Highly corrupt dirty Congress vultures pledged most of GoI undertakings to fraudulent industrialists, using Govt. assets as their father’s property.
Tata is earning by internet services on BSNL cell. Ruling Congress vultures, how they are snatching Govt. of India managed & operated Govt. undertakings such as services providing Cos. Corp., Banks, insurance cos. Etc., only for their high commission, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. Is oldest one Govt. of India undertaking, which is captured by TATA, most of mobile & phone services are working on BSNL lines, while BSNL is providing internet services thorough Dokomo of TATA only for getting high volume of revenue & keeping close watch on total data turnover on revenue of BSNL, the same with other Govt. undertakings, these dirty vultures are using for their benefits even RBI, dirty corrupt Fin. Min. Cheat amber using for their benefits, devlued Indian Rupee up to Rs.61/- for benfiting to black money holders, because Congress is much suspicious regarding black money which is in abroad banks, if Congress lost next parliamentary election, surely next Govt. try to capture black money deposited in foreign banks i.e., out of India, 2nd coincide all Govt. Banks are buying US$ from the market for creating shortage of US$ for maintaining high rates of US$ for benefiting to big capitalists, industrialists, bureaucrats, leaders, etc., in this return of black money, Cheatamberam is having at least 5% to 10% commission, so intentionally RBI & all other banks are buying US$. ,
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