Very soon US will divide in 20states as new 20countries, US dollar will be treated as waste paper.

Samaymaya long back declared Obama is a most failure president of United states, but US citizens again elected him, now he will be very soon last president of United states. He is unable to control depression in US economy, there were so many chances in last 4year, but he was busy in romancing with Hillary Clinton & enjoying rule as president of US, while there was increasing unemployment, heavy debts, more than 200banks bankrupted, etc., Samaymaya given so many suggestions to US admn. Such as go for nationalization of all big service providing cos. like communication, railways, transport, airlines, big shopping malls for providing food, secured jobs, etc., in place of improving economy, he was advocating for multinationals, pressurizing India & other countries to enter them. While that capitalism is a big cause of extortion of public, destroyed total economy of US. So all 20states of US asking for free existence as countries & the same they applied to US president, for separation. Obama won this election in sympathy web of sandy storm. There is thousands of other causes too, such as US destroyed USSR, converted in to 28 separate states, in more than 90 countries, US forces are laying, US admn. was treating boss of world, liable for terrorism around the world for selling of arms, ammunition, fighter planes, ships, marines, submarines, battle ships, for capturing of business. UNO is actually United Notorious Organization and public relation agency for creating US & their multinationals’ platform for their business and making fool & confusing public of the world.
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