out of this at least Rs.15crore will swallow by Dist. Proj. Officer & thier subordinate officers of total state. Provided RS.744.55crore for nutritio
Decaying ruling vultures are snatching poor & middle class, supporting industrialists, capitalists, multinationals for commission
 Old decaying dirty vultures of ruling gangsters such as MM Singh, Pranav, Sharad Panwar etc., are snathing poor & middleclass for their commission. This budget is meant for Ambani, from Ambani & to A
MP state budget of 10-11, 50% budget for swallwoing:
 MP state total expenditure of total budget of 10-11 is planned for swallowing and in so many items of expenditure is meant for 60 to 80% for swallowing such as Women & Child development, MP Agricultu
Rs.2869crore for PWD for road construction or swallowing funds, provided in budget of 10-11
 In MP state PWD department govt. provided Rs2869crore for contruction of new roads, while most of roads are under RDC, rural roads are under PMGSY, RDC is enjoying funds of Asian Development Bank too
Min. BL Gour’s statement & character are same
 Highly corrupt, cunning, shrewd, lustrous Min. Babu Lal Gour yesterday, given one statement, corruption is no matter. He is absolutely right, what he is, he given same statement, because of highly co
MPPWD, EnC S Shukla invested more than Rs.100crore in Indore going to sink
  Highly corrupt, cunning, fraudulent EnC of MPPWD, invested more than Rs.100crore with multinational land mafias, whom are developing more than 100 colonies on Dewas Mhow bypass road in which OMAX, S
Ranger is most dangerous animal of Forest Department.
 In forest department of MP & all other states of India, Ranger is most dangerous, top cheater, corrupt, highly fraudulent departmental animal of Indian Forest of all states. After a long study of dep
Kapil is sheltering & dancing on tune of Central & States ministers, bureaucrats as education mafia for money
 Central govt. HRD Min. Kapil sibbal gangster of Congresss, is sheltering all education mafia for cheating 30 crores parents from KG class to higher education. Most of Central & states ministers, IAS,
Dirty devil secretary Aajamgdiya Aatanki Suleman, who is also MD of MP Road (Commission & plundering on road) Development Corp. want to swallow total in commission.
 : Both these CM SR Chouhan & Secretary Suleman dirty corrupts are trying to close total MP Public Works Department, these dirty ordered to close 6 dns, 23 sub dns. 36 sub engineer office around the s
Now BJP is not meant for nation’s welfare, Indore convention is only for getting 10% more vote
 According to history, that was a party meant for welfare of Indians, but now the BJP National convention only for getting 10% more vote on national level. That shows, actual think tanks such as Govin
USs’ eye on petro assets of Iran, demoralising Iran on all corners
 USs’ eye on petro assets of Iran: dirty crossbreed, cunning, wolves of US & their multinationals are having eyes on petrol of Iran, so these dirty US, their United Notorious Organization is torturing
Congress gangsters’ most dirty dangerous act of multinational\Food Safety & Standard:
 Highly dirty, devil Congress Gangsters are fond of snatching public, these are highly expert in Hindu Muslim riots, terrorist attacks, public eye dropping tortures, such as inflation, black marketing, creation of artificial shortage of essential commodities, collection of huge commission even in hu
US is a country of world’s top corrupt, cunning & fraudulent crossbreed, trying to capture & rule over total world:
 US is treating himself as a boss of world. It is a natural historical past record, all crossbreed generation are highly cunning shrewd, corrupt, fraudulent, while total US is a country of crossbreeds
Congress Gangster's drama of inflation control:
 Total Congress gangsters' are controlling Indian govt. They can easily control inflation by total break on specultaion trade of essential consumer goods. While dirty devil i.e., IPM MM Singh & Agri.
BJP ruled MP govt. is using state machinery illegally in illegal OMAX city homes for their national meet in Indore.
 In MP, BJP is ruling state govt., MP BJP is going to organize national meet of their party, most of big leaders will participate in this meet, in Indore at OMAX city homes, a illegal colony of multin
Deficit US budget will provide financial aid to Pak for supporting terrorism in S. Asia
 While US govt. is presenting deficit budget & providing financial help to Pak $1.2bn. to Pak military & 1.322 bn for Economic support. Actually this help meant for Pak terrorizm in south Asia for sel
Mukesh Ambani designing Indian budget for thier benefit:
 The top fruad Mukesh Ambani each Wednusday visiting Indian Prime Minister House since last Oct.09 & operating total Govt. of India. Total Congress Gang is dancing on tune of these dirty fraudulent ca
MP state BJP Govt. is highly coward, unable to face their sin in legislative assembly
 Corrupt & Coward BJP ruled MP govt. is unable to face charges of their corruption, increasing crimes, uncontrolled bureaucracy, illegal utilization of public funds, closure of many departments, such
Universities’ staff is gangs of education mafias:
 Universities’ staff is gangs of education mafias: Most of staff of Govt. Universities of MP & in India from registrar Vice Chancellors to peons, all are not only corrupt but also highly fraudulent, they can do any act for money. For getting post of VC, they are paying 3 to 5 million to Governor of
US’s United Notorious Organization:
  UNO means US’s United Notorious Organization meant for establishment of US imperialism around the world by hook or crook. All its other organization such as WHO means for World Health Organization but it meant for selling of drugs manufactured by US drugs cos., WHRC means for World Human Rights Co
Dirty devils MM Singh & Sharad Panwar are sucking blood of Indian public:
 total Congress is gang of criminal, social, ruling powered gangsters. Indian PM MM Singh & Ag. Min. Sharad Panwar are dirty devils are sucking blood of Indian public by inflation. What are they produ
CM & Secretary PWD are closing MPPWD for their commission:
  Both these CM SR Chouhan & Secretary Suleman dirty corrupts are trying to close total MP Public Works Department, these dirty ordered to close 6 dns, 23 sub dns. 36 sub engineer office around the st
No clouds, no life:
 US National Aero Space Agency (NASA) is falsely claiming water on planets moon, mars or Saturn or any other planet. Clouds are cause of life. Clouds are causing due to liquidity such as water on eart
BJP darken state only for money
 BJP at one side is selling electricity, 2nd coincide is not purchasing cheaper electric from NHDC, even from Indira Sagar, Onakareshwar, Sardar Sarovar,of their own share, while these dirty even can save their power transmission losses & SEB is using many thermal power station at 42.5% capacity due
World's top dacoit & terrorist US Prez. Obama awarded Noble Peace Prize
 Swedish Noble Committee awarded Noble Peace Prize to US Prez. Obama, who is providing financial, logical, support for terrorist activities, in India. On name of Tsunami, US tasting atomic & nuclear bombs around all small & tiny islands etc., in Asian & Indian Ocean, while total world is well aware,
Total UNO is a WRTPUS
 Total United Nations Organization is a unit of World Relations for Trade Promotion of United States of America, such as World Health Organization is a drug trade promotion unit for drug manufacturers of US. These WHO trade promoters are not only creating fake disease such as AIDS, swine flu, hepati
Swine flu is a bloodless\ cold blood terror of US, supported by WHO
 Swine flu nothing more than a cold blood terror for selling of US drugs & vaccines and attracting attention of world public is also supported by World Health Organization. WHO is an US puppet, financially supported organization for selling of US drugs vaccines, creating cold terror of different typ
Obama reborn Osama for Muslim terror in Asian Countries & marketing of arms
 Osama Bin laden died in Sep.06 in Afghanistan, it is clear. After electing Barak Hussain Obama as US President, now as Muslim, Obama reborn Osama for creating terror business for selling of arms in S. Asian countries. of course it is big & major silent part of boosting American Economy & selling of
US public is facing natural disasters as storms, in so many states due to only their sins
 It is simply a tit for tat of nature as silent, indirect, invisible punishment, for public of US. Their rulers & forces are killing thousands of innocent people, raping male & female children women. Hungry & greedy rulers are dancing on tune of capitalists, industrialists, multinationals cos, arms
US forces are killing Pak civilians
 Again US forces with Afgan troupes entered in Pak boundaries and killed more than 20 civilians. But Pak PM is keeping mum because of they are puppets of US, and beggars are getting sufficient so there is no worries about innocent civilians killings. It is their regular

-- इंटरनेट व्हाट्सएप फेसबुक गूगल सारे हरामखोर जालसाज घोर नीच डकैत लुटेरे संगठन
-- व्हाट्सएप फेसबुक इंस्टाग्राम टेलीग्राम सिग्नल ट्विटर व अन्य इन जैसी अनेकों साइटों मुफ्त की सेवाओं की आड़ में उसका डाटा बातचीत एकत्रित कर खुले में नीलाम
-- जाहिल मानसिकता का मोदी ऑस्ट्रेलिया में देश के विपक्षी पार्टियों के खिलाफ षड्यंत्र करने से नहीं चूका
-- All American organizations are top cheater, boycott them on each of the step
-- अमेरिकीदुनिया की सभी मानव प्रजातियों की संकर नस्ल जो कि आत्यधिक क्रूर, नीच, झूठी मक्कार मानसिकता के आपराधिक प्रकृति के डकैत

-- सबको इलेक्ट्रोरल बांड में उलझा, मोदी को बचाने और पुन: सत्ता में लाने सारी याचिकायें बिना सुने समझे सिरे से खारिज
-- भारतीय राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग डकैती प्राधिकरण, अडानी को लाभ पहुंचाने और उसमें से मोटा हिस्सा नितिन गडकरी द्वारा डकार ने का षड्यंत्र
-- बड़े ठेकों को देने के पीछे मोटा कमीशन सत्ता जाने से पहले वसूलने का षड्यंत्र
-- अपने अधिकारों की लड़ाई के लिए सड़कों पर उतर कर आंदोलन करो
-- आदिवासी महिला को राष्ट्रपति बनाने का उद्देश्य जनता का शोषण करने अपने कुकर्मों पर राष्ट्रपति की मोहर लगवाओ।
Media Manthan

-- देश की बर्बादी में सबसे बड़ा जिम्मेदार पत्रकार, दूसरे जिम्मेदार भारतीय प्रताड़ना सेवा के अधिकारी
-- पत्रकारिता का धर्म होता है, सर्वजन हिताय सर्वजन सुखाय, अध्ययनशील बन हर पीड़ित शोषित की आवाज बन कर सत्ता के कानों तक पहुंचाना
-- पूरे देश और दुनिया का मीडिया चाहे टीवी हो या प्रिंट सभी जाहिल भूखे भेड़ियों का गिरोह
-- कब तक अपने कुकर्मों पर पर्दा डालकर, किस-किस सच बोलने वाले का का गला घोटोंगें? मस्तिष्क की तरंगों के विस्फोट से खंड खंड बिखर जाओगे।
-- मीडिया के बिकाऊ टुकड़खोर भडुवे चांडालों की फौज जनता की तबाही कर रही है। सच बोलने, छापने प्रकाशित करने को को खाली नहीं।

-- विद्युत मंडल के निजीकरण के बाद सबको मोटे कमीशन से लूटने से मतलब
-- इंदौर में है ठीक त्योहारों के समय ही बाजारों में तोड़फोड़ करने का दो दशक पुराना इतिहास
-- इंजीनियरों को ना केवल निलंबन, पदोन्नतियों, निजी कारण, भर्ती आदि को लेकर हड़ताल करके सरकार को उसके कुकृत्यों पर घेर देना चाहिए
-- शिवराज ने चारों तरफ अपनी मोटी लूट के लिए ना भर्तियों की ना पदोन्नतियां
-- वाहन का अग्रिम शुल्क वसूलने के बाद आप दूसरा शुल्क वसूल करने के पात्र नहीं

-- मोदी भेड़ियों का झुंड सरकार को सवाल पूछने वाले पसंद नहीं,पढ़ा लिखा भारत सवाल करेगा
-- निजी और सरकारी स्कूलों, कॉलेजों की फीस देना बंद कर दीजिए। तत्काल स्कूल खुल जाएंगे
-- सरकारी स्कूलों में अंकसूची लेकर अगली कक्षा की न‍िजी छात्र के तौर पर परीक्षा देने की हो व्यवस्था
-- शिक्षा जन व समाज सेेेेवा को निजी स्कूलों ने बना दिया उसको व्यवसाय
-- Stop funding to universities crying anti India slogans:

-- महामारी के इस भयावह काल से बचने व सुरक्षित निकलने आदिमुद्रा
-- आदि मुद्रा में एकाग्र चित्त होकर की गई अपने इष्ट देव से सुरक्षा की प्रार्थना
-- करोना काल में जो भेढ़िया झुंड पार्टी के नेताओं, पार्षदों विधायकों सांसदों ने गांवों से लेकर शहरों तक जो राशन का अरबों रु का धन हजम क‍िया, उससे मंदिर बनाओ
-- मोदी के अंधभक्तों करोड़ों जनता भूख से मर रही, कोरोना के पाखंड से युवा पीढ़ी को दहशत बांट उन्हें पौरूषहीन बना कर रहे उनका भविष्य बर्बाद
-- आप मानव हो पशु नहीं, जिद करो प्रधान सेवक, चौकीदार मुख्यमंत्री को मजबूर करो
Political Drama

-- खड़गे कांग्रेस को जीवित कर जान फूंकने और जनता की लड़ाई लड़ने आया या क्राउड फंडिंग से पैसा इकट्ठा करने
-- क्या कांग्रेसियों इवीएम के खिलाफ आवाज उठाने की औकात ही नहीं
-- महापौर चुने जाने पर नगर के लिए इंदौर के विकास की भविष्य की दृष्टि व विचार
-- हिंदुओं को अगड़ा, पिछड़ा, दलित, बनाकर हिंदुओं को आपस में लड़वाया जाकर आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर किया जा रहा है। बहुराष्ट्रीय और ईसाई संगठनों के इशारे पर उनका महामारी की आड़ में मौतों का महोत्सव
-- मुरलीधर राव भाजपा के नेता ने स्वंय ही कहा भाजपा के नेता नालायक
Corporate Crime

-- सभी विभागों के संविदा कर्मियों, एक साथ आंदोलन करो
-- बहुराष्ट्रीय कं. की लूट, जालसाजी के सच को उजागर करने व उनके खिलाफ चलने वाले लगभग 95% संदेशों को रोज हवा में उड़ा दिया, या रोक कर गायब
-- भय मत बांटिये डरिए मत डराइए मत।बीमारी का भय फैला कर, मानसिक रूप से कमजोर कर देश और दुनिया के सारे छोटे व्यवसाय को समाप्त कर लूट का षडयंत्र
-- उज्जैन की दताना मताना की हवाई पट्टी पर उज्जैन की दताना मताना की हवाई पट्टी पर
-- हिंदू एक ब्रांड है। जिसे बहु राष्ट्रीय कंपनियों को बैचकर, उनके ईशारे पर 10 करोड़ हिंदुओं का शासकीय कत्लेआम
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