US&EU improve your economy & employment, not to war with Iran:

US, NATO & EU are ready for war with, attack on Iran, while US & total European Union requires improve their economy & employment, while war will create more problems in their economy, employment and to public for bread. While Afghanistan & Iraq war created heavy losses, debt burden, bad economic conditions & unemployment in US & around the Europe, defamed on world level. US & EU lost their image in minds of world public, now US, NATO&EU well known as greedy dirty vultures gundogs. Always having bad intention to capture, torch other small countries, not as a kind heart big boss. UNO is a United Notorious Organization, & its all associate organization such as WHO means World Hazardous Organization, UNESCO, UNICEF etc., are only meant for their benefits. If Iran is developing atomic weapons, their rulers are having the same right to save their public as US, & other countries are having against your threat, what is wrong in this, than UN can ask. While question arises for atomic power for electric & other peaceful purposes each & every country is having the right to develop their economy, by their own way. Atomic power development is not father’s property of US only.
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