Obama did many frauds on each step for showing superiority, impressing US & world public, while destroyed total economy, employment etc., kick him out.

Since 2008 after joining as President of US, what he did? Only romancing with Ext. Min. Hileri Clinton, while 2nd coin cide, unemployment increased in total US, many multinationals offices closed, loan on US increased of many countries including China, Japan & others. Export decreased & import increased causes heavy burdens. Produced many fraudulent popular news such as US forces killed Osama killed in Abtabad in 2011, while real Osama dead in Sep06 at age of 76 by lever cancer in Afghanistan, for getting name & fame these dirty vultures killed a men who was only approx. 50 year old and dead body shown dropped in sea. He tried to start war against Iran for capturing oil on donation of US arms, ammunition, missiles, fighter plane, tanks, etc., manufacturing & oil multinationals cos. While Samaymaya newspaper & site suggested to adopt mixed economy major industries should be in hands of states, promote small & medium business, entrepreneurs, services, shops industries etc., for providing employment to millions of young US citizens, go for nationalization of major key industries such as electric, communication, water & gas supply, roads, railways, banking, insurance, etc., for securing job & future of millions of US citizens and create US trustability around the world. Such as Late PM Indira Gandhi did in India in 1969 for eradicating capitalistic control of capitalists.
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