Dense corrupt CE Damor swallowed Rs.3.89crore of C excise through NK Jain passed & paid by EE Suryavanshi of Sardarpur:
Dense & Deadly corrupt, cunning CE Damor illegally paid Rs.3.89crore Central Excise & custom @16.5% to pipe supplier Electrotherm of NK Jain of Bhopal, while pipe was free from excise duty for drinking water for govt. use. While supplier got its benefit, he did not paid that custom duty to C. Excise, but that bustard Damor paid that bill some from Alirajpur & some paid by EE Suryavanshi, of course he also got Rs50lakh in this fraudulent payment, while AGMP also asked to stop this payment, but he cunningly asked & pressurized EE Suryavanshi to pay that bill to supplier. On prime level EE Suryavanshi could not understand Damor’s trick & paid under small greed. EnC SK Saxsena also asked to Govt. for enquiry of Damor, but dirty & greedy PS RK Swai, is not taking action, while question arises with Min. GS Bisen & CM are also getting share of their commission so all these hungry politicians are keeping silent, while Damor is not only deadly corrupt but also posh criminal. It is surprising SE CK Singh of Indore circle is not having any roll in this major fraud, while it is not possible.
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