Putin & Xi Zinping duo, fraudulently captured rule, will create platform for third world war: for domination & destruction of UK &US, for ruling over the world.

Russian Putin is by birth KGB spy so he is highly cunning & shrewd again he captured the Russian rule fraudulently, by changing total constitution of Russia, he is not looking after the democratic values in his country. how he won last election it is well known to the world. The same did by the Chinese Prime Minister Xi Jinping changed the total legal frame of ruling system in China and set himself for long life ruler of the country fraudulently. Both are having the nature to kill the strong rule over them, then capture weak, swallow them by hook or cook, expand our business And boundaries of our country. for doing the same, China played game of one belt one route by expanding railway lines in 28 countries, while it was actually one rule one business. the main object of railway line is to spread legs in European and Asian countries. by establishment of Railway line, Chinese will established their stations colonies for expanding business capturing their rule such as they did in Australia, in Australia just started Chinese business companies, then what the bureaucrats in Australia and started interfere in government. actually Chinese are following the steps of Britain what they did in the past in the world. doing the same for ruling over the world. Chinese are manufacturing the total goods of all types of untrustable with dangerous material public utilities on very tax less, chief rates with providing high subsidies free electric, water its with high extortion of labour, their working hours are 10 to 14 hours per day. of course in long term total labour will suffer High mortality rate in 50- 60 years life. but Chinese rulers not bothering for that. Their main motto is to fill total market of the world with Chinese goods, crash total economies of the other countries, Make them to totally dependable on chief Chinese goods. and Chinese rulers are succeeded in this policy to Make other countries totally lamb. Russian Putin, ruling over Russia since 2000 and killing the voice of Russian public and ruling over the Russia the same is repeating by xi xin ping in China he is also ruling third term in China, he is also killing the voice of public there is no referendum & election system for rule. both they were using and will utilise North Korea for fighting with US then India. China established their roads and helipads in Doklam for war with India. Now duffer IPM Modi is silent on China and Pakistan and their activities against India. of course China is blindly supporting Pakistan, developing roads business corridors and ports on western side of Pakistan only for futuristic war against India. Russia is not friend of India, he is looking after market of selling of their time barred, Obsoleted and useless scrap arms ammunition, guns, tanks, missiles, fighter planes, warships, submarines etc., while second coincide he is friendly behaving with China for war against US and UK for getting and showing as superpower.
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