Hailstorm destroyed crops of 16dist., Govt. ask to pay compensation to all 3million farmers from insurance cos.

Hail storm destroyed total crops of wheat, pulses, vegetables etc., in 16 dist. Of state, more than 3 million farmers lost their livelihood, earnings & cost of farming production. Now it is required to pay from insurance to all 3million farmers who lost each & every types of crops in this hail storm. In month of June 17, Govt. agricultural authorities asked to pay premium to all farmers from state. Most of farmers paid this premiums from their pocket for this crop insurance. It should be according to minimum support prices of crops decided by Govt., i.e., prime cost including preparation of land, cost of sowing of seeds, electric bills for irrigation, cost of used pesticides, insecticides, interest of his loans for purchasing of seeds, pesticides, insecticides, cost of labour for used for cleaning, maintaining of saplings, labour of farmers etc., plus 50% for his further motivation for farming. This payment should be within Feb.& March 18 for paying his loans & motivating for next farming.
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